Inx ernexx. the xnper It Highland Connection ix matte tiput tnItIIerx lain MacBeath and Duncan Chisholm; piperxouncan MacGillivray and Davey Garrett. and lil.tlltlt‘llll and entern upnnent David 'Dagger' Gordon ‘l he} are Lntm n tnhttrxl intuxune. and xuinetnnextIarnex

I Birlin tor Beginners Spr inuxxelll I IHtixe. .-\rtIintIIan Ierraee. 3 1“ 5-1“: “pm. L1H (t5) .Itnn mm It” ten-ueek eltlll\e‘ in Senttixh xueial tIaneinu Inlm trial and Inn. I L'Attache Baxernent (II Rntlantl I Intel. Wext t’lltlttl I’rineex \tieet ‘I ,‘llpm Iain I'ree I Ieetr re I‘lnex lrmn Just the Very Donkeys

I Le Rue anti Pure Blind Panic Venue. ('altun Rwatl, 55" UV}

I Miro I L'IIII ( )\ xIe‘l Ital I he \Ilfll'e‘. 5<~1 tC‘I-i ‘IKIIpin I'iee


I Earthbeat: BBC Radio Scotland. 7.30—8.3opm, Presented by Jan Fairley. World musicprogramme


I Mod Fringe Rentrew let I _\ . ( It tIe I’Iaee. Imx ntttee >12” IN} I ieketx 1n athanee Irmn'lieket(eiitie'.ll"551 I. Heel-ii 1:. Spin. ( neat Sentttxh antI ( iaehe hand Capercaillie; l lpin eeihtlh tIanee \HIII the John Carmichael Dance Band

I StarFolk CIUD ( iIaxutm Sneiet} ( )I \luxieianx. Iter‘I.eIe} Street. Itexitle \Ittehell Iheatre. \pin Ll. MickBroderick. the \Vlnxtlehtnltiex tall tale teller xharex an e\ entire mth eunntri. hlnexrnanSean McGhee.

I Music at Bonhams III-1 him Raid. 3.?“ 3-131 LIpin Iiee .'\etill\lle\ellltllll MichaelKeenan


I L‘Attache Itaxentent tit Rntlantl I Intel, \Vext I‘ntI t‘l I’tlneex Street ‘I ,‘tllptn Iain. New I ulk enter tainntent Illtlll NorthSea GaSIl'lti.

IBlues atHaymarket Rmexlsai.

I I.1_\lll;tl'I\eI “pin Rootsies Duo In tanninx etirnei pith

I Numberone Musict L‘Ilal \t» l. ('hainheix Streel._‘,_‘ll>13”\I'ree Iiaxeinenl \x ine I‘Lll hax llaznenengtntai llttltl Freddie Triay \\ lIIl lz'ientlxantl tIaneerx

IGreen Treet'mxu rte ‘Ipin I‘ree Inxtrtnnent lI eeltn inttxie lit the wt net.

FRIDAY 19 Glasgow

I Mod Fringe Rentiexx Iett_\.( IMI: I’Iaee. I‘H‘H‘Illee'-1.:".:l‘\i Ile'I-te‘hlllrttILllIee' Irwin llelhk'li entie 1‘." Me I‘ll I; “pm I )twngual nitzht \' 1th the St Rochslrish CeHiBand

I Arches Borders Tryst .\Iel‘.ex( ale Ital.


(iltl\;t\\\'x(iltlelth.__ <‘III \ illi‘ll‘. 2.? tt-tlttllmnlitlieRhymersReelBand IRowantree FDIkCIubRmuantreeIntrlix I’tItIinuxtwnt‘wxx,I'tItIinexlwn InlwtntatinnIWH

43"711 ,-\II \kelewnie. hr in}; an inxtr tnnent

‘I II “pin LI ‘ll antlamiiet ICeilidh Dance I{l\e‘l\ltle‘.l‘lt\ Streetmn (I\\Ie'.\llt'el.:-l\ :I‘I-i ‘l ilIT‘llt L3 INCH \Ke't'h I Hehantlx \'ei\ pupillai


IBertJansch and PeterKirtlelemay

I Itinxe \ttnIentx I hunt. I IUIHIHMI Ruatl \pin HILL) I ate liar IieIx.etxt~nthe tltwr wt llI .nIx anee twin \ item I\)L‘etIILI\. I’lllle'e\\lle‘el x\enttxtie Rntltexixtinthe I‘Hll again and prexentx the Ieuentlan aewaxtie L'tlllal newuhuxe eareei xttetehex I‘.leI\ thwnuh I’entanule luthe twlk te\ l\ aI ml the ea!I_\ Mix (Ine ml the great lllllt‘\.tlitl\ Ininux a nexx ottitarixt partner

I West End Hotel I’altnetxlttn I’Iaee ‘Iprn I‘let' IlluhIantIetx IaM‘tlilIL' \teurtlnin and guitar III the hat

I Royal Oak Illlll lll.ll\ \treet ‘Ipin IlII late I’lL'k' .flian Hunter


SATURDY 20 l Glasgow '

I Workshop Ital‘l‘lt}. Ittluxte‘r. IIIaeIttrtarxStreet 1.3“ 3.3Uprn. LI fill

( II I Inxtintnental \Ktil'h\lItIp\ xptinwretl In the I iatlitiunal \Ittxie and Swing ;\xxne1atnin lII Seutlantl Ititlax the tin

\\ hixtle in the expert hantlxul L‘\‘IIIIIIICIIK'ItI Iiantl ineinhet John Gahagan.

I Arches Borders Tryst .-\rehex ( Kile Bar. (ilaxouu'xtilaxumx.SYSFI1441mm}. I’uel. Inuatleaxtei antl raenntetirWalter Elliot e\plniex the ‘xntt I_tt\\lttIILI tnnuttent the limitleix‘ \\ ith trientIx .r\t llipin. intixie 1mm Rowan Tree Company

I Wastle x\l\‘ltex I Ilt'aIlL'. (ilaxuim 'x( ilaxomi QUINN? " ‘a up.” \nnu l\_t\L'kl perlnrinanee l’.1\k'\l.lll‘llllxl the ehaiaeter 1n Itnrnxkepnnxrnmtixxunu. \\ 1th John Nicol ax the hem. IIkItllL‘ trurn LucyCowan, .mawngxlrmnHilaryBell.

I Porters Music l’mmx Immut- liar. 3U: Sanehiehall Street. I3. 1tlpin I'ree (initat tilltI.

I HeilanJessie‘s Vitiallmxgate. Iaxenint' Hm I I\L‘£let‘tl\lle eleetrie hand.

I West Coast Band IIIaekltiars. ~15 :\Ith Street. _\Ierehant ( 'itx . ‘5‘. WM. 1 ilipm. I‘ree Intuiinal. rnainI}. inxtrnntental lrathtiwnal innxie III the hat.

I Scotia Folk Senna liar. Slut-lax ell Street. 5".“ \tm I. -3, ill 531mmantlfifillpm. I'ree. I.l\ e mime.

I Ceilidh Dance Rnerxnle. I (H; Streelattl (IMIe Street . 34\ 3 I M. ‘I. illpin. I}. Reenlat \xeekh tIanee.


IGaUdiSIIHle' ( )_\\tL‘l Ital. IIIL'SIIUlL‘. letth ‘It‘in. I‘iee

I Royal Oak Illllllll.ti_\ Street LIpin IlII late, lieu-Alan Hunter.


IArches Borders Tryst -\ieht-xtale liar. (ilaxomx ‘x ( ilaxutm 33“ <<I‘. .‘llpin. 2.3. ItnrtIei hallatlx. tum-tr) . elaixaeh anti xttnuuttlt Elspeth Smellie. William Steel. and narratni Judy Steel.

I Singaround I{1\etxltle.l'«t\ Streetaill ('Ittle Street. I 1\ SI 1-1 I hurt I'ree Regular Stintlat alterntmn til inttxie

I Park Bar -\t:\ll Street. near Ke‘lHll

I’ar It. ‘lpni Itee Sexxitin III I Ituhlantletx pith


I Absent Friends I )H\\ n I ittiel. t_)tieenxte:i\ \treet. .‘f'rlillli \pzn I tee IYoungs MUSIC Club I e.tll‘:lll:ili\ll Ieiiat‘e Inlw lir'hI‘W xt~tt«,:\\zltei DickWardell IL'Odeonht-wiuefl Iliitlue \ Winn .\nteiitan Sentltxh Innjwantl titItIIe.

’l‘ll‘. :.I “I Iwniuht.

Ire-e lll.lll\li'lll‘..llltIL’LllI.ll

I Royal Oak Il‘.Ill‘. \tit et ‘lt‘in till Iatt~ I tee (IILI mtl I‘.\ xx xi‘ll;\ l: ‘lllflte‘li‘tle't‘l‘. t‘l.t\el Nancy Nicholson

I at L'Attachel \Ilaeiit‘. I‘aw‘fllglih‘l Rntlantlllwtul. \\qxl I int ‘Il‘lll I Muckle Ado


ITravelling FoIkItItt I{.ltlli‘\\iill.1llil \ ‘I _\<lIllL .~\l\'IIlL‘ I‘|\IlL'l antI I)ann\ I\\Ie

I‘ere‘ltl l'e‘eiiltlx. lIL‘\‘~x .tIIll Il\e IL'el‘lkiIIIL'“


Ilrish Session xlmla-x \ Ital (‘iti/enx II;e ilte. ( wzlntlx "inn I tee


I he \I;( tlex.tl1tlmli.el li*[‘( ilaxuwu Irixh innxiertn numComhaltas

IPorters MUSICI)'IlIe‘l\I t'llllL'; 1m \attehtehall\tteet ‘i‘lll midnight Izet~ \Itixie ee'III’III ‘.\llll Clach na Cudden


I Linlithgow Folk Club IiIatI. lint ll. \\ ext


Port. [inhthgtm Spin, \Vale'x Mabsant. I Scottish Story Telling Festival Nethcitum :\rtx('entre. I Iigh Street. ",.‘~llpirt. (iraee Ilallnnrth and I Ielen Iiaxt tell I

International taIex. I Folk At L‘Attache I '.-\ttaehe. haxement (It Rutlaml Ilt‘tel. West I' ntI ul I’tinees

Street. “pm. I’ree. I‘ine wneertrna pla} mg in popular Sentx inxtr tnnental antI \Hlll; gmupSeannachie.

I Fiddlers Arms ( Il’;t\\’l\e‘t. I'\ eninu. I‘ree. Senttixh rnnxie (Ill xtinee/e hmtes and fiddle.


I Paisley Arts Folk I’aixles :\rlx('entre. New Street. RS" IlIIlI. Spin,


I Scottish Story Telling Festival Nether tum Artx Centre. I Ilglll Street ",Ktlprn, \Vilhe \lel’hee and Helen I‘.LI\I tell ettlltlk'\ttti'lL‘\ I L'Attache Iiaxeinent HI Rtllldlltl I Intel. West IzntI, ‘Ipin. I‘tee. Miro

I Blue Blazer. Spittal Street. 2295030. Session or live music. Checklordetails.

I Famous Other Band Itannerman‘x liar, (tineate. ‘Iprn. I‘ree.

WEDNESDAY 24 Glasgow

I Scotia Folk Setttta Bar. Smelt“ ell Street. 552NtrSl.S.3tIp1n I‘ree I ixennixie I20th Century Music Clubt‘tn 1.1mm.

( Itele Street. III-1332‘). Blltijet xtittinxtliel’ eltlh. .‘\II \x elemne. I’axx»the-hat athnisxitm. I‘ree tirinkxttipertnrineix. .\In\t he «m n material.


I Edinburgh FolkClub('ate I{tt};llL‘ I'pxtairx. \\ ext Register Street Spin LINN: I Fill Kieran Goss l\ a pnpnlar Irixh guitar pla} in}; xinuer xtinuutiter. hut a Int tepltl Int xitnte taxtex.

I Scottish Story Telling Festival Nether him :\rtx ( entre. I litrh Street I )nnean \Vilhainxnn tele mine It inu talex. I Folk At L’Attache I '.v\ttaehe. Itasernenllil Rllilalttl I Ititel. “text I‘ lttl HI I’t'lllee‘\ Htreetfiifillprn Iain Iree Sturrm elem-it- Itlnes ImmJustthe Very Donkeys

I Sheila McWhirter Rt l iex. I Ia_\ ntarlxet

I e'l l'itL‘L‘. iifi “<3:

I Miro letth l )txter liar I he Shwre. \\31 (CHI t) ,‘xtlprn I ree

" lllptn


I Earthbeat: BBC Radio Scotland. 7.30—8.30pm. Presented by Jan Fairley. World Music programme.


I Star Folk Club ( ilaxumx \Ilelk‘U t )1 \Inxieianx, 'lltetixlex \titt‘t.hex1tle' \Iitthell Ilteatre _‘ Ill\IIL'lllI.tll\I amI xtune‘ntitei Keiran Goss

I Music at Bonhams 1‘11 Hut-x Rh it 1-134 ‘Jpn; I-iee ,\et‘ll\Ile\eIIll‘lll MichaelKeenan


ICarlos Arredondo and Galvarino Ceron \iithe I’ HI». \ hrwl. I’tltwn \nlillll \tner leal‘: llrll\l\ tanx Inn;

\[nn 9.

' Winn I \M»

tit IllIIeIIUI ll! \1 tIantf \unux ml t‘axxinn

innit-MI; .tinll:.:i1eitti~axlx atewrni‘lixhttleniamittv-taz‘x I aim .\III&‘II\ IIIeI.1\\I\ttI L'llllal zinixn

IScottish StoryTelling Festival\t~t’rtt-rlum \rtx( \‘lIIZe.IIl:'Il\|leeI

\rnetn an taIex Ilillll I’al Rent

‘l'tin‘t ItixI: anti Iitxh antI It‘llltl .tIIII‘I‘LII

I FolkAt L'Attache I \ltathe. I‘axetneirt til Ix‘nllartti I thel \\ ext I rttiwt I’rtntex \lieel "[‘fl‘ Iret \lll;'.ill'll;' Illle't‘;f1l\~lllN0rthseaGaS IBluesatHaymarketRmtxlm IIa'unatInJ ‘lt‘it: Rootsies DUDIntatt‘miix twine: I‘lll‘ IGreenTreet

ll‘II‘. \\'.'I‘te' \e'xxlt \{j


. Glasgow 3

I Midday concert Stew enan I IaII.

.‘\kllili\\ittll tree h} tieket Iprn. Ihe

ll x\C£tthlll_\ (it Aneient \Itixie in a

prtigramme nt sunatax lur flute and harpxiehnrtl h_\ ('I’I: Itaeh. Ix'rrenheruer and Bentla.

I Stakis Masterclass ( mman Rtmtn. RSAMI). llItI Rentreu Street. 3“}. SUV I'iree at thmr, INIprn '\

denmnstratnin nurkxhwtmn Itatntine “truths ian tnxtrninentx In I’anI \ieh‘ ilxun I BOISUOI Orchestra ( il.t\‘.{ti\\ Rim .lI (tineert Hall. .1 Sanehiehall \tieet. “I

3123 7.3tlptnis III! SNtllauwnrlte .»\Ie\antler I.a/aie\ l\ lll ltmn \\ 1th Inxmx n : Urehexti a ill a Rnxxian I‘IlIllIdlIIIIIL‘ t it 'I‘L‘Itaikmxky'x ( "tr/)rnt In Ira/1m. Rirnxky-Knrsakm\St /rehenz:m/eantI the (’e/lu ( tween/r h) Shnxtakm ieh 1th

I Alexander Rtitlin ax \tIltII\I.

I European Community Chamber Orchestra

I Killlltl‘tnle‘ ltmnllall, lien-exitth (Kilrnartlinm Ilutixe I. iriipm I) (LUSH). Slime HI the lllIt'xI Minn); mnxieiansinI1tiinpeu.itlt(mire/tutu, l'mzr I’m/I'm In \’t\ alth, \IH/art I’M/tr:

(tNlt‘t’rlr) K44”. .Vi‘lnyi/zrzm .\n (ix/1h} IIa_\LIn and ( irtetz'x In H lxleemt Helm/1m


I Organ Recital \teI‘Man IIaII, Imam Square I‘ree at tItmr I Illprn, .Iuhn Kitehen p|.i_\‘x \Ierne antl I-ranek

I SNO I‘xher I IaII. Iuthian Ruatl. 335 1155 ",Sllprn. I'.\Il;l date: .\at I3. (ilaxgtm. L3 LI; l L I}. 57‘“ I leekxull ltx new xeawn \xith Mahler 'x Mum/writ \t/ h’. a lillltL'lllIL’ galaxy «it xtiltnst‘x, the SNH t‘hurtis antI .Itllllttl ( IllIlIl\ .tlltlel‘lhlllk tut linden'I‘htirnxtirn.

SATURDAY 13 ' . '


I I Friends at Scottish Opera Study Day I Mn

til Atlnlt antI ( 'trnttntnnu I'tItteatiun. (ilaxotm I'nnerxm n" til ( )aktieltl .-\\enne. UIIMLM. Ill Wain npin L‘Ittj‘l .-\n in~tIeptI1xtnth (II Itnhth \‘ven'xitexx Hpeta. /h:' l tum/1111:;[iridium/um

Itnnkineexsential. Itineh ineIntIetI

I 3N0 ( ilaxutm Rutal t 'wngert I IaII. f. SatiehiehallStreet.13.7 Li D” I.I<IL_II Se‘e'l II

US“ Wynn III tlinhttreh



I Organ Recital .r\rt ( iallerx .tlItl \Itixelnn. Kelnnumxe .T zllt‘in I’rnntenmleminteit .t\[‘.tlltilltIlIlIltIIlII\\L'llt'\

ICity olGlasgow Philharmonichlaxemi Rt»\aI( wneeiLIIaII. 3Sanelnehall\lreet. NIH.“ Winn L3 ‘ll LI.‘ \ll .\ \aennexewettingIrwin Iain\ttthetlarnl anti Iitxitnith ttlaxeix Il‘IIIL'tI I“. \Iarrlut IIIII\inithantIItmnaxeiittnaItwttwne


IFriends otScottish Operanmt-tuxllall. (IelIt StreelJttmfI'I" Ile‘lx.etx .tltlt‘i‘l with it‘lll Lilintlewlteel \ lallxlw IIetek \\ atxt»n tin Iteiliu/ x /m lwiam. l‘att wt \ewttixh ( )peia'x retu‘ilnne IHl lInx

I Organ Recital t neutralx leIwwlIt ant: Iltehlantl I\III\ (antIIt-inalter Ix’mx

I it Ixe'l\ NM -THI" t Um er: x I IaII Illix (Ittnei ~1 Illpllt L I t L." I irxt n: axezn x ml inwnthlx reeitalx nn the new I’ete: (HIhn-x writan ix omen In \wel Rauxt‘ttwnt ml I l\ etptml \nuheant .tlIIetlraI \xIw lila\x Hath. I'iain k, I 1x.'l ath \ retire ICopenhagen Concert Society Choier (iilex't alhetlral. I IILLIK \lreet \lile I‘l‘llt I lee at Int: \11 .‘IHllZ wl


xetnlat ath xat Ix'tl nt'axit

IIIL‘I lxl I: :5 ( )e‘trilwi I‘I‘III45