

As one of Glasgow 1990‘s two official publications. The List offers comprehensive. up—to-date guides to what‘s on throughout the year. In this month‘s preview. we look ahead to events beginning on or before Sunday 30 September. Events which begin before Thursday 13 September are described in greater detail in the appropriate listings sections.




I Consuming Passions Mtilti-media performance exploring women’s relationship to food. l7ntil Sat 1.


I Danton's Death (‘omniunicado stage Buchner's classic of the French

Revolution. l'ntil Strri 2. 'l‘ron.

I Mrs Warren’s Profession 'l‘he ( 'iii/ens‘ company present the play by (icorge Bernard Shaw. l'ntil Sat 3‘).(‘iti/eris‘ Theatre.

I Videoscope New worls by .-\nn Mar re I )i Mainbro about the exploitation of a Y l S trainee. l'ntil Sat ts'.(’umbernauld Theatre.

I Walking Shadow New play by John

Binnie about the relationship between an old actress and a young fan t'nlil Sirn.‘. Arches'l‘heatrc.

I Ballets of Love and Longing Scottiin Ballet's triple bill. including Brittcn’s I‘iorgottcnland Hi 7 Sat ISSept.

I Cleaning Up New Wildcat production by Andy Mackic about the trials and tribulations tit a posse tit cleaners. w till musicby David Anderson. Mon lit The

l 1 Sept. Denny (‘iyic’l‘heatre

I The Ship An epic celebration of the shipbuilding era of the (’lydc. and its people. which promises a launch a night. Fast work by w ritcr Bill Bry den. Sec Feattrrc. Harland and Wolff (ioyan. Sat

15 Sept Stiii 27()ct. : I The Boy Who Wanted Peace i-aii- Friday's kaleidoscopic interpretation of ( ieorge Fi'iel's (ills novel. promises to be bold and innovative. 'l‘ue ll Stiii lb Sept. Arches Theatre.

IThe Tenant A billets comedy examining the sinister connection of three very different tenents. within one cramped flat. Natasha ( icr'son's play. performed by The \Viched ladies isbotriid tosuspcnd Wed 12 Strn lo. ( till Athenaeum 'l‘heatrc. l I3d 'l‘he Rosemary Btrtcher'l)ancc (‘ompany collaborate with an architect. composer and designer in an escltrsiyc performance for the 'l'i'amway space. Fri 1-i- Sat 15 Septfl‘ramway.

I Salvation World premiere of Peter Arnott‘s dctcctiy e thriller. in pursuit ot a politician‘s assassin through the parairoiae corridorsof a puppet city-state. Fri 14 Sat 15 Sept. 'l'ron'l‘hcatre.

I Madden and Dudden and Donald 0'Leary llullaballoo ( ‘hiidi'en's 'l‘heati‘c present this production of an attempted takeoy er bid by [hidden and l)trddeii.ot poor man ()‘leai'y is single acre of land. only lobe otitwittcd. Part of Sir .rtlicty de ( 'hrldren‘s Season. Sat 15 Sat 33 Sept. 'l he ( ~lyde 'lihcatte. '

IThe Celebrated GastightGaieties w omen It”) presents 'l he Women‘s .\I‘.l\le l fall from the celebrated ( iasliglit ( iarctics

Stiii ltiSept. RS:\.\II) New .-\thcriaetiin 'l'heatre.

IThe Steamie I' larnc (' Smith and

Dorothy Paul in lorry Ropei‘sintrcli acclaimed. humorous portrayal ot

(itasgtiw woriicn at work and play Mon 1” Sept Sat M )s t. Isiiig's'l heaire

I Les Troyensr‘rhe Trojans tic-iliox'seprt opera. performed in coiiiunclion w ttli Welsh National ( )pcra. is sung in I'lc‘ltclt withstiper'titlcs

IJeltylt and Hyde \Illltl‘etllttil.tlgltitlt‘ production iiiyoly rng actors. musicians danceisand singer‘s. under the all-consuming title of theatre laliesrn Wales. Wed 1‘) Stiii 23 Sept . 'l rariiway

I WhatThe Butler Saw .Ioe ( )r ions black comic expose of a by poci rtieal society

\\ IIUSL‘ ettt'it'ac‘lels lose their clothes aS frequently as they do their wits. '1 tie

35 Stiri _‘s(iSept. Arches'I'hcatic


I Contemporary Albanian Art .\I.i]til' . exhibition of pairitrngsand cartoons from the troubled country. l'ntil If r T. ( ilasgow It

Zfi'l'hc List 3] August - l3 September l‘)‘)tl


Sclioolof Art.

I Elisabeth Frinlt First Scottisfi show ingof I-rinls'samorphoussculptures. l'nlil Sat 1. (‘ompass ( iallcry.

I Glasgow's Glasgow :\ intilti- media explorationof(ilasgow‘s llltltlyear history. t'ntil .‘sIon S Noy . The Arches. Midland Street

I0urLives—AGlasgow Childhood 1940/1990 tracing the difference in 5H yearsot ( ilasgow life. l’ntil Strn 2.llaggs (‘astlc

I Pursuit of the Real Jilth century figurative painting. Sicker‘t to Aircr‘bach. l'ntit Sun lb. Rely iiigroyc Art ( ialler'y and Sinsciiin.

I Rerrterr Arralerr lashibilroiicoveiiiigtlic history of the ( ilasgow I'air andpoptitar culture. 1 l‘)tl-|‘)‘)tl. l'ntiISiin l3.lan 1991. People‘s I’alace. ITagari'lia-AustralianAboriginalArts (‘clebiaiionoftheciilturcol contcriiporary aboi‘rgrnies. l'ntil Stiii 2 Sept. llnrd liyc ( 'entre

ITenements and TowersPhotographic exhibition of the history of( ilasgow housing. lS‘MI— l‘Ntl. l'ntil Sat 3‘) Sept. Mitchell library

IYou MustRememberThis i'\hibrtionrn remembrance of Spiiiigbur ii'scincnias and their golden stars. I hid Itle .lll( )ct. Spririgbui‘n .‘yttiseuin.

I Colourspace ( ilasgow ’s new toy '. an inflatable w altsthiotrgh sculpture mixing an orgy oicolotirs. light and sound and created by Maurice Agis Aceedl l 'iitil Still to. ( itasgow ( ii'eeti,

ITwincities ( ilasgow artists |Ulll with tlicir'lwincity counterparts from Rostoy on Don. Nirr‘nberg and 'l llllll. in an exploration of their cities and current artistic Ideas I'litil “fed 3 ( )ct . ‘)l ls Gallery.

I Perspectives of Mental Illness Arts Exhibition \ttilti-iiicdiaexhibitionoi worls by patients. their" t'ctatiy es and staff exploring the suffering iiiy olvcd in. and the obstacles presented by society 's regressive.ittitiidesto. mentalillncss. l'iitrl Sun 9. I-loicncc Street l)ay IItispitttl.

I Glasgow Girls \‘vt‘llle'll in art anddesign in ( ilasgow lS’S’tI- l‘L‘ll l'ntrl Stiii 31 ()ct. Kely ingtoy e Art (ialtet'y‘ and .‘yttisetim. I Glasgow Theatre 1890—1990— Part2 Memorabilia from the Scottish 'I‘heatre Archive. Beats part one. l'iilil Sat 23. (ilasgow l‘niyei'sity Hunter 1 fall West. IThe Glasgow Competition Exihition

W innersof thisarchitecturalcompetition. tociisingon maior urban issties. Salt Sat IS Sept. Bar br/oii ( ialler y

IThe BiscuitTint ongloiiior.itronot

plrt itos found in the bi llIHlll dr aw cisand behind the toilets of ( ilasgwegrans. to which yoa toocan add Sall l'htiisl" \c'pl

I CA3 —JaCI( Knox I lead of partitingat (ilasgtiw School of .-\lt. I\lio\e\lilt‘lts

it c erit wor Is as part of the ( 'ontemporary .»\rl Season Stiii ‘) Sirii .it'Sept. I\cI\Ill}.1ltt\c‘:\tI(iJIIL'ly.tltltNIllSL‘lltll

I Tom Lawson— Glasgow Project New parntirigsaiid sciilptiiiesrclalingto atrist tiriic show in | aw son‘s halo c t rty Sat S

Sept Sat o ( )cl. lliird lye ( 'eiiti'c

I Clive Jachnilt Studies in Poland t’olish lire l\c‘\.ttltltic‘tt in a serresotcslensiyc pictorial images Sat S Strn ‘stiSept. l.rllrc .'\tl ( iallei y

IWhistlebinkies'l'radrtrorial Scottish music lirdingbehrnd a silly name l'ntilSat fi()L'I. St Andrew 's l’aiish ( lunch and .-\rts(‘entre

I Tosca Anthony Besch's'facisli' production of 'l‘osca. set in Mussolini's It.in Isetitlttucleti by Sit Alexander (iilison Sat l Sept IIiIltllsg‘ythlH .lheatre Royal

I Strathclyde Schools Symphony Orchestra

.IUIlll I .tibbocls conducts the closing

(rlasgow 's recent history

y yotingravers. Mon.‘ 'l'hursoSept. RASMD. New .»\thenaetimTheatre.

Studio'l‘heatre. I I Merchants‘ Music Series oflunchtime

j I Royal Gala Charity Concert Sir Alex

; claw of patronage and censorship around the neck of the arts. Wed ll-Thurs 13 : Sept. Burrell(‘otteetiorr


concert of the ( ilasgow' Festival of British Youth ()rcltestt'as. 1 Sept. RSAMD.

I British Youth Opera Mozart's The Marriage of Figaro and Tchaikovsky's litigine ( )negin. ()ld faves performed by

I D'un Alliage Rituel As if an International (‘omputer .‘ylusic (‘onference isn't mind blowing enough. there‘s a sound and light show thrown in. lock tip your children. the 4 Sat S Sept. RASMI) (‘handler

concerts. front Paganini to Mozart. L'ntil l'litir's 37 Dec. .‘yter'chaiits‘s I fall.

conducts the Scottish National Orchestra in a selection of worlss by Mendelssohn. Mrlhaud and ('reston. 'l'htirsoSept.(‘ity Hall.

I Musica Nova Scottish National Orchestra Opening the thl Musica Nova Festival. the SN’( ) play (age. Rilim and ()sborne. Sat 15 Sept. Henry Wood I fall.

I Women 2000 20th Century Music Day- Lonlano A contemporary rnusicensemble. directed by ()daline de la Martinez. tackling worlss by Joan Row'er andJanet (irahams. amongst others. Sun lfiSept. RASMI) Stevenson I fall.

I Jason Donovan Donoy an puts the (till 'RF. in (‘ity in twoperspiring performances. Tue 35 and Wed 2o Sept. (ilasgow International (‘oncert l lall.

I Pops at the Philharmonic 1990 Hooray for l lollywood. (ilasgow's Philharmonic Orchestra transports its to the gtarn daysof RK( ) and .‘yl(i.\t. rey iv trig the Broadway biggies Rogers.KellyandUartand. amongstothcrs. l'ntil Sun 9.


I Miniature Books Society Conclave First Ftir'opcaii gathering of people into little books. l'ntil Mon 3 Sept. Hospitality lnn. I Ra: The path oithe Sun God Beautiftiland imaginaliy e film based on the mythsof Ancient ligyptian ciy ilisations. l'ntil 'l‘hirrso. 'l‘ramway. I Scottish Body Building Championships Mr 1 and Miss litrropeanoity of(‘tilttirc model the District ( 'otincil's spectacular budget. Watch it i'ecede to a mere g-string. In aid of Izast Park Home. Sat 1 Sept. Macro's icistrrct‘cntrc. I I Kids Stuff {\Ittlstt/JIII I’uppets and Mr t Magic. for children of all ages. btit ' especially 4-] 1 years. lfntil Sat 3Noy. ('timber'nanld theatre.

I Meet the Author .-\|asdair' ( it ay and

Agnes ( )w ens are .it yotrr ser’y ice. ‘l'htir's

l.‘ Sept. Stirling'slibr'ar‘y.

I Stevenson Lectures Great Scots Since the 18th Century .-\ patting ourser es on the bacls session tcattrring Adam Smith. livingston and the incr'ediblel ord l.istei'. lititil’l tie IS. (itasgow I'tiryer‘srty Boyd ()rr Building

I The Second Coming .-\ spectaeteot drumming. orchestral music. film and

lrglit from 'I'cst Dept. combining lltt)\ irig trains and rolling stock. Don't asts how. l’tii'potts to lL‘\ eat the heritage movement

in its triiccolotrrs Fri 7 Sun lecPt.St Rollox locoriiotiye Works, I Patronage. Censorship andthe Arts i Organised by the (‘eiitrc for Professional [.egal Studies. this seminar examiriesthe

I Women Setting Agendas For Change inthe Arts The themes of feminism and academia and women's popular culttrre are discussed by local. national and international women. 'l'htirs 13 Mon l7 Sept. (ilasgow l'nryersity' AdamSmith Building.

I Social Challenges in the Year of Culture Weekend conference examining some social challenges facing the city . including the homeless. Sat 15” Sun to Sept. St

Andrew"s('ollcge of liducation.