I Macgregor Across Scotland (BBC 1) i I Songs for Oscar (Scottish) As a tribute to 11-1 1 .30pm. Jimmie continues his l Oscar Mazaroli. the famous Glaswegian



peripatetic ponderings with a few guests. photographer. some of Scotland‘s top who just happen to drop in on him. as he bands have got together to produce an

5 walks from Braemar t0 Dunkeld. album in his honour. Presented by Bryan I Super Man (Scottish) 3 11.15pm—12.1()am. A fresh and not always ;

_. ' reverential look at our national poet. l

Burnett. the programme features The Big specially made to mark the anniversary of

Dish. Wet Wet Wet. Deacon Blue.The Silencers. Hue and Cry and Love and

NB all programme times are subjectto his birth. Strangely the 25th is also the

change due to the extensive coverage olthe anniversary of the birth of Virginia Woolf.

Money. I The New Avengers 1.15—2.2(lam. Want War in the Gulf. To celebrate it. try throwing the crockery around after the haggis course.

something to take your mind offthe FRIDAY 25 SATURDAY 25 -

late-night coverage of the GulfWar‘.’ Then. Purdey in danger. Gambit in the ; nude and Steed in a racing car shouldjust j about do it. l IOnthe Other Side(Channel-1)8—9pm. I MargaretTyzack plays Tilli. an elderly German liberal. livingthrough the horrors .wndme on one; Lifgsizemncn l ofthe Allied bombingofHamburgin 8.3(1—9pm. Strangely.99 percent Hill” 3 1943. The dramatisation is based on a remarkable series of letters that Mathilde I sellafleld: the comaminated coast Wolff-Monckeberg wrote but never sent (Channel 4) 7_8pm_ While Sellaficld

creatures on this earth are smaller than us. so how do they view life'.’ L’sing to her daughters who lived on the other I side ofthe Channel.

high-speed cameras and a whole range of camera lenses. Attenborough and

busies itself reprocessing nuclear waste for

'l mhcrwumrics‘ "5 mi . s ' ' g; . 2 com any look at the vast dis arities i

I John Sessions' Tall TaleS(BB(‘2) me money it cams Gaggilt‘ififlgt" betheen various life-forms. p l

9.30—9.55pm. This week's dramatised they Clam; an. lemme risks to the ' I Spender: The Candidate ( BBCI) i

; short story front the versatile comic is The wor'kfmcc and the environman Most 9.31)- 1().25pm. The worst-dressed cop on i 3 . ; Glory and the Dream. Which recountsthe controversial“. of an‘ the plant haS been the beat has to take charge of security fora l ' ' tale of two American visitors one ofwhom mcmh. pumpi'ng nuclear waste immhc glamorous Conservative candidate. 1 i 15 “MUS-“Cd by William Shakespcam- Irish Sea for the past 40 vears m'tkin it I The "anageless Wham“ ‘1) m‘ 1 1pm 3

i I Rhythms ol the World: The Bamako Beat the mm! contaminmd gm in‘th.‘ . g Cherie Lun vhi‘s roblems on and offth‘ l

r. ( c world. 5 p

(BBC2)9.55—10.5()pm. Mali's best field continue when her striker getsinto I

3 musicians give it laldyin frontofahome trub‘with the cluband her husbandis l


interviewed by a female journoover dinner.

I The Evening Standard British Film Awards (Scottish) 1(1.4(l—11.4()pm. British cinema. such as it is. has the Duchess of Kentalong for a gala knces~up and a few prizes(for fancydress etc).

I Hell No. We Won’tGo (Channel-1) 11pm—midnight. A compilation of American voices that have been stridently raised against military involvement in the Gulf.


I Duel (Channel 4) 6—6.3(lpm. A new sitcom from LA follows the burgeoning relationship between two very different single people. Tonight. the couple first get together at someone else's wedding.

I A Generation (BBC?) 1 l.4()pm—1.1()am. Andrzej Wajda‘s 1954 film tells the tale of a 'lost generation' of teenagers who grew up under Nazi rule to become the Polish I Ten Ta” Men (Channcl 4 ) 2_3()_4.20pm. resistance fighters. Real buffs will be I Enjoyable. swashbuckling shenanigans. “fir,” “count that Roman] Olansk' starring Burt Lancaster as the hero ofa (‘W alda 5f°1"’)‘"‘“dc“‘““h°Fodl Fllm troop of French Foreign Legionnaires SChOOl at m? "melt makf‘s a br'Cf , tryingto fight off a band ofmarauding appearance In me mm' Kauai“ walda 5 bandits in this spoof desert drama. “"9” mm 1‘ “0‘P'E’dUCI‘0” “'“h “‘0 BBC I Cheers: Where Nobody Knows YourName ' m” be Show" 0" Sunday 3' (Channel 4) 9—9.3”an Rebecca is dismayed to find that another woman has become notorious as Robin Colcord's mystery woman.

I The Boys lrom the Bush: The Stuffed Platypus (BBCI ) 9.3ll—i().2()pm. Tim Healy stars as one ofthe partnersin Melbourne Confidential. an Australian marriage bureau:detective agency. No job is too small or too odd for him and his partner. Chris Haywood.

I Arena: Jarman (BBCZ)9.3()—l(l.30pm. The unconventional filmmaker allows the Arena cameras to film him at home in his four-room Dungeness cottage. interspersed with his observations on life are clips from the feature films and pop videos he has directed.

I Big Deal at Dodge City (Channel 4) 9-10.5(lpm. Henry Fonda is a reformed poker player. turned farmer. who buys into the biggest game in the West. hasa heart-attack and tries to get his wife to play his hand for him. A tartly amoral story which cleverly conceals its hand. I They Shoot Children Don'tThey?(BBC1) 1025—] 1.15pm. Bruce Harris ofthe US charity Covenant House and his crusade "" '2 .“z 1'ofhestr‘t Ismallsmges:Mrmomaflcmnncm) againstthc tbusc ind murcer It. _ ce 1( 1 g - orphansoquatamalaCity tsthesubject l—l .- ()pm. First performed at The Red . . ' [[0, - L , . ofthls I;vervman report.Though - rtn ondon. the voungandseemingly '. . , -. fut] d ' . Guatamalaisnow a democracy.the police per ‘9 0 gcr‘ MrThomas‘ returns home and armv have not vet moved on from one night badly beaten-up butwon‘tsav - ' .. . v v n .h. G .d , , I . . . v their role ofoppressors andare.accordtng 3' rd Udlh'dnmmgumgdramam t)H' rris conductinuabrut'ilclean-up latent and blatant homosexuality ( d . . ~ . gradual]v emerges. ' campaign against the street-children ' H which has led to intimidation and deaths.

I Remote Control (Channel 4) 6.30—7pm. Anthony Hacienda Wilson hosts this oddball quiz show. based loosely on the MTV version.

I Eilton (Scottish) 7.30—8pm. A look at the ethical. social and religious questions facing Scots today.

IfiThe (great Gold Swindle(SCtittish) .The Man Who mm EMMBBCZ) IThe Secret‘Llle ol Machines (Channel4) 'f‘45‘“'4"‘m' 8”“ Onwucw’ry‘hc 10 so m—P 4mm David Bowie inthe “*8'3”P”" ( “"“"“'”‘T'm “unk'ngocs film follows the fortunes of three chums " p "' ' back down the line to trace the historyof

role that he played for almost the whole of

who setu an unlikelv hoax desi ) p‘ ' gm'du the 7(ls—a stranger from another planet.

the telephone. It was first invented by

' PUSleC "1C Perth Mir" ‘0 Dim With Under the name (“Thomuskmmc someone called Bill. whose name now .The Blue Danna (Channd 4) $650.0(Xlworth of gold bullion. Starring Newton Bowie uses his psychic powers featureson cvcryming that BT send out to midnight-1.50am. Alan Ladd turns in one km” I {argrc‘wcs and R‘mc" l'lughC-‘i- and supérim intelligence I") amassa customers. Hunkin asks the sort of ofthe finest performancesofhis careeras fimunc um” he wmcs upagainsuhc pertinentquesttonsthat many of us have an ex-Cil whoturns detective inorderto syndicates Whome “one moimprcsscd by often wondered. such as. whydid Clc'df him-SC” Of "10 murder (“his I The Rainmaker (Channel 4) 2—4. 15pm. his extra-terrestial business acumen. somc‘mc buy the first teleph‘mf “the”: unfi‘llhml “ch- DCSP"c lhl5~ and "10 A romantic comedy-drama. which could Nicholas Roeg‘s unusual sci-fi fantasy was was "0 (me they “3”” Speak “’- excellent supporting roles contributed by have been made for a wet Sunday first released in 1976. . wm‘om walls: J Amuse: Virginia woo" William 1360le and “(Ward d0 Silva. "'8 afternoon. Burt Lancaster is thetconman I Super Bowl XXV (Channel 4) ~ (Channel 4) 9‘9'30Pm- Tom Raul”) Raymond Chandler's laconic dialogue who tries to bring water to a 1().5()pm—3am. All the razzamatazz. attach What he descnl’cs as V'rg‘ma 5 1h?" brings Sum'll." ‘0 “10 Scalle Sidc 0f drought-stricken Kansas town and over-indulgence and hyperbole you could vastly "math FCPUW'O“ and argue" She life in Los Angeles and makes the movie romance to the life of an ageing spinsicr, wish for. Love it or hate it. the sure thingis was, not a. modem“! bl" raC'Stt SnObb'Shi worth watching. Katharine Hepburn. that it will go on and on. anu'scm'w Who hated d'sablc‘j People-

66 The List 25 January 7 February 1991