I SALON Vinicombe Street. 339 4256. 8.10mi. MONDAY 1 | (‘ircle £2.75; Stalls £3.50(Studcnt.'UB-l(l 2.Anottler48 Noursua) 2. 15pm.5. 15pm. 1, Dead poets sccierwpgnjupm l £2;('hi|di()AI’£l.S0). 815nm. Trop Belle PourToi!(18)S.3llpm.7.15pm. ; Wild At Heart( 18) l.-15pm. 5pm. 7.45pm. 3- Wh'le "lime" 9'3“ “ea"(*’(’l3P"‘- 915nm. I

5pm‘ 8pm_ 2.An Angel at My Table ( PG) 5. 15pm. 8pm. ' IODEONCMSW667733""’“’*3“”- “"30"?

B'r5.30—9 m. D screensl.2and3. 1.1m BellePour‘l’oi! 18 3.30 , 5 Rose Street.332 6535.(‘afe/baropen30 d p I l p ( ) pm

- . . I I 9 Shows commencing before 6pm £2 . 50 Dead poets society ( p0 ) 6pm 0 8 ntlnS prlor t0 IUW'SLC ()SCS

2 4 [D]. Matinces .‘vton—Hiil (commencingancr 6pm £3

((‘hild. GAP/Student. [Ill-10H). Evening ((.h”d/,Smdcnv()APUB“)£2); no

Readers are advised that programmes may

be a‘ any itlld Sittl‘quity Sh()\\'8 (StUant/UB4” concessions on final Showxl indicatesthat wheelchair access is 1 1 W1 ( WHOM)“ 3‘” 1. Nightbreed (18) l.l()pm. 3.30pm. available. though priornotitication is FR'D‘," 2*? . _ 5.45pm. 8.30pm.

advisable. [E] indicatestlle availability otan Identity: FlfSlwomon Slngular( l_8)>.45pm. ZJLoveYouToDeayMIS)1.35pm induction loop. torthe convenience of - L3 Home 5‘ L3 30'0'9'°('5)8-15P"1- 3.45pm. 5.35pm. 8.20pm.

hearing aid users- : SATURDAY 29 3. Die Hard 2(15) 12.05pm. 2.35pm.

Bonnie and Clyde(l8)and Streets olFire 5.15 ‘8‘“) m_ . (15) L459” 4. GrgglinSZFll) lpm.3.30pm.6pm.

~ - HUSh'A'Bye'Bab““HASP” TotalRecall 18 8.30 m. ICANNON( larkston Road-blurrend.637 f Blue smelumxpm. 5 Papa, maéugfin p” m 1 40pm 3641.£2.50((‘hlld ()r\l)£t..‘t)). I SUNDAY“) 6-05 m 8 7S m~ ~~ p - ;. :reirredgnnolceon‘a(‘l 5) 5pm. Spin]. . mm" in may ( 15) (’p‘n'x'45pnl' Edi-n‘burgh Lates. . lg we (Immm‘pm (mum '\ ). MONDAY1 . IUCICraig Park. Kinnaird Road.669

q 1' i 1- _ s m m ($21“)th ‘i Frame") Frame'LynCh ( WHIP?“ 0777. Box office open from 10am. Betrayed ( l8) 8. 15pm. I CANNON The 1:56.. piliriel‘ie'iu as}. ' The Alphabevfirasemead ( 1M 5'45pm‘ Tickets fur shows Commencing hcforcfipm 2. An Angel at My Table (PG) 5. 15Pm.8hm new» 414; [D] [Mil f.“ l nil-‘85) TUESDAYZ , £1.95;showscommencingafter6pm£2.95 wsnussoaya Shins-scolilniencing 6pm £1 Lfifofilfizexasysélls)???’ (Child/()Al’s £1.95). 1. Betrayed ( 18) 2.30pm. 5.45pm.8.15pm.

. . _ h . t . . pm. 7" " . . _ after6pm 1.3 (( hildtl.7_> )1. _ WEDNESDA” :rfggmeglgggrgnt(15l l._>pm.4.llspm. garnerican Gigolo ( l8) 3pm.6. 13pm. ;.:resumedlnnocent(1))-pm.>.3llpm. Black Rain ( l8)6pnl. A'no‘merha'fl‘oms ( 18) 2.30pm‘450pm. T'H‘ugsm“

2. Mgmphis Belle (12) l.21lpm.3.45pm. hm'hpm' 7Pm“)‘1”Pm- 1.The KtlleH18)2.30pm.8.30pm. (105an 8.40pm. Windprims ( I g) 6pm Memphis Bel:e(12)2.2(lprrl. 4.50pm. The Big mue ( 15) 6. 15pm.

3.Another48_HoursHa)1.25pm.3.4>pm. Milou in May(lS)8.-15pm. Siésflpanrsa‘l‘sml'm m 4 ,0 m 7 m m 2.P1errot Le FOU(13)3pm.().l>pm. 6.10pm.8.3)pm. ~ ' p “‘ p ‘p 8.30pm.

4. Nightbreed ( l8) 1.30pm(not Sat). I gbijrghalumnpm (Sat. Summly)‘

3.50pm.6.15pm. 8.45pm.

5. Spaced Invaders ( PG) 1.20 in (Sat I FRENCH CINE-CLUB 4.40pm.7.1(lpm.9.35pm_. . on“). p Studio 1 Cinema. Scottish (‘ouncil for Nightbreed ( 18) 2. 10pm. 3.35pm. 7.50pm. 9 BROUG‘HTON F'LMSOC Brillighfnp HIgh 6. P'aperMasH 15) lmpm (nut Sm L Education 'lecchnokmy‘ 74 Victoria 1()_()5pm. school. ( arrlngton Road. 33- 780). (’-1“Pni.8.40pm. (‘reseent Road, [)c(;ij|s;331)4381,357 PaperMask(15) 113(le (Sm. summly)‘ Contact Mr Robin Armstrong. Annual 7. The Brave littleToaslertt') 1.10Pm. 3633- Organised jointly by the French 2-55Pm~ 5309” 7-45Pm~ 1“-‘"Pm- '7‘“”‘.h°'~‘h'l’.‘?“”“""F”‘“°"'°. _ 3.15pm(gm(mh-y (‘ultural Delegation andthe Alliance A-w-0-L-(13")5.15pm.7.-10pm.10.15pm. “Hunt-1h”)?ind“!Cchnllbu‘ccnliigsot Die Hard 2(15’5'135pm‘83Upm. [.‘mnmisc dc Glasgow [hc Clubshnws pfem woman ( 15 ) 4_3()pm (not 531‘ Sun)‘ popular releases. plus a handtul ol special Gyemlinszug) Hispm‘3.3(lpm(gm filmsonThursdaycachmonth.starting 7~20Pm.9.55pm- “"9'1‘5‘ . _ _ . . _ only, Oct 1 1. £2.50(Memberconccssionfl .511). Home You To Death 1 15) 1.10pm (SaLSun Danfle'ous L'alsonsl L“) 0'“ “MSW-4mm lLoye You To Death ( 1s) 1 40pm (not Sui) only). 3.25pm (Sat. Sun only). 5.40pm. I EDmBUBGH HLM GUlLD (WWW! 6.30pm 850p,” i ' 7_55pm‘ 1(),2()pm, Filmhouse. 88 Lothian Road. 228 2688. BackTo theiFuture 3am) 1pm (sat onlv) p - . Crazy People ( 15) 1.15pm (Sat. Sun only I. The annual membership fee “MW-5” S . .. I. )(II, _, ) VI . I. ' O "28/83‘291 . 3.20pm (Sat. Sunonlv). 5.25pm.7.30pm, allows free admission toall main season :Egusfioy; . .I up Hm I CANNON “‘0 “"255 [:“rkhcad 945p,“ ' films and Concessions on l-‘ilmhouse B (cm in ‘m. 0 d, t‘ ‘fu‘k‘ " “' 1- Plesumgd '"nocemtlfl 1 I'ml’m' Wild Orchid ( 18) 5.30pm. ticketsand (iuildevents. includingstudv £31 ()l))l'iiwoil:'lr‘s oliel‘l[(:.Lt)03rlLl film] 2. "emphls Belle(12) 11.45pm. 8'05Pm‘1U-30pm- course's and $0le cvcm‘“ M, .g... .,. 63...; .0 g P 3- AP°l"°'48 "0m 1 18) 1 1-3011!“ GremlinsZ (12) 12.45pm. 3. 1an (Fri. 3.11 We Cook. thermal. His Wile andHer 1‘ Prgsfig‘edmhoceh‘t ‘1);"(1‘ 4 4“ 4-N'9mb'eedll3)11-45Pm- only). Lover( l8)and Chet’s Romance (Sunolllv) (31-h . .1 , .~ ,- (d f ). '1‘ 9'2; ' pm 5' Pt'pe'MasmlS) “359m Bac'llTo The Future3 (PG) l.45pm.-1.30pm 5-30Pm. 2 6:32.53;gfilm.I.;‘“Jr':“:l;l1~) -- - Pm- 6.0I8H8r62115111.30pm. (Fr. Won...) 3.Ricllard III(PU)(Sr1nonlv)5.31lpm.

3 Me... hisaefie ( 1., , .0 ' . so 7- ' “mm” Deal" “Wm- BigtootandTbe Hendersonsu’G) 12.15pm. II EDINBURGH UNIVERSITY FILM SOCIETY 8.“) mp .. .. pm.. .. pm. IGROSVENOR Ashton Lane 2.50pm (Fri‘ Sammy). Contact. Elms‘ myrhc mummccjv 4' Anfim‘e,“ Hours 18 s S. 1. | BoughtAVampIre Motorcycleuxi s ' 04361667 101 1 ext 4514. Annual 3.15 m 8 ‘0 m(niit'lilidYrNWL u“). Hpm' . membership fee()f£18(£l3)givcsfrce ‘p "‘ p 2. The Exorcrst ( l8) 1 lpm. admission to the year's programme ot'over


P'”"'w°'“""“~‘”""'"‘ _ w....,,.,,.....,1.0mWWW EDINBURGH CINEMAS

I CITY CENTHE ODEON chfickj gtrcct‘ I CAMEO Home Street. 228 4141. [D]. Bar 332 8701. Licensed bar. [1)] screens 2.3 “PC” Ml’n—Sill (*1 1-30pm: Sun 6-1 lpm. and 4. £3.10((‘hild ()Al’ 11 .95 [£3.401ast Performanceswmmcncing before 6pm show]; Student [3840 £2.40 [available as £2.5(l(£1.75):uftcr6pm £3010

130 films plus concessionary entr_v to special events and premieres. (iliest tickets are available weekdays from Student Union shops and must be purchased in advance. Films in (icorge Square Theatre on 1—6 Oct are free

advertised“. hm”). sumsalmmmmmc aim-955nm”. Laws £3 (£3.50). : = I showings for [:reshers' week. and are in screen 1 £3.60. All tickets for shows W“ M H93" ( 18) 3.25pm. 6.05pm. 9mm ( 12) 9; 15pm (ThUTSOM}')- "PC" I" 1h“ Pl‘hl'c' commencing before 1.30pm £1 .95. 8"WWW 5C9 315" Edmburgh liltcs- lsgrg'fgheat'e' Advance bookingavailable from box SCC “150 Iidlnburgh Lalcs. a 5 -- Pm~ office ( l lam—7.30pm) or by Visa. Access I CANNON l.othian Road. 22‘) 3030. Bar: I N B U H H 0 U s E g9 E" 290'” Squaw Theatre- minim-(333 9551 ). llam—Z.30pm.5--10pm(Mon—-Fri). Lmhian Rmd 778 9688 Buuiomg." ( l~Pm- Nightbreed ( 12s) l2.45p1n.3.15pm. 1} “m‘ “Tito (sin). (1.311- 10pm (Sun). [1)] “mm mm. S‘un “(L 1‘1 pm ) Rcmum'“ magi: (11:33:83?!qumeal"!- 5.45pm. 8.45pm. _ cinemas- a. 3. l ullman seats (cinema 1 (Mumsat‘ mmnwpm). [E]. Matinccs Th 49 Gem 8 s ~ua}:Th-ea"e Paper M38kt l.t5plT’l.3.3(tpnl.hpn]. (it’ll))L‘JlilllOthfSCiilSil ( 8 “rs 1 ' _ , . . ~ ' -~ \ i _ n.

3"?"“12 - 3 s- s -- - s is] iiiimmilm (MPU'WMW Sh"“'“"mmc"°““g bcf"’°7p"‘£3 lopneencamsrlrur’s lgRandolPh

'8 at l-.._>pm.._.>§pm.>..\0pm. P ~ - F V” 55“} H . ,1 ‘1 8.30pm. 1. Presumed Innocent ( 1)) 1.50pm . . . . ( resccnt. ..._> . . 66. . creeningsorganlsct

, _ _ _ _ ' commencrng after 7pm and double bills£3 , . - I; . .. - H.- . ,8 . The Big Man ( l8) 12.4)prn,_‘s. 15 m 4.50pm. 7.50pm. . y H . I . b). the lnstltut rancalsc .cl .se. g “pm x, “pm P . 2 Memphis Belle ( p) 1 10pm S 10pm (noconcesslons). bookable inadvance. “embers.” Vummcmbmu 75. ~. 3 ‘(u. . . _ H. ‘~. N “..... .. .‘2 .I. . ~- .3. i Total Recall ( l8) lpm. 3.25pm . 6pm, 8210an Faisxvz“gwm "” S "‘ Autoportrait d un lnconnu 4pm. 8.30pm. 8.40pm. 3. Another 48 Hours ( 18) 2.20pm. 5.20pm. 1 Bmadway Danny Rose (PG) 3 30pm Wu] “"03 - - , _ and Juliette 12 6.13 111.830 m. 6.15pm.8.4>pm. IOOMINION .\ewbattle1errace.447 1A" Ange.amyyamguigpgupm p I GROSVENOR Ashton Lane. llillltcad, 2660. Restaurant 10am—3pm. 5—] lpm 515W“. 8pm_ a” ' I CAMEO “mm. Strcct 3:104:98 78l4. glfilltsiurlcm 1:134111‘3; (Mon). 10am- l0.3(lpin('1‘ue-Fri). SAIURDAY 29 Fri 28: ( h1|d()e\l’ £1.50). Seats can now be l0am—noon. 2—1 lpm (Sat). Bar 1.12 Tasks 0' Age,“ (LI) 2pm. The Hitcher ( 18) and High'ande“ 15) “WW “" "M “will? W ""6 "‘.""“~‘P"‘~ WWW" t Mon-Frilitrlllvm nomuala and Juliette ( 121 6. 15pm. 8.30pm. 11.15pm. Scrcs‘mngv lhs‘ hm “"130 IWPCn 3‘7Pm. (_5“‘)1“-3”—3~“’P¥“ (5W1)- [DI-Tick“s 2. An Angel at My Table (l>(3)2.3(lpm. Sat 29: 1_. Presumed Innocent ( 1}) 2pm (not Sun). {1.70for'late matinee shows commencing 5_15pm‘8pm. Abba the Movie ( L') and La cage A“ [tones >.2.‘pnl. 8pm. .‘I~6pm:).2.60((’hl|d Student [1840};170; SUNDAY 30 (IS) ll.15pm. 2. entries and Nlisdern‘eanoursi15):.1llpm ()Alft‘l .slllillshowsexeepieycning 1. Baum“ Feasuumpm Thurs 4. . (not Sun) >40pm..\._0pm. showslne1nema3).1 1 F Tron Belle PomToiulmxjupm' The Unbearable Linmness omeinulx) ll Sec .1|\1i(1lilsgms Latex. 1.Memphl838tt8(l-)...l(lpm,).l()pm‘ zoAn‘ngala'MyTable(PG)5.15pm‘8pm. 11.15pm.

30 lllel N 28 September l l ()ctober 1990