Kids aims to provide information about events in and around

Edinburgh and Glasgow for children and young people.

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Play Time

Philip l’iii‘i‘ ttikcs .11 ltmk Lit llTL‘ till-singing. till—dancing. itll-Skitlcl‘tlltltlllig kids“ \Vcck tit lUQtl.

ll'ttll\l'il'lll;llittll ll‘tllli ;i( iilttiict ll\ [0 tin .‘\k'lltlll l‘LtCltilN 'l\ lllt' illlil i ll ( il;i\uti\\'\ lit}; .“(tiisc twin \vlin iii‘i' igniting tip lln l‘llL‘ til lllL‘ll ltiuucxt misnts tillllL‘ hL‘lll'i 'l llt' ( )ltl \tlicrinctini lllk‘tlll'k‘ \\ lll lTL‘ lllc l‘nw it it 'tllc‘ like \l i}*»til l‘llk' .\x‘lltilt l';it‘ttii'\ xxliic'li \t ill ltlkk' pltit‘t' in the :itittitiin llitll~lt‘l‘lll linlitl'ix

lllL‘l'L‘ \\ ill l»; tltiil}. Inge“ painting. piiptu-trinnlain; .llltl Illil\l*.* making: \ktil'l;\lltlp\ in We ( )lkl z\lllL'll;tL‘llll‘. :intl llic \t‘titiisli \l.i\l\‘ tllltl l’tippct ( L‘nti'c. M ii llltj l‘ltllk"\. tlii‘irc tliit \ til \kiitL-lititii‘tlin}; ill Slicttlcxttin Spin'tx ( 'ciiti'c v. ill we \\ lit) llLl\ the must \ll'L‘Cl-\l_\ lg.

Hi}; \tnxc li;i\ L' Lll\ti iii gniiixctl Ll \L‘l'lLN til tritii‘s incltitliii; lllL' l‘iitlg‘rgr'iittntl. t iltixgtm _\ll'pril‘t. lli'itisli 'l't‘lc'uinfl l.llllL‘lll L‘Xk‘llltlltlk‘. t r'lmunii [avian/nu Imit'x Lllltl. tli;it iiitii‘t' ltiniiliaii‘ tct‘nzigc li4itinl. \'itl;il Siiswtiii'x wiltin (\\ lie-{c tlic tun \Klit) gut lit git LlltlllL' min li;i\ c t: lieu t- tit l.

ll till this is iii»! L‘iitnigli. «int‘ l‘lL‘kltlllllllLtlll lL‘illltl'L‘ til tlit; iitltillx~ l‘Nll lllutlt‘c‘ iilw ll;l\ Lt lit}; piii't ltl pl;i_\_ \ tittii‘nl tlit' \ ixtitillt til lltll lillt‘ \i/i‘l/l llLl\ lk‘c‘ll tllL‘LtlllNL‘tl. .l\ liin c \ l\ll\ tn. .tlltl \\tll'l--.\lltlp\ \\ itli.

tliciiti'imlli l iinpi'cwn c wt «it

Sc‘tittixli Bullet. l llL‘l‘L' tire Ltl\tltlllL‘ tii' tut) ck. ulll\ in \\ liicli t'liiltli‘cii \\ ill l‘t lllL' ltlltllk‘llk‘L' tittlici’ llltlll lltL‘ pc‘i’ltiiintri'x. l Zt\l\L'kl .'\L'lltlll l tit‘ttii't c‘titii‘tlinitni'. l’li}. lll\ Stools .tl‘llttl lltL‘ l{ti\iti\>mii—l)mii Routwntil Ptlplk‘l (Unipiinx \\lltt tire cumin}; In lli‘ituin ltll llTL‘ lll'Nl lllllk' \1. itli llicii' PI'tltlllk'llt in «it Hn' ( zIr;:jr'iu/‘r't'itit li’r its

‘l l’\lltl\\ lllL‘lll in. l'L‘l‘llt.illtlll. \Vt' llllllltl tltll alititit lllL‘lll limiting ( rlmgtm ll;l\ ;i l\\ inning link \kltll lem «in-l Min. 'l'licx \M‘lc ;iptti;ill\ \cr; keen in urine t< i ( Hamlin . ( inc- l\ tilnutx it l‘l'i I‘L‘lllk‘lttlll in tlitzt iintnncc \\ llL‘ll stiti'i'c Lllllltt\l litter—ted tn liiix r; wincl‘mtlt. clch Llllllllt‘ in lllLtl \\;t_\, léiit l ltltll\ upt'i't ilkl\v ice ll'tllll .\lill\ tilni Knights lllL' tliit'cltii‘nl lllL‘ Sgtitlixli .\lil\l\\i1llkl l’iippct( untrc. ttlltl llc \tltl tli;it the} lltl\ c it x CD gnarl TCPUlJllHH llics litl'x'C ll'iltllllt‘llltl \ltll'lL”\. ptii‘tictiltii l_\ (ictii’gian tititl Sm lot \It ii'ic'x. Lllltl pcrttii'ni tllc‘lll in «‘lllL'l' unintric» l lick '\ c l‘L‘e‘ll

- .m»vW"W ii... a.

Rostov-on—Don Regional Puppet Theatre appear as part ol Action Factory.

litigcly ptll‘lllttr in ( ici'innn} ltlltl l)cnni;irl\,‘

'l’lic ctiiiipnm liltVL' l‘L‘L‘ll \ L‘l‘_\ \pCL‘lllL in \ltltlllf; tlitit Ilic} tinl_\' want 5 :i-t'mivnltlx ;it lllt'll' [TL‘l'ltlIlllilllL'L‘ and l ;l\l\L‘ll l’lijt llix \\ ll_\ llll\ was the

"l lint‘x \x'liti tlic} pi'clci‘ triplgix ltli I think. lll;ll it‘s pi‘t iliiililt; :i \\ lltllL' tllllt'l :gnt pc-i'ltii‘nitincc lllL'tlllllll in IllL‘ Sm lL'I l 'iiitin \\ llL‘lt' piippct \llti\\\ itlL' pln}ul ltl \ .',t\l lltlth'N llic}. \htHlltl pl;i_\ lizippilt in IllL‘ lliuiti‘c l<<i_\til til iititlicnt'u «it lfititl. 'llii' (,‘iiiui'r/irim/ li’r ll l‘\ ltll ktttlllL’ (lllltll'tfll

;iiitl tlict ll;t\L‘ Lt\l\L‘tl ltll tlint it ltc' lllt_‘ll .iuc- rtinuc,

\Vliiit \u- ll;t\ c tltlllL' tlii'titigliiiiil the pun l\ in ll\lr\ L‘LtL‘ll ptii'tic‘iptint lt) xtgt lllc' ptii .tlllu'lt‘l‘» til lllL‘ tiuc lLtllL‘c tlllllc kltl\k’l_\ lTL‘Ltttlxe' lllL‘lL‘i\ lit illllllf; \\til'\L' tli;in l‘\ltl\ lllill tii’c‘ ltllll'lL‘Cll ttii‘iiiii}; tip ltii‘ things lt‘rl\\L'l\'C-\L‘Lll*l)lthllxlltl\\ll1;tli\l‘lll\{\thhL‘Ltl\ tliltcrc-iicc iii gluc- lint in Cllltl}. lllL‘lll itllLl pill'llc‘lpitltll'_\ lm cl it cuin lllitle‘ ll \ ;t\l ;lllltltllll til tllllL‘I‘L‘liL'Lfl‘

With the pr'tiui'niiiiiiu (ll L‘\L‘lll\ \tllL‘l} illlllL‘tl Ltl IllL‘ i‘iglit age ui‘titipx. ltiu \«iiw li;i\ c iiiuriiigul lit


cater to IllL‘ thlllLtlTLl\ til llll £1t_‘C\ tliititiglititit tlii; \L‘lll'. l3tit. UllllL' l‘Nl . lllL' intinct \\ ill \tiii't ltl tli'} iip illltl l \ktintlcr‘ul \\ liic‘li til the unit’s \Cllltll'c\ l’li\ lllx \\tlllltl llltt\l like In we \lll'\ l\C into lllL' ticxx \‘L‘Lll‘.

(ti/t newspaper. \\ liic‘li \tc tln \x llll the (Him. or [il‘t’lllllL’ Ill/Ht'xi We’ll be ltitikinu ltii‘utii‘tl ti» tltlllltl lllL‘ ( ’liiltlrcn‘x llllL‘l'llillltllldl tom .il tlL’Lllll \\ liicli \w Lllkl in .lllllL'. .\iitl \w‘ll \kttlll ltl tltl \lllllt'llllllL‘ similar in l )cttilwr t it llL'Xl tun,

’l'w or it it lL'L‘llllL‘ \\ itli lllL' ( )L‘ltll‘cl littlitliit \\CL‘l\ ltliink lllttl this Ullk‘ \\ ill—i't‘nllt l.ll\e' till '1 licic‘x w lTTthll lllclt‘. \u- li.i\en't l‘k’k'll llltlfllllL‘lllQll étl till, \w‘\ r; |tl\l ptit lll m t‘l 'mnc \\ lltl \llltl tlic} 'tl tlti ll, lciiiiil \;t_\ \l. ;i l \ini‘wiltl \Hltllkl lllx'L'. ntii‘ \\ ligit ill] 8 tun -l‘ltl \‘Hlllltl like: l‘lll [think we're getting c‘ltiw In it licicn ( L'i't;iinl_\l lltlpL‘ we are.‘ t l’liilip l)ttl'l'l Nita-litiriri l'iit'turi H i// lit it/l tmm /5 .‘l/ ()t‘rri/ii'r. .\('t' Hii' .‘lt'lltlll I'm lrll'l li’tuiA/i't titi iii/it/i/i'ttt (r/iiwuii t/it'iilri'xi tw/ limiAi/i: (1(‘(t1[/\.


Out now with a eye on the Christmas market are some new children's videos lrom VCI, in particular. a good selectiontorthe underSS with television lavourites and nursery singalongs. ‘Watch and Play' packs contain a video. colouring book and Lpens. the idea beingthatchildren lind

the lrame intheir ‘Duckula‘ or ‘Thomas the Tank Engine' then colour inthe corresponding picture.

Othertitles inthe series include ‘What-a-Mess‘, ‘Sooty/Rainbow‘ and ‘My Favourite Nursery Rhymes‘. Zippy. George, Bungle and Geottrey pop up in a Rainbow ‘BumperSpeciaI'. a more expensive, longer-running (90 mins) tape with six stories and of course

songs from Rod. Jane and Freddy.

Four other top names get the bumper treatment. ‘Wind in the Willows‘. ‘Sooty & Co', ‘Duckula‘ and ‘Thomas the Tank Engine‘ who. with an even longerrunningtape ot95 minutes, managesto shunt in no lessthan seventeen stories, all day-return adventures presumably. (Rene Taylor) VCIVideos. Watch and Play Packs. l



"T Md '

--“'\d; £4.99; Bumper Specials £9.99.

'l'lic l.|.\l l3

:5 l )(ltil‘k‘l l‘lWll71