Nnt .x‘inee [:"l‘hax' there been a film with the emntinnal anvpealtn‘YYM’thuc'lreynrltntnxuintalkxtnthreetnr Jetuialaetptex/kttntutd.yyluattxtkttlnteittthtrheuttntttn

lhtt'tt/ l’ttttttttnt, tnrnter/tt'tttl n/ (tMH/ll/lltl l’t'i'ttm'x.‘ "/t'x lHl/trlyyt/l/t‘. /I‘\ (1 great idea. but til/net ('2' he mitt/e. Hnu t‘tttt yntt littt t' (I hear ttt‘tt‘ttgj’.”

With hix latext mny ie /'/tt' lit'itz' l’arixian—hnrn lllttt-tttttket‘ .lL‘Llll-,liletlllC\ .-\nnautl hax pt‘ny etl a Int nl'penple w t'nng. ’l'hey thnught that it enultl ney et' he tlnne. hut here it ix. Sey en yearx lt'nm ineeptinn tn xereen. at a enxt nt xnme $25 millinn. 'Htt' Hear ix a tilm ahnut man antl nature. \\ here the animalx are the leatling aetnrx antl twn—leggetl thexpianx the xuppnrting play erx. Hy eainling tlte animalx w ithnttt eruelty intn perlnt‘ming lnr tlte eamera. antl utilixinglim l lenxnn‘x .xtate—nl-the—art laket‘y lnr tlte lilm'x ennyineing xeenexnl peril. .-\nnautl hax managetl tn l‘lL‘llLl the et'etlihility nl a tlneumentary w ith the primal etnntinnal thruxt nt elaxxie l)ixney anitnatintt like Hunt/it. Sereenw titer (iet‘artl liraeh‘x tnagieal linex nller a pet'leet xynnpxix nl a tnny ie that t‘extnt‘ex a xenxe nl natural wnntlet‘ment tn atttlieneex xatiatetl hy the plaxtieexeexxexnl

l lUll}\\tltttli\ nngntng l"\ ley er: .‘l/llig’,\()/H(1/'_\ hem: xlil()I‘p/ltlltbed/1'1”).

’l'u‘n lttut/erx in the tnrt'yt,

ililtt' tmtmtt/y ' [mint tilt/en,

Snme titne prey innxly . it w ax the ,xtleeexx nl hix l‘lnl mny te Qttt’yl l‘irH' l‘t'rt'. w hieh tnrmulatetl llx nw n language nl gruntx antl gexturex in lnllnwing the explnitxnl'neantlerthal nnmatlx. that gaye ;\nnautl the idea nl'gning nne tttt'thet. ‘ll an autlienee enultl itlentily with xnmenne whn


w ax nnt yet a manf t‘eeallx :\llll£ttltl. hix xhaggy xhnek nl grey eurlx lentling hitn the air nl xnme ageing hippy. ‘then maybe I enultl tnake a pxyehnlngieal thriller nl'whieh the hern w ax art animal.‘ lnxpiretl liy

.lamex ( )liyer ( ‘urwnntl‘x ehiltlren‘x

nnyel 'Hte (irt'::/_\' King. the itlea lnr Htt' Hear wax lint'n. antl ltelnre the entl nl' NS: writer llt'aeh (an eeeentrie eharaeter \\ lttt neyer leayex hix l’at'ix Hat and ix anan l’nlanxki'x regular enllahnratnrl ) hatl linixhetl the xereenplay.

.-\t thix pnint hnweyer. we enenuntet' the lien laetnr. :\llll£llltl reatlx i/i/It' .\'t1))tt'()/"/‘/tt’ Rnw antl ltuyx the rightx tn adapt the ltnnk. antl xn laeex the xehetlule where hex wnrk‘ing nn The Bear in the mnrning antl l/tt' lx’me iii the alternnnn. lielnre pt'ntluetinn heginx with Sean ('nnnery nn the metlieyal tleteetiy e xtnry lilmetl in \ltmieh. 1084. .’\llll£1lltl hax eaxt the twn atlult heatix in(‘alilnrnia. entttaetetllim l lettxtttt\ ( ~reature Shnp, and draw it up l‘llll imagex that are tn lnrtn the xtnry hnartl lnr 'liltt' li’t'ttr. ( )\ er tlte next twenty -lnur mnnthx. .-\nnautl xhtmtx [NU/t. the hearx tttttlet‘g‘tt their training. Ltlltl 'l'ltt' Hint/"x prntlueer. (ilautle Berri. paxxex the time by making/um t/t' Hnrt'tte antl .llttltn/t rim Sntmex.

.‘ylay1987.lean-.laequexantl (‘lautle‘x mnyiex are hnth xi/ealile internatinnal hitx. antl nnw they are ininetl iii the Auxtrian l)nlnmitex liy a erew anlllt and a \ eritahle tnenagerie nlanimalx: hig heat‘x [MW and ( it'i/. a paek nl l)nhermanx. xnme tleet‘. hnrxex. a enugar. an


ait‘etlale terrier. twn aetnt'x 'l'eheky Karyn antl Alaek W allaee tn play the hunterx. antl. perhapx mnxt impnrtantly . twely e ynung hear etlltx. ()nly nne nl thexe hnweyer. a hnrn xtar nametl l)nttee ix ehnxen lnr a leatl part.

{\llllillltl tlexerihex the prineiple hehintl the lilming ax ‘nrganixetl xpnntaneity”. 'l he training nl the hearx hatl taken plaee aeent‘tling tn the imagex laitl nut iii the xtnryhnartlx. the next xtep ix tn 'nrganixe a xitttatintt itt w hieh the hear hy tlning what he wantx ix tlning what yntt want. Ynu hay e tn piek the right lneatinn and the right xituatinn. then the hear w ill w ith lllx nw n inxtinet reeteate what yntt expeet him In tln. l ean‘t xay tn my hear aetnr l't/ hike tttt t't/t/‘t'xytntt n/ tt'ttr ,"h'rtyt'. hut il l unexpeetetlly npett an itmhrella in 1mm nl my euh then he lnnk'x alraitl. ll l hnltl a eantly nut lnr him he t'ttnx up the hill.‘

.-\t the heginning nl the linixhetl prntluet. a eaptinn inlnrmx ux that \n (Ullllltl/ it try nrtx/rt'tttt't/nr tit/'tt/‘t't/ t/ttrt/te t/te/n'nt/ttt'ttn/t (it I/IH Mm. .S'tmtt' \('(’/lt‘\ /Itlt t' Itt’t'tt \mttt/tttet/. In a way , tliix aetx ax xnmething nl a reaxxuranee lnr the autlienee heeauxe ax .lean .laettuex rightly remarkx ‘lnr tnn many yearx in tnn many mny iex. animalx hay e heen tuxt meat . . tlngx haye heen xhnt. hnrxex killetl lnr the eamera.‘ lhe xeeret nl 'Htt' Heir/"xennyinetngxeenexnl xttt‘yiyal in the w lltl. with all the yinlenee that entailx. liex in the xeamlexx interweay tng nl nature and artiliee. 'ilitt ereate the ltfiltt ltetueen the lug hear and the tlngx.’ .-\nnautl

explains. ‘ynu .x'tart nl‘l‘ with a real hear and real tlngx. hut there‘x a wire between them they‘ve been trained nnt tn ernx'x'. 'l‘he ting biting the hear ripx intn a pieee nl' lake fur. 'l‘he hear hurlx' a lake Jim I lenxnn tlng intn the air. We return In a wide .xhnt with the tlngx‘ attaeking and it‘x a huge hear .xuit matle .xpeeilieally lnr a .xhnt that laxtx nnly l .x‘ee. Ynu have In truxt in haxie einema gratntnar.'

While nn harm eame tn the animalx. filming wax nl‘enurxe fraught with tenxinn lnr the eatnera team. With the big kntliak Bart. weighing in at a trim leltt) lhx antl xtantling 9 It tall. nhyinuxly eapaltle nl~ killing. Ltlltl little l)nuee eyen at her age pnxxexxing the hite nl' a hulltlng. .xtriet .xeeurity regulatinnx l‘nrhatle any mny'ement nnee the animalx were nut nl‘ their eagex. and nutlawetl any eating nn .x‘et ('nnt eyen a .xantlwieh .xmuggletl intn the haek pnek‘et' ). Adhering to this entle. l‘iy'e mnnthxnl‘xhnnting paxxetlwithnut ineitlent.

l'ntil the laxt day. that ix. when x\llll£ttltl agreetl tn pnxe with hix .xtar Bart lnr a puhlieity .xtill. 'l'urning I't)tlIlLl tn pnint hix \‘iewl‘intler at the hear. he managetl tn xtartle the animal. and Bart reaetetl in an inxtant hy launehing hix huge hulk at the human pext. 'l wax nn the llnnt‘ antl lnr ten xeenntlx he tleeitletl he wnultl kkill mef rememherx Annautl in hix eharming l‘ranglaix aeeent.

‘hut l'nrtunately. l hatl read a hnnk’ hy Stephen l let‘t‘ertt ealletl la’t'ttr {ll/(It'kt l le hatl matle a xtutly antl tleeitletl that the nnly penple whn ,xuryiyetl were the nnex whn playetl tleatl. \nw. I‘m a had aetnt‘ hut I played tleatl. lntenxely. l prnteetetl my earx antl eyex. and alter a l'ew mnmentx the hear w ax quite tlixguxtetl tn haye xueh a ritlieulnux enemy. Sn. l went nll tn hnxpital where lnr the lier time the :\uxtrian nurxex had In deal with a lilm tltt'eetnt‘ whn'tl heen Lttttteketl hy a gri//ly hear in the l)nlnmitexl‘

'l'he experienee w hieh lett Annautl with a large lutnp rippetl nut nl hix hehintl tlltl nnthing tn ehange Hie lieu/“x pntent theme w hieh l'nllnwx .lamex ( )liyer ( ‘urwnntl‘x tlietum that ‘l'ltt' grettlt‘y/ t/trt'H [y 21!)! in AW but In /t'/ ltt't" antl xtatulx up lnr the integrity nl'all animalx. l lnw ey er nne might reaet tn the (admittedly eruelty-lree) prneexx nl training the animalx lnr the purpnxe nl’nur entertainment. the lillmix entl et‘etlit t‘ttll hearx an entlnrxement l't‘nm the Wnrltl Wiltllil'e l’untl w hieh eleat'ly intlieatex the et‘etlihility nl the lilm'x prn—lile mexxage. .‘Xx lnr itx emntinnal pnw er. autlieneex all n\ er liurnpe haye rexpnntletl tn the l'ilm iii a ltig way. In l‘iranee. i/Illt' Hettrnutgrnxxetl Roger Rah/tit tn garner the largext einema attentlaneex xinee the atly ent nl

teleyixinn. ax xnme Ill mtllinn penple (a tenthnl'theenuntry‘xpnpulatinn) haye xn tar eapitulatetl tn ttx unelnying appeal. \nw xet lnr releaxe in the l 'S and Britain. x\llllillltli\ liltn enultl lte turning ttitn the tttnxt miraeulnux. heartwarming einema phenntnennn xmee If. I}.

l/tt' [fear I l’( it [t/tty \ I/tt' ( )t/('( W ("t/‘t‘tttt f/‘tmt l'l‘l /.i' ( h! .\t'(' l‘t/m

l l.t.\/t)te\_fnrltt/‘(ltt'rt/t'tttt/x, J

lhe l.lxt 13 3h ( )etnl‘et‘ MW 5