10am—12 noon. free.

I The Beautiful Gamma Updated to include the late results. The Beautiful (iemme is revived by Gallus Theatre (‘oma‘pany in a new full-length version. Raymond Ross' play is a dramatic rant for the fitba‘ crazy and the just plain crazy. And at the end of the day it's the results that count. More dctailson 557 5565.

Howden Park Centre. Livingston Fri 1—531 2 Jun. 8pm. 0506 33634; A irdrieA rts (‘entre Sun 311m. 7.30pm. 023662453;

.4 rts (iuild Studio Theatre. (ireenock Wed o-Tliurs 7 Jun. 7.30pm. 0475 23038; I)evonvale Hall, I‘illii‘oultry Sat 9Jun. 7.30pm.0259213131.

I The Complete History at Rock 'N’ Roll Wildcat revives its hit of 1979 in a comic musical tribute to the ntusic of the 1950s. More of a musical celebration than a play. it is still worth turning up for the songs. More details on 041 951 1444. See (‘ompetitions page.

Palace Theatre. Kilmarnot'k l‘ri l~—Sat2 Jun. 7.30pm . 0563 23590; Denny ( 'ivit‘ Theatre. Dumharton Mon 451 uc SJun. 7.30an 0389 62015; (ieorge Square Theatre. Edinburgh Wed heThurs 7 Jun.

7 31 1pm. 031 557 6969; .‘liagnum Leisure Centre. Irvine Fri 8 Jun. 7.30pm . ‘1294 68396; Town Hall. Airtlrie Sat 9Jun.7 .30, 0236 62453; Town hall. Kirkintillot'h Mon llltm. 7.30pm. 041 772 3210; (‘mnmunity (entre, Knightrivood l‘ue 12.1un. '7 30pm. 041 9599419: Buchanan Theatre. St .lntlrewr Wed 13 Jun. 7' 30pm.0334 72021; ('arnegie Hall. [)unfermltne'l‘hurs 14Jtin. 7.30pm.0383 720108: Tour ('onlinties.

I Desire Under The Elms American (‘onnetion presents litigene O‘Neill s modern classic; a \KOH of torbidden love

in the heart of a traditional American lamily. The production reaches a pow'ertul conclusion despite some eccentric direction and weaker pertorntanccs early 1 on. Worth seeing. ! '1)? Civic Theatre Ht 1 Jun. 8pm. 0292281 3

511; Bellshill (. ultural Centre Sat 2 Jun. 7.30pm. 0698 841 831; Pearce Institute. Govan Tue S—Thtirs 7 Jun. 7.30pm.041 445 1941; Greenoek Arts Guild Theatre l-ri t-lJun. 7.30pm. 0475 23038.

I Elizabeth Gordon Oulnn Winged Horse revives (‘hris Hannah‘s play first performed in lzdinburgh in 1985. Set attlie time ofthe Glasgow rent strike. itscentral character is a woman who considers herselfsuperior to her working class neighbours. This is the company‘sfirst production since the arrival ofllamish Glen as artistic director. A solid production of a rich play. More detailson 041 556 2494.

Theatre Royal. Dumfries Sat 2 June. 0387 56479: Willesdcn Library Theatre. London Tue S-Sun 10 Jun (not Thurs 7). 0814510295.

I George's Marvellous Medicine Kids show for the over 5s performed by Borderline and written by Roald Dahl .‘llacRobertArts Centre. Stirling Fri 1 Jun. 2pm <3: 7pm. 0786 61081; The (Faiety Theatre, Ayr Wed 6—Sat 9 Jun. 7pm. Mats 1.45pm on Wed. Thurs & Fri. Mat 2pm on Sat. 00292 264639.

I Seven Stories 7:84 present a

highly rated collection of short plays written by and about the people ofCioy an Due to popular demand it has extend its run beyond Mayfest. (3111041 331 2219 for details.

Pearce Institute. Goran 1 Tntil Sat 2.1un 7.30pm. (141 445 1941.

I The Lambs Oi God (‘1) de l’riitf. Theatre pays tribute to the original Glasgow 1 ’itity Theatre in its revival of Benedict Sci vtt‘s tale of gay romance amidst the pi werty of life in the 1930s. See Review. Detailson 041337 2290.

The Magnum Theatre. Irvinel rt 1. 7.30pm. (1294 78381 ; Civic Centre. A y r hat 2 Jun. 7.30pm. 0292 263755: I’ll/(T. Barrhead Mon 4 Jun. 7.30pm. 041 881 0615'. l'ornusk Tennants Hall. (‘as'tlemu'k Tue 5 Jun. 7.30pm. 041 634 2408;011’

for hill details ol perforritonces.


"A superb, astonishing spectacle, full of magic and poetry" . . . Le Parisien—King’s Theatre 19-22 August at 7.30pm.

Dances 0 new ballet

THE OVERCOAT and plays Dr Coppelius in COPPELIA Playhouse Theatre 28 August to 2 September. See programme

JUAN DARIEN Winner of two Obies', the. Richard Rogers Award and the Stephen Sondheim Award—Royal Lyceum Theatre 25 to 29 August.

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PH [Nix



Barrowfield Wed 6 Jun. 7 . 30pm. 041 33-1

8412 '. Summertown (.‘l‘.( '. (iovan Thurs 7 Jun. 7.3(1pm.041 440 1613;.9ir1ohrt Wilson Town Hall. A irdrie Fri 8 .1 an.

7. 30pm. 0236 62453; Paisley A rts ( 'entre Fri 9 Jun. 8pm. 041 887 1010. .5": [index CC. Orwell Terrace, .‘idinburgh Mon 1 1 Jun. 7.30pm. 031 346 0772; Westerhailes Education Centre. Edinburgh Tue 12Jun. 7.30pm.li31442 2201; [he Old Kirk. l‘ennyn‘ellRoacl, W. ['tlton Wed 13Jun. 7.30pm. 031 332 0877. ("ivic Theatre. Motherwell T huts 14.1un. 7.30pin.069ts 67515;"1‘our Continues.

I Paddy's Martial Tony Rope r's play is jam-packed with laughs as you might expect and consequuntly the auditoria Will be jam-packed with punters as the Tron Theatre tours With this. his tirst play since 'llteSiearnte. Further details or. 011 552 We ,7

l’aleeyArts (were itic i 1- Thais l4Jtm.

8pm. lour continues.

I Sallmeket T/“J i t: \tt‘ftdb the" run Hills rev ival of Alan Spence-s nostalgic and autobiographical play about growing up on the (lyric. Well worth seeing

Dundee Rep Theatre Until Sat 2.1un. 7.45pm. Sal Mat 3pm. Assembly Rooms. htli'nbttrgh Mon 4 -Tuc 5 Jun. 7.30pm: Carnegie Hall. Ditrn/erntli/ie Wed blurt. 7.30pm. Paisley/1 rts Lentre Thurs 7 Jun. 8pm. Rose/til! Theatre. 13 lute/raven Wed 13 Jun. hpm. {)0 veeot.-trts Centre '1 bars 14 Jun. Rpm. Tour continues.

I The Suspect Mandela lheatie company wastes no time following up the successof The Dorm With another play ixy Lance Flynn. Inspired by the iect ni tiuldlord Four case. the play is set 11; a Bi itisli police station where three polict-riten turn a routine investigation into a batting oi wills. Well worth checking out. (Spring Fling). More details on 031 229 745' ‘3.

Triangle A m Centre, Pinon Mon 4 J an.

7 30pm: (iilrnerton (.‘ommunitv ( 'e'me

1 ac 5 Jun. 7 30pm; ('alIo/t (.‘rntre. Montgomery Street. Edinburgh Wed b

Jun. “.30pni; Clovertrtt'me (‘ommunitv

( 'entre. Westerhailes Thurs 7 Jun. 8pm; Bonningti in Resource Centre. 200 Bonningtwt Road Fr? 8 Jun. 7.30pm; Assembly Rooms. George Street. Edinburgh Mon 11 “11‘. 7.30pm.

I the Suspect Workshops A look at the technical skills used in 'l‘heSus/iect currently touring {Edinburgh in Spring Fling. Details on 031 229 7455.

Triangle Arts Centre, West l’ilton Bank MonHtin.10am—; (ii/merth (,UHUIHIIUH untre, 4])rum Street’l‘uc 5 Jun. 10am» 11; noon &

l 3‘L‘4r‘m frec: (‘ttlton t". ntre. .ilontgometjv Street Wed 0 .1 tin. 10am—~ 12 noon & 1,30 4pm, free; ('lot'enstone Community ( "entre. ‘4 (in: ensione Park Thurs 7 Jun. Main-noon lb] 31% 4pm. free: Hort/itngton Rerourt‘e' entre. 200 (Rdnrunglt)?!ITIICHI1,17,”? 72230817511 1.30-4ptii. fret. 1 i twial‘lt' ‘t’ttorrLi‘. (ieorge \‘trtet. !.d."r.l\urgl. No.1 1 1 Jun. 10atn~12 noon& 1 4pm. free.

I Vodka and Daisies So successful was [am June Bunting‘s play for Annexe Theatre last year that it now returns fora long tour of Scotland. Three young women Come oiage. Details on 041 551 0570.

Marvhill ( 'ommunit'i' ( ‘o'ntral Hall Fri 1 Jun. 7 30pm. 041 ‘32 91 I< l’atxle.v.»1rLs ( 'ernreSat21u1i.8prn.él41 887 1010; Alli/fir. Town Hall Mon 4 Jun. .7 30pm. 0236 6321 l . Rorttonluil ("ornmunity Hall

' To: 3 Jun. .3llttlt1.‘\*11.:523218.

Kilmarrlt’nny Home Wed n Jun. 7.30pm. 011 943 0312' Uui’rnarnot‘lt ( 'ommuntty (‘entrehl hurs 7Jtiit.7..'~0pnt.0415567412: Posstl Point ( lit h l b .1 tin. 7.30pm.041 336 4057; Spring/turn [ilzit'rlv & Disabled Prater/Sat 91ml. 7.30pm. {141 “80329; Hagnill Tenants Hal. M' it; 11.!tin,7.30pm; Hciivat'n Park L'entre. Livingston Tue 12 Jun. 7.30pm; Motheru'e’l t‘ 'ivu‘ Theatre Wed 131un. 1’ 30pm 069367515; Brodie/t Hall. Arran '1 bars 14 Jun. 7 30pm.0770

2401;'l‘our( ontinues

" THE. Wifhflfif -5 ‘Dfi’l ' _.B U ll (1' 7“.

traverse company_1990 seaSOn spinning a line 1990 wed 6 - sun 24 june

a dynamic new writing event FOUR new scottish plays in two double bills associated workshops and discussions

bomber. john mckenzie & louder than words. betty stone the pursuit of accidents. peter mackie burns a welfare my lovely. anthony nielson

tor lull performances times see theatre listings or traverse brochure

box office 031 226 2633

\at tonal tour sponsored by Beck's Bier.

mum m CENTRE. 3445-354 swcmmitu; mtm. GLASGOW wmzo-su 23 run. 8pm. TICKEI'UNK: 041-332 0522

fonrtance created by Stephen Taylor Woodrow'and Jacob Marley

A Third Eye Centre, Glasgow, Phoenix Arts Leicester/Northampton Ans Centre Co-(ommission

The list 17 11 1one 199057