Open List is designed to cover public events not covered elsewhere in the magazine. We welcome submissions, which will be included subject to space. to reach our Edinburgh office not later than seven days before publication.


Everyone is beginning to leel the cold at the moment. Frost glistens on the pavement in the mornings, breath clouds like smoke in the air. But lor people who have to sleep rough, winter does not conjure up such poetic images. It is cold. It is wet. it is uncomlortable.

To highlight the problem of homelessness, a national sleep-out is being organised. In Glasgow, this will take place on Friday 7, with an Edinburgh sleep-out on Sunday 16 (see Hsflngs)

According to George McKelvie ol the Simon Community in Glasgow there are about 4000 homeless people in the city. While many are able to stay in hostels, night shelters and other temporary accommodation, a sizeable


; proportion of them have to sleep out. As well as running live residential

‘M‘urto'o sinct'éo‘o

projects, which provide supported accommodation, the Simon Community runs an outreach service,

? targeted at those who have to sleep Q rough. Sponsorship money raised

: during the sleep-outwill goto

4 supportingthese projects.

Alastair Cameron ol ECSH, the

' Edinburgh CouncillorSingle Homeless, says the Edinburgh event is primarilyto raise people‘s awareness

ol the problem. ‘It is still ignored in Edinburgh compared to London,‘ he

points out, ‘There is no cardboard city

or its equivalent here, butwe don‘t want to getto that stage belore people take notice.‘

Unlike London, where many people

go to look for work and then become homeless, people in Edinburgh become homeless in their own areas, then move into the city because there are at least a lew lacilities. The problem is particularly severe for young people, according to Colin Chalmers, who has just edited a report on the experiences of homeless teenagers in Scotland.

‘Most emergency hostels can only otter a place to one in live people who turn to them for help,’ claims Chalmers. ‘We found throughout Scotland that, within sometimes a few days or weeks of leaving care, people are becoming homeless and the Social Work Department can offer them nothing. Young people aren‘t alter charity. What they want is a decent place to stay.‘

When Gill Young started work at the ECSH day centre for homeless people in Edinburgh‘s Cowgate during the summer, locking up the centre at the end of the day was just another part of her work. ‘Now, the lastthing I do belore going home is fill up people‘s Thermos llasks with a hot drink lorthe night,‘ she says. ‘Walking back in the cold to my secure Hat with a bed and a gas lire, is very strange, knowing that some at the people I spend the day with have nothing more than a blanket and a warm drink lorthe night.‘ (Thom Dibdin)

Just published: Homeless Voices—The Experience of Homeless Teenagers in Scotland. Published by Scottish Child, 347a Pillon Avenue, Edinburgh EH5 (£2.50 plus £1 postage and packing). Some Chance! Scottish Local Authorities’ Response to Youth Homelessness. Published by Shelter, 65 Cockburn Street, Edinburgh EH1 (£2 plus 50p postage and packing).

CHRISTMAS Thursday 6—Saturday 8

I Christmas Bazaar One World Shop. under St John‘s ('hurch. Princes Street/Lothian Road. Edinburgh. Info: 229 454i . Thurs S—Hpm; Fri. Sat 10am—6pm. Free. RUDRA presentsa selection of crafts. textiles and flowers from around the world. with vegetariart Indian food available all day.

I Saturday 15

3 I A Christmas Cracker Royal Museum ()t‘

l Scotland.(’hambers Street. Edinburgh.

225 7534. 2—4pm. l-ree. Sing round the Christmas tree. meet Maisie the cat.enjoy

l a free glass of punch for every purchase at

80 The List 7— 20 December le) . i V

- the .‘vlitseum Shop and donate sortie

money to Action Aid at the .‘vluseum's

Christmas Party.


I St Stephen's Community Association Carol Concert St Stephen’s ('hurch. St Stephens

Street. Edinburgh. lnlo: 2358681. 2.3llpm. l-‘ree. Preceded by Brass Band Parade from (‘ircus‘ (iardcns to St



Stephen's ('hurch. 3pm l'rec. With the 14 18-year-old Newland (‘onccrt Brass. from Bathgate. Christmas cheer in Stockbridgc.


Friday 7—Saturday 8

I Sponsored Sleep-out lor the Homeless St

Aloysius School. (iarnethill. Glasgow. Info; 946 2055. Fri llpm---Sat Sam. ()neof a nuntber of national events designed to raise awareness of homelessness. Volunteers are invited to join (ilasgow 's homeless. either to sleep out for one night. or to lend support to the demonstration. See panel.


I Open Meeting on Pornography'rrade L'nion Resource Centre. Picardy Place. Edinburgh. 3pm. Free. A meeting with speakers frotn Edinburgh Women Against Pornography. followed by an open discussion. (‘reche available. All welcome.

I Wednesday 12

; I Discover Homeopathy Details and

, address: (Ml 332 3408. 7.3ll—9.3(lpm. Free. What is l lomeopathy'.’ Come alortg and

find out.

f Saturday 15

Sunday iii—Monday 17

I Sleep-out lorthe Homeless St John's Church. Princes Street/Lothian Road. Edinburgh. Info: 225 4143. Sun (rpm—Mon 9am. A similar event to the above on behalfof Edinburgh's homeless. See panel


Friday 7

I Town and Gown Lecture: The Scottish Identity: Delining the Indelinable City Chambers. High Street. Edinburgh. Info 667 1011. 7.30pm. Given by the Very Reverend Professor John Mclntyre.


I Theosophy and its Relationship with Modern Times Edinburgh Theosophical Centre. 28 (ireat King Street. Edinburgh. 556 5385. 7.30pm. A talk by Walter Roy. I Vision Quest (ilasgow Theosophical Centre. 17 Queen's (‘rescent . Glasgow, 33?. 4924. 7.30pm. Free. TerryGower discusses the ‘weaving the inner landscape with the natural landscape'.

Saturday 8/Sunday 9

I Voice Workshop Salisbury Centre. 2 Salisbury Road. Edinburgh, 6675438. 10am—5pm. £35 (£25). Actress and singer Harriet Buchan leads another of her voice workshops. exploring connections between body. voice and psyche. No knowledge or experience is necessary. but wear loose-fitting. comfortable clothing.

I Introduction to Zazen (Sitting Meditation) l lillhead High School. Oakficld Avenue. (ilasgow. Info: John 33‘) 3888. 2pm. Led by Soto Zen nun. Nan Shin.

OPEN EXTRA Wednesday 5

I Seminar/Video: Berlin in the Centre of Europe - A Reappraisal Third Eye Centre. 35f) Sauchiehall Street. Glasgow. 332 7521. Info registration: 227 5563. 9.3llant—3.3lipm. Free. Three sessions to discuss former (‘apital of Culture Berlin's new role as defuclu capital of the united (iermany. Session I. led by Jorg lngo Weber. Foreign Affairs Director. Berlin Ministry of Arts. discusses foreign influenceson Berlin's arts. In Session II. Christoph Ruter introduces his television film The Time is ()umfloim. a recordof lleiner Muller's 1989 production of Hamlet in East Berlin. which was overtaken arid fed by political turmoil. Director of Berlin City of Culture Nclc

l lertling leads Session III. to look at the arts in the context of Berlin's present role.
