\IL‘itIlng rs an art tn Ire aIlIe ttr earr) tt UII. IlllITI kttlx'.’

I Dean OWBITS I IttII Iittt. IN)“ tHKIILIIIkI\ Rtrad. “I Illll ‘) .‘llpm I‘ree. IWillyandthe HandJive IIIttehITlttl\..“’l Bell Street. 553 “IN () .‘llprn. I-ree. IGOantI Killing Time MtrtherueIIente Iheatte. " Winn L2. I .tnatkshtre'sfltl ‘-\L‘lll till“ the \tttthtl III reetrrtI IIlL‘II'IIL‘I‘lII \ttttzIe. ‘Keep the Iatth~ ‘.\.ttt\ttetI'. trrtntethateh .ttter plat tn}; tn the llllllilIe‘N HI I’rat'hnnte It tItete\ .tn\ eunnneetttln there. I tan‘t \ee tt \ee Singles


I Roy Harper ()treen\ I IaII. Stlttth ( ‘IerIx Streelfih‘ fllI‘l Ilar tttlrrt" .‘lltlrtt.

I teltetx lb Ftltttrrn Utteet‘. \ I IaII I‘tl‘\ l‘IIleL \‘tretn .tnt‘. Rllll‘lllL' In tIteI'fr;\. 'Itet Irat e I he ( tratetttl l )e‘.lkI.\IIII I'ILIIIIPIIIL‘ tlll the Ilthle tit Itttrpttltrtnnhe tr .ttttItente\.rreteaxtrtgtt .trtxtIttnuxtIthetteh pawttt'. ItlIII ( her here. We It.t\ e Rtw IIntrer.trtrtttneaethxtheetrttntrx \KlIIl Ill\ L’lllIt'll ttr plat lll llltltIe\I haIIs IlIxL'IIlh

:\trtl \\ ltwk Itl\.I\ that Harper titlesn‘t haxe

the theater eharrtt’ I24-7SpyZantICOIOUTCOGeVentte. ('ttIttrn RI‘JII 5'" XIV} See I)I'e'\'lk'\\

I Rhythm Chillun \\ IIIxIe' I I'lll\e'. ( ~(mt gate. Illprtt :1. \tv Ia: trtrttttwtttltts Il;t\eIleett .l\I\e‘LI tn the I ItIII\L' .lI‘IlllI IIll\ IllllI\_\

rtttIrtr. Irttt the ItllItIl‘II reetrrtIetlntpantex ‘J‘e‘lI.llllI\ Ixrthx \‘vIlIlIIIC\.IIL‘,VIUIIII1III. thet pttrtrttxe I)_l\ antltrther IteellIIIIL'IIIk'III\ ttt make it a tttenttrrttIrIt night

I The Spooks Ihktnt ( ‘IttIr. \IUIIU I ItlII\C SttttIentI Illtlll. <\t~\15< ‘lptrt Mitt. LC Twatilx .t tare-well are IIl‘III the I‘.tIIllI‘lll_‘_flIl Itlll\Iet\;l\lltetltIleHIl.l\e‘e‘tllltltttlllle‘lll\ that III.lI\t rt Itartt' Itlt thern Illet‘IIIIIIIIk‘ \ttII. the; t‘rlrrrttxt- In em UIII \\ tth tthttne I he trtttItt rnt tIt.t Hiktrttt‘htlr I\[‘IL'I‘_IICII Il‘I tun ‘e l\ the Ill\I Itetne'I heStrtrtrIw \Ik'I‘~e'\ I‘i'.tI \el. the \eetrntI tItettehetI trr Il\\eIIL'\Ik'IItt.IIIxI I‘tlth ILIIIIII\IItII}‘A\\IIIL‘LI


[‘tl\IleITe‘\ It‘x I‘een ntee kIItl\\lIIl1_\tllI. Iltl_\\

I The RIVBIS I’rcset‘x ttIltlll I IttII. \lettrrta \tteet. ZIMFXIM LI ;tttet 'ltrrn IIItte'\~.trttI etlttntt}—tntItteneetInttttertalutth ntetIttttn-tnteetI melt

I PriestTown \eetretttnts. I.tIIIIItIII Street. .‘IVSIF ‘l 45pm I-ree.

ITheJunkyard Angels SI.I;tltte\(I\\Iet Hat ( ~ttIttrn Ward. 55" 3‘85. ‘Itrttt. I‘ree

'I he I mt Stlttl IlantI. \\ htrare IIUI trnI‘. (Inter Iittr reuttIttrs Irnt \L‘I'ltllh

etlrtte ntIe: \ \\ tth. as \ettte “IIIIIII hax e lI.;l\ nttteh ptrtenttal as I Ite \\ aterImyx. ttrtn ltltee\th'.ttt .tetl‘thlleglgVUIIltllltlIIIL'I IttH‘IlllIL‘tlI thtxxentte.SantItntan. ITommyBeavitt and The NightKitchen Queen Street ( )_\ \tet IIat . ()tteen Street. 3:03.91“. Raul» IlIIle“~illlkI\I.IIIIL'

IThe Refugees lrtttutt‘nttet. (.Illt‘eithL‘lH Street. .7.‘.ll-11lltl .1 (rpm. I‘ree Hattie. htrttr IIIttex-. etlttntry-antI rtrek'rr‘r'r\II-tnt'Ittenet-IIrnatertaI. utththe Ille'l‘lllllttitlI‘It' I eet tttrnttne. I’Ittt'ttteexert \atttttlat IIll\ tTltlllIIt

I Charlie and Her Sheepdogsl CthIIle‘Ih ‘x. St ltlIIl ( ~Iet Ix Streetwrtl.‘ V31. .~\tterntrtrtt. I'lee (httrhe I);t\ ILIMIII pets set IUI

LIIIl‘IIIk r I‘Ille'\_\ tlIIL‘llltlt‘II session,

I Free'n'Easyl euttllreltx‘x. Stltttltelet-lt Street (in: Jill. Illpnt. I‘ree. RC\I(IL’Ile'_\ I Las Filiplnas IIIIK Basement Ilttt. Harwn} Street trltt Iit‘tlttehttrn Street l. 550 \34” * “pin. rs IIpttl, I‘ree. RexttIette}, e\el} nteht e .\eet‘t StrrteItt§ See I’rt I3.

I The Dead Flowers illILI The Otlhooks lrtmn Street. IIa} ntat‘ket Iert‘aee. 33" Illtltr \pttt. I tee.

SUNDAY 14. - Glasgow

I 24-7 Spy1 illltI ColourCode lx'tne'l ttt'x \Vah \\':th I Ittt. lhltt St theent .‘rtr'eet._‘ZI ‘2‘". .‘\t‘lll Ill See I’le‘\le'\\

The Killing Time. Big Strauss and Unity

Express Stturtta. I tt\etlt\ I’r tnt‘exx.





38 IIteI lxI I:

I )ettrIrer IIIIIII

.' E " Hint? WIN .Ll'fi' TI‘I 'lUE’ 'v‘IHfHI‘V BeAE)I‘III‘/ :I'PI‘It‘tIr BI CURIIS ITIIIIBI,IHIrI‘ 9‘. i-tl IIIIIIA 'LI" ’"F'l‘rim'ltf HIJIILAMJ IFEUI' LAM) [I33 227 Lllr‘J I'Iifl'd‘t P. Il’I‘ER I‘v’II. ’l'i't 556 It"?

:\tttIer\tt>tt()tt.t_\.leJ 115“ lIpnt if \ new Sunday «‘tttIet Itll IweaI Iratttlxntlzx that Seahnt'x Il.l\ ettIIett .t It.tIt m (It. I, PIUIIIUIIUII\ (itrtnettrtttet IIICIH‘.|\IIII_‘.I Stigma and held at the I II\C\I'I I‘ttntem are the Setltttxh HarttI ,'\_~_rene\ plax ll‘tL' an ex lI game HI \tertl tt\\tlel.lIltllt here tItt~ \entttre l\ “HI tht trl \llppt‘l t \H [melt tll‘ \trttrprettttheexatttIeet tlnhtrartl. VIUIII‘EIIII\IIIPIC Ite.ttIItrter‘t\.t\xIrtr'\\\Itt\ HI the ttp-ttrttI-etlrtttntz \ .tt let}

lThe Whole Earth illltI Hope Street VltIetltIl'tltlle. 3.“ .W \ tlt‘Ix \tte'et III

ZM-II Hpnt. £25“ .‘\IIUIIICI \ ttIentlrtrtrte appearanee IIUITI these teettIar \ HI the (ilaxgtm rtlek etretttt. IIIIk‘L‘Iltllh lttnk-ttngetlrtrekutth.tneIetrtenttrt

\IIU\\ lll;lll\IIll‘ prm ttIetl Ir} the ttttuntentt-tl Il\ e Itne-ttp \tttrtmtt IIHpe \tteet prt‘three a similar \trttntl \\ tth the \t'lllle' \t ~rttlt petxtrnneI.

ISIIIEIIO Groove \Itatt -I. Rtmtltlt‘x ".3 SattehtehttII Street. .H-‘ “H I I1prrt l._‘

I ITl\ latest SttntIa‘. nteht \ entttr t .tt Rtrtrtttrpu ItltlI\\ set [U Ire preth llllle'Il .‘lItlIl‘J the same lines as IIttr'ntrttt tltt Saltttttau .t IIII\CLI Inn: L'UIIII‘tl\L'tI Ittrt1el‘. Illllll the tntlteehart.

I Wicca and The She Bearz I\'l\ et «ttIet IllIl 3:3(‘IttIe \treet. Z-I\ IIH \‘trtn. L It {It

I \\U ttII—lentaIe. trr' near I\ .tII tentttIe. hands,

I Live MUSIC Stttthtl. I : \Il‘lIIIe \ttee t I’atxleyh’h‘lffitr" ‘l Illptrt IIreStttthth t‘treIx night.


I The Lost Soul Band St lamest I‘AIL‘! IIal. ('aIttln RtratI. SV 3035. “pm. I tee. St» etlllIltIe‘llI tlt‘e' IIle‘ I'tlllLI tlI IIlt.‘ll ehtttteex, that this is the t»ttI\ pttlr en: thet ‘texttII pIattng. Ix’eetrrtI et‘ll‘tIllL'MltlIl. .\‘~III‘IWKI :thm e. their .ltIlltll'L‘h IreItex e IIle in tt I It eapahle HI llt;lIeIlltlL'_. it not surpassing. Ihe \VatelIltlts.

IReiointhe Party I’l‘ext'lMlIltllt l l.tll. \'tettrr'ttt Street. 32h .‘rhlh 9.1 .ttter “pin lThe Spannersl‘tttt: lt.tt . \t..\lntt-» I{trtttIIttrtt\e‘. \Iathttr} Rtmtl. 53" I Ifill .\ I Ipnt. I'tee I he ttrxt at IIIe \ I.ttIt'...: \tltII’xtl Il\ e I‘IUIIIIIIIHII\ \I.ll tin: IIZl‘»

\\ CCIeCIIkI .tntI \Ite‘Ie'I‘tlllL’ ueII IltIt‘

\mernher ILivemusicl tattllrtllx'xstrtttltt Ie'k SIICL'IJNT:1W.1I,I'IL'L'


I Shakin‘ Stevens l’.t\tltt»tt. l.‘l tientreltl Street. 13: IN!) ~tint L‘INIILA ‘Ill IIte \Velshnrtttwwt.‘tttrrtxttlhtrlltmt Ittwntx thttltttth .tl‘. ttte‘xIr.ttt~~ttI\Ie I‘tf_I\w.‘ ttttIeet‘t; t‘I tttttsttal e\ett\e\ \I.t\I‘e' turn 1‘ trIlnrrtai III\ I-\\tlll nte. I‘tll lI let-Ix .t» tIttltttzIt \IItth‘v K I‘e'e‘ll IlllItIIltL' ttpittx lilgtrrr’r/fe/I texttIerttw .ttrtl\t,tI\trt:iIrtxeiltrrttwt tttht entIttttneItne lllt'IIL'I‘.\I'~e'\\‘~e'.IIe'I\\lIIe1_‘ tItetIaun t‘I ttttr; n: at Iettst I‘l "v‘ I In tire-\trheahlr. IIl‘IkI\ the IxtntIt-t .tee-xpantttn};.ttitrettl ltrttt \ttritler‘h tltxxrw ttrttt e\e\ lrllIte inherent \‘ztirtttwl IIIt Settetattt‘rtetty

IAThousand Years olGlasgowRock \IeIIe'\ I IIQIIIK‘. I II.t\: tl‘.\ \ I rI,t‘~,:tl‘.‘. \IttII.ttttI\treet. :l11 V"); ‘I't"l‘. :1

I reketx trtrttt the I tt Iver t entra (tttrtIIettegx. ““Il \tll t trr‘tt rt'. -‘.iI!‘v ettrttetrttppe lltlTle'k HIl IIle lie-.tl I’t 't-~ .tIIrttttt. I ).tt.ttI 'ttrtttlel wl IIII‘LII‘III :ttt: in Hr'rtttfl.

“urnert'xtxtee IIeIetret rrwu t‘It'IH "tilt

e\.e‘tt\e ttrr IL'tIkIIIIL' the (11%

wt their ere» titrtrttnt' Iflllll lI‘.) lIt't‘II‘.‘ ll : l t.tt-rtuteIttrt\_' tteth. tIexrtpttxe \trtaIrttIatt Irx \xtt'. tit tttlrntItttttwrt tr wine ltteItI‘. ltlttiealrlx \tltIlll‘.‘ .'ttt1.tr \tlUlltI\ In ttIIlL'l \\l‘I\I\ \\-'2It‘ll IlelHJ- \kItaI httItIett tIeIthtt» .txx ,ttt. I'll7 \‘lII t.trrt '. \IIIt'ILHI'Ct'IlIIeIxIeII ILittleSavages.JustAnotherDreamtrtI Desperate Measures \ttt IIL'I. lwtttl. ‘13“le

'Ix’vrttreu *tltlrtt *Iltr Ihrte \tt‘III\III\I\I\)‘IIIKI\I"I the .\tttt|:‘ I'.tett»r\\ hett‘wt trtetaI lllE'IlI my li‘I‘tt‘. Iv. Ilte\tlr\e trttItIzt-rettrr; ,tttrtetl lI the

‘IIItIk'I I“

.LIVEMUSIC\'.I‘:\ «unmet,» I‘.t1\II_\\~‘»wv J l":

I II, .‘\;\I"t. _,

Edinburgh V

IDogsD'Amnttr\ v. \t_ t, ,tag, .3 \U' H ..

ISpankihe Planxl‘u. t l1, \Itlw'ttt‘vze't ‘1' \\ it / Hilly l lLas Filtpinas lull ~ t..t.. .. ,~ 1: it I5.ttt ll‘x \IIe'e'l‘. 'f l'.- q. ;.. \t. >3” trrrrm L'\t'l‘vIll:'l‘7t“\ 4' ILivemusici ll .. ~. t \‘tttetwn'r‘l < 1'- IBladeSerenadeal

I_I'tlit‘l‘.~IL"-"t ..

[regret- Glasgow

I New Model Arm lL

(rtIItr\\; .‘t It

IN rI.!tt\.;l. \ltflllLI Hit M \l

\Khtlen'zlt t‘ ‘I t'i‘ " it IIlt'lI Itq.;:.I t‘. .t IN A

trlIIt trtttrl. :xwttIt

ttrttnjvtf. 'II t‘» tr]:

I.lI"~»\tllIl.. r. tr.

‘.\i,llI.ill‘. «.I'W? It.' .' hate \l‘IIIe'IIII' tIL'\t-I‘ttll'Ilt‘t.,I !'

ttlttezt \I«.t‘; l. v n '9 'I. ttt.ttt.;et~l:t ,.1 Il't MusicinBetween .- .-

.i‘xII‘l.‘l I tl\

Ileh Ht t

( rtltIIt' .'

‘ts ‘IlII'I‘I ( mr‘II Ill ix

(Ettt:.\.\\u:t.tt H it In ;"‘IltteI.I1‘I"“lr I t"" LItlt‘e: IIL't 4

.' ‘l Il'I

‘I‘,l ,M

ICalchZSr lltlltt' Pundit/Iii -1 ,‘ ‘.'\lIIi.!‘!llllll IHideawayBltresSarto I-ltnttifi’vll.‘=‘ “v” ‘t"II'|‘~Il:Iu 'tt" .‘ llVeg:ts\.-.~H



M "


:‘l The Rootse Tooter" l‘iltrev fisnir‘

I‘: r. .' III


HThe Fatrtces‘. ILUS Sllpt‘eitltt‘; “I t' (“II' I’ I“.

I-3 ‘ttit: I” ~. lli‘lobndy'moztnessl

\‘E‘ \, \'

IQ NI; LasFiitptmsi -'~t I. '\I.-“I'r ‘.' H \

Live nitrate! I! The, I.t.l>.I urn: It

Glasgow I Musrr; in Between‘

\ll, -'Ilv»\