I Always ( PG) (Steven Spielberg. US. 1989) Richard Dreyfiiss. Holly l lunter. John Goodman. 121) mins. Airborne fire-fighter Dreyfuss‘ deepening relationship with feisty co-worker l lunter faces a slight hitch when he's killed in action. trying to save best mate (ioodman. 'l‘hanks however to guardian angel

Audrey Hepburn. his soul retiirnsto liarthonly to face anguish as hisex-lover falls into the arms of hunk Bradlohnson. An absorbing mix of old fashioned sentiment and state-ofthe-art special effects Spielberg's reworkiiigol1‘H3‘s Si-cnqii li.i~."~ it'llttl‘ii-1.l(rir\ Varmint/He pays tribute the whole-sonic l i-iilywocid warmth of half ascetilury ago. but his attempts at eonv eying an adult love affair remain uncomfortably adolescent. lidinbiirgh: Broiighton l'iliii Society.

I Amityville 30: The Demon( m 1 Richard Fleischer. l'S. lflfifil'l‘ony Roberts.'l'css Harper. Robert .loy . ( 'andyClark. 105 mins. 'l‘hird and final instalment of what began as a (supposedly ) true story. now reduced to gininiiekry and tacky special effects. as an iinbelieving (aren't they .in ays) jtilll'llilllSl moves into'l'he House and the [w il l‘orce moves out into town to destroy some evidence. Dead meat. dead boring. dead idea.

Stiathelydc: \\'.\lRl'i1m('cntre.

IAn Angel At My Table i l’(i)(Janc . (‘ampion. New Zealand. W911] Kcrryl’ox. - Alesm Keogh. Kitl'L'll l‘ergussson. 158 mins. (‘ampion's follow-up to her remarkable debut Sweetie is a lengthy treatment of her compatriot .lanet l-‘rame's aiitoliiotzraphieal trilogy of novels. originally made for television. l-‘ollowing l‘iainc's life in an awkward childhood and teenage years, through university (where she was diagnosed as schizonphrenic)and boheniian trav cls in liiirope. to her adult aehiey enicnts as a writer. the film offersa more subtle depiction of mental illness than Save/1e. and is superbly conceived and acted throughout. (ilasgow: (ii-'1‘.

I Angel Hearti 18) ( Alan Parker. CS. 1987) Mickey Rourke. Robert dc Niro. (‘harlotte Rampling. 113 mins. Scruffy. tinshaveii private eye 1 larry Angel is hired by the my stcz'ioiisl oiiisCyphre totrack down a missing l-ortics crooner w ho has rencgcd iii‘. a lite oraleltllt deal ills

iny L‘Sllilltlli 111‘ lead him to a seedy New


()rleans di "llliltllL‘tl by voodoo ciiltsand extremely dead bodies in this uncomfortable mating oi v isccral gore and moody film we; . w ith some ingenious if nasty twists ill the plot. lidinburgh: Cameo.

I Astertx the Gaul t t ' l i l'rancc. [()tmris mins. ’1 he car 1\ .idventiires ol the plucky little wai rior whowreaks havoc amongthe occupying Roman lroops‘. aided by his plump pal ( tbeiix. the druid (ictafix and his amazing magic potions. lidinburgh: l’ilnihouse.

I Back To The Future Part 3 1 Pt} ) ( Robert Zenieekisl S. 1W”) Michael J. Fox. ('hristophei 1.1oyd. Mary Steenburgen. 11‘) mins. Alter the elongated trailerof B'I‘I-‘J w e'rc back in 1385 for the third and absolutely tinal instalment of the series. in which Michael has to face iipto longstandiag enemy Biff and save the Doc from certain deatr. . except that the lattcris much more interested in falling for Mary Steenburgci: lite e rid testtlt is not quite a bad film. but. .is w itli .ilniost cvcryother s‘cqitel ot a sequel there’s an overall slackness which prev ents it from liftingoff in the way that it should. ln almosteycry sense. we've been here before. Strathclydc. ()tleoii .\y r.

I Bagdad Catetl’m 1 Percy AdloanS W. (iermany. What. Marianne Sagebrecht. ('.C.ll. Pounder. Jack Palancc. lllts'mins. The wonderful Sagebrccht stars asa

redoubtable German lady who leaves her husband in the middle of the desert and settles down with the folks at a run-down motel. where proprietress Pounder has also recently lost a spouse. The two women re-invent themselves through their friendship. and transform the place into the bargain. Adlon displays a warm and charming sympathy with the quirks ofhis oddball but convincing characters. and shapes a beguiling tale from the most basic of materials. (ilasgow: Gl’l'.

I Beachest 15) (Gary Marshall US. 1988) Bette Midler. Barbara Hershey. John Heard. Spalding (iray. 124 mins. Two eleven-year-old girls meet on a beach in Atlantic City and become lifelong friends despite jealous arguments and diverse lifestyles. CC. Bloom is a loudmouthed , actress singer bound for stardom ta taxing i‘olc. one feels. for Midler). while Heishey's l lilary Whitney iszi prim. moneyed beauty trying hard to resist conformity. Midler makes good work of , the star-vehicle script and is ably supported by l lershey. But make no mistake. thisoverlong female buddy movie is the schmalziest tear-jerker you‘ll see in a while. Strathclyde: L'Cl (lydcbank.

I Bird On A Wire ( 12) (John Badham. CS. 1990) Mel Gibson. Goldie l lawn. David Carradine. 107 mins. Formula film-making at its most bloated and least inventive has (iibson on the run from a couple ofcrooked drug-smuggling cops he turned in a few years back and llawn as the old girlfriend about to blow his cover. 1.ess-tham-enthralling chase flick will probably pass a couple of hours ifthe alternative is having your toenails pulled out. (ilasgow: Cannon The Forge. lidinburgh: ()deon. llCl. Central: Allanpark. Strathclydc: La Scala. 11C] Clydebank. UCl East Kilbride.

I Blue Steel ( 18) (Kathryn Bigclow. CS. 1991)) Jamie Lee Curtis. Ron Silver. (‘lancy Brown. 106 mins. Curtis stars asan ill fated rookie cop. who kills agun- toting hood on her first night on the beat.landing herselfin terrible trouble when Silver's yuppie absconds with the .44-calibre evidence. and prepares to do some killing of his own. There are shades of Sea Of Love when he ominously begins dating her. but the film as a whole is anoriginal. l fast-paced and stylish thriller with a pinch ; of feminism thrown in. Glasgow: Cannon 1 The Forge. ()deon. lidinburgh: [1(‘1. ' Central: Cannon. Strathclydc: ()deon Ayr.UClClydebank.17(‘1liastKilbride. I Blue Velvet t is’) (David Lynch. ifs. 1980) Kyle Maclachlan. Dennis Hopper. Isabella Rossellini. 1211 mins. ln

siiiall-town Middle America. would—be

boy detective Macl.achlan finds a severed car on some waste ground. When the

police shoo him away he decides todo

some investigating of his own. A singular fusion of the cosy and the terrifyingw hich blends kitsch and nightmare. B-movic detection and brutal sex to deconstruct our complacent vision of normal society. This

is film-makingof remarkable imagination and skill. Glasgow: (irosvenor.

I Bringing Up Baby ( PU) ( l loward l lawks. US. 1938) Cary (irant. Katharine

Hepburn. Charles Ruggles. 102 mins.

[any gal Hepburn causes timid zoology professor (irant to lose a valuable

dinosaur bone and mislay a pet leopard within the course ofone screwball

evening. Archetypal Thirties crazy

comedy with one outlandisth hilarious scene following another within the progression of an unerringly logical narrative. Both stars at their charismatic best. Edinburgh: Filmhoiise.

I Chinatown (Roman Polanski. CS. 1974) Jack Nicholson. l-‘aye Diinaway. John Huston. 131 mins. Private eye.lake(iittes takes on a routine casein 1937 l..-\ and

ends up uncovering more than he

bargained for. Splendid conspiracy thriller with a handsome period look and a quite superlative cast. Despite rumours spread

. 0110





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'l'he List 7 Ill December 199019