I Eurythmics: Greatest Hits (RCA) ’1 he traelx l1\Itllg tni Il1|\ alntte \klll \ua} inu nne \ka} nr the nther I'111}1I11111L'\\IlllIL'tlIIlL' eleeltn-pnp\kagnttUhtn ne\\ Iath and althnugh their \tadium perind [Helixetl tlte delieaet 0111 H1 their \nng\. I.ennn\ and Stewart prn\ ed that the} enuldxpringhaek \HIIIIIIL‘ petteetenuntemetght tn tluwe e,\ee\\e\. 'l alxeu a\ a uhnle. their reentded nutput ha\ heen \pnttt. hut the_\ \\ ere praetieallj. tlllltltle'111;t\\e‘111l‘l111g;t \llltlle‘\et‘llL‘eIlttll lll\elhl\ 111 a deeade \\ hen three nr tntu great \lllglL‘\ nr nne great alhum\xaxallthat mnxt nt their lit lll\ll enntempnraitexenuld tttattage. lenuld put tip a ea\e tnr lea\ mg the au Iul ‘Sexeiimet 1‘)\~1)'ntt tlux reenidaltngether. hut that .Nde. \\ e are heated In the llttllMtI apartnerxhip uptheiemth

~Strummet .lnne\,

.Iagger Rle'llatkl\ (:\la\tau Mahhnttl IMichaelOSuilleabhain: CasathurningWenture)

lhe I11\l1[‘1.t111\1h.t\ dnne

Annie Lennox ot the Eurythmics

mnre than antnnetn IL‘\11;tl1\'e‘Ullt' enneeptinnx n1 \\ hat ean he dnne u ith Il.t\l111tt11ttlltlllfle’l‘L'Mtlltl \imph plat trig it in the tiaditinnal ua_\ . and ltax \ueeeeded lhtlttlttgvt \Hllltttll \aerittmgtlte integrit} nt the lllthlL'. (amt/Ii lurnme i\ tint ax dramatiealh enmpelling a dixeaxthehreath—taktng l/re “HIP/III! \ 11 at. althnugh the hut halt-dn/en ttme\ tnr piann and pe'le‘tl\\ttltt hax e a \imilarl} exhilarating. e\plnratnr_\ tla\nur tn them

1 am nnt quite \U\tltL' ahnut the \eleetinnx tnr harpxiehnrd. tlute and \Il'lltg\ xx hieh make up the

\L‘L'(111LI\1LIL‘. II he

inxtrument itxelt \nundx a little that and laekmg in lle\lhtllU . expeeiall} alter the \ ignur and pnxx er nt the piann pieeex. hut I11\ at'taltgetttentvtl the traditinnal tunex ltll'llll\ lll\lI'ttlllL‘tlILtIlttll are ax agile and 111\L'1111\L‘;t\

e\ er. (Kenn) Mathiexnnl I GeriAllen: The Nurturer (Blue NOICI'IITINM‘XIL‘I \e\\ttttt ltlttl\ ( ieri Allen


lull} iuxtitting her grnutugreputatintt amnngthe eurrentl_\ uell-xtneked ttt\IL‘1'ttI hrilliant inung iaz/ pianhtx. She ha\ alread_\ demnnxtrated an ahilit} tn prnx ide a ereatix e input In a \x ide \ ariet} nt muxieal \ettings. ttntahl} inthe superhtrinxxith(‘harlie lladen and Paul .\1ntian and herenllalmrattnnx \VlIlIHtTlUlh \I-Baxe [1111\1L‘ltttl\lll\e‘\\ ank. 'l'he muxie \he hax prndueed under het nu n name ha\ heen equth ttitpt‘e'\\t\e, l/ie.\'m'turer haxa pleaxingl} enntempnrai} teel. “title the hand rexpnnd ptt\llt\ e1} tn her liking tnr spaeinux rather than denxel} enmpaeted inxtrumental texture» Saxman Kenny (iarrett l\ in gnnd tnrm. \\ hile trumpeter Mareux llelgrmexnundx ltkenne tn \xateh. hut it l\Ille leadet‘ Iterxelt \\ Iltl tinall} grahx and hnldx the attentinn. ( Kenn} Mathtexnhl

I The KLF: The White Room (KLF Communications) l’et‘hapx lhe K1 .1" \hnuld ha\ e a quiet unrd \HIII themxehex ahnut their prnpenxit} tnr aeting nn a \elt-dextruetix e \\ him. like pl\\ttlg;t\\;t} a tnrtunenn a mm ie that nn nne \\ ill pt’nhahl} e\ er \xateh. But 11 they did. \\ e mtght lnxe nut nn playtul and intelligent ttIITtllll\lll\L‘ l'lie ll'lute Rnnm. v. hieh \t;tt'1\ and tinixhex \\ ith a nurxer') rh_\me trihute In 11\ et‘eatnt'x. and gix ex pleiit} nt \enpe tnr rax er\ and ehillerx-nut.

'What lime Ix 1,n\e'.” and ‘3am liternal' are prexent and enrreet; then 'Build ( )n 1~ire' link\ the 'l H m I’m/u theme up tna enrnt Bill l)ruiruunnd mnnnlngue and a dnllnp nt pedal \teel: tnlltming that. \\ e're nrt tn reggae territnr} . “till a haekgrnund melnd_\ distnrted in the \ame \\ a_\ ax the interminahle “11th

in Big \ttt‘\e\ u. ard in ()m’ ['Ieu ()1 er Htt’ ( itle/\(mlx Next llim many mnre t‘etttittderx dn \\ e need that Hie lI'Irrle Rnnnt is nnt the prnduet nt a tamiliar. mundane \unrld'.‘ 'l’he K11- hax e imhued it u ith ennugh eharaetet tnr it In la\t lnng atter their erintempnrariexare tnrgntten. l‘me \tutt. l.’\lit\litlI' Mahhnttl ITad: 8-Way SantatSub Pop)'1 ad'xtaxnurite nnixe is nt kiek drum and ham \tt‘lhg\ grinding an a_\ like annminnuxpnrtent nt' dnnrn .-\nd thix reenrd. large ehttttl\\ nt it anyxxa}. ixxear} indeed.

'( hut/ta liut e wme fuuuurm 11/! [t e had (animate/1T1 ad l)n_\le hellth like the alienated and dangernux era/_\ inu pieture riding a piekup \\ ith a xix-paek and a r itle nn the paxxenge r \eat. .\Ilt\le‘;tll} . the hand eaptute the L'UllllhlttlltlI tenxe timex. \hnriugup the imprexsinn that u lien lad tind\ hi\ tun. it'\ unlikely tn he an} kindnt klek that \x e enuld reengmxe. nt'entn} \HIIIUUI hlnmngnur hrainxnut atteruardx.

'l'het'e‘\ tttttt'e light and \hade tn [I11\ than l‘\ e madenut ineludingxnme nt the hand'\ mnxt


melndie material tndate hut '1 ad ean \ur e \um up

that alienatedera/_\ \xitha terrihle \t\ltlllL‘\\ (.‘\Iit\litll' Mahhntt)

I Danielle Dax: BIastThe Human Flower(Sire/Warner Bros) .-\\ halt nt lemnn Klilelh. l)amelle l)a\ gnt herxelt a reputatinn a\ a \xendna\ant-gardi\t \xhnm llttttlle\NIII1\C11H11\ mnnet \hnuld tnueh w ith a hargepnle. Sire \hnuld he glad that the} tnnlx the plunge itlltl\lll'l.tL‘L'tl\\1Il1 an alhum nt gun}

lL'lI'llL‘IkI pttp ;t\ gtttttl ax Illt\. She en\et'\ l .enttntt\ "l nmnrrnu \ex er Knmx \' in a ereatm trnth nt ‘11 Ix

pxtehedeha. \UlllL‘IHllL‘\ emplntxte\ttlte\that \inuldn‘t he nut nt plaee nn '1 allxlllg l leath



.31. are m “t a? Owns


Rental/r In Ire/Hand al\\a_\\dt\pla}\her unerring knaeknt lighting up the pleaxut‘e eentrexnt the hrain \HIIl u hat \xnuld. 111 nther hand\. he iuxt arinther dumh pnp hnnlx. .-\ real \tildehild. \xltnde\er\e\tnhe heard. l.'\I.t\1.t|1\IJITITUIII

I Spacemen 3: Recurring (Fire) lhe pt>\tllllttttttl\ Rm urmre marlo the pnint that Snme ltnnm and ,Ia\nn l’ieree dt'eu a line in the \and and \aid ‘Ynur \nngx gn that \ide, mine gn 1I11\ ‘Still. there ixn‘t mueh tn piek hetu een them. ltnth \tart ntt their rexpeetix e \tde\ \xiththeir hext \hntx; 111 Sntue'xeaxe. the gentlx pulxing ‘ltig ('it_\ (l'xerthnd) l Knnu (att lie l'nttttd lher'e 1.. uhieh \hnuxthat the intluenee nt \‘lnrnder and 'l leatt n1 (ilaw' ha\ett't heenexhauxted te't;;iiid l’ieree u ith a guxt nt earnlling \nieexealled 'I'eel Sit Sad I Reprixe I'.

\\ hieh \a_\ \ mueh the mute ahnut lhe Heaeh llntx.


hnth \ltle\. the 111\Pll;tlltttl \itttll1l1111\tltt\\111(t;t \xatet} trieldent ll;t\L‘l-g;t/1II}1IllllL'\ drenehed in the \tarlx melanehnh that 1\ uxuallx the \ign nt n\er- indulgenee m

p\_\ ehedeliex. ltut e\ en a lixtener u reelxed nut nt his nnddle \xnuld he hard ptit tn l1\lL‘11 tn II11\ all the ua} thrnugh. .»\ game nt nne halt. ltrian. l.'\l;t\1;111' \Ialthnttl

Spaceman 3


IGLASGOW BARROWLANOHHI 23h «iff‘ll .\1ntnrhead, 1-1 ,-\pr ; lhe Shamen. 1\ .-\pr .1 he Sileueerx. 1‘1 .-\pr . ( 'hrixtt \1nnie.~l Mat. 1 emu Kl;t\ll/. \la} . l'.\ll-. 11 Ma}

IGLASGOW CONCERT HALLIHJI 1.1: 31.1“) lhe (‘nmmndniex .‘2 Mar.

1 he leltlplatlttll'x :3 \lat. I‘\L‘Il\llltt1lle‘t\ l\.\la_\ IGLASGOW SECCHtll .‘._‘"\"111;\(’ l)( .3“ .r\pr.(ilnr1a l \telatt.

I 1 1-1_-\pr. \1( Hammer. l5 \l.t§.l)k‘1.\llitl‘Illflxjh \Ia_\. I).ttll\1111\tll. Itttt. lnxpiralt .ttt‘e1\. i 1 lurr \\ltitrie\llnti\tnii.1" 1‘1

Sep. ( hi I\ Rea. :5 \tn. IEDINBURGH QUEEN'S

( I Isl fifth 31111111’aul Brad) . 5 Apr; lhe Sileneerx. 13 :\Pt,

I EDINBURGH PLAYHOUSE (113155" 2591!) Alexander ()'.\'ea|. 5 Apr; lhe l'\erI\ Brntherx. 3h Apr. Rnhert l’almer . I" .\la_\; \Vnmaelx and \\ nmaek. 13 lun

I EDINBURGH USHER HALLttlil 325 1 1551 lhe

I emptatinnx. 33 .-\pi


IEOINBURGH OUEEN'S HALLtth mm :tttwit‘amt Kidd and l lumphre\ lxtteltnn. l:.-\pr. .\laril_\n(‘ri\pell l)un, 1* .-\pr l)anir\ llinrnpxnn‘x \\ l‘..tle\ er . :5 .-\pr IGLASGOW CONCERT

34'l‘he I.1\1:.: Mareh 4 April 1991

HALLttMl $333123) (‘lannad 13 Mai ; l lair} (‘nmuekln 1" .\1a_\


IGLASGOW CONCERT HALLumt 3133) llnxear \\ tlIle. ‘) Apt; lltmat'd Reel. 3‘1 Apt; l‘laine I’aige. 13 1-1.‘\1.i}; (CHIC l’titlet I lll‘ttle‘. h .lun

IGLASGOW PAVILION lll‘ll3.1:l5-INII‘ILKILIIL' Start. 1h 1\ :\pr Rita \laeneil.21:\pr;liillie.ln Speatx Sh .>\pr .-\ Sliee nt Satutda} Night. I“ .\la_\ 1 .lun.(ilen('amphell.15 .lun IGLASGOWSECCMH 22“ *511 )Shulet Have}, 1* \la)


11131;“ SW“) Inhnm

.\1at1u\. h Apr. .\ Sliee nt Satutda} Night. 3 “\ .Iun..lame\l axt. ll 1.“. .Iun

IEOINBURGH USHER HALLuIRl 33x 1155ll’etet \Itt111\tt11.ltx\[‘l . 1 'S:\l' ltand. l~1;\pr; Rita Maenerl. ll|.>\pr.



111“ SM ). 5 .'\pr . l{.\'.\( ). h :\pr . ( )peretta. Apr, 5(1). III.‘\[‘1.()\IUI)I11I. 12.>\pr.l{.\fl\'().13.’\pr. \ladtmrr ( )\ehtttll\n\. In .'\pr..\(’()_1“.-\pr. RSNI 1. 15 Apr. l{l’( ). 1" .-\pr . RS_\( ), .‘tt.-\pr. (ietttglah State 5( I. 3-1 .»\pr'.111$('SS().311.-\pr. RSNt 1.2“ .-\pr . \llhle l-rnm lhe .\ln\ 1L‘\. 33

.-\pr.lnrnutnM1.311.-\pi. ('nneer tgehnuu ( )reh. 3.1 .\la\.l .'\I)l11l.:< 3h \Ia\. liiktri5( )‘\()et. lemngradl’hil.21\nx IGLASGOW THEATRE ROYALtH~11.‘~‘~11_‘_‘\-ti Sentt1\li( )pera. [tr/watt. 111.311. :“Apr. :._‘_‘.\Ia_\. lite/flutter whet/Hulk .‘tl.i\pr . I. ‘1. 1". 3‘ .\Ia_\. Regina. 1h. 15.31.3‘


IEDINBURGH QUEEN'S HALLtHSl rm :ultust‘t ). h Apr . Senttixh 1' nxemhle. 1-1 .-\pr. Vladimir

( )\L‘I11111l\tt\ H Apr. lnthiartSelinnld'nneert. lh:\pr. Rmtnx String Quartet. 1". 32 Apr. .‘\1urra_\'.‘\telaehlan.l‘x~ 1“ .'\pr; l’teenln l’aelx. 3“ Apr ; ~Senttixh l- nxemhle. :II.'\[T11I;.-\l}tt\lt.t

Khe\ eIe\ :1 .I\pr; \lelarue :\11111\[L‘.ttl.:l .-\pr M '( I. 3" Apr . .-\lla \'.i\ilte‘\ a. 35 Apr. RNCXI\\111tll'11\L'111l‘lL‘. I" .-\pril. .\( ~( ). I \la}. \leadnux ( '( ), l.\ .\l.t_\;

Siritnnia. lhlune

IEOINBURGH USHER HALL1H*131\11>51 I{\\( I. \ .-\pr , l‘ \ ( )_ .v\pr .(itand l’iann' ('laxxiex. ltI.-\pr; 5(1). 1 l .\pr.l{.\.\().13.v\pr.

\( (I. I\x\pr.RS.\()_ 1‘)

.-\pt . ( ienigian State

St mplinm . 31.33 Apr. l{.\\( ) 3h Apr I Keuiek (‘hnu . 2* .-\pr . I',R( '1'. 11 \la}

‘‘‘ “1