I.- STREET LEVEL 279—281 High Street, 552


2151. Wed—Sat 11am—6pm; Sun 2—4pm. The Three Twins 29 Sept-28 Oct. Photographs of Glasgow‘s three twin cities Nurnberg. Rostoy' on Don and Turin - by three (ilasgow-based photographers. along with images of Glasgow by

photographers front the three cities.


Street. 332 7521. Tue—Sat l0am—5.3(Ipm: : Sunl~5.3iipm.

Thomas Lawson Until 6 Oct. Paintings and

installations with a critical edge to them by a ( ilasgow—born artist who has lived in

New York forthe last fiftecnycars. TSWA Four Cities Project Until 28 Oct. A

y ery major project inyoly'ing artists from all oy er the world. Challenged to create


of an art gallery. artists are also mounting

works in Newcastle. Plymouth and Derry.

(‘ontact the Third Eye (‘entre for

locations of the seven (ilasgow artworks. National Review of Live Art iii—14 Oct. See

under 'I'heatrc Listings. I TRAMWAY Albert Drive. 423 9527.

Daily lilam< lllpm.

The Glasgow Mela t'ntil 30 Sept. A

celebration of Asian art and culture. the

melu is a market in which the merchandise consists of food. spices. textiles. jewellery

. and pottery. In this meluthcre will alsobe

performers - jugglers. magiciansand escapologists and a large exhibition of artetacts from India and the sub-continent.

Temparamenti I I ()ct---18 .‘s'ov. A major

' exhibition of ten contemporary artists

from the north of Italy . featuring some of the most influential names in modern sculpture. including large-scale works

3 specially selected for the Tramway space.

I TRANSMISSION GALLERY 28 King Street. 552 4813. Mon—Sat noon—6pm.

Keith Piper I'ntil 29 Sept. Piper is a London-based artist whose large-scale Video and film installation fills the whole gaHery.

Belfast MA Fine Art Show 8—le Oct.An exhibition of work by recent graduates front the L'niy'ersity of Ulster.

I WASPS 26 King Street. 5520564.

Mon— Fri 9am—5pm.

A shop. exhibition space and resource centre. with information on work by all WASPS artists. slide library and information about how to commission work.

We Dream As We Live-Alone 1-29 Oct. Recent paintings by WASP artist Annette Iidgar. who uses colour. texture and fluid paintwork to convey feelings about the figure. landscape and the sea in related. semi-abstract compositions.

I WILLIAM HARDIE LTD 141 West Regent Street. 221 6780. Mon—Fri 10am—5pm.

Scottish paintings from the gallery‘s stock.

I WOODSIDE LIBRARY 3-13 Woodsidc Road. 332 1808. Mon—Fri 10am—8pm. Sat 10am—3pm. Closed Wed.

Beyond The Barricades Until 7 Oct. Part of the Sechaba (‘nation') festival ofcultural resistance to apartheid. Black and white

John R.J. Taylor: Ideal Home, Portfolio Gallery, Edinburgh. One of the surreptitious pleasures of looking fora new place to live - especially if you are buying somewhere and have a justifiable excuse for a longer, harder look- is examining intimately how strangers live. Look in the loo for damp patches underthe cistern, or in the cupboard underthe sink checking the plumbing; explore the size of built-in wardrobes; lift the carpet for evidence of hidden cracks and rottenness. Incidentally take note of colour schemes, furniture, pictures, anything out of place, the bed . . . It’s a legitimised voyeurism. Something similar goes on looking at this exhibition, only mediated through the sensibility of the photographer John B.J. Taylor. Taylor is working on a large project recording a north London suburb: the particular section of it featured in this exhibition and accompanying book were taken between 1983 and 1987 in the home of Taylor's sister, Brenda. The photos are presented with her comments - on objects that have now been discarded or broken, on what she thought her


brotherwas looking for, or interpretations of what the image means to her.

The viewer feels a little voyeuristic and uncomfortable, being allowed to stare for so long at someone’s bedroom wallpaper, or in theirwardrobes or rubbish bin. These feelings are kept in check by Taylor’s editing of images or his check on his own prurience in selecting subjects to photograph. Brenda’s dirty laundry is not washed in public— in either sense of the phrase. It’s a respectful tour around her habitat. The only two images hinting at what goes on behind the (almost) immaculately clean and tidy presentation are the look at the rubbish bin and the image of dog shit on the lawn - which Brenda finds disgusting and hopes is a joke on John‘s part. The viewer is left wondering at the relationship between brother and sister (incredibly trusting? exploitative?), what Brenda makes of the show now, and why Taylor selected his sister. Whatever the answers, the viewer is challenged to make comparisons with their own habitat. (Hilary Robinson)

work by South African photographers. many taken in the heat and danger ofthe anti-apartheid struggle.


I THE ASI‘I GALLERY 156 Canongate. 556 216i). .‘slon—Sat 10am—6pm.

From Barga and Picinisco to Edinburgh via Venice, Florence, Lucca, Arezzo, San Gimignano, Orvieto and all those Scottish

towns and villages on the road to Meikleseggie, including South Dueenslerry Until 29 Sept. Paintings. drawingsand prints from Richard Demarco. oleotirse. Demarco compares the architecture of Setitland and Italy and describes in his paintings and drawings his his e of man-made spaces. built in harmony with nature.

20th Century Icon Series: In Defence of Sensuality L'ntil 29 Sept. Mixed media

pieces from Jane MacAlhster whose concern for the human condition leads liei to explore the dialectics of physical and metaphysical.

(iaIIeryclosed lwll ()ci.

I BARNES 8r FITZGERALD J‘berrge Street. 32” Lil).5 .\lon»SaI Ill.3lIam—5.3lipm.

Baku Works and Monoprints by Berenice AICDCK I Illlll 2‘) Sept. Alcock's \ esscIs at c based on fossils and rock formations. while her Iiguratiy e pieces draw on still-life as well as imaginary influences Next exhibition starts l.‘~()et.

I LA BELLE ANGELE l lasties (

(’ow gate I next to 3N) (iallcry l. 325 TU 'l‘ues-vSatSam Fpm ('ate now open during gallery hours

Mixed Show I 'ritil 1 ()ct. Paintings. drawings and sculpture by local artists The Environmental Mural t'ntrl .‘~I ( )ci limphasi/irig the beauty of l'diiiburghand its surrounding countryside. tlic mural illustrates ilie problems ys e may tace rl ensironmeritaldamage is not halted. MIXED Show I I‘) ( )ct. \\ .ilclc‘tiliilils. «ills, photography and sculpture by localariists. I BLUE MOON CAFE (ill Iii'ougliiori Street. 55(i3".‘s’.\[ .\ion Sat 12 “pm,

Figures and Fish 1 ‘ntil 4 ( )ct. Idliot .Iariics Stark's mixed media works are inllucnced by Alrican and ethnicart.

Stephen Fairclough 5- 3n ( )ct Itshibrtioii by lidinburgh-based photographer.

I BOURNE FINE ART -1 l) Street. SS7 4Il5ll. Mon I-r'i lilam (ipm. Sat

Illam 1pm.

(ieneral exhibition ofScottrsh paintings. ISIIIIV I‘ISII.

I BRUNTON THEATRE FDYER ltr union Ilall. .‘ylusselbuigli. (m5 3" I .\Ion Sat 2 ts’pm.

Faye Banks: Drawings and Paintings 1 'nlil ZIIUCI. The Ilrsi til Ititll L‘\Ilibllltms organised by liast I.othran's ( ~omniunity History and ANS-IIIISI. luye Banks isan Iidinburgh (‘ollege of Art graduate who Iiy es and works in .\lusselburgh. here show irig her recent work

I CALTUN GALLERY III Royal 'I cr'race. 55b llilll. \lon liri Iliani bpm;Sat

Illam ~lpm.

A display of 19th century Scottish paintings. includingstill-lites. ysatci'colours and some sculptures

I CENTRAL LIBRARY ( ieorgc IV Br rdgc. 325 558-1. .‘ylon I‘rr 9am Spin; Sat Dani-noon

Capital Architecture: 150 Years of Architecturein Edinburght'ntrltitm Io celebrate their jubilee. the Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland has organised an exhibition and a ser resof lectures also at the library wrtli tlieaim of paying homage to lidiriburgh's architectural past and adressing some new. controy'ersial issues.

Scottish Country Life [hill 2‘) Sept. Edinburgh at Warl‘nril l.‘~()et. UNICEFl'ntiI 15 Oct.

I CITY ART CENTRE 3 Market Street. 325 242-1 ext hti5ll. Mon Tue Sat llIam—bpm‘. Wed Thurs Fri lIlam—-‘)pm: Sun 12- (rpm.


93 North Street, St. Andrews, FIFE KY16 9AL

Tel. (0334) 74610


FOR A' THAT Contemporary artists look at Burns


C R AW F O R D Prints from Eastern Europe

5 CHURCH SQUARE CERAMICS C E N T R E New works from local ceramicist

Monday - Saturday 103m - 5pm Sunday 2pm 5pm Admission Free

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tiles, ceramics, jewellery, weavings, masks, music and other folk crafts from Mexico, Central 8; South America.

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66'l'he List 28 September— I I October 1990