
Kids aims to provide inlormatlon about events in and around Edinburgh and Glasgow tor children and young people. Please send details not later than 10 days beiore publication.

GLASGOW Activities and tun

I CRAWFURD THEATRE Jordanhill College. 76 Southhrae Drive. 9503437. 17 Mar Fortnightly craft workshopson Saturday mornings.suitahle for 7-- l 2 year olds. 11am—1pm. £3.

Easter Workshops Mon 2«Sat 7 April. 11am—4pm. Book early torn-day workshops leading to a production on the Satrrrday afternoon oi“(‘aptain ('rawlurd's ( ’apture ol Dumharton Rock‘. £15.( Bring a packed lunch). Suitahle ior 7 l2ycat‘olds.

I HAGGS CASTLE llili St Andrews Drive. l’ollokshiclds. 427 2725.

Saturday activities 2. 15pm. i-‘ree. no hooking.

10 Mar(iingerhread ((r—chal's).

17 Mar Kites (8— l2 years). EasterActivities Always very popular so hook early. Numhers limited. only one activity per child. Free. Bookingsstarts Saturday 17 Mar. lllam. Age range given in brackets.

Sat31 Mar 10.15am Makca Kite

(8-12) Buttermaking(-i—7);2.15pm



Cinema Books 8: Posters

De Courcy’s Arcade 5 Cresswell Lane GLASGOW 612 041 339 5373

Victorian Pastimes (7— 12) Glove Puppets ((+4)).

Mon 2 Apr lli. 15am ‘l low We Used to Dress‘ (7—12): 2. 15pm Print a picture (4-7).

TueaApr ll), 15am ‘. . . When Knights Were Bold' -— Armour and l ieraldry (8—12) Streetgames(7ml2);2.lSpm Make a mask (6—9) Story-time i)rawing(-i '7). Wed 4 Apr ll).15am(’andlemaking (8—12) Finger Puppets (5—8):2. lSpm Sugar Mice (-1- 7) Make a Windmill Spinnch ii).

Thurs 5 Apr lll. l5am ‘Warp and Well? Weay ing made easy (3 12) Spring Nature 'l'raill-I 7);2.lSpmStainedUlass Windows(7 12) Make a tilel? 12).

Fri 6Apr ill. 15am (ilove Puppets

(6») Victorian Pastimes (7 l2):2.15pm Buiicrlttaking(~l—7i Samplerslx 12). Sat 7 Apr lll. 15am Make a Ragdoll

(8-—l2) '. . When Knights Were Bold'. Armour and Heraldry (8—12); 2. 15pm Print a picture (-ir-7) Streetgamesl7 -l2). Mon 9Apr lli. lSam Make a Mask (6—‘));2.15pm‘iiowWe L'sed'l‘oDress‘ (7—12).

Tue 10 Apr ill. 15am April Flowers

(7—12) Springtime Nature Trail (4—7);

2. 15pm (‘andlernaking (8—12) Finger Puppets(5—8).

Wed 11 Apr ill. 15am Make a ‘('ultural Capital' Tile (7—12) Storytime Drawing (4—7):2.15pm Decorating Easter Eggs (5—8) Makea KiteiR—l2).

Thurs 12 Apr ll). 15pm Decorate an Easter Egg (8—12) Stained Glass Windows (7—12); 2. 15pm Easter Bonnets

(6-9) Easter Sweets (4‘7)-

Fri 13 Apr ll). 15am Decorate an Easter Egg (8— 12) ‘Making Faccs' collage portraits (4~7);2. 15pm Easter Cards (6—9) How we Used to Dress(7~l2).

Sat14Apr 10. 15am Easter Bonnets

(6.9) Easter Tiles(7~12); 2. lSpm Decorate an Easter Egg(5-8) Springtime Stor'ies (4—7).

Mon 16 Apr lll. lSam Spring Nature Ramble (4—7); 2. 15pm ‘Warp and Weir'— Weaving made easy (8—12),


I HAGGS CASTLE MUSEUM illliSt Andrews Drive. Pollokshields. 427 2725. The World in Miniature limit May. Display of toys and games reflecting the inllucncc various factors. from world wars to developments in education. have on the design of toys through the ages.Quiz sheets and ’hands-on' activities tor kids and adults. Mon—Sat lllam-SprnzSun 2—5pm.

I MUSEUM OF TRANSPORT Bunhousc Road. 357 392‘). Admission l’ree. Largest collection of vehicles in the L'K. Mon—‘Sat 10am—5pm; Sun 2—5pm.


I PAISLEY ARTS CENTRE New Street. Paisley. 887 lliili.

Sat 17 MarThc Phantom Tolihooth ( L' ). Animated talc oi'a young boy 's journey to a land offantasy when he receives the gift ofa magic tollbooth. 2pm. Kids Slip; Adults £1.

Theatre I CUMBERNAULD THEATRE (mil 7325a),

Kid's SIUII Saturday afternoon shows tor children. Puppets. magic songs and fun. suitable i‘or-i—l 1 year olds. 1.15pm. Shows last about 1 hour. Kids£lz Atltrlts£1.5li. 10 Mar l iandywork Puppets.

17 Mar Magic Bob.


Glen Michael Cavalcade Road Show (‘artoons fun and surprises. ill Mar. l lam. All tickets L" l .50. available in advance or at door subject to availability irom .lolrnstonc 'l‘own Hall or at('cntrc.

I PAISLEY ARTS CENTRE New Street. Paisley . SS7 llilli.

10 Mar Stu Pot's Show Magic tr rcks irom zany Stu. l2.3llpm and 2pm. Kids Slip;Adults£l.


Keep up with PACE teaturing Mr Kazoo All shows Kids Slip; Adults [I (pay at door). 10 Mar 1 lam Erskine- 0id Farmhouse;

n.3lrpm Langbanir Village Hall.

17 Mar 1 lam ilouston Village 1 iall: 1.30pm Spateson Community Centre (1.3llpm Lochwlnnoch-McKlllop Institute.


Activities and fun

I AINSLIE PARK LEISURE CENTRE i’iiton Drive 551 2~ilill.

Football Coaching ( ‘oaching lot hoysand girls currently running cs cry l-‘riday eycning. 5le per session.

3-4pm l ‘nder ifllioys.


5—6pm Under16boys.

6—7pm under18boys.

JuniorKarate Ciassest‘urrcnrly running every Saturday morning. “L l lam and l lam -l2noon. Slip per session.


' \z; 1' i 1 9/ I} If, I, / ’\ i . I .1 \ ' “\m

imaglne you are in a hot steamy jungle. Listen to the distant beat oi the drums and the hissing oi snakes. Brush away the trailing creepers and make way tor three intrepid travellers on a thrilling adventure as they search tor lost kettles- no easy task. Needing lots at vocal assistance in their kettle-searching are Cilia Fisher, Artie Trezise and Gary Coupland, better known as the Singing Kettle. Originally a recording or all the Mill songs, rhymes and street songs remembered irom their own chlldhoods In Glasgow and File and sung to their daughter Jane, the success ot ‘The Singing Kettle' persuaded Cilia and Artie to go on the road with the show. Alter last


summer’s successtul Kettle Carnival extravaganza, Singing Kettle present a new show, Down in the Jungle, a lamiiy show where you can sway to the jungle rhythms and join in the action singalongs with lots oi new songs as well as old iavourites. The Singing Kettle will be appearing in Glasgow and Edinburgh this Easter, so root out your pith helmet and bearsitin rug irom the attic and go Down in the Jungle. Book early tor their shows at Motherwell Civic Theatre (0698 67515) on 9 and 10 April. Clyde Theatre, Clydebanlt (041 951 1200) 11 and 12 April, and George Square Theatre, Edinburgh, and 13 and 14 April (031 220 0464). (Rene Taylor)

66 The List 9- 22 March 1990