tIIil\\IIIL'\.III\I\\thL"IL'I‘IUIII\IIIIIII t‘iiIIeellHlH riII tt\e‘l IIle‘ \\t\IIkI Edinburgh:Watercoloursfromthe National Gallery ofScotlandt llIlI :lHe-r

\e\t t \IllI‘lIlt‘ll starts I \it\


(rem L'L‘ I\' Bruise .73" 1* i I \Iiin I-rr

‘1 *Hnn \ lllrtiit.,\flit‘t Warn Fpmfitin f ‘prn

The Hebrides Surveyed t mi} 31 ( )et. \twtl.iiit1\isiuntlsseentIiiwquttIieeyesnl .i Yl‘..tI‘ in :kez the e \IttItitinn l\ I‘UIIT nit t\pilir.itiwn wt tIie l\I.lll\I\ .intIJ

.e I. It: .itiwnivt maps. .1\ \MtlI\\t‘I;1lIttllLI \lellIlIleIt‘i‘I\

I NETHERBOW 1“ I IlL'Il \treet, "SH‘IS'V‘I. \It‘II \.it I‘thll -1 ‘tlprn.iritIe\ertiitu\ ‘.\IiellI‘V'ItlllliAlleLW (Kile TheExeterRiddlest nnl ‘~i t let

\xt-ntx Ittlil tit tIlexe .ineient

.\rr~,'Ii \i‘wittiiItIIexilltistinletIItt twitternrnimm ttrrrttrimkeis I IL'tIIIIL'I

\\ lIM il‘. IIitI \IttIe Li I e\ inasxiiemtitin \HIIIIIle'\\1)II1\II\It‘l\IeIIlllgI estimI. IOPEN EYE GALLERYT‘W 'tnnIteiIJntI \iieet “fl WM "lion Ill Ilkini ripin..\;il IIMlll ~1l"'ll

Jacqueline Watt: Recentpaintings t nut is

Norman Stuart Clarke: Glass 1 ‘nnl I\t Iet, Lidia Danuta Ferguson: Jewellery 1 mil \ \ll\

Six EastCoastArtists.‘lH Iel t\\t.\.

Anna Lambertjvliiti \\m ceramic» IPEACEANDJUSTICERESOURCECENTRE \t It iltri'xl Eitireii.\\'e\lIrnI.I’r1nee\ \iIY'_H‘I.::"'I‘IVI \Iwn Ill Ill.iiil lprnfiat IIICIIII Ipri.

Amnesty International Exhibition t 'nnl it (>th \ itrsrtlm. wt ITIIIIII‘L’JJITII\ItlIIIII‘\II rte itIliI [‘llI‘Ile'he' .\I'\ will I\. I‘.tIIIt'III.III_\ lI\ 'e'Ice!!!lKlIIlellIIt'IlI IiillllitillluIII\tlItlI\e‘\ tii\riI iit'r..i, Ike t"\IllI‘lIltllll\Illle‘tIIt‘ ll! IIIiIt‘I)II\“IIL'I1‘I(.t‘II‘~L‘IL'II\L‘\\ eek

7.! t at

E PORTFOLIO GALLERY I1t '.iritIIern.iI\ez Ix’wxi . Jill I‘ti I Iue \tit inmn ,‘7, lllprii ldealHome—ADetached LookatModern Living I 'iili} I.‘ ( )et .InIrit R I. I;i\Iirr\ :ntrnmter‘iiwtwiimpliie slum (II

‘I.tI'. \llItlllI‘Jll Iite. tneiItie. IIIIt'It‘\\.I\ e .intI \ ltIe‘i‘ i.«ii':\tit tIie I‘NW StepBy Step I“ ( lit I‘Nm .\ stutI‘. In

{‘Itwtwg: irIei Sill-kw rim I\HllIIll‘.L‘ll


II.I\ ins tIte Ir\e \irt ritiItIiers .initituueIileh twin .i I iiesitie thineiny \‘Itiwl. IPORIRAIT GALLERYUtlg‘ert \tieet.5*h “Cl \Ittn \il III.1lll *r‘ni Suit: \I‘ll‘. John ZephaniahBelll nnlixtiei IIttllllll I)illltIL'i.'.III i“11.It's-IIupinlIueneeiIIu t1“. \ I,',lIe‘IIL‘\_ .r \t‘IIIIIIIIIllIR l‘I ( re'llll.tll ill\lit"\ [T.ttllIe’l\\kIttl taught Illll‘. tIte teeIiinigueut Ile‘:~\.'itit.tlllIll‘.j-_'_ ll! Rome IteII u l\ truxtmtetf llt Ill\ .iriiItitii in to he .1 .intIIiistJIetih limelint:IteenmerltmketI PhotographsfromtheRiddellCollection

t tililixtlet

tII§t\\IIl‘_: L‘\.eIll‘\l\ eI\ litirn IItl\e'\Ie'll\l\ e

lll\lt\!\ l‘.illltt‘l llt Item“.

I Iie seer tritI e\IiiItit1iin

ewIIeetn ill, ulttetI ii: I‘M?» It IIIL'IIIKIC\ I‘ltIt egr1tuix \le'\\\«~I I \IlllItlllfJIl. \eenewvt Irritm l‘Ill rtm'mt. tires lrtnn ( IILI\L'II\\ and wine \IlllellL' e.irI\ \I\'\\‘\t‘I Rome.



Painting by Margaret Hunter

Margaret Hunter: Paintings; Dorothy Steel: Retrospective: Mandy McCombie: Installation. 369 Gallery. Edinburgh.

The 369 Gallery kicks off the autumn season with three exhibitions by artists of different generations. Dorothy Steel‘s exhibition has an extraordinary story behind it. Ms Steel had been keeping herlife‘sworkwith herinthe nursing home where she now lives. It was deemed to be taking up too much space there, and she was persuaded to remove it. The only option she had was to destroy it. A matter of days before this was due to happen, Andrew Brown was told about her. wentto see the work, and decided there and then to show it. as a retrospective exhibition. A week later, and the work would have gone.

Steelwasacloselriend otJoan Eardley in the 403 and 505. introducing Eardleyto some ofhersubjectmatter— the towns of the Clyde coast. There are some stylistic similaritiesinthe early work ofthetwo women: butSteel made the conscious decision to remove herselffrom Eardley‘s influence. The workdevelopsintoa lighterpalette. colourapplied in clearblocks.The drawings are very strong. particularly the haystacks.

The downstairs gallery shows work by Margaret Hunter, now resident in Berlin. Her paintings show a distinct absorption of German influences. particularlythatofBaselitztunder whom she studied) in the application of the paintandtreatmentofsurface. Each painting seemsto bethe resultof long struggle with technique: a struggle that is now paying off. Having found hertechnique. Huntershould nowturn more attentiontothe content: althoughthe paintingshave widely differingtitles. the mood many ofthem exude is similar.

lnthetop space is an installation by Mandy McCombie. a post—graduate student at Edinburgh College of Art. Her degree show will berememberedfor its rottingfruitzthis uses some ofthe same materials. Taking as her starting pointthe rnysteriousdeaths ofsome workers for Marconi. Plessey and other multinationals. McCombie has created glass "tombstones presiding over clear plastic “body-bags'. Objects have been placed in the bags photos. a mirror. articles ofclothing. seeds which have started germinating. The viewerislefttoreflectupon moments ofdeath and moments ofgermination. Behindthewall aclockis heardticking. (Hilary Robinson)

Dynasty: The Royal House of Stewart. I’ern‘ninent i_‘\IIlI‘lIlttll

I QUEEN'S HALL ( In R Street. I’w ixt )tlre e twtih Jill‘t \Iiin Sat Ilium .‘~pnl.(’.ite

The Changing Seasons: Paintings and Prints by Evelyn Pottie I'ntiI 2“ t )el I'lt‘lll SIietlzintI pttllle\ in the \Ilt‘\\ ttisurnrner LItI_\ \ .it I\'1I\.irt>ek ( \ixtIe. In\ er new-InisetI I’iittie presents .i ptirti ;iit HI tlie Senttrin

\\ CitIIlL‘l .intI I;intI\e;ipe lll IMIIIII .tIItI pr lllI I RICHARD DEMARCO GALLERY Iilaektrigirs ( ‘IruieIi. IIIueklr litl'\ Street lull IIliJIl Street I. 35"“7'“. \Iiin Slit

Itluni (ipm.

Art in the Open I 'ntiI Z" t )et. Reeent .imI [‘UNI'ILWHIIIIIUIIJI} milk It} xix Romanian

IROYALINCORPORATION OFARCHITECTS IN SCOTLAND I‘— RtltI'iiitI Minute. 3-“! R515 \Itin I'll" “Inn ‘r‘in

Suzanne Kirkand ShaeronAverbucht l'IlI ()et IKIII\'\\IIII'IIIL"\tIIItItlII\,‘.\III‘ :\\erItueIt\~~tenerItie-sluii\.iritI.er..ri:!e IlIes

Vetruvius Scotticus:.t< Iel .‘ \m \n L'KITIITIII'IIIHI INNII‘. plates. ‘.'.Il|e'II‘.\lIII‘;‘

Iiir stile.

I ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN “‘3 ‘1 " (i;lltIL‘ll\.\Iltll Sat Itl:int \tlll\e'I.\llll IIuni sunset. I’Itint Iniuses itIILI exhibitions t mounted lll In\ei Ie lIIl I Iiiuth \Itin Szit Ithirn 5pm; Sun I 1.1m "[‘lll

Andy Goldsworthy:Sculpture1976—1990 7 I'ntiI :\ I )et (IIII\I\\\HIIII\ It.i\rri.itIe \eulpttize Irwin \llt‘\\ lee. iliekeIM. Ik'tt\e'\.lIItIIIt“~\L‘I\ IIll\l\I‘.l\Ill\I retriixpeeme e\InI\itnin.intIuiIItwur I'trriipe.ilter I'tIIIII‘IIIl'II

IROYAL MUSEUM OESCOTLAND (It..iiiIier\Stteet..‘.‘*“\§.t \Inri \.it III.tlll \i\iii.5tiit.‘ ‘l‘lll

The LifeofaChairt tlllI.‘.'~()et .\\l‘.lllitI tIre’I)enin.iikin\et~li.intl e'\e‘ltl\.IIte I).ini\IttIe\isnt «turieilIi.ixi~r:.iiir\etI.in L'\IllI‘lI|t‘l‘lt‘I1ft{Ilttli\.tlltItIlrl\\lll£\

kIL'\I§.'II\\II‘\ "unit llI\III.tII\_I \\et:ner

I ROYAL SCOTTISH ACADEMY IIie \IiiuntI. 3.75m» l \Iwii \il Ithirii ‘prrrfiwun

. \I‘III

Scotland'sPicturesl llIlI ‘s i iii \Iitle tI‘..ii:humpiin\wltlxlturlMeantime tirsttizn. IlllIi‘ttl‘J1I.tIIel'~.lII ttzi- IlI'lllIIl; tItree \.III'IIIIIII.lIIi'IIe\i‘I\et‘IIJIItI

.IHESCDITISHGALLERY‘IIIir‘ttlL'L' \trvel \Iwn Ill I'Iiru 51921;

James Morrison:AngusandAssynt—New Paintingst llilI “it tet \Iwrriwitkreeent

‘.\I‘I 'IL'I‘ILI‘ ItlII\I\


lI‘lIll‘l‘MI \kw't»

I‘Llilt firtrnfiut

tin-a tIlIIIIItI \It'lttliWL‘

rllltIIIlt‘ rzwrtt m ~t \t‘nttlsttumxt. vliiti'. itiv :wii .irtti.‘xI\t«. \tt'IiII [\I \xilIttIle IIlIeImJIltILIII

Masters ofLustre1AlanCaigerrSmithand SUIIORIayIDTI'r'tlI Wtkl I ll~Ilt’\\.lle l\\l

urn vItIL‘ «ll.lI. ‘rwttei'. \snnq'tiuunIxi-s

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litriix :iti.t.iI~\nte itl.ltttl...'.I.t‘.t1lluIeI

~pe’e'i.iI\«tittIitiwiv ti :1» Mixllr iriiiie Iltl.'t‘IxI.lIthIt‘IhIIilhIi \xIIIIIeIIIIrIIItI lllll" .‘tIie‘iI‘Ie ls- liritiiue lI '.\ltIt‘I‘.

used :r: the \InIIIe I tl\l tit IOI‘itIIItIIIIIIIL' IIIL'\IIKIIII\ \‘JL rtttittistt. t .tl-';‘l \rnit'titi.i\tteeri;ttiinin:

~. Itut l\ rum Iil'It'

.i xxtizisftwri \I‘L'LI.III\IIIS ll‘. Itlsli swire

xiiiet I‘I‘“ ,I‘l\ IMMIIIH'IIJItIn'\I;'li‘ ewnlrust '.'.itI‘ttIte 'ituii,,e! I.r‘.I«ir\'ritvleu'wtlut't Willit

Alice Kettle:Embroideryt mil Hit )e‘t llie IIeIIxt'Il‘iII .riialsxirlnexulvattIeV. «IL'\I.'l‘t\.llliIII.1III.lIl'.e' uth. entiterinent [It-e I'.I\IIl‘iI\t!II.tI|I\ til the eer llllle'\.tI\l‘tlII

I SOLSTICEGALIERY I‘ Ituiti‘m Street. "' \Iwr‘ I 'l I knit \Illll.\ttI

I'L'lll It‘ll]

Mixed Exhibitionl ml? \1 i ’ei Willi». ITilll‘. J'lIi \L'IIIIII\ tlI‘rtIUIIIIL‘IIII‘HIAI\ \eiitlislt.i;ti\tx. irieltitIiit:i\wltiin

\ \.ir1el\ l'I

IHIHHII‘I‘ .lIIII lllilLIt Ill rmirttt l\ ‘~IILIItI\ Ii’eiigxitiiJiiIIiex. \I.ie I.i:ie.i.‘t lIItI


ISTEP GALLERY W I que \[l'.'i'I.\““l 'zhlI \Iiir; \il II in: 1tlrtrri MixedExhibitionl llIlI ~tl\ti\ I _'.tI‘.lIIII_‘_' IIIlnII Isl-Ht. \\ lIIl HI] I lIIIe'H‘Illl .ii‘tII lII (lrt‘I‘.

I STILLS GALLERY It!‘ I Iien \lle‘el. :I'IIIIIIL'\1I:I.HII\ PeterBeard: The End ofthe Game t l.llI l1

(ht .\n {\I’lIiIIlt‘lt ll t‘tiwtiil'tn‘l \


Itt'.iitI\ Inwlx It the ’tlIIIe unrut 'nKI‘le Ii

L'\.ttl‘.lllL’IIIL'I‘IIL'IZI vl \KIIIIIIIL IIt \tinu




git/mission I'I‘UU

SLRVI‘LYI’I) 1 August to 31 ()etotier \Ionetuy—Suturduy 930—1700 Sunday 14.00-17.00 National library ol‘ Scotland (ieurge l\' Bridge, Iietinburgh IiIIl lIiW. Tel: 031-226 4531.





58 IIle I hi I: :5 I )eltiIte‘l‘ I‘MII

Tel. 041-330 5431


Mon-Sat C130-5; Sun 2-5


6 October TWO-2o January lQQl (Closed 24 December-3 January)


The Gallery‘s WOO programme is supported with funds from Glasgow District Councrl's Festivals Budget

Admission Free