MAYr—fgsT LIST _ _


4 mm" b} (lm‘m mcr‘ I Comedy To Go Renfrcw about their home town [Tm . 6pm £6 (£3). 5“. antl co-ottlltiatcd [iv 7:84. Hi 4'.

I‘MOlhefPOUfage I Johnny Dangerously and ( ill/cm “Wall's Henry Normal Moiritall. _ I Comedy To Go Renircw 7.3Hpm. £5 ( £l tree). 7.30pm. {5 ((3.50), sec Ferry. 6pm. £ht£3 ). Prospective MP. (ilcnda Fri 4. Talented TV stars Jackson is the starot' .The world of Les and improvise their wat i Brecht'scpic vetsiotiol Robe" ..\n~hL-c'1'hczmc_ through the evening in a ! events in the 31) Years mpm, £5 (£35m. sec [:n self-satisfied sort ofwav l \Var. (Sec Preview). 4' You‘ll have seen the l I La Gran Scena Opera I The Funny Faun Muir (‘omedyStore Playerson Company'l‘ramwav Hair 10pm Liujjti). Whose Line Is Italnvivui'j’ E 'l‘hcatrc. 7.3Upm. £7 5“. [5.1.1. and The Fumiv Farm. ( £15“). ( 'amped-up I Sing|e Againxcw IJohnny Dangerouslyand opera pastiche New York ! Athumwm 'IihcatrC. Henry Normal Moir l lall. stvlc; the more _vou know I 713(k),“ {5 ([350). Sec 7.30pm. £5 (£2.50). (‘ult about opera the lttnnier it i [In 4' sin 'er son ,writer and gets (see preview). ohfervanttomic join I Crow'l‘ron Theatre. forces. ".3t)pm. £5t£.‘~). Brilliant I 3N0 (~m “‘1”. 7.30pm. IThe World oiLesand rc-workingolthe'l'ed £3. (-Umlu'w” Jam. Robert Archcs'l‘heatre. Hughes poem collection (Hm H. mm mg 5x0!” 10pm. £5 (£3.50). pertormed tn the 'l‘ron‘s Man-u“ “N Claw”. Ex-(‘lilthanger stars new studio theatre. the mm“. “mm.” 'l‘hc Rohin Driscoll and 'l‘onv (‘hanging l louse l)on't (,rchwtm-Mm n Juhn llaase in a hilarious spool miss. (whim: is “HUN m olstitall-town Sussex lite. IThe Alchemisttild 510mm}Hanna IThe Funny Farm Moir . .-\thenaetim 'l'lieatre. (-(mccrm. Rmsmi‘s 511k”, llitll. lt)pm.£5(£2.5ti). 73”an £5(L:.5ll). [1(l(l([¢,r()\.crlurc “first Glasgow's comed} home Inaugural production ot and I)H,mk-\ M,” war/‘1 up and cumin French choreo fa her HeweJourdet guard iightsstronglv Scottish Youth 'l'hcatre's 5‘ mphum wmplclm um resentshisfigstmabr work ganpae Mar 8” “h throughout .‘Vlavl'est. . dolled-up new theatre in pbpul‘”. p'mflmmmc' p . h I Th l ' g“ I e a e I Single Again New : Buchanan Street. XSYI Mm: e I eatre' sat 5 May' 7pm' Alhcnucgln “"3"” T t7°'"‘.’“" BC” “"5"” DANCE I Eyuphuro Third Eye (£2.50). (‘ulmination ot a I La Gran Scena Opera 7.3%!” b “WM” ' LIAN“). lawman mmm)‘ I Danae Marguerite ('entre. 10.30pm. £5 Scottish spring totir of new Company 'l‘ramw av ( ""P'C slmgi‘ """7 (MCI 'C.‘ N“ )L .. . Mitchell'l‘heatre. 7pm. £5 (£2.50). Arabicand . material from the starot 'l'heatre. 7.30pm. £7 “fliifigmmmg Aid" “in. a Don G'°."a.""' “"13 5 (£2.50). Tipped to heonc African culture is merged 2 Ila/fivuvto Paradise. i (9350). SW [In .1. Dime kcunc' [hi-9m. ./_"‘“pmi Lb of France's tuture h.“ this scv en-Diece from 5 Tonight he's Joined by l I Don Giovanni King's (H. 5”" L. “th0 choreographic stars. the northern Nampula Ford Kiernan. 'l'hcatre. 7.30pm. £is‘ . (1“ NH' D (L'NH' “95h llervc Jourdet totmdcd province of .‘vlozamhique. (14.51)), {7 ([4), {(v '33“ ou'souls “mm” “"‘l‘””"'"l“”“” MW” hisowncottipanv last ITommy Smith Quartet CLASSICAL (Lisa). {5 (13,50). su- Thcmlc' 7pm‘ ’5 (.iz'sln' M m". MOM” “ler vear. liispircd (iv the sea. Retit’rew licrrv. 11.30pm. . Stuttgart Piano Trio [In 4. “minted f‘" “N” Wk. i PF”_‘“'F”°" "-‘"”°“”“‘°“ 'numu» Marguerite is his in (£3). scc t-‘ri4. Stevenson l on RSAMI). ; I PS 122 Field Trips manna” j“le ' Ihc‘mc‘ first major work. 8pm. £6 ( £3). ('hamher Mitchell ’l’heatre. 7pm. £5 ( ompagmc.( [C An.“ S 5 music hv Beethoven. - (£2.5H). Innovative law“ work.” a cum” l I Govan Stories Arches Rav el and Mendlessohn _ pct‘lormance art from Iptcrprcmml‘ . - I Sarita Sangre till. 6pm 'I‘heatre. 7pm. £5 (£2.5tl). trom this line trio of New York. Shakespeare S (“Id-"h I and .S‘pm. £2.‘)tl See Fri 4. , violin. cello and piano. , I Crow‘l‘ron'l'heatre. mg,” (“CC prc‘i'CW)‘ i (£1 .uo £1 so). See l‘ri 4. I Mother Courage : 5 ".3: lptti. £5 (£3). See in 4. ! lAmom quwn'Jeremy (‘itizens'Theatre. IThe Alchemisttild l Hardy and Kl! Hollerbach 7.30pm. £5 (£1. free). See I Santa Sangre ( il’l'. (vpm I .'\lllL‘ll;iL‘tlli] Theatre. I Santa Sangre (ii-'1’. opm ' Pavilion 'l’heatre. 8pm. £(v pr; .1. ' and Mm! p t)” ; 7. itlpm. £5 ( £2.50). See imd xPm- £39” (Htfitilfitll- “3011‘s . ILa Gran Scena Opera (£1.90 £1.3ii). See i-‘rit. M4- (£1.9(l£1.3ti)(‘ult : never we” time I Edwrn Morgan Renirew '

company 'I't'amw a)

Chilean auteur Alejandro established lavouritesol l‘iL‘rW- 2l’m- ’5 (B'sm' 'Ii ‘1 t ' '. 7 ‘0 £7 Jodorowskv‘s tale of l the alternative corned} l-“Chhmd‘ Mildiillg' ((2:01; i l 7

murder.dismemherment scene. then don't missthis Mi'ClW”. (in) illldlnim.‘ .00" Giovanni King-5 ' . ' and mother love is Chum-Lg Dr}- smmch more poets unite ina Thumc. lump!“ an“! i I Poetrytrom the Frontline riotoust imaginative or i witticisms trom Brown. ' mimic “‘ Mmgfmfln 7,3llpni. £8 ( £4.50). £7 [Hm-d iii-w ( um“ I I London M013" Players sick. sick. sick. Let the . politicallv sharp linglish CSlCl‘mmm “‘ m" ’“m (£4). £o(£3.5tl). £5 ' 2,.‘sttpm. £3 (£3). ()Ils‘ pttv‘l Wind Ensemble ( 'iiv Hall. viewer he the judge. I observation trom llardv l’lrlll‘li‘}. (£35m. Sm. [:n 4_ ; "Um with Ullhwn 7 illplil. £7 (£4.50). £(v either way. it‘s one ofthe and brash American . mow-I‘m” “1mm. ' l'il't’mlllik‘ SUN-5 Pcrll’rm‘ I (£3.50). £5 t £35“). £3. year's most controversial charm trom l lollerhach. 7_3(,pm_ £5 (£3). 5“. Hi4. ' in “"111 Mid dRHICC. imd Dvorak's 1) minor mum-5,. . . The Alchemisnnd with traditional musical SCI-umdc ( )p .14 and Athcnaeum 'l‘heatie. lnmmmcm‘ A Pmcmli'l Mozart's Serenade for 13 7.3”Pm. £5 (£2.50). See i “.L'hl'lll” '5 Ills \Vnid Instruments. known . Tommy smith Quartet Hi 4' appearance ot a teacher 1‘, [m ,[L- puiplc man it

Renfrew Ferrv. 11.30pm. £6 (£3 ). Tommy starts an eventful month with this short residence for his

li'om Mozambique known “cg-(1mm [hmuuh neth

""ll' “5 BU“ in [ii ' lilm Am idem. SUNDAY 6 i L CABARET/ . MUSIC FILM

( \tl;

law-*1 "inm- (Wh "it - l Billy Bragg and Music I Santa San re (it-'1'. 0 mi saxopiionist‘s electrifying i ' From The Frontline (‘itv and spin. {2900 l wmhlnall‘m mm mm“ IComedyTo Gol’av'ilion ,llil” 73”)?“-ti5ltil-5“). (Lino it so). See hi4. Jason Rehello while you Q s Theatre. 8pm. £7. £o. See j .1 llc Bald 0' “Mimi: '5 l can— he‘sleavingto g g. .. Hi4. )(ilnCtl-ltii'ztspet‘lal i concentrate on his own . I The world at Les and “991’” COWS” l‘.‘ “H 1h“ I Music From The Frontline hand later (his year, Sce- : Robe" {www.111qu visiting Atrican groups 5 (icumc Squaw. Music preview; 3 7pm. £5 (1.25”). SW Hi4. pgla'ving undertlie i Hum mm” 1 ISingle Againts'ew l“””"”“ “"3"” I Procession to Glasgow

s - - Athenaeum Theatre. zlotmmyism'lh Quartet l‘ Green I 31) 3pm. I Gavan Stories Arches Sussex small-town anecdotes told in the inimitable style at 7:3”l’m' ‘5 “35‘” S“ (1:8; SIC: Elsi: “Up” f come" 3 ‘4 “lit!” Theatre. 7pm. £5(£2.5ti), Robin Driscoll and Tony Haase in The World Accordingto '“4- , " ' .‘ (tuwfi‘s'f'kcff«my A series of shun pk,“ Les and Ruben, Arches Insane. Fri L52" 5 my. mum I Bruce Morton and Friends V TH EATRE pet ii )i nit-is. mt lllt ing

' Moirllall.7.3(lpni.£5 : Bills BraggandDiek

The till—4 1751. 1990 29