
4” {a


Ameriettii temihixt .-\_\‘E)Rtis\ DWt' )RKIN’ ix hext kann in this e‘uunti} t‘ni‘ he hemte l’t)/'Ii’«)kg’/'(.’/)/Z\" .tlen l’tmtMing; Women theihlixheet NR1). He‘l‘itite‘sti‘ttttk.LtltttVCieeiCLtiS \Vith rape.

- Hilary Rtihinxon met her and ehxe‘uxxeet the tun hooks.

he ttt‘ae‘ t‘uti'r; that 1 ya etttlit httiiexth xa\ e‘haneeet im htu~ amt ahei‘etE [m at»; tit'thiiikiiigix’ax t’w'w[ma/M'ii': film

iiiitititwiath xe\ti.ilh . mtelh e‘tiisilh.

'e‘\tjt'\ page e'itttiie‘tttl'e'“ the i'eaetei ttt i'ee‘eeiiixe the truth tit'u hat ix heth ‘w'titi. lt ix a i‘ttiiti1\\l'tite‘ttit‘ttttt\tt>1ttttte‘ti.tt‘ie‘e‘t.” ix

e‘tiriiiileteh tiiie'wiiipimiii~we. it ix :wae‘tet’. tiii

iiite-heettialh at! atmi‘g the may fit” equine. 1‘.

tittehieeiie‘e and ; \V‘IA: ti'miiie t‘i i‘eteie-iive.

i)\‘,t‘t'i~etit heuiiix h\ {Lie‘tl'tti'\ Lite the xex en in v\\e‘t‘~»

tittiiaxe‘tttsiiit‘q the mime i wt xetthnwei: phtxieai

xti'eiiuih: titt‘xe‘ txxupiit tvitzether tit e'ixsate the

ptmei tltie‘t't't‘t'i\e'. the fume? at". iiaitaiiigi the

imuei’ tit nu itittL' tttt ‘ttite‘ in met: met xe\_tiat

P'WNL‘i \ii‘e' iite "i :it ‘«\ t'\t‘i{, i:»\lit\1li\\k-heyeil pm tit Ij-gi‘aphx ix in with iii thix xittlai it‘i‘. am] hi iv it tittie'tttiiix It! in Mei i‘e iiiiiiiix i‘e'i‘x‘wje'ti Hie-ii tli‘ai mane-ii.

{Muti‘kiii'x tale-xi ht 't‘ix. \I.” . ix a mike"; it

twhmxx the tite \ t it mutiatii it'irttt the .ie‘e «It time tit

tx theittei iapex tutti twist the t‘tt‘tltt tit \ te‘\\

lit the \xtiiiiait ittt ix axxaliiteei. Rain: 1‘ extie-iiie‘ik

ehthe'tih tnhe'eiii tt‘ xiieaie‘ atmtit iii am e‘t‘vhe ith axhitiii. i)\‘-‘.‘IL.l‘itit‘L'\\ vi“ xhittlttj; hei ti\L‘t‘i laiigtiaee- 'hi'utigh the hm ii“ taieiii: ae'eettiit mt the \xwmaii~x age. aziet iii pat t uh t‘i ee;tai:i t\ I‘t“~t‘i

I]tt\L‘i~\\t'tittt: She ieewte'iixe-xe'teai'i\ the

ehthettitx «it .‘tt'ite‘ttii!itlt}.‘_ the truth wt \ksiiiieii‘x


xat what we thmt»; ix \eije hiiatw‘;~ 'td\ei_\xtt1tt_\ etwiie atmtit him \xwiiieii xiiexiix aiiet hmi. iiie'ii xpeate xhtm that \Miiiieii twi’iiitilate t‘t‘ltttttlt\;t\ tttlL'\ittttt\. t‘;ttt\e‘ iii the iiiithhe- tit x_ iite-iieex Ht twittei twh't iiieii xix ah tatee- Hit iziae h texwa the time i it am emit\eixatiw:i. giggle v. heat making a xe-r'ititixiwiiit t'ii‘. :iwt talteizieatwtit ttt.t\;‘ll;tittttt ttihe ie‘tt‘ltltillt‘ l‘ii‘. tatteiiiti (twat itite'iitiiixeet

‘.;1lttt‘\iitlti\\e'te‘t.tte‘l'.et‘tt‘xe’h'tl‘w‘i t \t I\ titiie \Ke‘e‘~;‘e‘ttt'ttet‘tztfftie’ie'tt‘(“tttiti‘le‘tti‘\tttttt‘t‘t'ti\

1' it"e't I‘tlt\e'i\t'\itt

l’ux'xt'xxnie Wit/Hen h}. .'\iieh'e-a Huiii'taii.

0 R $

littitit‘ii.‘ thix ix ‘xttttte‘titttlfl that Dutii'kin hax made a e‘miixe‘intix ettmit tn emih‘tint in her \k‘t'itiitg. \Vhat

.‘i/t'rt'i aehieVex ix mm a ximple ‘telling it him it ix"

Lt~,'e‘t‘llttt «it'a \k'timaii'x L‘\pe‘t'te‘tte‘e‘. hilt takes the language that hax heeii ttx‘eit tn \x‘i'ite ahntit rape amt \L‘.‘;tlttitt\ hum a mate \ iexx'tttiint. and tmx‘tx it ittttti it it .xpeakx it‘t' the \Viiman and her

etei eltipiiie 'm 'ii'eiiexx «it \\ hat ix heiiig thine tn her at ii'iiiitxthi'uiieh hei'ht‘e

'I i‘tiaete :t \ UH Wile‘t‘t I xtai'teei tn \\ the m_\ hunk «it put iiiwei‘apht' that theie \xill nut he «me \Kttl'ti 0i ettttti\‘§l\ tt‘. thix timiie. Itt‘t hit hem}; ah\ e. nut t'eii‘ \\ i'itme it. there xx itt HUI he tine mint Hi. “I‘m ‘xt ~i‘i‘\. t eti rii't tenth}. meaii thix.” 'I‘hei‘e \xtm't he twaettmsi'matted‘ e'Xit.§it51L'ltttie‘tt\e‘itt‘t'e‘. I‘m tint a xe-i'iwtix t‘e‘lw iii.“ I haei i‘eaehe'tl the piiiiit \\ hete I Ht itieeet that the teiiiiiiixt \xtii'kx I learned \t‘ itttlt'i] h't tttt \xei'e tittetl tth that \‘tttii. Iha\ e ti‘iett m tttt it tttlt tti mt \\ i'itiii; e‘H‘DIitttt}; that 1 er. uiixielt-i'eet 't» he a xigh and a x}. mhnl mtkipmlmet tni heme ati\e. t [itil‘ih \xniiieiix ai‘t ix riddled with aiitilmet 1 it tteeph Hiie‘itth me tn \L‘L,‘ it. the e \ample wt xeeiiie tii i‘eaehtig mii tex that are HUI ai‘iittieetie‘ aiiet tit‘ Htti aeti\eh etith male .iii[‘-i'e‘e‘iatmii \et :ti‘e‘\\iihii;; titattetie'xx;i\\ii1'htiii u hieh meii t"\’i\i tht ixe are exaiitplex that lead ti ixxai‘ttx Ile‘e‘th‘ttt lettiii‘t think there ate man} «at them.‘

\Vhile- the tut iii that the htmte takex ix e\ti'eme't_\ e'ai‘ettiih xti'tte‘ttii ed. the euiiteitt hitx at L'Ltt ie‘\e‘i. \‘aii‘. \\tttttt'lt ieatliiie the t‘iiuk \xill i‘ee‘neiiixe anti ‘reiii ‘u \Uttttj tit \\ hat the \xnmaii in it expei‘ieite‘ex. \iam meii \ittttliti i‘ee‘wgiiixe‘ axpee‘tx Hi theii' nu it he ha\ tttlH. l’ei hapx \\ hat ix mmxt ete\ axtatiiie tor a wimaii ix that \tlte'e‘ _\t‘tl ha\ e i‘ee'ueiiixett xttttte‘ axiiexe‘t Hi the htmte'x titith. then the enm'mtt_\ tit \\ hat the hunk ax a \\ hmle ix ettiiii}; L‘\;ththItL‘ tttpt' ham e \ei \ tt\}‘t-“e‘i imxxihle thi‘titteh the \. t'itte‘it‘tti tttte‘ \xwmaii‘x ilie‘ 1xaxtei1iua huge amt tttt‘ii «it the ieaete-i' «in aii iiiiiiie-eh'ite. L‘Httttttttteti ie‘\ e‘l. I hix 1x ittte‘tttt' tiial tin l)\xni‘kiiiix pait: "Mt