hat‘s thistilisessitin with endtirsing (iuthrie. e\asperated. \‘y'hat‘.’ \Ve

men than I haye etime a ertipper tin that. hut . ..

(rm/witty. the deliut l‘rtim 1%}. stiunds alintist ttuaint these day s. I i/ l’ra/er sang iii the Queens linghsh w hieh she was shtirtly tti spurn in lthUUl tit her perstinal eusttitnised language: tiriginal

liassist \Vill l leggie laid dtiwn lines in a distinetiy'e style that haslieen yaritiusly attriliuted tti ltin‘tsell'.

Stey e Sey‘erin and l’eter l ltitilt': attd ( iuthrie has his dials set eheet tully litll' the setting marltetl ‘gtithtt‘. Restrietetl liy liudget and inexperienee. it‘s the tinly' ( ~tieteau reetirding that aettially etintes aertiss as t‘laustrtiphtiliie and raw . like a hand playing ttigether in a rtitim. \ltiretiy'er. it

stiunds lilte the natural liaelt'grtittnd radiatitin til’a time when 'l‘he (. 'ure. New ( )t‘tlet‘. lhe liltnshees.

Bauhaus ey en. were ltising their lit st liltish til y'tiuth and etiunting their irnitattirs. 'l‘he (‘tieteau ll wins might ltay‘e stay ed tiliseure tiutside their htime ttiw it til ( irangemtiuth had it not lieen l'tir ly ti \Vatts-Rtissell. w hti pielt’ed up tin their demti and put tip the intiney‘ l'tir them tti reetird (zit/‘t’tmt/y' l‘tll‘ his independent laliel. 4A 1 ).

.v‘xt a time when tithers were emphasising the etiltlness and detaehment til'eleetrtinies. 'l‘he (‘t ~eteau 'l‘ty ins drew tiut warmth and

listener —lriendliness. 'l'hey last lieeame lithUllI‘llLW

til.ltihn l’eel listeners. and the intinrentum til'a etiuple til'singles. ‘l .ullahies‘ arid ‘l’epperinint l’lgi. helped ptlsh their next l.l). Her/(1 ()l't'l' Ht't‘li.

tti the ttip til tlte independent eharts. where they hay e returned time and time again. l/t’ut'en tir /.tt‘y \t‘g’UW is their si\’tl‘i l.l’. etttttltittg a etillalitiratitin with ‘niinimalist tti/f pianist l lartild Budd. lint ntit ineluding l .t/ l‘ira/er‘s y tieals ttir 'l'his \ltirtal ( ‘tiil. the «l;\l) sttpergrtiup that released ‘Sting tti the Siren. a sting that ereated as great a splash as arty til the ’l‘w ins' tiw n tet‘tirtls. \eedless tti say; they are led tip hearing alitittt it.

.-\lmtist as a matter til etiurse. the release tila ( tieteau 'l'yy ins teetirtl is the r't’tigt't's i/i/lt'St/(U‘HN etptiy alent tilthe ( iltiritius 'l‘w ell'th. Rey iew s y ary in htle hunt the merely purple tti the ptisitiy'ely ultra—y itilet. litit they are tieeasitins w hen petiple tlti seeni temptirarily tti let their marliles rtill tltiw n a grating. “linie sttitid still and tinly the earth nit iy'ed‘ and an e\ en intire enthusiastie ‘the ytiiee til ( itid‘ are tinly twti til the etitnplintents paid liy' itiurnalists tti l'r't‘rtirtu/tt'nt/ and lrt'ttytu't' respeetiy ely . ;\ intire prtisaie aeetiunt has he en til'l‘ered liy' Simtin Ray mtinde. whti ttitilt tip the rtile til third 'l‘w in alter they had spent stime time as a duti l'tilltiyy ing Will 1 leggie's departure: l he sting is a liy-prtiduet til wanting tti liddle alitiut yynltthe‘getnli

But the myth has persisted. mutating tiy er the years lrtitn 'l'he (itieteau 'l'w ins: art ethereal. shadtiwy enigma with a direet line tti the ;\l'te rliles etitnptist_-t'—in-tesidenee tti 'l he ( ‘tieteau lw ins: ethereal. shadtiwy and enigmatie tilt the tiutsitle. ntirmal and unalleetetl in the middle.

.-\lmt ist as lamtius as the hy'perlitile surrtiunding their reetirdings is the 'l'w ins‘ ietieenee tti take the

things'." grtiw ls (‘tieteau 'l‘win Rtiliin

shtiuld talk alitiut their mttsie'.’ Better


bait and let their leet leay'e the gt tiund ttiti. Rtiliin—l (iuthrie‘s answers tti interyiew Llllt.‘\llt)ll.\ are disarmingly terse. .\ truery as tti wltetherthey

ltay e eettain teinptis that they naturally slip mm is met with '\\'ell. yttu'y e answered that ytiursell] We must dti. tir y t in w~ iuldn‘t haye atitit'ed.‘

'lihts istlteirliirst ttiursinee i‘lN’li lessliet‘ause l stime terrihie esperienee put them Ullth itlea til playing liy e ltir years. than a general leeling that ‘\\'e ittstgtit letltlp.i i

'l'hey' are ttitiring with 'l stiuntl system til'sueh daunting er intple\ity that tine tlise drty e etintrtils the liaelang tiaelts. ( iuthrte‘s islelileets pedals land thtise t‘l au‘t‘iltary l wins ‘ylitsuti 'l ate and Ben lilaltentan t and the settings tin the nti\ing deslt tttt e'teh sting. ( iutht ie seetnsetinlident entittgh that the set *ttt‘ w ill r it'lt. lint tliseussing the ehanees til it gtiing tltiw it seems like tempting late. ;\ l ).»\'l'tilthe set is lieing tal.en tlting asa litit‘kttti. shtiultl it he needed.

‘\\e deeided w e w ere gtiitig tti ttiur again alitiul a year agti. We didn’t aetually plan a ttiuring-witli-the~alhum thing. that w as iust ineidental. .v\nd thenl i/ gtit hersell pregnant. he adds. as thtiugh he had ntithing ttidti with it.

lt may lie ‘iust ineidental that the ttiur ltilltiws elt‘ise tilt the heels til-llllf Ltlhttnt‘s release. httt it‘s .stiund sense as w ell. tiuthrie‘s etiny retitin that the grtitip etiuld lie dtiing lit tter than they are has led tti tine lirtiadsitle at -l.v\l ) already. ‘lt‘s trtte.‘ he allirtns. 'they‘ie tittite happy with the ley'el we‘re at at the lttttn‘t nt. 'l hey ire ntit interested in pushing usany littrther.‘ 'l‘he grtiups i intransigenee. htiweyer. hardly makes them ideal

Alastair T‘tlal‘ilititt talks tti Rtiliin (,itithi‘ie. and enneludes that the l (‘tieteau 'l'wins" t'nusit: dtiesnt sti l mueh prtigres‘s as prtiee ‘d at i

astately' erawl.

l-lHlLlL'l'. Heat t'H amt" /.tt‘\ l't'e'tty dtiesnt hay e a

new . e\eiting tliret‘titin. tir a dnet y‘. itlt Maria

\lelse- ttiggtly anise the itttliti lirtigrttn‘inte l‘is and

y ideti itielts lille guitarist laughs w hen he‘s aslt'ed

ilthey tried tti dti .1tnythit‘ig dillf rent \‘ll this

allitint. '\ti. lguess ntit really. \y'e dtin‘t plan

thingslilt’ethat.‘ lhe l lartild Rudd etillalitiiatitii‘ . and

l’it‘lw'tu/tmt/. w liieh teatured tinltx t ieals .tnd

aetiustieguitat . are exeeptunr» in that they were

the l estiltstiletiuseitius deeisit ins. \tir ntally . 'lihe

(‘tieteau lw inn tltin't ‘tit‘tigitrss lilte. say . Simple

Minds. 'l'hey ltiund their lt".el early «in. and

tlttiugh :l‘te e titlieiltslunents elrange as they tease

stiuntls tiut til then grtiw itig armtitity til hardware.

il’they dti ttitiy e ttirwartl they dti it at the stately

eiawltil ‘l’eaily'—l )ewthtips~ l )itips'. lt :tt't'tiunts

ltir their l'tllllltll audit nt‘e. ltir w llttlll iitty iitg a

t 'tieteau 'l wins allitrnt n.ean.s lt:ttii.t ing what

ytiu‘te getting. litat ll alsti mean t tn;

ttnereasing their audienee tlraniatit ally w ill rettttite a lting sltig. luel and a tlegtee'il gtititl w ill.

lit the meantime. thtiugh. there are ehanges in the l ’tieteau eamp .‘iinitin l<ay nttinde married reeently . and ( iutl‘tt re and lint/er liaye ytiung

l.ttey tti ltitil; alter lltl\‘~ \‘y lien t'tinsttleiiugthis. tine ean‘t help titinkiugtil the ttuantity tilt tieteau 'l‘wtnsttiusiesliealistiilietlintltewtitnli.'lilitise rtiundedwashestilstiund 'irt-et~mttitting entitigh tttthe tans l.uey sparentswitl pitilialily lintl thetttagtititlpaeitier

li/lt'( (1t 'i't‘tllt' i, tti/M [)I'itfl l/lt' litt/‘f't "vl't/tt‘,’ltt'v. (Ii/(1.x ram; (l/l NIH/N 35.

l‘hel i-t 7." l )t'ttiliet l‘l‘)ll7