IJV! . Jig. ~

Amato 0 th Pasticceria Siciliana. Edinburgh




Doughs and



()ttt \Vllll the pun lnzt 'ztntl in with the CYOlSSLlItLChLlpLIIl and rye. Senttix'h hreztd ttntl htttter hathitx‘ hthe heenme enxmnpnlitztn nt‘ latte as The Listelixem'erx‘.

()It the ntttxitle. it lnnkx lilx'e Lt [YLlLllllUllLtl Setittixlilmket'y. lttll l‘L‘tteLtIlt the glttxx e‘tttltllet', \Vhet‘e t‘titl \t'nttltl expeet tn xee Lt ettt'lttthytlrtttetl enlleetinn nt pttn ln;t\ ex ttntl ittinnt} tltlllflllllllh. ix tt tl;t//lin§_t Ltl'l'il_\ nl Sieiltttnht‘etttlttntlpttxtieeet't

Kin: nl the l’;txtieeet't;t Slelllttlltt tx \inn \llltlltl\\ hn e;tttie tn l ,dtnhttt’gh in NM lttxtlm‘l_\ tlte itttxtteeei‘i neetlx t‘l tlie ( tetttge l lttlelK \\\ L‘el-lt‘ttllietl t‘exttletilx. 'll \\.tx ;t tle.ttl e‘ilfi lltetit' he xttftx. ‘tltnttelt tt ix ttttteh l‘L‘llet' nnv.‘ l \\.1\ \et\ tltx;tppntntetl \xhenl tllll\L'kl hete ‘l)expite etti‘lt H‘tlxt_‘1\llt};\. htx xhntt xt;t_\ ttti’netl tntn l‘L‘lllltllle‘lll i'exitlenet tlllkl lie Ilti\\ h.tx htx n\\ it ltttltet ft l)tt\llee’ell ix htx xpeetnltti l‘tll lie \tnttltl ln\ e tn tle\nte ninte :tttte tn‘ttentlntnltin}; .llltl l‘t ttneh nttt tinnt the xltnp xtttplex nt \khtte inttntl ln.t\ ex tlllkl pnppt \L‘L'tl It‘ll\ l lie \eelel til \lellldtt ltt'etttl he L‘\l‘lt‘.lll\. 1x the lnnf; ttxtne

tinte .tntl the ennl n\ ett ‘llie

76lltel1xll3 itil )etniter l‘lfi‘)

lmpttrILmI thing ix nnt the lltttlt‘. httt the wtty yntt INLllllpUlzilL‘ the tlnttgh. By keepiney thingx nn Ll \mitll xettlel ettn \Vtirlx' it \\ ith my httntlx, Bt‘etttl ix nnt gnntl \\ hen it ix tntttle l‘\' matehinex.‘ .t\x it tn entphttxixe the pnint. he hie;th nll tn tleltl_\' pttt the ieing nn :1 liit'thtln} e;tl\e lnt‘ Lt ettxtnt‘nei‘ \\ :titin}; in the limit xhnp, See litlitil‘tlt'gli lixlitigx lttt' tlelttilx. tlztltlie('tilth)

lntlittn ltt‘etttlx httx'e lieennte \\ ell knnu n tht'nttgh ( ‘enttnl Sentlttntlx \ni'netnttx appetite hit the ellt'l'_\. l {nu e\ et' le\\ l1;1\ e gtn} itlett nl hnxt

the_\ ttie nitttle nt \Vllttl pull the_\ plgtt in the ti;ttlitinn;tl .'\\lttll tliet. Yntixel \l;t\lll. it ehel ttt littlltit"x ltttlin Hrnxxet'te. ttlnn}; \\ tth xe\ et';tl nl‘ htx enllettgttex. tilletl the gnpx tn nit lxtitthetltje tili‘t't-tti.

l’t'nlttthlt' the tnnxt pnpttlttt' .teettnipttntnient tn .tn lllklltlll niettl ix the n.tn. gt le;t\ enetl hi‘etttl.

lte.tt -xh;tpetl .tntl CHUhCKl in it elnt

'l'l:R l'.v\l.\'Sll

n\'en nt‘ tttntlnnt‘, Ynttxel explttinetl Ill'tll nne nl the lii'xt t;txl\'x lnt‘ the ehelx inthe tttnt‘ningttttxpt'epttt‘ingthe n;tn tlnttgh ;t\ it i‘etttttt'ex ttt‘nttntl tun hnttt‘x tn pl’tWC. lfit'entl lllLllxlllL’ ix tlnne lit till the ehelx. the l‘ittt'npenn enneept nl the tittxtt‘i ehet heingz Ulllx’lltnk'tt in lntli.t, llie n;tn tlntte'h ix llllelL‘ lt‘nnt Ll ntixttti‘e nl llnttt‘x ineltttling ent'nllnttt‘tnttltine the end pi'ntlttet lltllliL‘I‘. \ttnx ettn lie xet'Vetl Pl;llll gltt/etl \\ ith tt little 'gee‘ nt' elttt'itietllittttet'nt'uttt‘ntxhetlxtith pieeexnt niettt nt' ttx itt lfittll‘it‘x Rgg‘ttni \ttn \\ ith ;tlniniitlx ;tllt_l e‘tie‘tttitll.

"l'he tittn ix nnt the LI\Ll;tl xt;tple in the llltll‘tlll ltnttxe. \lnxt litittxe\\i\ ex \\ ill pt’epnl'e k'llill‘tllh tltttlt \\ ith the l‘eiHL' ennlxetlnn nthet' t_l;ttx, l he nnn ix xiniplt inn ttllinu tn e;tt e\ett tin} f 'l lie eh;t[i;ttt ix \ei’\ titttelx. ;tntl elie;tp ltllimlxe \l.ttleltnttiuhnleinenl llnttt' \\illl .t ltttlentl .tntl \\;ttet'. the tlttllL'll tx inlletl tiitn tltttt pnttenlxex l‘eHKeett the tittlittxnl tlte lltlllLl\ ttntl titttelth ennltetl nn it lt:lttl\ niletl t1! itltlle iexetiiltlintj thnxe ttxetl lni eiepex. l lie l‘l.ttitl lltt\titlt til llte k'llillltllli like me \\ ttlt elitttexe Inntl‘ ix ttxetl ttx ;t tnil lnt' the xittet ttt.tttt tllxli.

.\ lexx \\ ell l\nn\\ n ltte.ttl. the p;tt.ttlt.’t. entttex iii ttt.tn_\ \;ttietiex. lt h.tx it l;t_\et'etl xtt‘ttetttte t’.ttltet like the l;t_\etx nl it etntxx;tnt .tntl tx tlk'lllkWCtl itt ;t \llllll.tl \\;1_\ . lit tttlilttngntl ntt itx xtii‘l;tee tlllkl enttttttttnl lnltltng. .\ttet’ xettltn}; tnt .tn hnttt the it.tt‘.tth;t

tlnttgh ix tliVitletl intn xntztll lutllx. t‘nlletl tint and deep tried in L1 trying pztn.

'l‘h;tnklttlly nittnt' nt'thexe tlL‘lL‘k‘lill‘lL‘ lit‘ezttlx Lti‘e Lt\';til;thle in the tree/er egthinetx nt’ {\Slilll grneerx ttntl ttt;tit_\ ,xttpet'mnrketx. llnwex‘et‘ il' tntt're l'eeling in L1H ttttthentie ,xnt‘t nl‘ ntnntl \Vlt} nnt try l't'nni .xet‘ttteh. l’t‘netiee Hittsz pet'l'ee‘l. ‘tttitl th Ynttxet' tnltl me. hix \Vil'e ix pt‘nhathly hetter :tt t'nti thttn hint. (Salli Stewart) See (ilttxgtm' lixtingx.

\Villiztnt \Vnntl. httket‘ e\‘tt';tnt‘tlin;tit‘e. lliltl ittxt \tnt'ketl Ll tttelVe—hnttt' tiiglttxltilt. h;ttl hix httit‘ ettt. [Mtitl tt \‘ixit tn the tlentixt Lllltl _\'et xtill h;ttl the enetg} tn tztlk nineteen tn the ( lt;tl\et"x) tln/en. \\ ithnttt getting: et‘ttxttx Standing in the li;tt‘l\t'ttttttt nl the Stillllhltlk‘ xhnp th;tt he .tntl hix \\ tle Salli H“ n. \\ e lutxltetl it] the llL‘ill til the Hltl e‘ttttl-lit'etl UVL‘II. \\ liteh en ex ;tll Ilieii‘ l‘lk'tltl itx ttntnixtnlxnlile ll;t\'nttt'. In the Inn tettt'x xinee thei tnnlt M er the UM /'(1\/l/(UI('(/ Hit/ten the tittitiltet’ nl tletlte;ttetl l;tttx nl hix littlxetl entttextiltlex lt;t\ l‘ixett lilxe le;t\etiL'tl lii'etttl.

:\lllttittul1 the teeipex lttt' lltL‘ ltt'e.ttlx. ettkex ttntl t'nllx pt'ntltteetl lt‘exh e\'et'_\ night. MC titttlitinnnl .le\\ txh nnex. \Villie tttlmitx 'l‘nt nn .l’e‘\\l\ltIll;l\L'lllttitl}1li.llllllllxl‘llt \\ lt;tt thet eztll tt ( in} ,‘ lillL'H' ettxtntnet'x ttt‘e ht nn mettnx xnlelt'

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