IMega City Four:Who Cares WinstDecoy) \IL'L'a (iii I l‘IlI \ gheew 'itp'

iitthcthiaxhixitit'al lll.tIL‘ll.t]|t‘I Iiii'Ihiiu amt tiith; t I ‘ll\t heat that \(‘It‘lII\LIHILHHIL'\11LYLIy. .x»i:I=i\iitit It‘w.‘.it\ thirtit tilaih pittIiIL'matiL‘ Iui [LIII'W nut IlIlL'l‘:\L'I\ Iamihai \\IIIIIIIL'llHlll]‘llI. .tl‘ttillllttili\lII\IL‘IIIHIIII\ .ilhiizttxwtttgaxctixiiiuiti \I‘ttt[IttJiIIIIL‘IL'IIL‘C.iI‘iillI iL-iiitiiiititmiiititthclitsl \tth- HII',IIEI\I\.II~.‘\'HILL lIi‘I.tL'IL'.illltii‘IIIL‘pL'JlL'tL h\tt'it\1hetiatiohcgintii ‘L‘IMIJIL‘III\_'III\L’1\L'\IIIIH lIt;' the.‘tttttaiiaxxiiiti (Mgi/t-aiitiis Iit'timtiti tutti) .tI‘t iIItiii.\‘:ett‘IietI \I‘LilL\ at. wetntsiitiiai .tIILI tug-tt'i2‘.ci'».:iittilh; iitxititiiittil withltie‘htianiiL-L'L

Hill [LIK\C

tIIiitti‘It'x .tic \i'I‘L'IiI‘hL'ia}

\\L.illk'\ Int»

.ixtittichaitih \xviilii ti)tfiitliiiitu'.\ttt'ii L‘itittittittt'tihL'atIIttityhy thepiv)x‘llii;ghaiittiiitto antirhythittsittthc' I’i‘xit'x-lihisNIL-«L'itt'ei'iti ‘tItL-cnciuetic \‘I‘llllll\lllill

" the title track \Ic‘gabih

It titt hau- matte antithcr gtttithxh alhtim and IIUHIIL' asks tut IIIUIL' than that

I LIIIIIJ Shephetdi


I PeterBlegvad: King Strut and OtherStories (Silvertone) IIIL‘IL'JIL' plenti til Lft'ntiiiic' I‘IL’;I\IIIL'\IIII IIII\

IIIH\IL\ .lL‘t‘lhIIL'JH‘UITI. BIL-twat! l\ .tntteeaxittnalh insptictt I\ l lL'l\l. at Ill\ IIIIL‘\1HIIILIL'IIILL‘IIJL‘h.


tune It‘ U‘IIIL‘IIII‘LIIL' \u‘ll

'( )n( II‘\L‘\\IUII..

IIIIHIIIL‘ ltlL'IIlI. the psychcttclia IIIILIL'II ‘Suim‘ anti ‘Shtit .lllti( with. a \«tnuitt htw.iiitttiextttiun \KLIIL'LItil\l‘l.t‘.\.tth’llllltk' SUIHHII'IIHII .iitL‘L'xtH Iititithi laxhiitiit‘ti I‘IL‘.I\IIIL'\IIIIII\L'I} LIIIIL'hhIlttll‘t)\1\lttlttjptt\l IIIL'II \L‘lIh} tIatL'. ‘Niniihet‘n I tight! I\ the will HI \l;'l\l\ It‘lh IHL’I'x Ihatiiihit \I.ti'i\iiiti Righaiti Ihttittpxttiixxitiihi \I‘L‘Ilil.iLIL‘t'.ttIL‘II\III¥IU Iixt'tiittxiiginti’t le'hk'lh. the la/ilvpact‘ttthat." Itl//III1IIIL‘L'I.l\.I\I.tIILHI\ Ivint't’itiixitztit-iititthL thixthc‘ai‘itt III\II‘I\ ‘Iiit.t_t:iii.ttii»ii.hia‘a IIIII\L'IL‘.'i\IHIIILIL‘tl\L‘\\lIII pukigiw.‘ hL‘L‘iicsttnthL‘ tilletiapk Iliilllllle'



pttmpinuitun. hut BIL'}_'\.ILIUH \IL‘I'UILI\\\ULIIII tcalh L‘L'\UITIL'ILIIII}_‘. (x\l.t\ltlll\1.tI‘I‘UlII IThe Darling Buds: Crawdaddy (Epic) Isn‘t rim imp Iatk a tickle htisiiic‘ss'.‘ ()ITL‘ IIllllllIL‘ titti‘i‘c‘ on [up ()I [lit’ I’M/ix anti gem-rth I‘L'iitggL-xetyttiic'x Ianttiritc check} chappicw and the next yuan- I‘L'L‘UITIL‘ lIlU\l\‘itI leper» I he Hailing; BULI\ L‘L‘IILIIIII} LiUILI dcsetx L' tti he (firm dei‘ l\ a IIIIL‘ alhttm. less Ii/zi than l’ri/t .S'trtti. htit matiiitt) can h.t\ L' a \M‘IILIL'IIUIL‘HL'L'I \‘v'ithitiit L'xc‘c'i‘tiiin th;~ \itnuxxiitintl hkcxttnes tathL-i thaii the spirited IIIILIIL'\HI Mite. Stitch itim IIIUIL' than L'\L‘I \xt- lIL'L'tIIItH hand ;t\;tll antithitctrit‘hat‘t nitrmx lhiit then [\itltl that ahiiiit 'I'hc Might} I L'Iittlll I Imps anti Iiitik \x hat happened In them I. "I in} Machine” and ‘( 't'_\\taI ( 'lL'ai are ultit‘iitttssintzlw. helped L'iitiimtitish h} Hailevx increase-ti giittai range and Stephen Stiect'sptixtint- PIHKIUL‘IIHII. \Vith \xintt‘i thawing tn. ( rttiii/att’t/i I\ the llthIL'Ltl L'LIIII\.I1L‘III tit snuggling tip iit Iiitni tit a IL'LIIIIIL' (James H;IIII‘IIIIIIIII IRobert Forster: Dangerin the Past(Beggars Banquet) he ( iii-Iietuut'nx‘ HIUHL' LI.I\LII\\;I\\1‘CL‘IILIIIL‘HI thi- iititxtL-Iittttit'itt L‘\}‘I‘\'\\IUII\ HI inelatighitha in pup. htit I‘HINIL‘I tilt Itl\ IIINI \UIII L'HUI'I. \iiiux like he's settingtipaghallcnucttti ;lll\tlltt‘\KIIHIIIIIIK\1IIL‘\

kiitm mutt- .thtttit despiii than him ll‘\[L'[‘IUI\\.HLI and. pctehancc. Lin home in ait .tlTlI‘lllJlk‘L‘ tttr IIIL‘II IIHI‘CIIIIIL‘IIL'L‘ ;\ L‘UIIIIIL‘IIIHIL’. [ilk'Il‘I ma\ he Lil‘~\'LIU|(L‘\‘iH.1LL\L'L'\L\ \hclx I l.ti\ m I Inuit Race and 'I hiiittax \\ \ hh’l ax L'iillahtttatttts I hen. as thee-int appiiiacttcx it LI;i\\it\Ih;il IIIL‘IL'alL‘ actually \HHLI\(IL Ii.tppitte\\hcicxttnh

I HI\IL‘I (hittist titatiattge anti \IIIL'. them as IIIHIIL'LI truth the pit tit deepest LLL‘I‘IL'\\IUII }'\L'II[LIL‘ alhttm'x must I.lllL‘t)ll\

‘I )L'ai Itlag‘n Dicaitt (“IIILII\I‘IllttIII\ILIL‘

Iiiitnit \t lines. "\It line and I \II III Iit'tt iii the

dark \Vttitttctittuuhit \IIIIJ\I‘L'IIL‘I tn lhcttat‘k Is it [t‘\\llL'\ \fitii /.titiIt (‘1 is it ( iti_\ ( 'lailx‘ " I. l\ \[ItlIIL'L‘h titties»

(r\|a\t.t1l \Iahhittt)

IThe Charlatans:Some Friendly (Dead Dead Good) I'hc- I ‘hailataits entertain III" marketing iti;tn\ \KIILIL'\II;III[£1\IC\ _\HUII_L’. puttitlai and \LN} . they at still It‘iii; IIL'III tn a {next}, It'\ a shame then that with the I|I\I (‘IL"§1\HHCHH\LIHI K‘A‘LI‘IIIIK.L\.]\11\L'QKK‘\\. little

L‘lllpilihh has I‘L'L'it placed

UT] \\ hat makes them w darned tzth iii the Mist place the brilliance and LII\L‘I\II} tit theirwngx, the UTIL‘IIIHIH highlighted Stum- Riixcx \llilllilrlIlL‘\ and (it Is retcrcnc‘c pttllll\ crop up here tint ULIL‘II tit he \kti tut ai'tttinti tht‘ \HLIC-c‘M‘LI iiiyttll lLl\pU\;tL‘I|IL\ itt ‘\VhiIL‘ Shirt. IIIL‘\plI.’tHlll}_’ L’rmn'c‘ til '( )pptit'lttnitv and the best (it a trip-ittttch hunch. the ti ipm "Stiiiic' 'I hiti piiithictiiin itit wine (‘1 the tracks mars the I‘i'istlini: pup [HIIL'IIIIJI and cities nit ta\ UllI'\ hit I imk nasal \ttc‘alx. hiit \\ hit LtlLC\ when he IIIH\ the NIH} platitudequ ‘I’iiIai' Heat” iii ticliwtxcatixtte \L~CPIIL1\HIHI‘\‘UUAIL'NUL \L‘i‘i \VL-II', Herc. thcxtim til the parts equals the pt‘timixc til the uhiilc 'I he hut thin}; ahtttit Smite l‘l'lr’lIr//\ I\ that it pitches

I he ( 'hai latans \\ here the} are happiest nut prisingL‘iititicttixhh against \tIIIIL‘ ttrhan haektiriip. ittit pitlltik‘l'llltj It) IhL' teenager’s“ L'I thcams. inst hem}; an entrancmupiiphaittt It'iiiita Shepherd)

I FrontLine Assembly: Caustic Grip (Third Mind) I‘r‘i int [.ine Awemhlt . a ('ansithan Lilli). haw with \UL‘L‘L‘\\I\ k" IL‘IL‘;I\L‘\ L‘Ntahihhc‘ti thcmxehcsal the litt‘clt'iint (it the hardcore dance scene. and \HIII('(11(.\{1(‘(rf([)IIIL‘} take thctt‘stiitmicwn ItlI'IIIL‘I. (tangle-uith—acid \‘iiLaIxantI hi'iital heatxaie the t ii'tic'i' (it the tia} . htit thtxalhiiitt l\ llllIlIL'Il\L‘L\

ITIUI'L‘ Iistcnahlc‘ than 7 ptmiittisctttirts. Still rm in; much tubaharct Voltaire and LTUIII 243. the hand h;t\ c. him L‘\ L'I. developed their ms n particular \L-rxtiin th-attt must ttiitiL‘cahl} UH the wonderltil singles 'lc‘ciilatc' and 'I’i'inisittiia \xi'th theit'cttt-tips. distiti'tctigttitaix. almiixt pimp} hk‘}htl.tld\ anti. hL‘llLWL' it (it Itiil . IIIL'iL'\ men tttetttitichuttistii there as \u‘Il. t Iatiio Halihtttttin)

IVarious ArtistszThe Third MindCompilationtThird Mind) I he tilII\ thing inth tit these l‘.lllki\ haw in t'itmtniiti l\IIIL‘Il uhiilc‘hc'ar‘tuiL‘mhiaeeiti tL'L‘hitiiIttgzi llI .iII lI\ IIIIIIIN Lhc‘ tlH‘LlIHL'tIHL'L'L\ trigc'tht‘i the L'LIII'L'III lhtiit \Iintt iiistei'atttl\L‘ixc'xtti ilhixtiatt'the LIL‘L‘L\ LLI\L‘I\II\ I tiiithcatix CtHL'I'L‘L] h} the iitghtxiitn itt I't‘iiitt LIIIL‘ .\\\L‘IIII‘L\ and the IL‘\\ twithi \tt/L-i‘ Limit)—ntimhc't\til 'I'L'i‘i'itr Against 'I'L‘i'itit anti (tan/hut, .v\t the tIIIL‘I cittt til the scale. \\ c inst the ILIL‘L‘LN\hlllht-‘\l\ck] pup hands I QIL‘LIUII. Stunt )I Sam and 'I he HL'LILIIIIIII I’ca ( iI'L'L'lI httat. 1.x hiise L‘iiittrihtttiiin iwagtiL-Ii l'L‘lllllII\L‘L‘III tit I he x\\\iiL‘i;tte\atitI("tilitiiihiw and l\ IIIIIIL' the \KtiI'xc‘ hit the L‘timpaitstiit. \wlai L.IIL'III_\ chip in it ith "flat I. Angel‘. a semi} \IIII\IL‘I kind tit thine that Infra might L‘Hlltc' tip \\ ith \\ L'I L- \hc Itti‘L‘L‘LI tii ti»; a tit IIII‘. machine l.l;tlIIL‘\ Hahhtiitttitl

IGLASGOW BARROWLANDI041226 4679)The Charlatans. 30 Oct:Adamski.1Nov:The Wedding Present. 10Nov; Northside. 16 Nov;The BeautitulSouth. 23 Nov: The Mission. 3 Dechames. 40ec: Hothouse Flowers. 15080.

I GLASGOW CONCERT HALL(0413323123)HaII andOates. 28 Oct1The Shadows. 8Nov. IGLASGOW PAVILION (0413321846IGary Numan. 17 Mar.

I GLASGOW SECCIO41227 5511)Happy Mondays. 27 Novahe Christians. BDec; Status Duo. 8 Dec; INXS. 10 Dec:GaryG|itter.23—24 DeczTom Jones. 4Apr. IEDINBURGHINGLISTON CENTRE (031 557 6969) Iron Maiden. 11 Dec; BiIIyIdol. 15 Dec. IEDINBURGHPLAYHOUSE (031 557 2590) Lulu. 28 Oct: HallandOates. 30 Oct: Tangerine Dream. 31 Oct; Queensryche. 1 Nov: Suzanne Vega. 2Nov;The Shadows. 4 Nov; DelAmitri. 20Nov.Thunder. 22 Nov. George Benson. 23 Nov; The Beautitul South. 24 r Nov: Van Morrison. 25 Nov; The Christians. 1 Dec,

361ht-I I\l if


IGLASGOW CONCERT HALL(0413323123)Steve Coleman‘sFive Elements. 10 Noszoe Zawinul Syndicate. 17 Nov: PatKane 8John Rae Collectivei DeczCourtney Pine8E|lis Marsalis. 15 Dec.

I GLASGOW RSAMD(041 3325057) Rachaka.8Dec. IEDINBURGHQUEEN'S HALL(0316682019)Stan Tracey Hexad. 26 Oct: Lillian Boutte. 2 Nov: Steve Coleman's Five Elements.9 Noszerawinul Syndicate. 16 Nov: Tilting Ground. 23 Nov; PatKane& John Rae Collective.30 NoszanGarbarekGroup. 7 Dec: Courtney Pine & Ellis Marsalis. 14 Dec.


IGLASGOW CONCERT HALL(0413323123)Chas & Dave. 29 Oct1Val Doonican.4Nov. IGLASGOW PAVILION (0413321846)Sydney Devine. 29 OctzJoe Longthorne. 7—10 Nov: The Show Collection. 11 Nov; CharleyPride.13—14Nov; Daniel O'Donnell. 2&21 Nov: Syd Lawrence Orchestra. 24 Nov. IEDINBURGHPLAYHOUSE (0315572590)Joe

.i‘ I )1 LUI‘L‘I I‘M“

Longthorne. 18 Nov; Johnny Mathis. 6—7 Apr.


IGLASGOW CITY HALLS (041227 5511)SCO. 31 Oct: SCO. 9Nov: SCO. 21 Nov: Pops AtThe Phil. 25 Nov.28 Dec:SCO. 9Jan: SCO.18 Jan:SCO. 25 Jan:SCO.6 Feb;SCO. 8Feb:SCO.27 Mar;SCO.3Apr: SCO.26 Apr.


SNO. 27 Oct: London Phil. 30 Oct: Leipzig Gewandhaus Orch. 31 Oct—2 Nov:SNO.3Nov:SNO.10 Nov: Red ArmyEnsemble. 11—13NoszBCSSO. 14 Nov:SCO. 15 Nov:SNO.17 Nov:CGPO.18Nov: Moscow FestivaIBallet. 19—20 Nov: Israel Phil.21 Nov:SNO. 22 Nov:SNO. 24 Nov: Pops AtThe Phil.25 Nov:BBCSSO. 26 Nov: Scottish Fiddle Orchestra. 30 Nov:SNO. 1 Dec:SNO.8 Dec1CGP0. 9Dec:Grand Messe Des Morts. 11 Dec: SNO. 13 Dec:SNO. 150ec: Orchestre De Paris. 16—17 Dec:SCO. 18 DeczBBCSSO. 21 Dec:SNO. 22 DeczPops AtThe Phil. 28 Dec:SNO.3 Jan;SNO. 5Jan:SNO. 12 Jan:SNO.19Jan:SNO.24 Jan;SNO. 26Jan; SNO.2 Feb;SNO. 7Feb:SNO.9

Feb;SCO. 13 Feb:SNO.16 Feb; BBCSSO. 22 Feb;SNO. 23 Feb;SNO. 28 Feb;SNO. 2Mar: BBCSSO. 8Mar; SNO.9Mar;SNO.16Mar: BBCSSO.22 Mar;SNO.23 Mar: BBCSSO. 5Apr: SNO.6 Apr:SCO. 10Apr;SNO. 13 Apr:SCO. 17Apr:SNO. 18 Apr:SNO. 20 Apr:BBCSSO. 26 Apr: SNO. 27 Apr. IGLASGOW RSAMD(041 332 5057) EmmanueIVardi. 26 Oct: Scottish Ensemble. 26 Oct; ConcerttorTwo Pianos. 27 Oct;Paragon Ensemble. 28 OctzRadu Lupu.1Nov:Sarah

Walker Malcolm Martineau. 2Nov:Suzanne StanzeleiLGusztav Fenyo. 2 NovacademyCO. 8Nov: Academy otAncientMusic. 9Nov: ParagonEnsembIe. 9—10Nov: Ghetto. 13.17 Nov: Gordon HuntrPhilip Jenkins. 16 Nov:BaIazs Szokolay'Gusztav Fenyo. 16 Nov: Academy Orch. 20 Nov; John Turner. 23 Nov: Majer Bogdansky. 25 Nov: Giora Feidman. 25 Novamadeus Trio. 26Nov: Wind Band.29 Nov:String Band. 30 Nov; Scottish Ensemble. 30 Nov: Carlos Bonnell. 6Dec:SCO CE. 7Dec: Lorenzo The Magnificent. 7 Dec; Carol Concert. 13 DeczPeter Seivewright. 14 Dec; Junior DeptConcert,1SDec; Scottish Ensemble. 18—21

DeczBarbara Hendricks/Stahan Scheja. 10Jan;Talich Quartet. 14 Feb;Wa|Iace Collection. 21 March.

IGLASGOW THEATRE ROYALI0413311234) Scottish Opera/Les Troyens 30—31 Oct. 28 Nov;The Vanishing Bridegroom. 17. 20 Oct. 27. 29 Nov; Tosca. 19 Oct. 30 Nov: La Boheme. 16.19.24Jan. 12.16.19 Feb: Fidelio. 29 Jan. 2.9. 14. 20 Feszhe Cunning Little Vixen. 8. 13. 15.21. 23Feb: Falstatt. 16.20.27 Apr. 2. 22 May;The Barber olSeville. 26. 30 Apr. 4.9. 17. 25 May: Regina. 16. 18. 21. 23 May; Glyndebourne Touring Opera/New Year. 25—26 Oct: Die Zaubertlote. 27 Oct; RSC/Opera North. 6—17Nov: Birmingham RoyalBallet.19—24N0v; Stuttgart Ballet. 4—8 Dec; Rambert Dance. 11—1SDec; Scottish Ballet. 21 Dec—5 Jan.

IEDINBURGH PLAYHOUSE (0315572590)Scottish Opera tTosca. 6. 8Nov;Les Troyens.9.10Nov;The VanishingBridegroom. 7 Nov.

IEDINBURGH QUEEN'S HALL(031 668 2019) Scottish Ensemble. 27 Oct: Edinburgh Concert Band. 28 OctzParagon Ensemble.29 Oct: Paul Galbraith. 31 Oct;

SCO. 3 Nov; Isobel Mieras. 7Nov;SCO.10Nov;Yo—Yo Ma/Emmanuele. 13 Nov: SCO. 17 Nov: New Budapest Quartet. 19 Nov; Graham Scott. 21 Nov; SCO. 22 Nov: Sintonia. 25 Nov;DeIme String Quartet. 3 Dec; SCO. 15 Dec;SCO. 12JaanCAT. 14Jan;SCO.17Jan;SCO. 26 Jan;TechinskiSQ. 6Feb: SCO. 7Feb:SCO. 9Feb: Sintonia.10Feb: Kirschbaum/Vignoles. 11 Feb:SCO. 21 Feb: EnsembleExpose. 27 Feb: SCO. 2 Mar;George Malcolm/William Bennett. 6MarzAurioIString Quartet. 11 March; SCO.30 Mar:SCO. 6Apr:SCO.27 Apr;RNCM Wind Ensemble. 29 ApriI;SCO. 2May; Sintonia.16June. IEDINBURGH USHER HALL(0312281155)

SNO. 26 Oct;BBCSSD.31 Oct; SNO. 2 N0v;SNO.9 Nov:SNO. 16 Nov:SNO.23 Nov:SNQ. 30 Nov;SNO.7 Dec;SNO. 14 Dec;SCO.20 Dec;SNO. 4Jan;SNO.11 Jan:BBCSSO.16Jan;SNO. 18Jan;SNO.25Jan;SNO.1 Feb:SNO. 8Feb;SCQ. Ii Feb;SNO. 15 Feb; SNO.2? Feb;SND.1Mar;SNO.8 Mar:SNO. 15 Mar: SNO.22 Mar: BBCSSO. 27 Mar;SNO. 5Apr;SCO. 11 Apr;SNO.12 Apr;SCO. 18Apr;SNO. 19 Apr; SN0 26 Apr.