inspiration required by the song. the gallery will have over 200 paintings and commissioned photographs of the city by indigenous artists.

I ONE Princes Square, 226 3032. Mon—Sat 10am-7pm; Sun 11.30am—5pm.

Boys and Girls Until 3 Jun. New paintings. mainly portraits, by Glasgow artist Charles Stewart Parker.

I PRINCES SDUARE 221 0234. Mon-Sat lOam—midnight; Sun 11am—5pm.

Mayiest Dazzle (Mayfest) Until 2 Jun. The largest ever exhibition of contemporary jewellery in the city from around 50 leading designers.

I PROVAND'S LORDSHIP Castle Street. 5540223. Mon—Sat 10am—5pm; Sun 2-5pm.

Partick Until 31 May. Another month and another area of Glasgow gets the photographic scrutiny at Provand's.

I SCOTTISH MASK AND PUPPET CENTRE 8—10 Balcarres Avenue, Kelvindale, 339 6185.

The Hogarth Collection Until 29 May. A rare personal appearance from Muffin the Mule in this large-scale exhibition of puppets organised by Ann Hogarth, who used to operate him, and her husband Jan Bussel who didn‘t.

I THE SHELTER GALLERY Renfrew Court. 334 6386. llam—l 1pm.

The Horse oi the Year Show Until 1 Jun. After the Art Gallery in Kelvingrove galloped off with the ‘Year of the Horse‘ title, the Shelter simply transposed the phrase for their exhibition of artwork on an equine theme.

I SPRINGBURN MUSEUM Ayr Street, 557 1405. Mon—Fri 10.30am—5pm. Sat 10am—4.30pm, Sun 2—5pm.

Child's Play: Growing up in Springburn 1940-1990 Until 23 Sept. Researched and to some extent dictated by local 8— 1 2 year olds, the exhibition traces the changes in a child‘s life over the last 50 years in Springburn through painting, photography, poetry, sculpture and drawings.

I STIRLING'S LIBRARY Royal Exchange Square. 331 2668. Mon, Tue 10am—5pm. Thurs 10—8pm. Fri & Sat 10am—5pm. Sun 2—5pm.

Glasgow City oi Architecture Until 31 Oct. Models, artefacts. trail-maps and videos trace the city’s architectural riches.

I STREET LEVEL 279—281 High Street, 552 2151. Wed—Sat 11am—6pm; Sun 2—4pm. Zabat by Maud Sulter (Mayfest) Until 3 Jun. Large-scale portraits by the Glasgow-born artist. that scrutinise issues of race, gender and sexuality.

I THEATRE ROYAL Hope Street, 331 1234. Mon-Fri 5—7pm; Sat 11am—5pm.

Gwyneth Leech: Paintings and Drawings Until 5 Jun. Scenes from every opera of the 1989/90 season by Scottish Opera‘s artist-in-residence.

I THIRD EYE CENTRE 350 Sauchiehall Street, 332 7521 . Tue—Sat 10am—5.30pm; Sun 2—5.30pm.

Tunga Until 2 Jun. Using four tons of broken magnets, 100km of iron wire and


Alexander Moitat, Art Galleries and Museum, Keivlngrove, Glasgow. It seems that painters can't win. Either they are castigated tor constantly producing work in the same mould, or they are regarded with suspicion it they produce something that marks a major break; viewers, thrown back on their own resources, blame the artists tor their dlscomiort. This seems to have happened with Sandy Moiiat’s latest exhibition (part oi the Kelvingrove's year-long contemporary art season). His last two shows have been at the portraits tor which he is now best-known, and people attending the opening at this exhibition were obviously expecting more at the same. Thrown by the tact that only two at the paintings were portraits, they anxiously asked, “What do you think?‘; symptomatically, a group at young Glasgow hopeiuls was reduced to comparing the prices with those tor Steven Campbell, one at Motiat’s best-known ex-students.

These are heavily symbolic works, historical landscapes, most oi which centre on a crumbling wall. One doesn’t have to search tar tor the inspiration. Two are dlptychs, with the join at the two canvasses emphasising an opening crevice in the wall; vulnerable candles have been lit; a list

appears in one, wielding a hammer. In The Shadow oi History on one side at the breached wall, we can discern rows 01 graves. These are all very large paintings; the two most successiul works, I felt, were the more humble ones. A small painting, Historical Landscape with Gatehouse, echoes the

' resonant image Irom the film Shoah.

The Beginning is a huge drawing done on a number at sheets at paper simply pinned to the gallery wall. Its symbolism is ambiguous: heads emerge lrom trapdoors on one side at the wall, while on the other iigures chip away at the wall. Yet surely it's not ‘the west’ that has been instrumental in dismantling the wall? Maybe that’s us, emerging lrom our slumbers. In an alternative ending (a sheet at paper extra to the main rectangle) a small group on the ‘chipping’ side are banging drums and dancing.

Overall, I tell that these works are still ideas In progress, which is line. The tension between the scale at the ideas and the scale at the works needs resolving - although I understand Mollat’s relusal to use paint in a seductive manner, there are in the big paintings large areas at canvas representing space itsell which need more convincing articulation.

(Hilary Robinson)

two huge cast iron teeth the flamboyant Brazilian artist has transformed the

gallery into a giant metallic circuit.

Fiona Rae: Paintings (Mayfest) Until 2 Jun. Bizarre paintings done upside down or back to front by London-based artist Fiona Rae who describes her work as ‘kind of phoney abstracts‘.

I TRAMWAY Albert Drive, 423 9527. Daily 10am—10pm.

The Compass Contribution Until 24 Jun.

The exhibition has been organised to mark the 21$t anniversary of the Compass Gallery in Glasgow. It will feature 111 artists who have exhibited at the gallery over the years. -

I TRANSMISSION GALLERY 28 King Street, 552 4813. Mon—Sat noon—6pm.




94 George Street, Edinburgh EH2 3DF, Tel 031 225 5955

EDINBURGH SALUTES GLASGOW Paintings, Prints 8t Crafts by

LEADING GLASGOW ARTISTS 27 April 19 May gallery closed 7 81 21 May

THE McGRIGOR DONALD SCULPTURE PRIZE 1990 Winning entries 23—29 May

Mon—Fri 10am—6pm; Sat l0am—lpm

7OThe List 18-31 May 1990

Wols— Photographs, Watercolour: and Prints (Mayfcst) Until 30 May. A wide ranging exhibition of work by an artist strongly influenced by surrealism. It is organised by the Goethe Institute and the Institute for Foreign Cultural Relations, Stuttgart.

Cultural Facade and Still lives 18 May—2 Jun. Installations by Euan Sutherland and Anne Quinn.

I WASPS 26 King Street. 5520564. Mon—Fri 9am—5pm.

A shop. exhibition space and resource centre, with information on work by all WASPS artists, slide library and

information about how to commission


Paintings by Hock Aun Teh (Mayfest) Until 30 May. Large scale fusions oforiental calligraphy and western imagery form the basis of Hock Aun‘s work.

Descent lrom the Market Until 30 May. Sculptures by Ian McColl that incorporate standard shop fittings.

I WILLIAM HARDIE LTD 141 West Regent Street. 221 6780. Mon—Fri 10am—5pm. Independent Painting in Glasgow 1940-1955 (Mayfest) Until 26 May. Paintings by Donald Bain. Louise Annand and William Crosbie among others.


I THE ASH GALLERY 156 Canongate. 556 2160. Tue—Sat 10.30am—6pm; Weds 2—l()pm.

Parallel Lines Until 3 Jun. An installation and graphic works accompany a book which was co-written by Angus Reid and Polish artist Tomasz Kitlinski. Also Angus Reid and Greg Corbett will be holdinga two-day workshop based on their current

work. entitled: Two Scraps oi Paper 2 & 3 Jun noon—6pm (contact gallery for details).

I BARNES & FITZGERALD 47b George Street. 220 1305. Mon—Sat 1().3()am—5.3()pm.

Visions From the Sea Bed 19 May—9Jun. Contemporary artwork in glass.

I LA BELLE ANGELE llasties Close. Cowgate (next to 369 Gallery). 225 2774. Mon—Fri 10am—5pm; Sat llam—4pm. Mixed Show Until 1 Jun. An exhibition of work by local artists.

I BOURNE FINE ART 4 Dundas Street. 557 4050. Mon—Fri lilam—6pm. Sat lilani—lpm.

Scottish Painting 1800—1950.

I CALTON GALLERY 10 Royal Terrace. 556 1010. Mon—Fri lilam—6pm; Sat 10am—1pm.

The Spring Exhibition Until 26 May. Paintings. mainly Scottish landscapes in oils and watercolours by over 100 British and European artists 1750— 1940.

I CENTRAL LIBRARY George [V Bridge. 225 5584. Mon—Fri 9am—8pm; Sat 9am—noon.

Scottish Book Printing 1507—1988 Until 21 Jun. 481 yearsofScottish printing.

I CITY ART CENTRE 2 Market Street . 225 2424 ext 6650. Mon—Sat 10am—5pm. Licensed cafe. [D].

Dinosaurs Alive! Until 3 Jun. The dinosaurs are about to die out. if you haven‘t yet caught the seven adult and three baby dinos. swishing. roaring and snapping away. then get to the Art Centre quick before 3 June when the Ice Age setsin.

I COLLECTIVE GALLERY 16611igh Street. 2201260. Wed—Sun 12.30—530pm. Against the Rhythm Until 27 May. New work by Robert Daru.

I EDINBURGH COLLEGE OF ART Lauriston Place. 2299311. Mon—Sat 10am—5pm. Sculpture work from the School of Sculpture will be on show in the Andrew Grant Gallery. The next major exhibition will be the Degree Shows 16—251une.

I EDINBURGH PRINTMAKERS WORKSHOP GALLERY 23 Union Street. 557 2479. Mon—Sat 10am—5.30pm.

Works From the Printmaker’s Workshop Until 30 May. The innovative works of Carol Robertson and Susan Norrie are highlighted in this display of work from the gallery‘s stock.

I EDINBURGH UNIVERSITY LIBRARY George Square. 667 101 1 ext 661 l. Mon—Fri 9am—5pm.

A Remarkable Improvement Until 29Jun. An exhibition that traces the history of food and drink in Scotland.

I FILMHOUSE Lothian Road. 228 2688. Mon—Sat noon—1 1pm; Sun 630—] 1pm. Pictures 01 People Until 31 May. Photographs of Edinburgh residents by local photographer Tim Curtis.

I FINE ART SOCIETY 137 George Street. 220 6370. Mon—Fri 9.3()am—5.3()pm. Sat l()am—1pm.

British Arts 1800—1950 L'ntil 2 Jun. Paintings from the Society‘s collection.

I FLYING COLOURS GALLERY 35 William Street. 225 6776. Tue—Fri 11am—6pm. Sat 10am—1pm.

Alexandra Haynes Until 4 Jun. Vibrant oil-paintings ofcrayfish. Cheltenham and the Caribbean.

I THE FRENCH INSTITUTE 13 Randolph Crescent. 225 5366. Mon—Fri 9.3()am—5.30pm. Sat 9.30am—1 .30pm. Femmes de Mes Autrelois at de Maintenant Until 6Jun. Eighty-eight photographic portraits ofwomen from 1904—1980(from his nanny to Nastassia Kinski) by the noted French photographer Jacques llenri Lafigue.

I THE FRUITMARKET GALLERY Market Street. 225 2383. Mon—Sat 10am—5.30pm Sun l—5.3()pm.

Calum Colvin: Briei Encounter Until 20 May. Colvin presents large photographic reproductions of his intricately constructed installations.

Helen Flockhart: Paintings Until 20 May. Flockhart. who was trained in Glasgow