GLASGOW Performance

I THEATRE ROYAL Hope Street. 331 1234/3432 9000.

Scotch SymphonylPaquita/Who Cares? Until Sat 24 Mar. 7.15pm; Sat 24 Mar. 2.15pm. £3—£25. Under the umbrella of Ballets by World Masters, the Scottish Ballet’s first programme for 1990 includes two ballets by Georges Balanchine. Who Cares? is set . . . u to fifteen Gershwin songs and Scotch ' g Symphony, inspired by the Highlands, is danced ‘0 Mendelssohnis Symphony Ofihe RAD Ballet. Phone for more details. same name. Completing the Programme I GLASGOW ACADEMY OF DANCE 2/6. 19 the director of the Kirov Ballet, Oleg Queen Street, 221 0750.

Vinogradovi has Staged Minkus‘ Paqmm- Classes are held throughout the week in a I 83AM” 100 Renfrcw Street . 332 5057' mirrored and barred studio 1000 feet

Gemini Rim Uni“ Fri 23 Mar- 7-30Pm- £5 square. £2-£2.80. Phone for details of (£3). Armed wrth a programme of solos daily classes.

and duos, David Dorfman’s work is up.“ gamma” Balm Mondays athletically precise. Having won the 1989 730.9me American Choreographer Award, this is Lunchumo symch Tuesdays


his first visit to Britain. 12. _ . ' God for cit centre I MITCHELL THEATRE Granville Street. mfg? 1 15pm G y M E E A O R 221 3198. Tickets from the Ticket Centre, a. In...“ Jazz wednesda S 6_ 30_8 m_ Candleriggs,227 5511. BeglnnonTap 'I‘hursdayssyjméjorém. D P R Tibetan Music and Dance Mon 2 Apr. common” 30mm.“ Thursdays 7.30pm. £4.50 (£3.50). Currently on tour, 6.30.8pm. H A N I F K U R E I S H I eight monks from the Dalai Lama‘s humom Fridays 7_8pm. monastery in exile in Southern India, . muting secounpay SCHOOL Perform "adiiionai Himalaya“ dance and Oakfield Avenue, nearest tube Kelvin o n music. In an attempt to raise money fora Bridge. school connected to the monastery and to Congo". on Dance with Jane Sim on. raise spiritual awareness, the group, who Manda; 7.3.30pm, 52. phone 3333349 U 5 A P R I L specialise in Tibetan medicine , aim to heal for details. sick people along the way- Jazz Dance with Karen Pasi. Thursdays at 6.30—8 m, £2.50. Phone 339 4777 for Classes details? 7.30pm I [macs "stony 142 Calder Street, 423 Dance Aerobics with Joanne Borthwick. 9430, Thursdays 8-9pm, £2. ' The Dance Factory is open for a variety of T... With Larry Butler. Beginners and classes during the week. both evening and intermediate Ciasses take Place 0" e r daytime. For example, Jazz (Beginners) at MONdays and beginners and advanced . (,_45pm on Mondays, Bane: 316,45pm on classes on Wednesdays. A term of twelve t, L Wednesdays and Ballroom and Latin at 5e55i0ii$ i5 £20430» though You can Wm 7,30pm on Fridays,1‘hcrc are also classes up for one lesson on a trial basis. Phone for children in ballet, tap, modern theatre 334 3507 for details- dance, Highland dance, baton twirling and I scams“ BALLET smmo 261 WeSi Sammy a t L a

will be reading from his new novel

R EV I EW gracetul style. Complimented by

Mendelssohn’s Symphony in A minor

SCOTTISH BALLET (The Scottish), delighttul choreography . “mum, now, mason“, um" 24 Ma, is executed with slrill and charm, with e B u d d h a S u b u | a and King's Edinburgh 1741 Am. particularly line performances trom Having received a handsome quarter oi 5'39"" 3"“ 3"“ Vi'm'" "3mm (Faber 8t Faber) a million pounds from the Scottish Arts The 39‘0"“ 9'9“, Pa‘iuiia’ “mm”

Council, the Scottish Ballet has been "0'" “"ee'iai" Pedomaflees and given an artistic green card. Let’s hope "in" “me” choreooranhv. M0"! 0i 8

this new incentive will improvethe traditional niecemanthe others,the If you cannot attend, but would like quality at the company. result, apart trom some spirited solos, .

menu,“ momma“, go, 1990 opens was ultimately torgettable. a Slg n 9d COpy, telephon e

with the most successlul at its three The "Wing was founded 0ii Wiih 3 O3 1 225 343 6

pans, Search symphony, curiously dated mixtureot hip-swaying

choreographed by the innovative 93"“ and mneSiiaiOd tan.

rounder or me New york cm mm, Expressing an interest in popular dance

gnome garancmne. well suited m iorms oi the time and an admiration oi

these dancers, the company are set m“ “‘3'”, Baiaflehifle

alight against Balanchine’s cool and °h°'°°9'aph°d 3 im "am"- "New" in its present torm, complete with

sequin waistcoats and New York

. backdrop, Who Cares contains little to p place itsell on a par with the great worksltrl t,uha Balnh - - 0.... Wm”, 3.81:3, 3..., 3 ° '"° 3 We accept all major credit cards. Hollywood originals. It is a tun piece, with some stylish duets and solos,

_, , g , _ L'L‘l‘ll'e“a‘le°el":.‘.’l‘2£l§l§mile? 114'115 George Street 0...“................v....,,...,., 22m?lliflifllilfifii‘lllif'll'o . Edi n bu rg h who staged Paguita ' Roe)

The List 23 March - 5 April 199053