characteristic visual and musical invention. Some beautiful momentsof theatrical imagination make it well worth seeing. but the component parts don't always gel together. More detailsonii‘sl :23 5-165.

Aberdeen :1 rts ("mate I 'ntil Sat 15 Sept. 8pm. 0224 641 122.

Li‘tlt xl rts (‘etttre Mon 17 I ties 135 Sept. 8pm. 09.5584 271).

Klrls‘ti‘allxl rts (‘entre \ch 19 sept . 7.3(lpm. 0856 2856.

.S'liapinsav ( ‘omrntoirtv ( ~entre ’l‘hurs 211 Sept. 8pm.

Hoy .N'ort/t Wall ( ~entre l‘ri 21 Sept.8pm Ktnlor‘liln’ri'te .‘l rtv ( 'entre Sat 22 Sept. 7.30pm.

L'llapool l'il/age Ila/l Mon 24 Sept. 8pm. 0854 21113.

l’oolt’u'e I’ll/age Hall The 25 Sept. 8pm. (144586-131.

Inverness lz'rlen ( ‘ourt Wed 26 'I‘hurs‘ 27 Sept. 8pm. (1463 221718.

'I’our continues.

I Endangered Species As part of (ilasgow's anti-Apartheid Sechaba festival. Barbara Screiner's play. about two sisters facing the political pressures 61 South Africa. goes out on a short tour. Detailsonti-tl 221 I276.

l’earr‘e Institute. (iovan Tue 25 5I'hurs 27 Sept. 8pm. £2.5ii(£l i.

'l‘our continues.

IThe Steamie liscellent productionof Tons Roper's hilarious recreation oflife in (ilasgow 's old laundries. featuring Iilame (‘. Smith and Dorothy I’aul. See Rev icw. H. M. :Iltt’rrlet’tt I'ntil 15 Sept.ll224

641 I22.

King's Glasgow Mon 17 Sat 22 Sept.ll-11 227 5511.

('li‘rli’ 'l‘heatre. (‘l'vrlehank Mon 24 Silt 2‘) Sept.ii-il‘)5112(i(i.

Tour continues.

I Twelfth Night 'I‘.»\( i takes Alan Lvddiard's production of Shakespeare's comedy of mistaken identitv on a long tour of schools and theatres. An ernphasison music and choreography More detailson (1414292877. See Review.

('arnhernaulrl ’l'heatre [Tritil Sat 15 Sept. 7.45pm. Also I-‘ri .‘vlat 1.3(ipm.

l’at'slev xi rts‘ (‘entre Sat 22 Sept . 8pm. Aberdeen xi rts (‘entre Tue 2.5 Sat 2‘) Sept. 8pm.

'I‘our continues.

I Videoscope (‘umbernauld 'I'heatre's third new play of the year is bv Ann Marie


Di Mambro who takes a look at lifeinside an Italian-run video rental shop. More details on (1236 732887. See Review. (‘rawfurrl Theatre. Jorrlarilitll'l'hurs

13 Hi 14 Sept. 7.311pm.ti41 95(13437. Paislev Arts ('entre Sat 15 Sept. 8pm.ii-tl 887 Hill).

ll'litte/iall ( 'ivir' ( 'entre. Hamilton Mon 17 Sept. 7.30pm. 993 282323 ext 241.

Old xi tlienaeum 'I’lieatre. Glasgow Tue 18 Sat 22. 7.3(lpm. (141 332 2333.


I The Comic Club Blackfriars. 45 Albion Street. Merchant City. (ilas‘gow. (MI 552 592-1. 9pm. £4.5(i(£3.5(ii. Baropen 8.3(ipm midnight. Regular weeklvsupplv of (ilasgow stand-tip.

I The Andy Cameron Show Palace Theatre. 9(ireen Street. Kilmarnock. (1.563 23590. £4 (£3). Establish Scottish stand-up headlines a \ arietv package of entertainment.


i l l l l l l l

I The Salamander Club 'I‘ron Pub. 1 lunter Square. Izdinburgh 8.3llpm. £2 (£1 ). Inspired by his selection as second worst show on the Iidinburgh Iiringe. Arnold returns in glory to compere the new-look Salamander ('1th up the hill behind the Iron clock. Lucv Johnstone is also on the bill. along with surprise guests and an open mic slot. If you are interested in trying your hand at a spot of stand-up call Arnold on 228 1838. More mirth next week.


I Robert Halpern Pavilion 'I heatre. 121 Renfield Street. (ilasgow. (141 3321846. 7.3itpm. £4. Regular helping ofhvpnotism from the popular entertainer.


I The Comic Club Blackfriars. 45 Albion Street. Merchant (its . (ilasgow, ()41 552 5924. ‘tpm. £4.50 (£3.50). Baropen 8.3(lpm midnight. Regular weeklvsupplv of ( ilasgow stand-up.


"hr—V» l 1124‘ A emcer - _ is Nagy}: . #2254 V .MszH/‘NI - r-v J: 41

552 “292‘. -' r

I Robert Halpern Pavilion Theatre. 121 chfield Street. (ilasgow. (141 3321846. 7 3ilpm 86; midnight. £5. See Fri 21.


I The SalamanderClub Iron Pub. 1 lunter Square. I'dinburgh. 8 3ilpm. £2 (£1 ). See Wed 1‘).

Theatre Express THE SHIP

Written and directed by Bill Bryden Designed by William Dudley Music by John Toms Excursions from Edinburgh to the above epic will operate on Fridays 8: Saturdays from 14th September to 27th October Coach tare only - £3.95 All seats must be booked in advance Contact: The Bus Shop,

St. Andrew Square Bus Station Tel: 558 1616


C 0 M IS I) Y '1' 0 ti It

um consular Em? or 1!: YEAR

Sunday 14th October Pavilion Theatre, Glasgow

8-00'1 pom- I “A Ski/Itu/ Performer" - The Independent 4

/€?.§7 /<E:?


As seen on T.V's “Friday Night Live"


“Great Talent"

The Guardian 4


The Brian Clough oi the poetry circuit m w H I- Tickets: £4.50, Students / UB40’s £4.00

BOX OFFICE: 041-332 1846

A LL \' . I

"oceans To: AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL ijli'lllzz‘i‘i 1


7711-1111 14 27September muss