I Mahler's Eighth Symphony (Channel 4) 8—9.45pm. Prince Charles introduces this lavish production of the ‘Symphony ofa Thousand' performed live at Salisbury

Cathcderal. which. it is hoped. will benefit from the funds raised. I Film on Four International: Zan Bolto (Channel 4) 1().45pm—12.30am. Sec Films

on TV. I Urban Cowboy (Scottish) 12. 10—2.35am.

John Travolta stars as the displaced new

ITheGardenParty(BBC1) _. . . , ,, - . 12.05—12.55pm. BBC Scotland's latest b“) ”‘ "" mg m" 5“ F'm" 0" TV' lunchtime offering presents Sally Jones

opinioated views on Sport and Richard

Jobson's selections from the music world. ‘N’

I Three Ring Circus (Channel 4) 2.30—4. 15pm. Jerry Lewis is let loose in a

circus with not one. not two. btit three N rings. q.

I Star Test (Channel 4) 6.30—7pm. The chat show that saw the light and replaced the host with a computer. On the floor

. ".-_:'-' .1. '.. ’2 , I ' ‘i'. 4°. Go ' ' " \ ' ' I, . h.

tonight. facing an electronic grilling. is .- . 0/1/13, Margi Clarke one-time star of A Letterto '55.

Brezhnev. Not only does the poor girl 7 / have to face up to the hardware. but I Don'tJust Sil There (Channel4) ~ .' viewers are invited to phone either 0898 6.30—7pm. The return ofthe series that " 991 209 if they think she‘s being honest or concentrates on participation in sport by. g ' 0898991 209 if they think she‘s trying to the disabled. The intrepid host. Martin 2 hide something. Bizarre! Duffy. himselfconfined to awheelchair. a: I The Jerk (BBC?) 9— 10.30pm. Patchy. will each week be expanding the range of - 1‘ occasionally brilliant. farce from Steve his own sporting achievements. The first

Martin. See Films on TV. of which features him in action with the

IThe Beechgrove Garden(BBCl) UphillSki Club.

9.30—10pm. The pcripatetic gardeners unearth a wee plot on Skye where a retired N

schoolteacher manages to maintain a . . . . . . . , I Speaking Volumes(BBCl) gardm exposed to the fun bl‘m Ohm 1.05—1.45pm. PD. James discusses the

elements. Well. there‘salesson for us a‘ . . I {6’ /C[/

there. Ayc‘ the“: isthm‘ Bi”. controversialbiograpbyof Sylwa Plath. - %"’ ’7”

I Cheers (Channel 4) iii—10.30pm. The E's“ 112‘“: ~ Awf“ "f the chk '5

sitcom with a difference: it's consistently 0 C” 9 mm '50” .

funny. Tonight Carla consults medium ::?Lelnla(:'°"a':"9by (SCOtEShi d h Prese nts

Madame Lazora in an effort to contact her ' pm‘ rgcm'm’ V "g a" 't C '

late husband highlights of the first test match from e a ' IEbirah, Honor of the Deep (Channel-1) BUNDSAWS;

11pm— 12.40am. Another classic Toho I Genflema" J'm Reeves (Channel 4')

tosh horror. Sec Films 0” TV 3.55—4.55pm. A celebration of the life and

. gummy (Scottish) 12_30_2.35am. Sec work of the cleancut. happily-married star

Films on TV' who successfully bridged the gap between

. “gingham”: And When we Skywas Country and Western and popular music e c n 098"“ (Channel 4) 12.404103"). After and who died in a plane crash 24 yearsago

returning fromthc firstmanncd this month. It must have been quiteathing .

Spaceflight a mo of astronauts are in those days to discover that a popular Cowgate, Edmburgh cnsconccd in a bar when one ofthcm singer was to be on-your flight: ‘QUick.

admitstoastrange feelingthat he doesn’t honcy‘wmc' the “Cka on

belong on earth. goes to make a phone call I Gmndig 1990 UK mountain Bike

and never returnszmust have been his ChampionsmpsmwmsmS’bpm-0V"

found. 400 riders spent the weekend ploughing through the heart of the (‘airngorms and

icottish sent their cameras alongto record Appearing be

“mustandwm.” H) “mm (“pm neiapkadueriii(i_3rac‘iix.iis—x.3spm. Jlmmy Tingle "America's foremost political comedian" Featuring coverage ofthe First Test Match The f‘rcnch mmfmy ar‘c ".“Pngw'rhcaq‘ "The Glasgow Sensation" hot H l d. ' dE l. d . . and unusually l. Adder .\oir goestotheir " o . . . " WM n wan new - ; .iia. Mapata Acrobats and Mandlngo Seeing IS believmg "f I0ur Day Oul(Channel4)8.30—9.55pm. 9 " ' " " Despite Willy Russell‘s subsequent Stu Who '" leard 0t u successes.this. hisfirst feature length J0 Brand comlC abuse veteran screenplay. is stillin a class " ' " f capturesthe joyousanarchyofaschool mark "u's' The Yorksmre comm .. i outingloNorth Wales froma Liverpool ' People Show Welmar Jazz cabaret ? comprehensiv ‘. A tri that shouldn't b ' i. . - " i missed. L p Cathy Ladman Essential American stand-up comedy I Travelling North (BB(‘1 )8.35—10. 10pm. 'th l See Films on TV. WI 5 IATVDante2Cantos1&2((‘hanncl4) DJ Fred from Devil Mountain t 9.55— 10.20pm. See TV preview. i “heoenamoflgfichanncu) Plus Late Bus back to Glasgow 2.003m I v y 2.“ . 10.20pm—12.10am. Sydney Poitierand Special thanks to : EFX "Scotland's Premier PA Hire .i a :r TonyCurtis findthemselveschained " ' ' hi I \. I mgcthcrmIhispowcrfulindictmcnmf Company , Pegasus Sound and Light and Blacklig . " racialintolerance and segregationinthc ' - - - " " ' ' ' "' " ' T ' ' '

Southern States of America. See Films on , . To Please send me tickets at :3 each. I enclose a IEve man:ALi ' '

j 'V _ '“l‘l'b'iwul . . cheque/P0 payable to [he List Ltd for i ll)...5—l 1.05pm. The first in anew series , . s w - ' focuseson(‘asey(‘ohen.aLosAngeles SCHd t() The LlSt Party, ngh Stu Edinburgh‘ l I E privateinvestigatorwhoworksforthe . - ' s v ' defence coumclwhcnatrialmchcsthc Enclose iZ/person if you reqmre Late Bus to (.lasgow ‘penaltyphase'. That is.when sentence is Name _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ —- —- —- —' decided. The programme follows his passionate crusade to spare convicted Address —" _ —" _ _ _ _ _ _ _

\ i. ' l

I Man olAran (Channel 4) 2—3.25pm. Classic documentary from the Thirties. detailing the daily struggle for survival on the Isle of lnishmore in the Aran Islands. offthe West Coast of Ireland.

I Norman Swordsman (Scottish) 3—5pm. See Films on TV.

.Jl'saead'NSCottishH()S—7 19pm \‘m murdersfromthc death penalty p T- . . . ' . . .' . ' ' i ' I 9 H " -— ickets sub ect to availability. ifthe ABVF (Anti-Beadle Volunteer I I 0le Tracy: Behind the Badge (Scottish) OSLLOdC J Force) have got there first. 12.05—12.3(lam. Almost inevitablty. the __- -- .. __.__._ __J

The list I".liily 9 August l‘Nll71