F m war/€67 better gm.

rte/662‘ 2‘66 hi [or Gold/l

Not many humans are blessed with the T H E , S B E ‘R .

talent needed to snitTout our Gold Bier hops.

BCCQUSC not man," 110138 haVC thc fragrant, “OWCI‘Y \‘C'e scoured the liuropean continent {or the perfect

aroma our head brewer’s nose demands {or the recipe. strain of ycast

And not content with good quality Scottish maltln};

Indeed, even a bee would have its work cut out since '

only the 'I'ettnanger hop fits the bill. And it grows in barlev, our llead Brewer insisted on a particularly rare, Bavaria, over 800 miles away as the humble bumble flies. old—fashioned and expensive varietv. It wasn’t just the hops we had a bee in our bonnet Fortunately, when it came to the most important ingre—

abOUt, though. dient, we found we had unlimited supplies on our doorstep.