I ‘ORDINARY MAGIC' IS 11‘ \Il. ()NIiUI- Sll.-\.\Illll.-\I.A 'lil{x\1.\'lN(i. a seetilar rneditatinn andstud} prngranime hased nn the teaehings nl hasie gnndness presented iii ‘Shamhhala: 'l he Saered l’atli nl the \\ ar'rinr” h} (‘lingyam'l‘rungpa. l’tihlietalk Friday 2“ ( )etnher at Spin. tree. Weekend L35 ( unxs .iged negntiahle). l)liarma Study Centre. Ill" 'l'lie l’Ieasanee. ‘Ynu need nnt he alraid nt in hn _\'nu are".

I Men's Group: I'nr siippnrt. expi'essinii. \L‘Il-ttliitl}\l\. enjnyment ete. l)nesstiehan Iidinhurgh sell-helpgrnupexist. nr dn ynu want tn inin nne'.‘ (‘nntaet hnx nn Illl) (i 2.


I Intelligent, adventurous. paradnxieal. attraetn e. genernus “Until” (32 ) is ith sense nl humnur. Interests pnlities. anthrnpnlngs . arts. einenia. hillu'alking. skiing. Seeks Inx mg permanent relatinnship w ith aetive intelleetualh minded man. lzdinhurgh. l’hntn appreeiated. an lllll (i.

I Prolessional male (25). tall and slim. npen and ennsider'ate. seeks earing ternale lnr sineere. enduringrelatinnshtp. tnlill snme nt the hig gaps in hnth nl nur lis es. Izdinhurgh area. llnx Nn 1(15 lll.

IGlasgow male (22) likesspnr‘l and Dire Straits. tit and health}. alsn yer} sh} and inseetire seeks friends male and lernale (2113-1) lrntn the ( ilasgtm area. an Nn Ill.§ [(1.

I Woman, late thirtiesseelts energetie.einntinnalh-npen man tn share tun. serinusness and alleetinn. \Hde ranging interestsineltidinghnnks. hills. sailing; and a ( ireener‘ lile. llnx Ni) 105 IN.

I Rubenesque. Glaswegian leshian.(31).seeks ear‘ing. intelligent lriends tn share evenings nut in. snme laughs and lnts nt hugs. (in nn \shat ha\ e ynu gnt tn Inse'.’ llnx \(i 11M 22.

THE LIST PERSONALADS at‘e dewgned lnr' indi\ ldttals tn meet nther indi\ idiials tnr 1:1

relatinnships. We reserve

the right In reluse an} ad\ertisement “Illitilll explanatinn. ('ir‘eulars. prnmntinnal literature and nllensn e material are nnt lnm ar'ded \\ here Lli\eti\ er’ed. ll _\nu reeeix e sueh material \\ ith _\nui an replies please let tis knnix. \Vr'ite. enelnsing the material. tn: (‘lassitied Ads l)ept at [he /.r\r.

IMale, bored anddisillusioned seeksinteresting leriiale tn retmake dnrmant leelings. New ideas.stimulatingsuggestinns andthnught-prnsnking letters \s‘elenme. \Vrite trim . meet later.Al..»\.13n.\ \n lllh l. IUnattached gay maletlfiimih triends hut tint snmenne speeial. seeks pnssihle relatinnship Interests: imaginatn e eineina. SI". musie. art. \sriting. \\;tll\'IIIlJ. tun nights nut. ens} nights in (ilasgnxs ladinhurgh area. 13n\

nn lllh j.

I Edinburgh Iady(33)single. serinus hut rnmantie. likes hill-walking. musie. lilnis. theatre. eating in nut. Seeks similar male lnr' rneaninglul. lasting relatinnsliip. llnx \n

Illli 3.

ITwolemales(21)neetl persuading that there are men

\\ hn appreeiate the gnnd things in lile arid are eapahle nt diseussing them enherentlx n\ er dinner. l’hntn required. an .\n lllli 4.

I Shy, Edinburgh lemale ( 2S) seeks tall. Ill man (35 35 l. \liist enin} hnrse-riding. \ullliltilll}: and eyeling. Alsn theatre. intisie

e\eii\esennsidei'ed HUX Ni) Illli l).

I Attractive. artistic. nutgnittg slightl} unennxentinnal \snman. late 31h. \eekssttttilat' hnnnurahle prntessinnal male (Jiliin l \\ ith sense nt litimniir tn

\ligtl'e theatre. littl\te. gtmd liuttl.

e\e|e rides and \\ allsie tallsies. l’IIUIU appr‘eeiated. 11ti\ \ti lllli Ill,

I Scandinavian maleszi.

student. seelss lemale “ith sense

nl humnur tn share theatre. einema. the nutdnnrs. traxel. laughter and tears. in In\ ing permanent r'elatinnsliip. deinhtirgh. Please reply tn llnx NU lllli 11.

I Fed up living alone? .\le inn! ludinhui'gh lemale l-" l quiet hut triendh . ennsideiate. sense nl

and eating nut. A genuine reph nnh and plintnsappreeiated. Iliix \n lllh 5.

I Glasgow male (20) Interests: reading. \sriting. theatre. l'nreign lilms. peane-\xatehing. lzurnpe. \nn eluh-gner'. Ans lemales (an) age. similar interests. prelerahls lrnrn (ilasgtm area). I‘)‘)llrearsits eultured head. linx .\'n Itlh ll. IGay SIUdenI(23)I'I'IL‘IILII} nnn-eanip seeks similar al'l‘eetinnate guy lnr‘ Inn and Iinpelull} r‘nrnantie enmrnitment. I am quiet. rnrnantieandeniny ingging. Visiting interesting plaees. l’hntr and letter ensures reply. lIn\ \n 1llli7.

I I'm a woman ( 3H) nl heart and mind will) enim s einema. theatre. keep-lit. musie and wnuld like tn share snrne time with a sineere. gnnd hurnnured man. ladinhur‘gh llnx \n Itlti S. I Male (29) reeentl} tlt'l'l\ ed in ladinhurgh requires platnnie lr'iends nl either sex In In en up my exenings. All reasnnahle let‘s gnlnra drink tnniglit'

Iiumnur. i'eliahle. seekssimilai sineer'e Iriends tnr' llatlrunting. \nn sinnkers eat lnxer‘s pieler'r‘ed. llnx \tillll112. IAttractive, outgoingjt \ear—nld Iemale seeking snulmate \\ ith a sense nl hiiinnur and gnnd taste. .‘\lid Ills. ( ilsgnu area. l’lease eltelihe plttilii. llnx \lillll)1.;.

I Glasgow male (31 l. tlinuglitlul. li\ e1} . atti'aetn e. ahsnr'hed in man} interests. seelss intelligent. independent. speeial lernale partner in ad\entur'e. lInx \n lllh 14.

I I‘m lunny, intelligent, dark and prett_\ L a A.“ _\ear‘—nld dixnr'eee

as Iltl.\ deeided she's llil‘ deep Int disens. htit still Ii1\e‘\ intisie. lumlv. lllltt. theatre. and enmpan}. Are there ANY

atlt :teln e ( ilasgins men \\ Ill) leel the same" I.I)t)ls\ iipttnital.

Sensenlliumnur essential.

25 35. must lia\ e read at least nnelnhn [Hing nmell l’hntn please. IIUX NH NM 15.





It has a hnrdei all the \\a_\ r‘ntind and \s e ean irielude _\nureninpan_\ Ingn

Rates start atESpersingle column centimetre (excl. VAT)lor Group 1 and £4 persingle column

centimetre (excl. VAT) for

Group 2. Minimum size 4cms.

THISISSEMIDISPLAY It has a line ahm e and helnu and the lineage is eentred lheminimum is :ll\\(lltl\.tlltl L'U\l\llltIIIL(illtl (irniip land

H lnr (irnttp I l’er‘snnal adx ei ts in this st} le. ineliiding

Ilnx \urnhers. enst trnrn Ur

IThisisa lineage advert.-\ III.I\IIIIIIIIIUI _“ll\\ttltl\\\llleil\l nnls L-l tnr ( iiniip I and L_‘ W tni (irniip I l’ersnnal .»\d\ er'ts in this st} le. ineliiding llnx \timhers. are U lni Allwttltls

DISCOUNTS Lineage/Semi Display

lieniiseetllneittsetlltllh it lnr'the pr‘ieenti /’/ea\eiinrr'l ineageand Semi l)ispl.i\ ;itl\ett\ate lllelll\l\ e nt \‘.-\'1


»1ennseeiiti\einsertinns \ennseeutneinsertinns llt’r llennseeutneinseitrniis I‘D Fennseeutneinsertinns It",

FOR DISPLAY ADVERTISING pleasetelephone: Edinburgh (031)5581191 Glasgow(041)2219689

WE WELCOME CALLERS at 14 High Street(opp. John Knox's House), Edinburgh. during business hours.





I’Rl )I'l'.SSI()\Al SlaRVICl-S lllel lll

l).-\'l‘l.\’(i .r\( i1:.\'(‘ll'.\'

Lineage: £4 per Rtlvsnt‘ds

Semi Display: £3 per Illnnrds (minimum Illxsnrds)

Display: £5 persingleenlumn eentinietre ( minimum ~1enl.eml l-\e1.\'.-\'I~

Ila Box Numberis requiredthere will be an additional charge ol£1.

All't)TslMt)l).-\ll()\ .-\.\'.\()l'.\'(‘l’.\ll'\'l'.\' ll'lll().\'

VANSK l)Rl\'l‘RS \‘()l l'N'l'AR\ \\'()Rls li.‘\ll’l.()YMli\l lll'ttk 8111 l. (iR()l'l'Stk \ll'l-IINUS

Lineage: £3.5llpel' .Itiuni-ds SemiDispIayzij per llhsnrds (minimum :ll\\nr‘rl\l

Display: £4 per" single enliimn L'L‘IIIIIIIL‘II‘L' (IIIIIIIIIIIIIII ~I L‘UILIII) 1er. \’.-\’l'

lla Box Numberisrequiredthere will be an additional charge oIE1.


ineluding an Numher

I All ads must he prepaid (‘lieques l’nstal ( )r'ders shntild he made payahle tn 'llie list and enelnsed \\ ith lnr‘m.

2. Replies tn llnx \iimhers must he elearly marked \\ ith the llnx \tirnher in the tnp lelt hand

enrner til the L‘IIVL‘IUPQ,

Lineage: Lit per Runnids Semi Display: L3 per lll\\t)r’tls (minimum Illxsnr'dsl

3. Replies tn l’inx an will he l'nrwarded nnee per lnrtniglit. 4. Ni) Iial‘illt} ean he aeeepted lnr‘ mistakes nr lnr‘ lnr‘xsar‘ding replies.

5. 'l'lie list reserves the right tn I'L‘IIINL‘ an} advertisement at nur diseretinn and withnut explanatinn.

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CLASSIFIED ADS, The List Ltd, 14 High Street,

Edinburgh EH11TE,orto:

CLASSIFIED ADS, The List Ltd, The Old Alhenaeum Theatre, , 179 Buchanan Street, Glasgow Gt 2JZ.







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13 ll

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CLASSIFIED DEADLINE for Issue 107 is THURS 19 Oct.


l he list 13 Tillie-tater w 33