HUE AND CRY The duo return to Glasgow with a new


.———M,m cum l album, Bitter Sulte. CONTRIBIBORS l i Alastair Mabbott samples

1 i the taste.

Publisher Robin Hodge. I

Editor Alice Bain.

Editorial Assistants Mark

Fisher. Alastair Mabbott. 4

Ross Parsons. Andrew

Burnet. Design Paul Keir.

Advertising and Circulation ~ ,

Jess Barrow. Paul Kinnes. LlSt gets the] gdb faom

Julie Morton.Accounts t e u s ’n’ a s on t e

Georgette Renwiek. t

Typesetting Jo Kennedy. m urg Elsgow pan 0 Hewer Text. Publishing scene.

Assistant Susan Mackenzie.

Production Assistant James

Haliburton. Janet Smith.

Art Ross Parsons. Books i 6

Kristina Woolnough.

Classical Music Carol Main.

Clustuan. (‘olin Steven. !

Danceio Roe. FilmTrevor ' Back from Bali, Odyssey

Johnston. Film ListingsI 2

Index Andrew Burnet. Ross 5 Theatre company set up

Parsons. Folk/Jazz Norman

in the Tramway. Mark Chalmers. Kids Rene

Taylor. Rock(Edinburgh) Fisher reports on their

Alastair Mabbottfiock exotic Macbeth.

(Glasgow) John Williamson.

Sport Mike Wilson.

Television Alastair

Mabbott. Theatre Mark 8

Fisher. Classilied Susan

Mackenzie. Competitions

Mark Fisher. Camera

Edinburgg Mag-UP J ulle Morrlee talks to e i n l" .

om so dm Clare Mackle, a young

Scottish artist with a

ravishing talent for illustration and an eye for

theodd. as; BAOKLISTi lISTINGS

i g L


' ? GENES K ' CLUBS 69

l 1 With the glassblower.

; FILM mosx 13


l KIDS 64 Published by The List Ltd. i HEAD OFFICE: ~ 86 FOOD MEDIA 62 14 High Street. ; 39 Edinburgh Elli lTE. Latest reviews and 0315581191. where to eat in a gang. 39 GLASGOW OFFICE: The Old Athenaeum 3 Theatre. 179 Buchanan i Street. Glasgow G] 212. ! ; _ . ROCK 32 041 332 9929. ! World AIDS Day. 3

I : O © 1989 The List Ltd. 44 Reproduction in whole or ' in part is forbidden without the written permission of OVC~ JO 5~ 11‘5- the publishers. I DANCE 54 The List does not accept _. responsibility for 92 COMPETmONS i unsolicited material. - . . , . , Registered at the Tlckets for pantos % Post Office as a newspaper. and Rik Miiyiill- i The staff at Wildcat at the new Clyde Theatre. See Theatre.

____--__._ __ ._._J

The List 24 November 7 December 19891