Photo by Iain Stewart


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TV programme about how the film was made. including interviews with Maddonna and Warren Beatty and a lot of talk about masks.


I Everybody's Equal (Scottish) 8-8.30pm. Chris Tarrant hosts a quiz show in which

200 contestants start out with the chance to i win £2000. So what happened to The

Bucket of Water Song. Chris?

I Murder East. Murder West (Scottish) 9—10pm & 10.35—11.05pm. Edgar Rutchinski. whose former job was to

i smuggle refugees across the German

border. marries one of his clients when the

l bottom falls out of his business. Yethe

remains as manipulative as ever and his bride soon grows disaffected with hirtt artd the West. Stars Alexandra Prigg. Jeroert Kraltbe artd Suzanne Hamilton.

I Cycling: Kellogg's Tour of GreatBritain (Chanrtel 4) 9—9.30pm. Unable to stop broadcasting after the Tour de France. the Channel 4 bike team just keeps on rolling. I Byline: Hard Lives, Empty Days ( BBC!) 9.30—10. 10pm. ln the final programme of the series. Jimmy Boyle drags a film crew round the streets of Glasgow and Edinburgh artd finds out how the future looks to youngsters growing up on them. I Granny's IS (Channel 4) 12.25—1 .SSam. David Larcher has turned video material. made with his grandmother over the last decade. into what he refers to asa

‘geriatric anthro-apology‘. What emerges.

is something between a Horizon profile of his gran and a video art-tape.


I Hitler's Madman (Channel 4) 2—3.35pm. Low budget account of the assassination of Richard Heydrich. self-styled ‘Protector' of Czechoslovakia during WWI 1. ln revenge for which the Nazis butchered the population of Lidice.

I Mork and Mindy (Channel 4) 6.30—7pm. The return of the quick-fire alien humourist. This time the couple have a son, Mearth. to bring up.

I Kellogg's Tour of Britain (Channel 4) 9—9.30pm. Report on the first day's race from Brighton to Bath. though the fun should start tomorrow when they have to negotiate Birmingham‘s inner ring road. That should separate the sheep frortt the goats.

I Small Sacrifices (BBCl ) 9.30-1 1.05pm. Farrah Fawcet stars alongside hubby Ryan O‘Neal. as the troubled mother who stands accused of murdering herown children in this American two-parter.

I Roads to Xanadu: The Price of Harmony

(BBC2) 9.30-10.2()pnt. While we European chappies were wallowing in the Middle Ages the Chinese were forging ahead in leaps and bounds. Later however. after Marco Polo had broken the ice. they were able to latch ontothe Chinese advances.

I TV Dante, Cantos V a VI (Channel 4) 9.30—l0pm. See TV Preview.

I Viewpoint 90: Romania's Babies (Scottish) 10.35 11.35pm. A disturbing documentary that looks at the enormous task facing the doctors in post-Ceaucescu Romania. who are trying to care for abandoned children.

I Jazz on a Summer's Night: A Duke Named Ellington (Channel 4) 10.50pm—12.50am. A two hour retrospective of one ofthe seminal figures in 20th century music. Widely applauded by the critics. it succeeds in capturing his charisma and musical genius. ‘An essential testimony to the music ofour times.’ According to the 1.05 Angeles Times.

I Sailing to an Island (Channel 4)

1250—] .50am. When Dolores Keane and John Faulkener discovered that the Island of lnishbofin offConermarra needed money for a community centre they decided to take a load of friends over to help out. Though whether the locals

72 The List 27 July ‘) August 1990



appreciated the gesture is not made clear.


I Them and US(BBC1) 7.30—8pm. Spike Milligan is sent off on the trial ofthose who are responsible for producing Musak. which is a particular betas noire.

I TV Dante, Cantos VII a VIII (Channel 4) 9.30— 10pm. See TV Preview.

I Screenplay: The Englishman's Wife (BBC2) 9.25—1().25pm. When lntelda Staunton's husband returns to England to find work she finds there are those in the Ulster countryside who would exploit her position. given halfa chance.

I Small Sacrifices (BBCl )9.3o—1 1.05pm. Part two of the infanticide drama. with Farrah Fawcet artd Ryan ()‘Neal.

I Daddy (Channel 4) 10—1 1.50pm. Dermot Mulroney stars as the 17 year-old schoolboy forced to face up to his responsibilities when girlfriend Patricia Arquette reveals she is pregnant. Powerful and thoughtful teenage drama. I The Kalasha: Rites of Spring ( Scottish) 1035-] 1.35pm. The Kalasha. the 4000 strong final remnants of non-Islamic oaganism. inhabit three small valleys irt :he far north-west corner of Pakistan. but aow long can they maintain their :raditional way of life in the faceof :ncroaching roads. schools and tourism? I Reid About Scotland (Scottish)

1 1.35pm—12.05am. In the Fife village of East Neuk. Jimmy finds fishing giving way :0 nostalgia. Then. while on the subject of 'tostalgia. he meets the editor ofthe Sunday Post.

I Abida Parveen in Concert (Chanrtel 4)

l l .50prtt—-12.50am. The second In the series of Asiart artists irt concert. Miss Parveen is best known for her renditions of the mystical poetry of the great sufisof the sub-continent.

I The Confessions of Felix KruII: Confidence Man (Channel 4) 12.50—1.45am.'l'he fourth episode of this opulent small-screen version of Thomas Mann's ()pus Mugmrs.


I Scotland's War: The Balloon Goes Up (Channel 4) noon—12.30pm. Right ho chaps. settle down. Now you jocks are going to have an important part in this war. so important. irt fact. that in future years while we celebrate the Battle of Britain you will have your own little show on Scotland's war efforts. any questions? I El Norte (The North) (Chartnel 4)

9—! 1.35pm. Simple but powerful tale of the trek towards a brighter future in the US. undertaken by two young Guatemalans. See Films on TV.

I The Play on One: The Wreck onthe Highway(BB(‘l ) 9.30—10.45pm. Blues singerTant White. makes his acting debut in Colin MacDonald‘s tale of a once famous C 6: W singer. now working irt a builder's yard in Leith. The ex-erooner. just getting over the death of his devastated by his daughter‘s decision to take her family off to Australia. Hope arrives in the shape of a blast from the past. C 8: W singer Betsy Hall (Lynn Anderson). although things don't quite turnout as he expected. In trying to prove his commitment the advance publitcity for the play states McGuire ‘Drives halfway across Scotland.‘ What all the way Livingston? Now that‘s commitment. Directed by Sandy Johnson.

I The Tracey Ullman Show ( 1313(2) 9—9.30pm. Now that she is such a big ltit lit the States the beeb thought they would give her peculiar brand of humour another shot.

I NB (Scottish) 1035-1 1 .35pm. Janice. Allan and Bryan (Forsythe. Campbell and Burnett) give you the lowdown on a week ofevents irt Scotland.

I Mad Cow Mystery (Channel 4)

11.35pm— 12.35am. Derek Cooper tries his hardest to get to the bottom of the current furore over bovine spongifornt

encepalopathy and whether beef is safe to eat or not. The productioncompany. Video Arts TV seem convinced tltere isa link with the obscure disease of kuru. found on Papua New Guinea. And by art uncanrty coincidertee they happen to ltave sonte rather rare footage of tribesrttert who suffered front the disease.


I StarTest 6.30—7pnt. Dave Stewart oftlte Eurythrttics shoots the breeze with the computer.

I Athletics: Panasonic National Championships (Chartncl 4) S.55~- lllprtt. Britain's top athletes battle it out at Birmingham fora place iii the squad for the Europeart Championships.

I Scottish Women (Scottish)

l0.35--l 1.05pm. Sheena McDonald ltosts the last irt the present series of debates involving 100 Scottish women. At last tltev will be free to leave the studio. ' I The Four Seasons (Scottish) ll.30—2.30am. A trio of rttarried couples take a regular seasonal break together. yet despite this they manage to stick together. Stars Alan Alda. See Filmsan TV.

I Future Features: Donovan's Brain (Channel4) l l~13.30ant. In a bizarre forerunner of her future life as wife of America's 40th president. Nancy Davis features in this tale of a scientist's struggle to keep a brain alive.


I Royal Birthday Gala( BBCI)

7.30— 10. 10pm. (iawd bless tisortc and all. A rigltt old knees up for the Queen Mum's 90th. From a punter's poirtt of view the rttorc revered the subject that the celebs are partderirtg to the better kertt the celebs will be. Tonight. Michael Cairte. John (iielgud artd Sarah Brightmart are among those being obsequiotts.

I The Saini(Scottislt) 8.207 lll. 10pm. The last in the present series ltas that suave young man on the trail of yet rttore killers. I White Noise ( 13m ‘2 ) s.35- 10.30pm. They promise a selection of sortte of‘the remarkable video films being made by artists artd broadcasters all over the world.‘ Although no one could explain the title.

I Thirtysomething: Towers of Zenith Part TWD(Cltannel4)‘) 10pm. ln the last oftlte current series. Michael has a flashback about his sex-change operation. lilliott commits ritual llara-Kari after losirtg an advertising contract artd the rest of the cast ride off irtto the sunset with l’am who wasn't really killed irt a plane craslt after all. Well. no. rtot really. Michael betrays Myles by tryirtg to sell out to another rival company. but they 'll all be back irt 'I‘hirtysomething-more. soon.

I Glory Glory ( 813(2) HHS—I 1 .45pm. Richard ‘John Boy‘ Thomas stars irt this musical comedy about a sort wlto takes over the rurtrting of art evangelical TV station after his fatlter bequeaths it to ltint. Unfortunately. the fortunes are flagging somewhat so junior introduces a rock'n'roll singer to liven uptlte congregation sortte.

I Lorca; Death of 3 Feet (Cltartrtel 4) 10.30pm-12.45artt. See l'ilms onT\’.


I The Great Picture Chase ( BBCl) 5.55—6.20pm. Tonight Kate Adie sctsthe new series irt rttotiort lookirtg ottt for contemporary pottery. So where‘s the catch. surely they rttust actually be tltrowing the pots at her or the programme will be far too tartte for her tastes.

I Equinox: The Nuts and Bolts of Ben Bowlby (Channel 4) 7—8pm. The remarkable story of the dyslexic child who is rtow beirtg hailed as the next Colirt Chapntan. the mart behind the success of the Lotus racing teant. Tonight's prograntrtte exantines the teaching methods that ltave ltelped ltirtt begin to realise his tremendous potential.