nxx, mum Siam, cuseow. the people

who serve the Stella at this basement

' bar say “the Pin” is the centre for Scottish rock music. The gig, in fact, where many a mega famous band cut its teeth. But whoever heard of Wet Wet Wet, liue and Ory and Deacon Blue? And who are Iexas when they’re

at home? Surely, then, they can’tbe trusted when they say this used to be a jewellery warehouse, and the scene of a famous robbery. Believe what you like, there’s a real buzz here and a life size rhinoceros’ head sticking through the wall. No, really!

SAFE OOliilllElliAl, lllll MOE, KIBKOALDY. In Kirkcaldy’s latin quarter, not a million kilo- metres from the nouvelle Oo-op, you’ll discover a veritable continental haven. Step inside and they’ll pour you (pour vous?) the best cafe au laitthissideofParisandoneofthecoolest pints of Stella this side of Brussels. Served across one of the mgest bars - on a clear day you can just about see the end of it. Visit the intimate restaurant through the back where you can sip wine and mange, too. Definitely the best thing to come out of kirk- caldy since

Raith Rovers.

me win assuunm s 9 llPPfli DEMOS, SflRllilB. “I. .UIPIII’S_Z.5' first multiple choice bar review: the Patio is a charming a) restaurant“. and cafe bar, b) bar with attachedf. restaurant, c) eating and drinking emporium in Stirling, famed for its a) Desperate Dan Pie, b) Dijon Steak, ": --' c) Pork with Spicy Orange Sauce. v For starters, try Thelma chreath'sfi Garlic Bread and you’ll be a) hopping round the room, b) speaking with a high-pitched voice, c) eating alone. the Stella is a) wonderful, b) nectarra c) very nice indeed. Which makes

the Patio the perfect place for a) unwinding, b) drinking Stella, c) drinking more Stella. So, we have no hesitation in a) recommending it, b) telling our friends about it, c) bringing it home to meet our parents.

OOllliiYkliO, BAGKVAlK, SYIBUNG. Derek (name changed) is the last remaining member of the Oourt- yard’s famous gnome family. The others escaped but he won't. Because he’s been glued to the top of an indoor fountain. Beneath him, young fools attempt to toss coins into a sub- merged wine glass to earn a free drink. Outside the fountain there’s a great come~one.come-all atmosphere. there are two bars to prop up that serve Stella, plus Rosie O'Grady’s Food Emporium, home of the famous Orange Blossom Special. Well, who wanted to spend the afternoon up at the castle anyway?

D’ARGV’S. PRINGES SOOAGE, GLASGOW. At last, a bar that knows its Bonchester Bridge from its liobrock. A place where you can order half a pound of Yarg with Nettles without being ridiculed. D’Arcy’s, you see, isn’t just a modern wine and food bar that spills out into the basement at Princes Square. Nor is it simply a beautifully designed restaurant where continental style food is the order of the day. it’s also a deli which sells a rather adventurous selection of cheeses. Such class isn’t altogether unexpected, though. D’Arcy’s is just downstairs from llamnett and Sassoon. And they do serve Stella.


j strong and Belgian. Stella WoneofmanyJutavwordofadvicle v youhavetogetupearlytomorrowdon’t " drink 151 Shooters. A visit to

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