r SINGLES l V JAZZ allititél‘lll‘rtitt‘i'iisi ; Concerto coup

recorded in November 1988 and now given away with [)0 It For Fun fanzine (£1.50), this has allthe thrill of later lnspirals songs (due to that high keening organ sound) but twice the mania. The Bachelor Pad charge through four splendid numbers. and must have been dizzy by the end. I certainly was. (AM)

I Poi Dog Pondering: U-Li-La-Lu (CBS) Upbeat. joyful stuff from this eight-piece band that \\ began in Hawaii and is ~ now based in Texas. Not i y = .

9U"? CB'YPSOt but the 5 Glasgow International Jazz Festival that arrangements were being made to ""’l"35: acc.”.r.d.m3‘. . . l directorJim Smith has declined to have McLaughlin in Glasgow during the “:31;‘fgjsmflrgg’gfzzl shroud his programme tor this year’s Festival, but only to rehearse with the fiamm NO} as potent as ) lestival in a veil oi secrecy, with the SND, the orchestra selected by the seeing it performed live, , result that most at it was common British Council tor a lorthcoming tour at but any song with the lyric , knowledge prior to yesterday's oiiicial Greece and Turkey which Ieatures the ‘lfl should die in a car ; launch at the brochure. He did, Concerto.

wreck/May l have Van I however, have one unexpected nugget It makes a lascinating addition to an Morrison 0n my taps ' to lay belore us, and a very shiny one at already impressive programme, and dc“ {mm than "k3" by l that. emphasises McLaughlin’s own beliel inflows Frame. Again“ 5 In addition to the previously ' that ‘the barriers are disappearing

the Wind (cm) 15m. debut ' announced visits lrom jazz masters like between classical and non-classical single. arm me years, Miles Davis, George Russell, Dizzy musicians. We all end up being

from a North-East rock Gillespie, Maynard Ferguson, and instrumentalists, and there has been a group now part ofthe Drantord Marsalis, the Festival will lot at interest in the Concerto. It was a Runrig'managcmsn’t also Ieature the British Premiere nightmare at work, but having done it, Stéb1°~lsanamhcm'c pertormance olJohn McLaughlin's I'm very happy about it.’ f‘t‘tfcfgjg‘fg‘] vibrant, colourlul concerto lor guitar The Concerto, orchestrated by Mike B‘f()c_“ThC B_Sidc‘ b: and orchestra, ‘The Mediterranean’. Gibbs, has been recorded by John and wmm,‘ is .2, fan‘wg‘. 5er The guitarist will pertorm the work with the London Symphony Orchestra under at a young mung ' the Scottish National Orchestra, while Michael Tilson Thomas (CBS), but has obsessive attraction to a the other hall at the concert will leature never been pertormed in this country. female 'I‘\’ newsreadcr'. his magnilicent trio. That omission will be rectilled at the “'5 ill-*0 what you est This is a coup at some proportions, Theatre Royal on 4 July; tickets are on “I‘m” W“. ”-" ‘9 “"55 U3 and came about in an unusual lashion. sale now trom the Ticketcentre rtlgghgofil‘gmégf‘w l Having ‘tinalised’ the programme, Jim (041-227 5511) ior all Festival November Comes ' Smith discovered almost by accident concerts. (Kenny Mathieson) (Evensong) A six-minute

“Wm'thump‘ m early 80s’ London.

goltar-tmrl magnum opus A seemingly mlepatmc

from a band with more than a passing fancy for a wah-wah pedal run wild. Twee, cutie lyrics (‘Ht’rt’ comes Nu I't’lrlbf’f and she 's burning up (he’s/(f Urgh.) are relegated to the back-burner of l consciousness as the foot-thumping takesover. A steamer. ((‘McL)

I Bob: Stride Up (House at Teeth) ()ne track into this

St '1 u n g a I g understanding and empathy gives their intense, vigorous and playtul music a warmth and quality at spirit rarely heard these days.

Percussive and compulsiver rhythmic, they shitt gear and playing style with easy virtuosity, never tailing into the usual guitar trap oi stringing harmonically correct but meaningless notes together in endless llashy high x speed runs. Ferocioust last they can


quarts! and Bob‘s drawlcd 8 be, but with the beauty or two swallows ' , mi" and S‘lift‘lghg“:55°d z chasing each other, exuberant and o c o r I '1 TOC augurs l C U _

doom. But with the *- celeb'atow'

chirping of birds and cg Ellects pedals are used, but their.

remote meals —I work remains essentially acoustic in

transmitting over the character, a summation ol lives spent

mumbled heat. this EP f; inthe pursuit ol the holy grail olmusic,

takes offand slips intoan

I . ~ " . I i , soaking up inlluences, honing l mmgggmmc. Mu, V , techniques and synthesislng their style bl r h o u s e glimpses of Wholesome which, however imperfect, throbs with

P'Casuw' “W” A "Banallanean Glow suffuses the a vitality and melodic soul sometimes

ltllllal MUSIC 0' Eduardo Nlebla and lacking In the creations oi Di Meola and , .

craving the credib'imy that _ Antonio Forcione. Niebla was born in McLaughlin_ B 1g Alastalr Mabbotl gets Public Enemy enjoy, "0"“ Am“ and raised in Simmer" ‘Celebratlon', theirthird album, was down in the land of the Caveman huiis like'a 393'". "We FOTClOIle l00ll up the released on Virgin Venture, the label at 0-, l .

self-important teacher. -t guitar as a young teenager in the south hard-to-classily quality, which is just 1“” 5

always talk SCnSCX he Q 0' "a'Y- . . what what the duo achieve in their

raps. and ‘1 so! {Wisdom EVOIVlnD along llldlllldllal paths hugely enjoyable live pertormances, at

W? Ma‘w’m X “C . m through classical, llamenco and rock once absorbing and intoxicating. If you were moved enough by They Insult?! ‘h’l‘fiim kcchp? n = ""0 Latin and modem, eve“ “am (Norman Chalmers) Might Be Giants‘ joyous single 2:; gj‘ijflfjh 5,133,133 liarde iazz, their musical development Eduardo Niebla and Antonio Forcione ‘Birdhouse in Your Soul‘ (still one of Offcrjyig us an ice crcam. E dovetailed "he" may mat and lowed play at the Assembly Rooms, the best so far this year) to buy Weird. or what? (AM) the" unique mUSlcal Dannemmp '0 Edinburgh on Fri 8. Flood, the l7-track album it came

32 The List 1—14June 1990