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The 12th International Festival of Film and Television in the Celtic Countries at Eden Court Theatre. lnverness culminates on 22 March with the presentation of the Spirit of the Festival Award, along with four othercategory awards. Unlike the Festival‘s last appearance in lnverness in 1987. when there was an unusually large crop of leaturetilms on view, the emphasis this time has been almost wholly concentrated on short films and the dominanttelevision end ofthe festival‘s mandate.

Items ofinterest includedthefirst screening of Home. a new film by Skye filmmaker Douglas MacKinnon. butthe main thrust of this Festival lies not so much in the films on view as in the opportunity for interested parties from the various Celtic constituencies to get together, talk. grump about funding, eat, drink, drink some more. and generally have a good time.

Pressing issues for dissection included the revived prospects for Gaelic broadcasting following last year’s injection ofGovernmentmoney in Scotland (Scottish Television enter into the spirit of things with a week of programmes ‘to showcase the work of

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Iain Glen in SilentScream

the small butdeveloping Gaelic independent production sector‘, as well as an NB special). and the growing importance ol looking to a changing Europe.

‘We need to inject a new sense of purpose.‘ says Mike Russell, a founding memberofthe original Festival, and convener ofthis year‘s event, ‘and look atthe ways in which we can widen ourhorizons inthe light ofwhatishappening in Europe.

‘We have thefirstmeeting ofthe IndependentTelevision Committee‘s Gaelic Broadcasting Committee in an open session at the Festival, as well as a very deliberate European strand running through the event. involving Basque. Galician and Catalan filmmakers. We will also be running masterclasses with established figures like John McGrath and Karl Francis. I hope we will all benefitfrom shared experience. and also give us some pointers forthefuture.‘

The winning films. drawn from a list which includes David Hayman‘s Silent Scream and Karl Francis‘s Morphine and Dolly Mixtures, will be announced on Thurs 21 Mar.

(Kenny Mathieson)

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