Kids aims to provide intormation about events in and around Edinburgh and Glasgow lor children and young people. Please send details not later than 10 days belore publication.

1 Activities and Fun I GLASGOW ZOO ( ‘alder park.

l l'ddinusltiri. ""1 1153.

()pen eyery day (‘1 the year. lilarn 5pm Kltl\il.51l;x\tltllt\ t_.:.lttl.

I HAGGS CASTLE St :\ndreyssl)riy e. l’ttlltiK\lllL‘ltl\.“llfilfijs

OCtObBTACthltlBS lttitils littyy . pl.iee\ lllllltL‘Ll.()llL‘dL’llHly[1C1ellllkl..'\Lllitl\\lttll lree. “()th l‘y telepltttlte (it ill (‘elstiltal Hayes. Age range eiyeri in ltraelsets.

14 Oct 11). 15am Viettir ran l' ntertairirnents (h ‘9).Biitterrnalsine(1 "1:3.l5prn linger l’tippetslS M. l'drlile Stained ( ilass \Vindtiyysuy ‘ll.

16 Oct lll. 15am Sugar .‘ylieet-l “1.: 15pm

('andlernaltinefl ll).

17 Oct lll. 15am Street ( iariiesth Vt. llalltiyye'eri liles (3 ill; I. liprn \Veayea (‘tilyyyely ( a 13). :\llttlllllll eal l’rints (4 “l.

18 Oct lll. 15am .‘ylaeiel .intern Shitty

l" l:l‘.: lSprnNatirre lraill-l “l. llitlltiyye't'll\ltiltslel \l.i\l\\llt k)l

19 Oct lll. lSarn‘l reaele Setiriestt» ‘ll. Sturytirne l)r.iyyinel~1 “l; I ISprii \\ etiye .i('ttlyyselil" lll.(tineerliread(ihusts ((i ll]

20 Oct 1“ liirn l liillttyye"e‘ri Munster .‘ylaskstlt ‘ll; 2. 15pm \attiie liarltl “l. (‘andlernalsinelfi lfl. 210ct1H.15am(iiiieeiltieatltilittsts

(1» “l. Sturytrrne l)r.iyyrnel»1 “1:1. 15pm llalltiyye'en lileslh lll. ( ihtistly (iltl\ e

l’irppetsth ‘1).

IKELVlNGROVEART GALLERYAND MUSEUM \Vttrlsshtipsl’laeeslirnited.lititikinu essential. ( )ne aetiyity per ehild. l‘ree. Btitikrnelrtim lilani. ‘)()et.telephtine l laees ( listle .‘yltisetini. ~12" 2‘25.

16 Oct .»\reh.'tetiltteleal l’tittery (S l: yearsl. lllarn littttlll: 1pm. 170Ct:\\lilll l);int‘e(i\ l3 yearsllllarn nutth 1pm. 180ct Arnintrr and l leraldry (S llyearsl. ltlain lltlttllL: 1pm. 190ct51tirytellrnesessittnsl" lllyears). lll llarii;3 3pm.

20 0C1l'(l\\ll\lr\ llyearsl. ltlarn ntmn;

_ tprn.

Kids‘ movie diets tend to be a goulash ol Ghostbusters, Care Bears. Karate Kids and My Little Pony, with the inevitable dash of Disney. Glasgow FilmTheatre pin uparelreshing menu torthe Dctoberholidayweek2The Junior London Film Festival On Tour. The lilms, a world-wide selection, are all new and (U) certificate. My Father Livesin Rio(Dutchwinnerotthe Berlin Kindertilmtestthisyear)advises adults that it‘s better to be truthtul with childrenAyoung girl setsolttotind hertatherwho sheisledto believe livesinRiowheninlacthe'sinthe clink in Amsterdam. Showerot Gold is aDanish adventure storyabouttour childrenpursued bythieves atterthey


find a biscuit tin containing stolen money. Amazing how many there are of these around. Both these films have English sub-titles and are suitable for good readers. Another tale ot adventure with tour children is Devil‘s Hill. An Australian film set in Tasmania. ittells how Badge. a tarmer‘s son. and his three city-kid cousins hit the wilderness trail leading to the mysterious Devil's Hill. Santa Claus is on a journey too. in a cab this time, in Ernest Saves Christmas. an American comedy. in which Santa. aged 151. decides to hand overthe sleigh-reins to a younger man. a children‘s TV presenter (no. not Timmy Mallet). Butthings startto go

hilariously wrong when he meets up with disaster-prone Ernest Worrell. Australian tilm Captain Johnno is a sensitive story of a young deal boy, misunderstood by all, who discovers his love 01 the sea and makes lriends with a young Italian immigrant. (Subtitled tor the benetit ot the hard-ol-hearing). Laurent de Brunholt‘sCelesteville characters come to lite in Babar2The Movie, a Canadian-French cartoon lilm in which King Babartells a bedtime story to his children. Also in this programme are two short cartoons. See listings tor dates and times. (Rene Taylor)

70 the list 1.1 :(i()ettil1grll).\'ll


Free eventstoryoung peoplein Princes Square:

22 Oct \Vtirkshtip perttirntanee by members til the Setvttish ( ’harnher ()rehestra. 2 .‘y..‘ttlprti.

22 Oct x\tltlttir\ .‘ylairi l leddei'yy lL‘l's. Aileen l’atterstin and l ltreh Setitt yy ill litist a party hit all age ertiiips in the ehildren's department til Sherratt and l ltiehes lititils'slitip. Retreshrnents prtiy ided.

I SUMMIT CENTRE \tiriery a \Vay. l'lllltlesttilt. NH 3315.

Ice skating Saturday . 9.311;th rititiri;

2 ~131lprnand" lllprit.8t1nday 1._‘~li 4pm: " lltprii. Sat riitirnine all ages Ll .51l;8a1 and Sun atterntitins tinder lls Ll fill. my er lZs L3; Sat and Sun diseti sessittns LISllall ages. Skate hire Slip all sessitins.


I BOOK TRUST15al.ynedtiehStreet._132 (131)].

Children‘s Book Week. Until 14 Oct. exhibition of over 300 books which have been selected as Children‘s Books of the Year. There will also be some books on sale. Open tothe public Fri,10am—5pm;Sat 11am—4pm. Free.



Street. 333 (635.

Junior London Film Festival on Tour.\ll l'iekets Ll . 3pm daily: See panel ttir I details.

160ct .‘yly lather lives in Rim ( l ' l t l'.litlll\ll subtitles).

17 Oct lialyarfl'he .‘ylm ie ( l ' l (this l\\tl earttitins_ l’eep and the Hi}; Wide \Vtirld; 'l'hel)ineles.


19 Oct Slims er tit ( itild ( l ' l ( l‘nelrsh stilititlesl.

20 Oct ( ‘aptain .ltllllllltt l l ' l.

21 Oct lat nest Say es ( 'hr‘istrnas ( l ' l.

I PAISLEY ART CENTRE .\'eyy Street. l’aisleyfiST llllll.

Care Bears II: A New Generation ( t ' l Hears. (tilt Bears and ( ~titisin ( 'iilis pititeet the yytirld lrtirn Dark lleart. \1astertit t'.\ll. 2] 1 ()et. 1,31lprii. Kids *llp. .-\dtilts Ll


I GLASGOW PAVILION 1:1 Renlreyy 1 Street. .132 l.\~lh. Postman Pat‘s Happy Days l'tllltt\\ in; last year 's stieeessltil l’tistrnari l’at‘s .-\dyenttires. l’ttstrnan Pat and the (ireendale regulars retiir n in a neyy shtiyy' lty l aysttin l’rtidtietitins. \Vith real PL'UPIL'_ nttt puppets. and there's lile-si/e yytir Kilt}: riitidelstil l’at's \ an arid l’eter l'tiigyg‘s traettir. 1“ 2| ()etfil tie .‘prn.~l.31lp.; Wed l‘ll lllarn. 3pm; Sat Illarn. lprnand “pm. Kids L1; .-\dtilts LS yy ith r’edtietitins ltir large parties. I PAISLEY ARTS CENTRE \eyy Street. Paisley ss“ iiiiri Mr Boom The Lunar One Man Band .-\n htttir (ll tun and \(illLl\ lA1( )et. 1.31lprn. Kids 511p; Adults Ll Hansel & Gretel l’irppet slimy \L'l\ltll1 Ht ysell-lsntiyyn tarry sttiry perttirrnedlty l t;llltll\\ttll\ l’irppet ( ~tirnpariy lti( )et. lillprn. Kids Flip; :\dtiltsL l.