Raehrrka elme the \enwn \\ rth their errisx-pnlhnrrtrtinmt mrnnrxethnrerrnet eerrerre rnthreneex. hupetnlh hrnrng made their iiitl\le;ti ttl\ltllt elenrer thrntreh pertnrrnanee than it \tttrlrtt\ «in paper. I Big Miss Behave Kine 'i trt‘x \‘snh \Vnh Hut. flu St Vnreent Street. 331 53‘”. lllprn L3 (ilrrxueizrrrn trhres mekersrnthe the ( iL't‘llle‘ and the Businesstruehtrun I Metal Monkey Machine LtiitiBlaCkWOOd Ret'leetrunx. t 'nrnhernrnrht "prn. Flip. Metal Mnnkes \ittt'iillik' .rre pttr'pnrtett t it} the drummer trurn i).mwn. nu lessltn wtrnti ith‘ the herrttwn eullrxrun \‘i \tntnrheati anti 1 he Shine Rimes. \xhreh \t‘lliiti\ as em tti tr er rrnrnentrrr} ti\ ;rn_\ nn their herm *iiitiikikli ‘.\.’ti‘.—\k.tii mer‘lmrei

i;tl in} Hell ix} '\ L'iittll‘m Hitelxwwel rtre tinnerer Liiiki \eNlCi. nr w l‘rn inlet. i’hn the LiL'lii' ) thxem. intranrseei in eunznnetrtin with \tvl\e' iilt\

IRollin‘Joe andtheJetst Lllie‘t\._‘.;tt tines Rmni. ‘71 ISM-10pm tree i-rttrex riteixrrnri IN“

I David Taylor ix’ren's. ( ireettwe'h " .‘tlprn. if. Not .rettrtrllt tr whiethtrt i).t\lti.tiiti iil\ hirett i‘.lil\i entrieln't Iiilliix Ht Lt\tllt.li‘ie n.rnre. I mnreht'x in}; is .r shim ease tur \e\ er til mantreernent eurnptrnrex.


I Shakin‘ Stevens i’lrl} itttthe‘ I'herrtre.

\s“ will

(ireensrtie i’irtee t‘l <ll. U 5“, See \iun 15.


IPop Will Eatltsellmtl KorovaMilkbar tnhtin \ttrthm t .Iltrlrt Rt» tti. *‘tifitltrh Beet It i"

I Le Rue .rntl Pure Blind Panic \ entte. (\rltunRruttiFV \ee Inlrrxl\

I Blue Haze We: hit. \ir ‘IliiliLWltie' Rturtl. .ll’VlRI‘t \xtintter in}; \\ h.rt\ h irriweneei till 1/

Ill": i‘t‘i iiI'WL‘ "Willem; i‘e‘e‘li

\tneiwxrrnsrneethe i)e\te!\et;r§\.\ite\ \llitlilij; lll iitl‘x 'wetrl .rnti he} int n'tt tiiltl \rxtrexnntt “lh \tt JR. wnre i‘itle'\ .tiititt te.\ ‘rnwtern wines

IJD andThe Wildcats \egwpmntxi uthran \tteet. Lhtwili ‘1»1‘i‘rn tree

I Robby Lang i.)ti\.'e'li \treet l tjmter liar. (.ltreermtreet. I [ennwri txive tnrlerrtrl. [‘hrwmnemerx

I Las Filipinas liltk lt.l\err‘.errt liar. Harem Street wtt iirwrr-qhtwn \treetl, “tr

\Jlll "i‘rnw lir‘rn tree Resrtienet.



mert night e \eer‘t .\:rnvt.r_\ See til i: Ilee music \‘t .ittlite\i ‘\\iet lint .tiit‘ll Rmrtt. ‘* 3‘85 ‘titrn iree ILivemusicl e ttl‘wellxk. \tmmt ie'iix Stre‘e't.t~tr1~1'.il " 1l'itnr tree ILivemUSiCItht'neter.(_)treen\terr\

\treetQItl-lllltv ‘l 2ltr‘rn lree

THURSDAY 18 . - Glasgow

ICarterthe Unstoppable Sex Machineantl Bob Kine lnt'w \\ .r'n \\ .rh i hit. :"Zriht \ineent Street. jjl 527' ltlprn :3 .‘ll .\ piethwr .1 wt inthe instrnrts . tlr tit lemt .tnnlei giggle eherteti here ttIiki there in txxw‘imlle tnrnttxulm lwrttrntrtel‘» tali \hurtwt ntnrxeatrnf; tapers I he i itttl\e‘lii_tiillt\ thes trrn't In itlei.( .rrter will retritretnnxt trrrithrrrttanetexemthrne \ktllle'\\iite' ttii‘i‘hit ‘Rnlrt‘rxh' l n hetter enin} their \xuneierttrl \er\run \‘i the Pet \hnp Huyx' hextwne. 'Rent‘

ILe RuetmttThe Honey Church \tutlrm‘i Hrtree iit‘ie'i.( wrnwrll \treet. inst Krlhrretezll“*:3‘lfll

;rr‘tr\t \\ 1th .1 eutlr‘le wt till‘trnn hehrnet hrnr.

\pnr 9.: -\ earnn

l’terrel e Rne l\ .r i'reneht ttIi.tLil.tii trurn

I m .-\n:_'e|e\. \\ rth tr .xrntt eurnpmetl it

i'.tti1il\it\e\\itttt rmrsreirrns. 'l’he linrre_u‘irtrr‘eir t‘ttthi less ensrnnpnlrtan rm‘ts. trttrrnrrnr: their nrrernx thruuuh the enrnrner'ertrl rnek pop sonnet ttm luney ussriertrteet \\ 1th (ilasgrm "\ rnnxre \eene

I Bartly'l’lre Brteh. Rtmltnps. "l Struehrehzril Street. 3.“: 5553. llprn £250. :\ glrrrn rnek hand \er‘_\ rntreh rn keeping; \\ ith the illitNie'di pnlie} at the (‘hrt‘ \Vrth \u \anre. tn he kntm n us the lirteh tur‘ this rnrinth .rlnne l htrrri \x hile \trteixs

last? i.

I Spiral Dance Krnes ( ‘ntrrt. " ( )\i‘<tltllle‘ Street. 553 3350. lllpnr i‘ree .'\llti here it that htrntt-rne—etmxn

ptiiNUpJgiilIi pup r‘nek witnet. i)L';te‘tlli Blue ttiiti Simple Minds hrnx hexmre; Spiral i);rnee threuten tr» \wrrn then \Mr} rntuyntrr e't‘ti‘~eltttl\tle\\ \xrth their .tlrenti'» ptipttirrr ‘(iltrsgtm'

wtrnti .WiSh i 1.1“ HM. it\|l\\tttttiittltti\ Rinrti. it: .31". ‘3 .illilm. i'r'ee

IThe Sunclocks .-\rlmll .-\rrn\. lid Rettilehi Street. 33: 5:05. i'l‘L‘e. Hitle\

I Big George and the Business llte- \rutlrt l. 12 Shuttle Street. thnsley . minim”.

‘) .‘wllprn. tree. RCMLiL‘liL‘}. i’mx er tr ltt tr‘unteel hr the leuenehrri (riastztm hhres



I Barry White i’lrnhurrsel'herttre. t ireenuitle i’l;ree. 55" 25"“. 73ttprn t‘l 1. L13 '1 he \anr‘nx tit Rump} ~i’nrnpx eases

hrs nut ineunsitlernhle hulk Uiittt the

titttti‘eh Hi the Phi} hmrse ltir' ;r \e‘xsinrrtit eeu rrrLrssrrgze ( his (ll (till s'.’ l as he rn;rl\'e\ itlfle it) 3.littti[‘e‘ttitie‘ Lit Hnee. .\ it‘III illite seen. and nrlt triternpteet nnlexx ytnr are in

the pmrtrnn tit tmnrn}: ;r \er\ uerrei


I The Darling Buds and The CaretakerRace Venue. ( irrltlin Rililti. 5571051. Seefiat Ill.

I Blue Haze i‘ilhi‘tli'} l’trrk. Ninth St Andrew Street, 550 lllflt ‘lpnr nnttnruht \ee “ed 1“. iiilititli .r\l\~\\ L'Cix'


I The Charlie Davidson Band i’reser \ ;rtrun '

thrll. \ rem-m Street. :30 .i\ltr. ‘l ,illprn tree. that «it run nights here till the ititlL‘\_\ ~urutrp tliie'il seen play me trrnterthe enrse (it Charlie and l ier Sheer‘elmex

I The JiSt \egwernntx. lethrgrn Street. 37.5 031.? l) firm, i-ree

IJunkyard Angels Queen Street t Aster Hrrr. ()neen Street. lltr 35 ill tree \ee 851i 1:

I Las Filipinas HHK i’).r\etttettl lt.r:. thinnx \lreet llrtt Hrrrtruhtwn \treet l. “it \Iill \ "irrnf- liiinr tree i\’e‘\lth'lte\ e\er\ nreht ex. ept Sunday Seei it if I Live music i L‘.ttii‘L‘ii\ \. \knrth( let i\

\treet. NC. J" ‘1 lllprn i'ree

IBladeSerenadelhmnl nth-r. ()tleelhletrr} \lze'e'l.::ll lllllt 'l

*tli‘rnl ree

I Pop Will Eat ltselt ()tleelt \t.m

i'nrnn. l 'nr\er\rt} ( untiens. \ W‘JNJ

\i‘ttt t.-1*lllrrtt‘..rrreel.t.“ltie~\rl \itlti’e"ii\

tinei enests lt ( ri.t\L‘tt\‘- eurn‘t h.r\e i;‘\il\ thenue'ilelrnilx

iiitthk' \it \\ tilt the i’t titi‘le‘\ linahisheti h}

.iltlte'\iit1\illlte il‘iiiiki.

their ki‘\iiitli t.nhrreut trearnrxnentwee-1.: purn \ttrr tupresent the \\ t‘viiki ( tip tuithe \\ ext ( ierrnttns. the \irrrree lxrnewil Sttxnrtrr‘rtteeetintrntretitttreltheimrthrr‘e wt \-'\rrre‘\'~~trtr\e'e'thernaxtrlitrnehwt rnrheerlespmnernu.rrmrrntirnetteetnillx tw i‘t'Yitt\\L‘\iitiC;t\ .\thirrneLinshkernueit rreree ewnrpletel} lnrt entrlrin'l eare less IThe Blue AeroplanestmtlPeterAstorlxrnu itliK \\ tlh \\ .rh i hit. : '_‘.r \t \ rneerit \tre-e‘t.:_‘15_‘“" illrnn 95 ltrxmth \ik'\\}'e‘}e'ti \entnnenttrhts and lint .1 little e\ertenrent thtrt [iil\ \xrrter grin t'ee‘ttttlti the rnernwrj. Hi the l iiL'.tiL'\i ( rle' i'\er \rnee lnne Heeart it {with plate twr \L'tli\ .r.'~.rt the ( ilasutm Rm tie in trwnt «It ~1ll~r w eterntrll'. i‘le‘\\eri \l‘tli\ .lilti te.rtnrett tiii\ Lilliih\ Hrrxtulelrrn irnerxui rhuthrnre etrrtar witherrt ehrrntrnu .inti iutt'\tli “amount: .rttrttrtle it the\ e.rrie.rptrrre

_ ROCK & W

tine rnttr ml thrrt lnpnntrelrrrlhunee ittltltiiil. I'll the enntentett It the} ehln't. l'il :trst the \npi‘urt enrnes hunt the

I‘L‘\e‘te‘ti i’e‘ie't ,\\ittt . L'\ til iiie' ‘3 e‘.‘ttitt'l l‘mphetxgtnrt ihel Hit. and in \I‘Iiik‘i\\1\[

wt ltrtehrsr‘rewitrxrnnsrenewhnrtxare

piers in:' here turnmrzm night

IDanger\ enne.1'”W.strehreh:rllStreet. 33.“..“3 ilpnr t‘w‘ll. \ieittthe rink inrrrtt trmrn ( ileum“ \xhtt .‘rttrnel it t;rrI hunt: e'ltr\.\titite'\e‘ti.t‘~\

IThe Linden Tree \heiter." Remit-tr

( mint. 31.70311 ll'rrrn. i'ree. Sparkling r;rrr~.:l<.‘i‘»np\\rtlr.r\trwnuerinnnere1.11 \treih in ii nut th rt thrxxttips Ihei iittiL'lt lree 'humne then ewnternr‘t tur rnntwr l.lliel\.rntiuurn:rt.iinne IEveryNewDeadGhosttlntl 13th Floor Vendetta i )ehrnrir' Rnuttwiw. ‘C Srtile‘irl'.‘i:.rii\lle‘e'i..::: i"..'l.

\tlttrntzltlnr. tllti tripe lile‘li \ trrriwr. turn; ‘rl

5\r‘\ ii

New i ’e‘.lti ( tilt \i (tie‘ il-‘l

.rtr' xerjt nttletr rr‘ the 5".“ i>lti".e in t"\ertrrI-_'\trtr»li.\itheir

mGlasgow Songwriters lilielervrire Mitt-ll Stre‘e‘t.5‘-:fi‘l;i ‘lprri hi “it Srilurstxnrrli tiitt“\iiltiii the eellex‘ttx e lHldeawayBlues Band \tesurletx. .l;rrrtriretr\tr._t-t..137 \J‘t“ 2llrrnr in ~ Hines ztnti mnl ninth in regular strut. IJamie Barnes and Cochise lite \itllill‘. Slrrrttlt‘\tr'e'<_'t. Resrtiene‘. lln iiih nitrnthwrrlx

i’rii‘ikh\‘\\R(J(\.-\(i“ ‘)

i‘t'ee Edinburgh

lRealmotthe ShoppingTrolley.rnlMetal Monkey Machine Hum: 51". et. i i.r‘, next .L el 'Ierrgree. 1.“ till". "rzrn tree Hm? ilii irnn.

IThunderboltr hirinlt‘K ( nlnnt .l]‘i.tlll“~ Rmttlwli-l

IThe Charlie Davidson Band l‘re- Itnil. \ietwrrn \it‘e‘ei. ‘r‘prn Seeunrtwt txawrrnihtx

I! Guilty Party .‘sgmerinn. l tliilitlii \tv-

SIM]? " t:‘r‘lnr, i re-

If“) Wit" ‘f.


Danny Kyie (£7.50)


: II “SIC. 3" I“, 9' v I. 1“

A TRIBUTE TO PAUL ROBESON with Bill McCue (£5.00, £3.50)


GAB..LAGHER 81 LYLE Michael Marra with

THE LADIES OF JAZZ Fionna Duncan, Sweet Substitute 8: The Groove Juice Special

TOM ROBINSON Peter Blegvad

. _. _. ‘l:11200.-Glasoow\fir9in Recent: &.:.Ldst ' booking feekpayvable:

IThe Rootsies Duo ( alulwe. “est twirl)” ~15.“ llpnr tree \ee iii if. I Los Supremost etth t )\~ter ll njl ite Sitrrre‘.<<_‘.fi3‘l~1 ‘4 i'lr‘nr ix‘r~e'k.iritti\ltre\

ILas Filipinasltlh iinxt'ltlelli tin

it nun} Street tell itrntrtzhtrvn \treet i. “it Sill! 3 "pnrdv lli‘rn i'ree Rexrah-nex exert rnuht e \eei‘t \tlltti.t\ \eel it if, ILivemusicl eatllwellxk. swntlzt ierh

\‘treel. NC, i" ii illrinr l-ree

ILivemUSiClhmni inter (.lzreerhtv'iu Street..‘..‘.ll-lllltu ‘l Winn l

olAlienSex Fiend (Aral t it \i r:.: n 't I‘t"i. l lttxet‘-~lt\ thrillerix l ‘rw

it \itltr lti titti r I ii‘it It ‘wl N'lll r‘.el'-. .'l‘iille' ll‘r. .. it narl'i'

i‘t . 't \, I‘i lit it lthMW *t 'l '.7’.t‘ri: tl.‘I "\ltkrreixim‘i ': ( 'rrwt

will l'~«ilr it me :‘Irx'mrl .il'tl" hr" p-‘yei «ri‘rlh lath... “-‘.il!..‘it.l!litll‘re‘

nix. \wru? tum ,i ‘1! t1.elr in v.11} i‘iw‘xrirll heurtrttigxthrr.“i: eirttrr‘i'r‘.~ lit~.'\ one 1' Min 1'» Ni ii rere ll tli their ther.~ - iiildiilil‘)

HCDid‘TUti i" t. liit t '. vlet ‘il‘l "\.‘ri


Minter;Nitrate. .‘fl W Ili‘rn i’ ntwl hill/Wt th-

i r

<lt‘i'.i‘elt ‘i‘t:ltlt.rrltf \ wt: ‘1 iiit.’“~,)i' .r -.\ ti the Darling Buds ‘l'he Caretakori’tace Kirk i‘ll ~ \K lh \th i itil. ,' ‘T.r,‘,t\ the in

“VI 1 i‘li'rr :’ ii.

.‘\'-i\ 'ii't'i


'xr.n.1¥;e't.trrttiter iiii.lt_tr"e« Um :I--‘ i' titwl ine thrill». li'; literr xttrit" win in hr

lirzrrittrlrtrrqiluh ‘!.l.'i ~"il‘..!- wt."

tlrltrerrty .aell tit, -'iiit Hm L'ml li th {term rennin timer ‘i.ii1i1rri rnwtlerrstxxer. l ttllhi\- til

hie tilterrn.-rn Ilium ire. to time .l‘,’iliii.rlli:‘t‘i‘rzizrtiri'fieeI l‘i ll‘ l"'ei i\

(tell‘l‘t't l‘l‘ltl39