Stanlex .Ittt‘elttn. I’t‘et‘ah Sprout. Paul I Izttg. Ride. and Settttts‘h ()pet‘a‘s The I wits/titre Brit/(terrmm,


Hammer man

Ix'ennx' Mathtesttn hears hnxx' Stanlex' .Ittt‘tl'an LIL‘\'I.\L‘LI a new xx'ax' to play the guitar. httt xx'nntlet‘s it he has l‘nttntl the right things tn plax'.

(ttlllalht Stanlex .tht't‘an I‘tll'\l tIIIIll the law \eette

tn lttai with the t’eleztse ttl Itl\ tleltttl alltttttt ttn Iiltte \ttte. I/tre'tr l) ’ttfi/l. altItxtttult the \‘.tlItI aItttttt lIll\ gttttat tttntlte‘x‘ Itatl Iteett gum; at‘ttttntl ex'en I‘M'Il we then. lttelletl ltx Ill\ appeatanees till the stteetsttl \exx tttt'h antI Ittx\eItpt'ittItteetI tlelttttalltttnt [IIJHI/I.\I(I’I\/[1‘I(IIIlIh:I..'\ILIIIIIIkI xx Itett L'tlltal' xx as llltlIxIIIf; a ttz'tttlttztttttx ettttteltaek Ill lit/1’. .htt'tlatt slittttltttll llt'l \tl nttteh lr tl xx Ital Ite plaxetl lt tt the xxax he ttlaxetl II.

I Il\ teeltttttttte tlI ttlax in: xx ttIt I‘t‘III IILlIltI‘\ «in the ttetltrtattl in a Itatntttet lllf.‘ lllt tllt‘ll xxas Iltll entttelx xxttht ttt itteeetlent Itttt tentatnetl a ttnttttte IIItI \tll ttt'tstn; phetttttttettittt. antl tine xx htelt eattght tlte intactnattttnul an atttItenee Itextttttl tlte \tantlattl ettnltnesttl the ta// tine. ax the \;:Ie\ ltuttt’es It It Itl\ t'eeitt‘th tttttelxlx t’ex ealetl I he Italt‘tlltel'lltt: teehnttttte. xx hteh xxas x tsttaIIx' as xerI as attt'allx \tttntttttg. uaxe hint a t'etttat‘ltaltle. alntmt ttl'e‘IlL'\II'tlI l;tpe\ll'_\ tlI \tttIIIxI limit the III\IIIIIIIL‘III. xx liteh \xas exaetlx xx hat Itatl pt‘ittnptetl tlte e\pet‘tttteltl tn the Ill‘\l plztee.

‘.\I_x Itl‘\l llt\ll'tllltL‘ltI xx;t\ l‘lillltt. xx hieh I liegatt plax tnu \xItett I xxas \tx.‘ .Ittt‘tlan IllItI the. Inn xxhen I was eIex en I stat‘tetl HII gttttat'. tnatnIx I‘eeattse I xxas xet‘x IIIIl‘ ItItle‘\ :tt tltat pitittt. antl gttttat‘seetnetl a ltettet llt\Iltlllle‘ltt Ittl that ltltl\lt’. I Itegan tl\lllL‘ ettnx‘enttttnal \lx Ies. I‘tll at'tttttttl ltt'tx txt‘ I‘l'77 I stat‘tetl In experiment xx ttIttttItet‘ appt‘ttaehes. .\t that ttnte I xxas plax mg; a Ittt t‘I

tttattit. ttttl I re.

xx Ittt'It set ttte I u

tII‘. IlIxe-tIll\

It ‘\ItlI.lI i‘xtle‘lIlllt‘N

‘Iellltl Ittl \‘.;l}\ tit :et a IllgIlt‘l‘ Iexel

til titulai‘lttttt}. Illtllr lIte L‘,‘lll.ll.

‘I inelgt tell the .i tilt‘ttI atttl IeeI «it the guitar.

atttl IIIL' l.ttt

[ttt\~tlttltte~~ tlll:

{It ll tltete ’te' ntttt'e lllltI‘l';tI

.ttt ltIa'x tltllet'ent xxaxs Ill get

tItlletettt ttttt. tltlJIlIlL'nlIltI I\III~_I‘~UI attack. LllltI


I xx ttttetl tit Itax e .tII lIltt\<,'

L‘t‘eal titltl‘at lltttte‘x I‘ttl .tht It‘ Ite .tItIe tit

tttehestt ate the \x‘tllltI\ lllt tl'e IIIqu a. Tux Itititl tl.

‘I lieuatt tit e\l‘L'llllle‘llt xxttlt tgelttttttttex xxtththattIeltttttegttaIttttttttttl.wthentttttxatttttt Itelttntl the teeItnttttte xxas tttttsteal. tatItet than tttst txt plax in an tllltl\tl;lI xxax tttattt'ae! mine


.\t that llllle'. I xt as plaxttt: a let it! ta//

in :t xetx l‘tll‘l\t hlllxItlI tntntluet l telIeetetI Iatet (in I‘m ltne.‘tta/it/tm/x I'm/'1' allttttttl. xxIten I tell that the I‘e\l thin: xxas tit plat. ttt tlte Il.ttIlIll‘ll.tI xxax . Inn at the sattte littte I xxas .txxate that I extttltln‘l teaIIx xItl the IIllllfJ\ I xx.intetl tn tltt' .Int'tlattktitsextxettesntatIeatteleelt'tlxtnu

tntpaet . Itttt IeIt the \MIKI tltssenttn: xtttee xxttntlet‘tngt ltl\l Iltt\\ tntteIt there xxas I‘CIIllltI that IL‘L'IIIIItltIL‘. 'I'he gttttat'tst xx as eleat Ix an rttttstantltn}; teehtttetan. Itttt that tlttes IIHI alxxaxs translate tnttt a great llltl\lel.tll. mm a L'L‘llllIlTL' depth and tttttlet'stantltne ml the llttt\tL' he tries tn ltlLl\lL'l'. a pt'nx thxhteh t~ exitettallx tt'tte lll tan.

I)tltII‘I.\ xxet'e again tatsetl Itx his tlantetittentetl Hx me Hume alltttttt tn I‘lhcx. tine xx liteh \k't‘IIIL'lI Itl L‘pllttllll\e the t‘IlitlgtNttl \tlt'I'tee ‘_'It‘\\ laid at Illm tltxitt‘. Ills latest alltttntt t'tl'illtt'rt/lr'rt'. ltIetttls sttntethtng (II that gt‘mtx e IeeI xx ttlt a lltt tt'e stt’athtt—aheatl t:t// apprttae It. IIIIkI the gttttar'tst t'etnatnsenttt’elx ttttapnlttgette.ttxtttt eeleettetstn. xx IttIe t‘eetttintstttu that that he Il.l\\llII \tttttexxax txtte'xt.

‘II I Itatl tt i [‘luI‘. tine llltl\le x‘-. Itteh xths lit". laxttttt'tte then I xxttttltl sax ta//. I‘ttlI tt \x.t\ nexet tlte ttttlx llltl\lt_‘ I Ittxetl I lie 'Itttttz that I Itaxe Iteen xxutt‘latt}; xtll \tnt‘e I Iteettttte a tttttstetatt tx tit plztx the tttttstexx Itteh I leeltttxttte - \ttlllt‘llltle\ IIllI l\

it the ttttte. atttl

ax! tllltl « tlllt‘llllie“\ tl l\ stintethttttt .l Ittlle tIII let'ent ‘ltlltl twek .tlltI I‘IllL'\ IIll'ttll‘L‘Il Ill etttteet‘t llltl\l\ lxt a\ Illebe e'lltttltilt Ill \ttttlx xxtth the etttttpttset \Illlttlt II.tI‘I‘lll .tt e‘ttIIL‘gL‘.

‘I tealtsetl xxhett I xxas LtI‘tttll te n tl eIe': en that I \KtIIIItI Itax e tit \IIILI:~ a Ix‘I ttl tlteittx . Iteeattse tItet'e xx et’e a hit «tl \llIIIItI\ I xxas LlI‘It‘ tit ttttauttte. I‘tll I tlttltt‘t ltnttxx let'xx Itl itlax tItettt ItIeettletI IIl'lI I had tttexitantl tttx llltl\lt';tI xrtetltttlat’x Ill the tttttnt '.x here I t‘ttllItI pt‘ettx xx eII ttItx anx IIlllltI xx Ille'Il eante Itl ttte. LtIItI ittte til the tuastxtts xxltx I t‘lllltIltl\l\L‘tI ta// l\ that ll ht~ \tleIl a Iattje tntt~teal xiiealtttlatx. I ant tIttlll‘u a hit til xxttttn: til tnx t‘\\Il tight IItl\\ , and I IItlllI\ tttx tte\l allttttn ‘~.\lII ittttltaltlx Ite all ltl_\ txxxn \Itlll.

‘I'xe I'tee‘ll a Pl'tlIL‘\\lttll;lI tttttstetan It‘l ten xeat's, atttl I Itax e ettt littll ttt‘ ltx e teut'i'tls. littt tight nttxx I leeI Ilhk‘ I am ltl\l stat‘ttttg {gain It‘sas tl I hax e wnlx Illl\\ put the tttttlx tiwetltet Ill \Ill xxltat I t'eaIIx' xxantxxttlttttx tttttste.' - Slim/M fun/rm /2/r2, (jrrr'r'tt'x Hit/I. lu’trt/ttrl‘e/t. /‘/i’)r/,t\..I/l/t/tt;/\’uttr/(‘ut;it'2't/'/rr//.(i/r1.x13uti'_3/}

(let. a ill/wt.

I IT‘S THAT TIME olyear label printers. specialist againwhen we make lawyers.videoproduction desparatepleasloranyone companies. usetul whothinksthey shouldbe organisations—all kinds ol included in this year's ‘Rock contacts. in tact. ‘The Rock Report'to contactus atthe Report'wlllcomeoutasa editorial address. We'd like 32-page supplementto our to hearlrom anyone 8Novemberissue. providing serviceslor IFORTHEREAL musicians: studios and alicionados otBearsden rehearsal rooms. shops. PA and Bellshill cool.

hire. vans. lighting. tape 'Pastelism' is unleashed duplicators. sleeve and uponthe world. Atanzine


extollingallthewondertul thingsthatmakebeinga Pastel worthwhile. the first issue includes Calvinlrom BeatHappening on hishero Lee Hazlewood. Duglas lrom The BMX Banditsin conversation with Stephen PastelaboutJonathan thhman. Brian Orchard on Jim Carroll. poetry byPat Laureate. aTeenage Fan Clubinterview. AggiPastel onherlovelorspeedways. pictures cutoulolan old ‘BluePeter' annual. anda notelrom Stephen Pastel himsell: 'Jostin case you'vegotany‘weirdos at

"The List", please tell them they can't be a Friend olThe Pastels and wear a lringed skirt.‘ Well. that's ruined Media and Sport editor Parsons' chances tor a start.Available atE1.50 lrom Passive Publishing. PO 80x549. Glasgow (312 QBP.

I AND IN A shock move. Johntrom FiniTribe has announced his plan to remix tracks bygrungey. theatrical Gargleblud (as seen on Scottish Television's religous yool prog 'lcon' explaining that they’renotactually

Satanists, they just like cotlins. candles . .. disembowelment. thatkind olthing). This coupling could have curious results.

“There's Two Kinds ot Music. atHMV on SauchiehallStreet. The shocking revelation olthe week was not that he was

and Gargleblud have bornMichaelBarrettand arrangedacoupleol turnedlo denim and 0A3 Hallowe'engigsto 1 afierhiscareerpresenting

celebrate - oh. all right.

Auld Nick himsellwouldn't

have preventedthem

playing at that time olyear.

I THE CHANCE ot a liletime I

comes on Monday 15 at

4pm.whentherock I

superstarShakin'Stevens. I l

‘Nationwide‘ lloundered. but that his first album came out in 1969—which makes Shakey and Elvis almostcontemporaries. and Shakey one olthe loundinglathers ol rock'n'roll after alll Well. hepre-dated‘My Ding-aLing' byalew months anyway.

rejuvenated by the support ot‘Viz'. willbe signing copies of his new album.

I 1% )e'lxtI‘L'l I‘l‘lll29