I .§.,‘\ MEDIA ,

I bruteforceiswellwrappedup. I I A Night on Mount Edna (Scottish) t .The {flats at we: CountnflBBCl) I Hard News (Ghannel4)8.30—9pm. . I 10.05-11.05. Liable to erupt at any 8_8.50pm_ Bashful birds and horn), Watched by editors and punters alike. this i moment, the old rock has been dormant l antelopcs are examined as David programme has a deserved reputation for for too long. Tonight. she explodes into . Attcnbomugh tries to fathom the getting the press to sit up and take note of life once more in this TV special from I mysteries (“conning I it. Switzerland where her guests include i . "mum": mm, mm man/stack I nuincy (Scottish) 8.3(l—10pm. Jack Charlton Heston and Mel Gibson. 3 Man's rave (BBC—2) 8104mm. Who was Klugman is presented with a thigh bone by I Wuthering Heights (Scottish) f man“ 6 hero and whmhc villain‘whcna one of his class. however,beingQuincy. 12.30—2.30am. William Wyler's you") of rebel labourch decapitath a ; he notices a bullet mark on the bone and Wurhert'ng has Larry and Merle Oberon as Nyasaland plantatiommncr‘ William insists on startinga murder eanlry. the crazy young kids gettingit togetherout 7 Livingstone (hcmmhc great docmryin IThe Year otlemg Dangerously(BBCl) on the moor. lts strong performances. 1915? 9.3()—11.20pm. Mel Gibson and Sigourney espescially from Olivier. elevate it above I Medics (Scottish) 9_ 10pm traj- findsout weaver blegin anraffalr irfiéatarta Justlwfi I the usual run of Goldwyn pictures. : . - - .- , . .. .. . . . prior tot e overt row 0 u arno in . . and pk‘m’“ 0" m“ g A tense political thriller firmly stamped SUN DAY 16

with the imprint of director Peter I Liberating Literacy (Channel 4)9-1l)pm.

I Blackadder Goes Forth (BBC 1)


. , - -. ,. ITlieThatcherFactor(ChanncH) .. . . - . - . . . .. 93(HUPmArcthcrc mauvnobamc ; Gallipoli .\Vth'.. 1 24 40 m “u OYmm authoronhwof . Atthc end oflnternational Literacy Year . . . . . ~ '. .' Ifled Starin Orbit: DaritSide ottheMoon : p .‘ g g . renownededucationalistPauloFreire Pldnt‘mth”lhdn-“Hommmmlhlhc ' UsandaGuardiancolumnist introduces v n ' .. . ' r. .. . .. . . 9.3(l—ll).3ll)m.Tlie secondinstalmentof . .. .. r argiiesthatthe Ulssrecordonliteracy slaughtuuntilmrwm '5dtdddpdn t . . i . . thislook back atthe lhatclivears llle : e - - I . . {rompictd Marshmttm, Ladflt.“ and j Hansonstliree-parttaleofthe Sovietslde : ' . A t . - :' ' ' makesitalhii‘d\erldwun”)- Ev . g . programme was first shownto markher l ‘7 _ t) c. t o .otthes ace race. . . IDreamchild(BB(-)9 ll)..(pni. aro ‘hc'n‘m‘m‘ Atl‘m- r p tenthyearinoffice.buthasnowbeen i Brmflcamum“OlmmflimhiS ISexTalkzolrlsTalk(Channcl4) l u dated , . ' p . , ,‘ exploration ofthe relationship between . The arms" com?" Awards (tsfoimsh) Alice Liddell and author Lewis (‘arroll 7-45-9145Pm- Th“ “"18 "10 §°‘*~‘0“ "l which receives its first showing on British l goodWilland awards for allthings.that -I~megm_ :F‘L‘F'TO‘Vnhcwcd'sn #923“ I Taggatt: Death Comes 80th (Scottish) dr msfim‘ ")stsum'g [5 0m” 3 9—1l)pm.'l'he denouementofthelatest £7121:qu buSh from the London three-part exercise in deduction for the

, nae-nonsense 'tec.

I s”°.'“.°°"° 90 (BBC “8'05'9'03l’m 1 I Paul McCartney: From Rio to Liverpool Dougie Fash‘ Donnelly and Hazel lrvine ((shanncm) m4 1pm. The

look bad‘ at a year Of major transfch {mm million-pouiid-a- second man returns to

, , . one Channel to another and also at the his native 'l’ool and throws in some of sportmg cvcm“ that hdvc “kc” phi“ those songs he and his pals used to play dunng the 3m“- Atih“ end "fth when they were in that group that began A. programme they Wt” announce the wmner with .1 .B.

ofthe Team of the Year Award (favourite:

. ' . . . ' "' _ . , I Clyde Built: Who Killed the Clyde llpm—niidnight. The last show in the I The Louie Anderson Show (Channel 4) the Scottish rugby team. outside bet: F(,

, , - . Shipyards (BBCI) 10.10-1 1pm. Right. §cncsfouows the ths M three Young 10-30—1 1pm. A bit Of an Ullknown Metro °_f thtc .hdmhurgh Mi‘l'hW' Mag“) come on, who was it'.’ ‘Them' or ‘us"? inhabitants of Beantown USA (Boston), quantity over hem, Louie has a gout} and the lndiVidual award (favourites: Liz as they struggle with the grim reality of reputation as a stand-up comedian in the MCCOlgan and Slcphcn Hendry. OUISldC 18 their lives. States. bet: Archie Macl’herson). . O I Rock Steady Special: The Neville Brothers I It Came From Hollywood (Channel 4) I Show” BeVOlUllO" (BBC?) I PfleSl 0" Trial (Channel 4) 9—ltipm. and Carlos Santana (Channel 4) l—2.3()am. Dan Aykrovd. John Candy. 8‘05-9-35llm- The human 10” 0fth Anmhcr pm“ "f ""“rb“’“'” 1911‘” hype 12.3o—i .3(lam. The excellent rhythm and Cheech and Chong and Gilda Radner Romanian revolution is reflected in the “‘1” “‘6 0”“ “f "N M“ “W D‘S‘ric‘ blues band are joined by their pal Carlos. introduce snippets from the worst {time lives of four disparate characters in this _ Atmmcy 500’“ ‘0 SPCClE‘IlSC i"~ This time

ever made, and they Shtmtd know they‘ve Screenplay Special. starring Bob Peck and ! they brought Father Bernard Lynch. a

a“ featured hem.in in thc genre Bernard Hm well-known gay rights activist to trial for themselves. .Una Stfayaganza dei Medici (Channcld) molesting children in his care. As soon as

.cneerfichanncttm 304mm Arctum 9.30—1055pm. One ofthe most ambitious NICE/had him inwsmdlfl thYlOOkth

-~ - ,. . . . t ' :- ‘leas‘inva ress

nth . , )d ,M d. ,. f.. .. .. , . _ classical music programmes cvcrmade for unpfttsdkmtd 8“PM K is .P

( L 50‘ ( dis 0 5U?" “a” “’0 15 TV. this lavish tccrcatitm (,fthc release. Makes a l’erry Mason episode

. t ' ' .Advemmes‘hmm Remember Florentine [ntcrmcdi of 1589 won the appear as outlandish as aconveyancxng . . .' ~t, -. .~. ~ 2 21. “18an 84) m. .Cabblc‘ mundthc Specml Prize at this year s Prix ltalia.so m mUi .

ivorld pleas)e angdon‘t spare the horses.‘ some bad" With Six Cans “f lag” and Sing I so!” sumvor “mime! 4) so began the longest London taxi ride in along with the choruses. 11.4)pni- l 2. l5am. Father Bernard Lynch history Along the way the two bankers I Dvorak’s 1’3 Deum(BBC1)1().3(i_11pm_ (see above). discusses his faith and how he on thc'back scat picked up a rich variety“ Sir Alexander Gibson conducts~ Mar}- lias maintained it through harrowing fares and ended up with the metertopping Marqms immduccs‘ and the Bears-dc" umcs' L3H“). Burgh Choir sing—oh andthe Scottish _ .Fems Butlers Day omBBCl) Philharmonic play—all atthe Kelvingrove 8.15—9.55pm. Fast-paced, ifnot A” Gallery" h S pmmmmfd “minim; ' I Blackadder Goes Forth (BBCl) side-splitting.comedy as Matthew .sybw‘aucmnnc”) l()j?spm_l~'50“"" 9.3(Llllpm. ‘Well hurrah and ya booto Broderick cuts school and takes off for the 1365“)? WWW“ and Styl’sh roman?“ Harry Hun. we're going over the top!‘ day in some style. Stars Chnsmphcr Lambert “5 the Cm" I Poltergeist (BBC 1) Ill—11.50pm.

who lures Isabelle Adjani into the bizarre world of the Paris Metro.

Though it‘s being shown as part ofthe Beeb‘s Spielberg‘s season. this was directed by Tobe Hooper. However.our man produced it and the strong family sentimentsovercoming the fantastic ghoulies bear testament to his touch.

I Glasgow Citizens’ ((‘hannel 4)

llpm— l 2.20am. Shot over two years. it follows the difficulties of running a tight financial ship and producing great theatre for very cheap admission prices. See preview.


I Smith and Jones ( BBCI )9.3(l— 10pm. This week they got involved in some sports‘ day antics.

I NB (Scottish) HHS—l 1.15pm. Regular round-up ofevents in the area.

I Harry Enlield (BBCZ) 9—9.3(lpm. Ooh you don‘t want to watch that. See.l warned you. Harry is a master ofthe repetitive catch phrase.

I Smith and Jones (BBC 1 ) 9.30— 10pm. More consistently funny verbals from the fat one and the thin one.

I Calcutta (Channel 4) 10.50pm—12. 10am. 300 years ago it was merely a trading post on the banks ofthe Ganges presided over by a Mr Job Charnock of the British East India Company. Now it has become the

‘ultimate urban nightmare'. To the -- s 2 . _ outsider it appears the worst place on l (t

earth so 'ustwhati”t.‘2 'lt th‘ I . inhabitulnts? M 8 mp” 0 L .1900: Pan 0ne(Channcl4) IOPm'l'dm- M . sprawlingbusiness empire oer

' ~ . The first halfof Bernardo Bertolucci‘s Murdoch. media humn‘ at least than. silagga‘ttl‘orneat‘létéotglnfl. Featuring epic docks in tit three hours‘ (with Robert I Home at Large (BBCl) iii—8.30pm. The what it says t," his passport The llpm—midnight. Not a word ofa lie. it‘s D” “"0 “."d °°’“’d1)°l’f”d‘”” “5 "W ‘W" bmky,p’f"‘?“‘° “‘th m'k“ “"9'5 “mm” Programme promises to explore. amazing what those horses caiidothese pals growmg uptogdhcnncarlyfmth Offmd “inchwmsiund home‘samund MurdOCh‘SlathtmhinC accounting days, century Italy. Al “"105 breathtakingly scoua‘ldr 3'! '"hablth by lancr'day policies and examines the moving of

' William] and dlSlurbingl)’ Vio'cnb "5 i Rub'm'on Crus‘ws profits from one country to another.

84 The List 7 -— 20 December 1990