0 _. _ -—— —' distributed to local authorities, RECYCLING PROFICIENCY libraries and educational

____ establishments around Scotland. ‘lt’s mainly geared to members oi the general public,‘ says Sheena Phillips, FoE (Scotland)'s Press Officer, ‘whether they want to use existing tacilities or set something up lor themselves.‘

The pack comprises a wallet at six handy-sized inlormation sheets, which explain some at the reasons tor and methods at recycling, and give a lull listing at what lacllities are currently available. FoE also plan to lobby supermarket chains and packaging manulacturers, encouraging them to provide and make use ol more recycling services. Updates will therelore be necessary, and readers are encouraged to point out any In response to the steady ilow of calls omiSSiooS. they receive on the subject, Friends Of ll You wool Voof 0*" cont (0" 100 Pet The Earth (Scotland) have produced a cool recycled paper. ol course). You recycling inlormation pack, sponsored can pick one "o "om "19 Ffiooos 0' The by the Scottish Development Agency. It Earth office 8115 Windsor Street, was launched this month, and has been Edinburgh, price 25p.

Please phone for details of our current special offers 50 St Mary’s Street, Edinburgh EH1 15X. Telephone 031 556 9812

Miiseum Of Scotland. ('hambers Street. Edinburgh 339 7168- 8pm- linlr." h)’ lidinburgh. :25 7534. l2.45-- l .3tipm. donation. Chairman ofthc l-‘ree: donations welcome. The Islam I’us! A‘VllhmPU-‘Phlml S‘Wl'il.‘ MCI" lilmm‘“ ((- I’rest'm series continues with the discusses man's spiritual development so Mtiseum's ow n Jennifer Scarce. far. and asks where we go from here. Tuesday13 Monday19 I The Work at Sir William Arrol (‘ollins I Women In Islam Lecture Theatre. Royal (iallcry. Richmond Street. (ilasgow. lnlo: “locum 0" Scotland‘ Chambers 51ml. Ruhpinw (Di): 5t)()373()41343:m13; Edinburgh. 225 753-1. l2.45—l.3llpm. Margaret (human “31 35973.1” Miles l-‘ree; donationswelcome. A talk bySitara -.-.——~ ()glethrope lectures for the Architectural Khan “f "‘3 (‘illdcrd‘llc Educalm” l leritage Society of Scotland on the great I)CllilrlmC'“ Scots engineer behind the lllll-year-old r———————~—-—-- —-—-—--- -- - —-—-—— - -- -—-»— --- - —-— - - -~ .. «awn—fl l~orth Rail Bridge. 0 o _ w d d 14 I FlowersAnd Gardens in Andalusia Royal o'” ‘z’ e Botanic (rartlens. lnyerleith. lzdinburgh. if; in, I Palestinian Folk Literature Lecture 533 7 l 7 ' 3.7-3”Pm; ‘l‘WC-tR‘fF‘fll‘ . x 'l‘heatrc. Royal Museum ()fScotland. ()‘llF'fl‘l'll‘l'l ll‘lll'tllllllml 5:):9‘.‘ "cu?" I (‘harnbet's Street. lidinbtirgh. 225 7534. lr‘S'dLmJ‘mk“ A'Il‘knspt“ 5'

1' ‘1 ' 12.45- l_.3tlpin. l-‘rce: donations welcome. : I)r \ asir Suleiman oi St Andrews

lfniyersity contributes to the [slum I’us‘l & I A Coat Ol Many Colours: Costume DI [NE I’m-mi lecture series. Traditions In The Middle East Lecture I The Status 0i The Wildcat In Scotland Theatre. Royal Museum Of Scotland. , _ . (‘entre For I luman licology. l5 Bucclcuch (‘hambers Street. Edinburgh. 225 7534. m 355l’calllm “'lh Place. lidinburgh. lnlo (eyenings): 556 1245—1 .3llpm. l‘rcc‘. donations welcome.

CONNECTlONS MAGAZlNl‘: 8913 2281284 553 5292 228 128-1550 Jennifer Scarce's second lecture forthe

, , 5624. 7.3lipm. £1 (member 5lip). Nigel Royal M useum's Islam Pas! ((- Present l Iiasterbeeot’the Naturefonseryancy series.

I I , (‘ouncil leads this month's meeting of the l ' British Association ol.\'ature

('onseryationists in Scotland. All I The Roya| collection; Historical “Slwmc- Perspectivesi.ecture Theatre. Royal

- - '. o - Museum()fScotland.('hambcrs Street. Oi (f 12!) Lthlhlmn displaying all aspects ofharural Health at its best Thu May 15 Edinburgh, :35 7534. 7.30pm. Free. . . . . s » . s e. \ \ o - I ) - lot-RI l- 'i.-\l ksm ytossiksnoss si t ('Yi'R! s our (in: mu s s -\Rl .\ yum isn Ri «is-t R ‘7'“? SW?" Be“amour“Dinosaurs though ticketscan be resc)r\ctl ft r p . . . ., (,9 ~ _ I Surveyorol the Queen sl ictures “MN m’ Ru“ 2' ‘, ('hristopher Lloyd speaks. Setttiand s leadztig .tiiernatwe “.'.:e‘r|'.1\‘i‘.." lea-ares a? Sunth I, f rum m am... Thursday 22 & Monday 26

I: it! ‘4 mm \.\em~l".ltr.~:.g"t Naval um 1.... 1: an: n im. -.:'\\.s'.'. rite-r Mariam" u (an I "imamya East To West Muir I lull, 3mm suwl'llxfl WI Rm" rm 11' “m 3 ml." 1‘": “M Mitchell Theatre. (iranyille Street.

‘ku ‘1' ()Tya' . ltlkl [er ".1 ' 1 Ru; 3' (lg: é :;‘\-,'A~;r,.-1(‘n,ty_L Jr Rh'k $13 "(L-“r;-

5 them M l m .tlmc'ltmt- Suffer-qr I)...;.." V. i this to \ truso ’\.:L'3£IL\J.'1‘Jllk'lnlmJnt‘\\\lCYY. 1.1!: .:r \ruw

'l'hcatre. lidinburgh (Mon 26). Info: Jim White 0475 - 322. 7.30pm. £3.50. Mountaineer extraordinaire Doug Scott describes with sumptuous illustrations-- his struggle to conquer Jitchu Drake in 1988: his subsequent travels in the remote

" Glasgow (Thurs 22); (ieorge Square

M) \oga lmfltbm.r\lc\.imlcz lc.hnrq..; tns2.:flic.t..::§. liar. '«q'am‘t -\tt;;\ulv. l.e(h. Bad Pain. Sotdehcr-pr Swill} Shiatsu (‘\i'.l‘\.Relaxation -\r.-nt.t!hcr‘.q-\ R which Ila. E"? \cckAShoultkl\la\\ l'tlut’atint: Rcllch-sogt Herbalism . . . Lecture lheatre. Royal Museum ()t

" lom of Bhutan' his adventures last . . r. , .. .. , OFFRJLLADMISSION -. . - . . . _, .- - lungs - _ km £- " (W1 "Myrrh ‘-" it , fl""L'l‘l'7(_gj";h;5“ 5m.“- “1"”?“rgh- year in the liast Karakoran Mountains. if} ‘c '6... r\;I'| ' ' -5 .‘. . .. ‘.'.‘ ' - . ‘. . “W " l‘ / I'll” i"! T DNm' l “L l‘mluwr part ol the war zone between India and . . //’ ‘01." (lrmlm h“ lumcn‘lm‘m Pakistan; his expeditionsto ('hangabang “Rmm‘l‘m‘lm‘l‘ / W1 ~ l'niyersity discusses correct etiquette at a . . . -. . .. ~ (kdl’rn km: 01‘.L"_F.‘$ \lartm Hunt misszm , .I. ~ R ‘. and Shiyltng: and the Buddhist culturcsol . / ‘2 ll f ‘.'. ‘i-Ti '. “*Mml'm-‘m U mm 8 Hum u x {L l m" Bhutan and l.adakh. 7hrU'YaIuvn rru'nrim nth. l... 42mm. "" It 1 6 ind/m 1hr {interawwv .1‘ 'u' v..."

I Spiritual EVOIUliOi‘I New Hall. 3 (’hamberlain Road. lloly('orner.

74'l‘he List 9 —- 22 March 1990