A fortnight, two weeks, 336 hours ofculture to pack in. No time for lunch, switch on the Karaoke machine, practise the Sinatra croon and ‘Start spreadingthe news. . .’

I Romance was last issue’sthing. but plenty ol satirical barbs aimed at Mills and Boon-ster romance lind their way into The Women's Theatre Group's presentation at Her Aching Heart at Edinburgh's Traverse. See Theatre section, page 47.

an... [.5122 ["chruar-y— 7 March 19.9.1“~

i and gallery mean?“ asks The answer seemingly is

1 wall in a striking lashion.

I ‘I've aged live years waiting lorthis bus' exclaims a haggard-looking Katy Murphy in ‘Bobbin' And Weavin'. a new drama production lor BBC Scotland. Shame on you Strathclyde Transport. See TV preview, page 67.

I 'What does the relationship between artist

Ross Sinclair at Edinburgh's Stills Gallery.

loads at lite-size portraits at Ross plastered all overthe

Not recommended for Junior's nursery wallpaper. See Art section, page 55.

I ‘I said live vodkas and a packet ol pork scratchings .. .' Meryl Streep grabsthe mike to solve the perennial problem at getting served at the bar in Postcards From The Edge, a sensitive comedy about alcoholism and living in the shadow ola lamous parent. See Film section. page 16.

I Great Mistaken Vowel

. Disappointments Not: “Listen guys. lthoughlyou said I played a sex killer. ! S-E-X. I don't know whatto do with this thing.‘ Dennis Hopper is less than chufled at escaping typecasting in Catchlire. See Film section, pagelB

I Moody and maritime, Ocean Colour Scene bring their new-wave (please yourselves) melodies and dancey grooves to Edinburgh's Venue and Glasgow's Sub Club. See Music preview. page 28.

I Alter exaggerated reports ol his demise appearedinthe music press recently. Ed Banger. now known as Eddie ‘Ho Hound Jokes’ Baskerville. gets back into action at Glasgow's rock and roll Mecca. Jordanhill College. See Music section. page30.

I Great Mistaken Vowel Disappointments No 2: : Dabney Coleman in Short Time plays Burt Simpson. here seen telling the guys how one measlyletter i change stood between him and a number one hit i single. He thinks he hasn't

got long to live either...

; See Film section. page 17.