__ FILM ' !

1.The Godlatherlll ( 15) 2.35pm (not Sun). cinemas”: 3- Pullman scatsicincmal Posicams mm rite sagg(15)2,4t)pm(sttt, 7.35pm_ only)£4;all other seats £3. Child£2.50 Summle 5pm‘ 7.25pm‘9_45pm_ 2. Pacific Heights ( 15) 2.30pm (not Sun). , (Pullman). f2. CAP £1 .60 (before 6pm). Man aiwont ( 12) 5_4I)pm, 7,50pm‘ l

(1pm. 8.45pm. Allseats for mid-evening shows £2 1015p,“

: SCC alsoGlaSgOW Latcs- I Mon—F” Arachnophotiia(PG)Sat.Sunoniv t ISALON Vinicombe Street.3394256. I 1.TheGodiatherll|(15)12.25pm.3.55pm. 13.40pm } 10pm ' . . . . 7.15 m. .‘ . 2.75; 'll.‘ £2.50 St d‘nt/UB40 . “p , Ghost 12 Pr1.S't.M n—Thur 4.10 m ("dd 5” s ( u k I 2. DanceszthWolvesI12)2.1(1pm. ( ) d o s p

. £2; Child/()AP £1.50). (Frionly). 5.20pm (not Fri).7.10pm. Friday e-Thursday 14 7.1t1pm.

'1.3( .7 . 10 :S 9.30 . cmnweaemenuu mm pm 3.Thenussiailouse(15)1.55pm.4.55pm. pm un pm

OuckTales U S' .S I 1.25 . Readersareadvlsedthatprogrammesmay 7.55pm. 1 1 M U" 0111/ Pm

3.20pm. 5.20pm.

be subject m late Change 3' any time“ [D] I DOMINION Newbattle Terrace. 447 . ., . indicates that wheelchair access is Rose Street. 332 (1535. (‘aic/bar open 30 2m). Restaurant 10mm 3pm 5_1 1pm : :‘elvsgg‘dingusggy " (U) 5‘". 31"“le avallah'e! "1011011 prior notillcation is ' mins prior to evening shows; closes 9pm. (Mony 1()um_ 1()_ 30pm (1'uc_pri L = s'pe‘cia' Sun 10 0"" Gwen cam advisable. [E] indicates the availability otan [1)]. [E]. Matinees Mon—Fri£2 ; mammmn‘ 24 1pm (Saw BM 5 (P) 7 10pm .

Indumion looD' mum convenience 0' (Child/OAP’S‘Ude/UB40£1 1' Evening i noon—3pm. 6—11le (Mirn—Fri126—111P1n See also lidinbur 1h lates

heaflnti aid “39'3- , and Saturday shows £2.90 (Student/U840 (Sat); 6.3()_8_3()pm (Sun). Tickch - ~ E ~-

. £1“liChlld/OAPU.3”). ' £1.7(lforlatematineeshowscommenclng E GLASGOW CINEMAS FRIDAYB ! 5-6pm;£2.6(l(Child/Student/LIBMl£l.70: I

. . ThreeSisiersHS)3.30pm.8.3()pm. 1 CAP“ 50.“ .h .. . . - , Luthian Road.2282688.Bar(M0n—Sat.

, . . l . . 3 o x .. a s owscxcc tcvcntn , 3651Angozfilgéfijigfgfignumnd 6 7 CrimtnalLaw(l8)6pm. 3 showsin Cinema”) p 1‘ nltJItm—lslpmhun 6.30—lipfin)Restaurant ~ - -~ ' ~ 3 E SATURDAyg f twecod'amerm H 2 m t. ( on—‘at.noon—9pm). E .Matinees 23:13:38:1?)::]Ll:'f(:-p3:1Y(PG)2.10pm , wmmwiflufllwpm. ' 730m ( ‘l ' mm" 5”“ £1.50((Thild/OAP/Student/UBM)£l);

a y . . . . - ' ' gh . . .‘ . . 2.eutidy's Sana(1212.2omeSatonIy). $333351?““V’Pm'X-M’Pm' l (2.Thrsee To: aligdalggttllesl-adrii’mZ.15pm f not.‘un m. .. m. . " .

S‘ZC()Aerr'i‘b8~2;lfi)LtnF()rgc Parkhcad 5% Lasnangoin Paris(18)5.30pm.8.15pm. apos‘cams “climbs Edgeuflzmpm commenc1ngafter7pm and double bills£3 4282/4343. [01‘ [E] (sérccns 1.3 and”. MONDAY 11 . (not Sun). 5. 10pm. 8. 10pm. (\noconcessIons). béitikaible In advance. Showscommencingbefore6pm£2zafter l Lasnangi’mPans(18)3'15pm‘ IODEONC'crkSUCCLM77331/668210L péiaxvscwonwn a“. 6pm£3.20(Child£2). I 3""B'F'0'd11816Pm. BarS.3()—9pm.[D]screens1.2and3. 1 n "in m 15 2 m 1.TheGodlatherlll(15)1.15pm.4.35pm. l rlfgggfigp'eww'5’8'459'“ Dolbystcrcoaliscrccns.Adults£3.75 czosta:.f(‘15;“5ml)5‘pm){Um9 15m 75 . (centre scats)or£3.25(sldc seats). I 2 $0"; "ennui.me LadHPG) 1 DraoonForever(15)6pm- (Child/Student/OAP/UB40£2.75/£2.25); 2's"°°"c°'"d°'“8)“"dm "awn" ' | MeetTheApplegates(15)8.45pm. . . - . . ,. (l8)3pm.7pm. l ()5 m 3 35 m 6.05 m 8.30 m. I noconccsslonson finalshovls. - P t - P v P t p I WEDNESDAY” . SATURDAYQ 3. Kindergarten Cop (12) 1.15pm. 3.45pm. 1 1. Three Men and a Little Ladyu’o) 6 10pm 8 40pm D'agonro'eve”133-301)” 12.15pm.3pm.5.45pm.8.30pm. 1lswauows and Amazons(u)2pm' 4: Dances Willi Wolves ( 12) 1 . 15pm. “em” ‘°”'°°a‘°‘ ( ‘5’ “P” 2. Pacilic Heights ( 15) 1.30pm. 3-459m. c 83' La V'°(-'5)5'15pm‘7’15pm‘9'15pm‘ 4 50pm 8 25pm Tatieoanielle(1518.30pm. 6.15pm‘845pm' 23:1ch Co7rrldor(l8)and The "8118111088 5.0uckTaleS(b)l.10pm. mmmmanmmpm. - ° ( ’lll’m-i-l 1”" suunavio

Pacilic Heights ( 15) 3.50pm. 6. 15pm.

MeetThe Applegates (15)8.45pm. 1. C'est La Vie ( 15) 8.45pm.

8.45pm. 6.HomeAlone(PG)1.25pm.3.50pm. GLASGOW SOCIETIES first)?"amiTableii’015-159m. Buddy’s Song ( 12) 6.05pm (not Sun 10). M'O‘NDA'Y" 8.45pm. I FRENCH CINE-CLUB » 7 7. Teenaoe Mutant Ninie Turtles (PG) sat. Studio 1 Cinema. Scottish Council for 2.: gsengmagfg 12:31:) 4332113” Sun only 1.10pm. Education Technology. 74 Victoria 2 A" Ange. m “night; (136)21’15' m "mums From "‘9 Edge (15) 1-20pmlnot (‘rescent Road. Details: 3394281/357 ' ' p 531- Sunl- 3.40Pm16- 10Pm.8.40pm. 3632. Organised jointly bv the French S‘lspm‘ 8'15pm'

- ~ . . . .1 .‘ ' . -, ., TUESDAYTZ Special Preview. Sun 10 only Green Card ( ulturdl Delegation and the Alliance 1 m N d m, T | 3 (1216.15pm. Francaise tie Glasgow. the club shows .1 e an ma 8 a e(18)2. (1pm. See also Glasgow Lates. films monthly on Thursdays. £2.50 _ , I y. v . , / 6'; ()pm' I CANNON Sauchiehall Street. 332 1592. (Member/concession £1,511), .- . I 0 es! La Vie (1518-459m- £3.20(Chiid £2; OAPIbCfUTC 6pm]£2). DiahoIoMenthe(15)Thurs147.45pm. Buddy sSong(12)3.3Ilpm.s.4opm. 2.TonguesUntled(18)3pm.6.30pm. All tickets for shows commencing 4- P°§l°3ms "0m "'9 Edge ( l5) 1151"“ 8309"" 4pm—6pm £2 (not Sat. Sun). Two bars ("0‘ 53“ sunl-g‘t351’m~ 6Pmt8'35pmt WEDNESDAY” open 6—9.3(lpm (Mon—Sat): 6.30—9.30pm . Ducnaleshul 51!“ 51111011” 1459'“. 1; "cam": (15) 2-30Pmt6-39Pmt (Sun). Fri 8/Sa19. J 5. Cold Justice I 15) 12.25pm. 3. 10pm. C eleaVie(15)8-45pm. 1. The Godlatherlll I 15) 12. 15pm. 3.45pm. ' “""0" Th“ *“”8°- * “’khwd 5-40pm.8-15pm. 2- Mirmr(15)3pm.6.15pm- 7,25pm, 1-"18 5011131118! "I ( 15) 11-251)"); See also Edinburgh lates. Tongues Untied ( 18) 8.30pm. 2,0311“; wm) wolves ( 12) Frj‘ 531‘ ""93 M9" and 3 Lime LadHPQ) I UCI Craig Park. Kinnaird Road. 669 THU'RSDAY 14 M0n_Thurs 1 (153m. 3.1()pm.7.1()pm1 113.091“. ()777. Box office open from 10am. 1- C 33' La Vie ( 15) 2.30pm.? 15pm. Sun 1_3()pm‘ 6.55pm. 3- Kmqefganen [209112) 11-401)"). Tickets for shows commencing before (1pm 9151"“- 3, Kindergarten Cop (13) 1.55pm 4.50pm~ 4’ Pam“? Heigms ( lb) 11-401)"). £1 .95; shows commencing after 6pm £2.95 0'30003 I:"'°"°'(15)5- 1512'"- 8.10pm, 5- Buddy sSono(12111.45pm- (Ig‘hgdaofipsfill .95). 2. Heathers(15) 3pm. 6.45pm.8.45pm. 4, 3H 5 .30 .4. () . . e o a er (15)Fri.Satl m. 7.5r(')‘;r:.uss' one“ )1 pm 4 pm " 4.15pm.7.40pm.10.55pszu‘iill05pm. 5. 61108102) 1.30pm. 4.40pm. 7.55pm. 3301"". 6-3511“ 9501"“: Mon-“We I EDINBURGH FILM GUILD Contact I CITY CENTRE ODEON Renfield Street. 3301’“ 6-451)” “’P'" Filmhouse. 88 Lothian Road. 228 2688.

Dances With Wolves ( 12) Fri.'SaI 12.50pm. 4.30pm. 8pm; Sun—Thurs 1.80pm. 5pm. 8.45pm.

Three Men and a Little Lady (PG) 1.40pm. 4.05pm.(1.4(lpm.9.(15pm.

332 8701. Licensed bar. [D] screens 2. 3 and 4. £3.25 (Child/OAP£2.25 [£2.501ast show]; Student/[1840 £2.50 [available as advertised]). Luxury seats also available in screen 1 £3.75. All tickets for shows

The annual membership fee of£19.50 allows free admission to all main season films and concessions on Filmhouse tickets and Guild events. including study courses and social events.

commencing before 1.30pm £2.25. . riggemagefififop ( 12) I'SSPm‘4'2()pm‘ 1. Last Elmo Brooklyn ( 18) (Sun l()only) Advance booking available from box 2' l "* pm‘ “' pm' 5 30 m . . 6. Postcards Fr s ~ - - ~ '~ ' :ffilce ( l or by Visa/Access - GROSVENonomgsteOEndgifll‘ ) 1 1'35pm‘ :33)2:1He'9h's ( 15) 2'351’m' SPm' 7'20pm‘ 3. My Apprenticeship (PG) (Sun 1(lonl)’) otlne . . " ' ' 5.30 . Three M(en and a Little Lady Ipo) 12.10pm. m‘aflxfi'fw“ ‘51 1 Wm Home Alone (PG) 2.29pm (Fri—Sun only). I admiration UNIVERSITY FILM SOCIETY 2.45pm. 5.30pm. 8.40pm. ' 1"" 4-5“Pmt 7-“5Pm- 9-3-‘Pm- Contact: EUFS. no The Pleasance. 557

DucliTales (U) 1.15pm. 3.30pm. 5.45pm EmNBURGH cmEMAS "'9 “"3513 "0"“ (15) 3-1’5Pmt440Pmt 0436/6617 1111 1 ext 4514. Annual

(not Sun). 7'15pm‘9'55pm‘ membership fee of£18(£13)givcsfrec Special preview: Sun 10 only Green Card I CAMEO Home Street. 228 4141. [1)]. Bar ' ' K ' admission to the year‘s programme ofover (12)6pm. open Mon—Sat 6-1 1.30pm; Suno—l lpm. 130 films plus concessionary entry to

The Gritters (18)8.35pm. Performances commencing before 6pm special events and premieres. Guest Pacilic Heights ( 15) 12.30pm. 3pm. £2.50 (£1 .75); after 6pm £3 (no tickets (£2.50) are available weekdays 5.45pm. 8.45pm. concessions). Laies £3 (£2.50). from Student Union shops and must be Postcards From The Edge I 15) 12.311pm (not The Gritters ( 18) 3.511pm (not Sun). purchased in advance.

Sun). 3pm. 5.45pm. 8.45pm. (1.15pm.8.45p1n. Fri 8, George Square Theatre:

Home AloneiPG) 12. 10pm.2.45pm. The Singing Ringing Tree(U)Sun 1(12pm. Short Cuts 7pm.

5.45pm. 8.45pm. Scotsman Lecture Wed 13. 7pm. Michael Sun 10. George Square Theatre:

Cold Justice ( 15) 12.45pm.3.15pm. Palin will talk about his forthcoming film Ole Hard l|(l8)6.45pm.

5.45pm. 8.40pm. American Friends. Tickets £3.50 from the Wild at Heart (18) 9.05pm.

I GROSVENOR Ashton Lane. llillhead. Cameo. » _ 7 I FRENCH INSTITUTE 13 Randolph

339 4298.1 7814. £2.50 (Student: LIB-10B; See also Edinburgh Lates. - ' Crescent. 225 5366. Screenings organised Child’OAPfl .50). Seats can mm be I CANNON Lothian Road. 229 3030. Bar: Fear(18)5.40pm. 7.50pm. 10.10pm. by the Institut Francaisd'Ecosse.

booked for last evening andlate Ham—2.30pm. 5—10pm (Mon—Fri). Buddy's Song ( 12)2.5(lpm (Sat.Sunonly). £2.5()/£2.

screenings: the boxofllce isope112— 7pm. Ilam—10pm(Sat).(1.30—10pm(Sun), [D] 5.10pm. 7.30pm.9.51)pm. Short Cut: George Square Theatre,7pm.

l 25 The List 8— 21 March 1991