FRIDAY 22 Glasgow

I Maria McKee l’ay ilion lheatre. Rentield Street.,‘.‘~2 lS~1o 2pm 9.2 5H Seeleature. IGoodbye MrMackenzieittitlThe Belltaines Barrow land. ( iallow gate. 552 4Nll 5 ,il’pni Ltiplushooltrnglee. lrelsets lioni lust the l reitei. Virgin. l 'nion Street. Slit-1n") ,>\ eaialogtie ot iritltisiiy~re'l.itetltlisasterstloesn‘t appear to hay e dampened the Maelxen/res' spirit. ereatiy e tillll‘lll. llill illelt l‘tlpllltlllt} Sit why will the new .tlhuin Himmler tim/ loizgy sell lllse its pretleeessors hy the hiielxetload in Seotlantl and har‘ely eause a ripple eyerywheie else Bet‘atise yet again they‘reeontent tohe puryeyorsol pedestrian pop.

IThe SouthernaireSatttlCharlestownlsmg lut's \Vali \Vah l liit. St Vineent Street. 22l 522". S .5lll‘lll £3.5ll lhe Southernaires hay e heen part ol ( io' llises' htiigeonrng roster tor a year now. hut are only now hiingirigtherr

hluesy »tint!etl pop out ol the eloset. l’rohahly waiting loi their .‘itloleseent liontinan Sain Braithewaite to reaeh the ageol niaiority

IClydebank PostMusicAwardSt‘lytle l'heatre. Botpihanran Road. ( 'lytlehanls‘. "5i 121M." .‘tllpni L5 liyeinirsre throughout the e\ ening proy itletl hy ( iary \ltwet :\lltl Betlroels. \eetah ( ‘heetah. Vegasantl l’eler (toes lo l’arliek

IThe HideawayBlues Band \laeSill'leyS. lain.iie;tSiieet.221\4‘“l ‘lpinl iee Resideney Bliiesantlsoirl


I The Stereo MCS ( alton Studios. ( alton Road. 55h21ltitt l his Southl ontlon trio are the hest white rappers in Britain. their two i l’s so lar show ing their unw illingness to tail iiiio line w tilt the paelx. 'l hey also happen to he unet immonly good liye . so this gig should hi irig them in in tlroyes. l'ltiniattini Sound System and l’M l)awn are on hand to pump the grooyers iipto ley er pitch. should it he retiuiietl

I Bleach \enire. ( alton Road. 55“ Doors open 5‘ illpni. See pieyiew. I King OlThe Slums l anger ine t 'luh. Mission. Vieioria Street. 225 332o llprn 3am. L4 i.3.5llrnernhersl ()ne hand lroin Manehester that hasslipped


through the riei oi Mane-mania. despite haying two l l’son tlie raelxs lheii slightly ottvllie wall line up yiolin ITheThaneSatttlThe lngersollsliasm Street. l l.i\lii.irl\el lellaee. 52‘“ llltlli.

it inelirdeseleetr re might hay e something to do w ith

‘lpni lain l-ree l’lirsyoiirehaneetoyoiee your ehoiee in the Demo 1 )iseo

IJustThe Very DOerySl’leSelMltlillllltlll. \‘retoria Street. 22h 2\ltl l.l alter “pm

I The Rootsies Duo t little \Ve'st l’orl.22‘l ~155,‘\.‘lpiri l‘lee Resitleney laltingtrme oll lrorn l he Rootsie lootsie Blues Band. .lllll ( 'ondie on guitar and Ron 'l ateon \oeals and hat moniea play hlues. gospel and a smattering ol tan

I Bluetinger Madogs. ( ieorge Street. 225 NUS ‘) zllprn l'iee Resitleriey l'rlties— .llltltillVlllllllL'lleL'tlPill‘llillllillletll l'tlinhiiigli's hardest wot long roels'n‘roll hands

I The Red House Roosters t ate liiat l 11/. l'iederiels Street. .2.“ 5:44 it'l‘lll l'ree RL'Sltlelie‘y

IThe Spanners l l.itllllL’ l’ost. l he Shore. 553515? “pm l‘ree lx’esitlenty .’\tlllti withdrtini :izaehine. l‘sLNl‘l‘JlLlStllltl

3G'l’he list 22 Mareh 4 .’\Pl'll l‘l‘ll


guitars. doing a wide range ol‘eoy'ers’.

I On A Good Day Negoeiants. l.othian Street. 225 (61}. 0.30pm. l‘ree.

I Gordon Campbell Blue Lagoon. Angle l’ark 'l'erraee. 337 9922. l‘ree. Resideney. l’rohahly hest known for his work at Rlil. Studios and West l.othian (‘ollege Musie Management ('ourse. (‘amphell is also an experieneed and aeeomplished songwriter.

I Los Supremos l.eith Oyster Bar. The Shore. 554 (i294. ‘)_3(lpm. Free. Roek and hlues eoy'ers.

I Paul Gaynor ('hestertields. Royal ’Ierraee. 55MNIS‘. l'ree. Resideney.

SATURDAY 23 Glasgow

I Bleach and The Parallelograms King ’l‘ut's Wait Wait l lut. St Vineent Street. 221 527‘). H.3llpm. £3.50. See preyiew.

I The Primevals l larhour Art Centre. lryine. U294 74ll5‘). ()ne ot(ilasgow‘s greatest enduring hands who are still prepared to take risks with their music. Though not as dangerous as they used to he. their heady hlerid ol' hlues and roek ean't he topped in these parts.

I Spank l lalt Bar. \Voodlands Road. 332 12ltl. 9.30pm. Free. lntriguingly named. and appearing just at the right time toeash in on the popularity ot one-syllahle hand names. Mtist he worth an .VMI'. leature. I Zydeco Ecosse Blaeklriars. Bell Street. 552 5924. 9.30pm. Free.

I Screaming Through Decemberehristies. Main Street. Alexandria. HRS") 5779‘). 9.30pm. l-‘ree.

I The Pier Lights ’l'rade rs. ( ilasstord Street. 9pm. l-‘ree. Resideney'. Folk roek. l’lus guests.

I Peter Goes To Partick MaeSorleys. .lamaiea Street. 22] 84W. 4.3llprn. l‘ree. Resideney.

I Jamie Barnes And Cochise .‘yiuestirleys. Jamaiea Street. 221 84””. 9pm. Free. Resideney. Blues roek.

Edinburgh "

I The Realm or The Shopping Trolleyantl Sam Harlet Basin Street. I laymarket ’l‘erraee. 337 ltlllo. Noisy . spikeystutl from the 'l'rolleys. who are enjoyahle and frustrating in equal amounts. ()y'erall impression is that they try too hard tohe ‘otitrageotrs‘. hut that doesn't mean they should he ignored it you're in the areaot Basin Street this eyening. I The Hardline Venue. (‘alton Road. 557' 3(l73. 'l’he l’reeious ( )rganisation‘s (’lydehank-lxised heayy roelx hand. hoasting Jimmy Anderson. w ho has to liye up to the plaudit ‘the hest roek singer to eome out ol Seotland‘.

I Dr Brown l’reseryation llall. Vietoria Street. 22o 38H». Ll alter 9pm. The sell-eonlessed ‘hairiest hand in Portsmouth hay e the honour ot making the top ten ol the ltalian independent eharts lor their unreeonstrtieted heardre roek. lleay'y Hendrix intluenee. and some sweet passages w here the guitars pull haek and let the harmoniea do the talking.

I Woodrow's Louder Than Hype l’lattorm ()ne. Rutland Street. 225 2433. The outstanding soul RekB singer and his hand appear at this yenue regularly and are worth eatehrng.

I The Clumsy Lovers ( ‘hilltin (luh. wee Red Bar. l‘ldinhurgh ('ollege olArt. l.auriston l’laee. 22‘) 1442. lllpmr 3am. £2. Various Rhythm (‘hillun man the deeks at this. their y ery own eluh. and proy ide an opportunity lor some ol their triendsto

play In e sets. 'l’onight's hand are no strangers to the \Vee Red.

I T. MCD St James ( )yster Bar. ( ~altori Road. 55" 2925. “pm. l~ree. l’leasant hlue—eyed pop with traeesoltunk.

I Adam 812 \egoeiants. l.othian Street. 225M313, ‘)_‘\llprn. l'ree. All-temale seyen-pieee lrorn Dundee.

I The Gods 0t Glam ( ~ale Biar rit/.

l'rederiek Street. 225 5244. ‘)..‘~llpm. l-ree. y

Resideney. L

I The Junkyard Angels St .lairies ( )yster Bar. (‘alton Road. 55" 2925. 9pm. l-ree. Resideney. Oyster Bar layourite Sandyrnan joins t'orees with memhers ol The Lost Soul Band tor a lolls'y. harmonious set.

I Buy Me An Umbrella Queen Street Oyster Bar. Queen Street. 22o 253“. “pm. Free. Resideney. Spanish rhythms. hongoes. eleetrie and aeotistieguitars.

I Heart lnduslry Southside Snooker Centre. (iatrsewayside. l‘ree. Residetiey. I The Spanners Trading Post. The Slime. 553 5153. 9pm. liree. Resideney See l'l'l 22.

I Mark Parry ( ‘ate Soeiety . ( ieorge Street. 22ll234l. 3 opm. l‘ree. Resideney. Boogie. hallads and hlties lroni the guitarist singer.

I Johnny Favourite l.eltli ( )yster' Hat. the Shore. 554 (1204. 9pm. l'ree. Resideney. I Paul Gaynor ( hesterlields. Royal 'l‘erraee. 55o h‘ilS. l'r‘ee. Resideney.

SUNDAY 24 Glasgow

IAnti-PollTaxBenelil Queen Margaret l'nion. l'niyersity (iardens. 3.2“)‘VS4. Spin. Another attempt to organise an anti-poll tax gig alter the ( ~ollege ol Building and Printing ellort lell through. As yet nothing has heeri eonlir med here apart from the laet that it‘s happening ring the ()M nearer the time lor line—up details. There will he a diseo alterw ar ds and a lam lieense.

I Buddha Grass Harbour May lair. Sauehiehall Street. 332 3V2. Spin. £3.5ll. 'l'iels'ets lrorn .lust lhe ’l'iels'et. Virgin. l'nion Street. 22!» 4o“). 'l he ehoree ol the Maylairasa Venue wouldsuggesta drastieally enlarged audienee lor these l’aisley roekers.

I Sweetmouth Ring '1 tit's \Vah \Vah l lut. St Vineent Street. 221 522‘). .S‘..‘~l|piri. L4. l'eaturing Mark New in. lormerly ol l‘airgroiind Attraetion. and eo-writer oti Morrissey'seurrent alhtrrri.

I Bleach Bay Hotel. ( iouroels . t I425 M244. S5llprn. L5. ‘l’iels‘ets lrorn Rhythmie Reeords. (ireenoely. H425 H‘)27.‘~(i. See prey iew.

I Live Music Studio. Shuttle Street. l’aisley . SS") (yStifig ‘ipnt


I Baskerville Belley tie Bar. London Street. 22S logo, l~ornier Nosehleed l'd Banger eontinties to delight punters ol all ages, Rumours ol his death were not only greatly exaggerated. hut started hy the man himselt,

IAbsquter l’reseryatron llall. Vietor ia Street. 22h SSH». Ll alter 9pm.

I WODUTOW Wilson .\l;itlog\. ( ietirge Street. 22.5 54th. U l lprn. l'ree. Resideney ( )utstanding soul R& B singer. I Fjaere Nilssen l.'( )deon. ( ieolge l\' Bridge. 22ll4il5ll. l'ree Resltleliey. l he rootsy Ameriean singer-songw riter. w ho as part ol 'l he Relugees played a sueeesslul henelit tor Shelter in the lhird laye ( ‘entre last month. likes to end her nightsat l.‘( )deon hy hay iiigother singer—songw riters take the stage tor a eouple ol songs. ()rrginal material only. though.

I Live music ( )hlonioy 's. \or tli Banls Streeth he Mound. 22lllltl54. l'ree.

I Live music Bistro. l’eliean . ( ~owgate. 225 5413.

I Live music St James ( )y ster Bar . ( 'altori Road. 55“ 2‘l25 9pm tree

I Live music Southsrde Snooker ( ‘entre. (.tIUSL'VKJ'VSltlL’

MONDAY 25 Edinburgh

I Dave Robb \egoeiants. l othran Street. 225o313 ‘l .Tllpm. tree. The man with the

hou/ouki has a eanny songwriting talent. with notreeahle tolk inlluenees.

I Shorty Rogers And The Giants

l’reseiyation l lall. Vietoria Street. 22h .‘Slo. ‘l..‘\llprii. l'ree.

IThe Junkyard Angels(‘oaletgbeneath lhe Venue. ( ‘alton Road l’ree. Resideney See Sat 23.

I The Purple Rizla Experience l’tesen atiori llall. Vretor la Street. 22“ .5Slo. ‘l..‘~llprn. l‘ree,

IAngela Cameron Rtttlantl No l . Rtltlalld Street. 22‘) 34H2 l'ree Resideney. light l‘Ul‘v

I Live music Bistro. l’ehean. ( 'owgate.

2255417xl-tee Duntermline

I Trouble In Doggieland Monty's. (iurltlhall Street. HES“ Tilllh.

TUESDAY 26 Glasgow

I The Hideaway Blues Band ( ‘titlet-s. By res Roatl..‘~.‘~4 12S4 Spin l'ree ReSltlL‘liL‘V. Bluesandsoiil. '

I Glasgow Songwriters lilaelttmts. Bell Street. 552 5‘l2v1. ‘) .‘tl lpm l'ree



I Wave Venue. ( Kiltori Road. 55“ 3H2}. lleadlining a paekage w ith two other loeal hands.

IThe Rootsie Tootsie Blues Band

l’resei‘y atron l lall. Vietorra Street. 22h Mitt. ‘l,.‘~llprii. l-ree. Resideney. Roekin' hlues group. naturally enough rneorporatinglhe Rootsies l )iio.

IThe Fiances .‘s‘egoeiattis. l.othian Street. 225h313. lllpm. l'ree. Resideney. .-\eeessihle guitar pop.

I Guaranteed Pure Merlin. Morningside Road. 44“ 432‘). ‘lpni midnight. l-‘ree.

I LosSupremos St .laniesl )ystet- Bill. ('alton Road. 552 2‘l25. ‘ipm. l‘ree. Resideney. Roek and hlues eoyer's.

I Fjaere Nilssen Queen Street ( )yster' Bar. Queen Street. 2.2“ 2.5.“ l. ‘lplli. l'ree. Resitleriey. See Sun 24.

IThe Mountains olHollandt‘tmlet; hetieatli the Venue. ( 'alton Road, l‘ree. Resideney ( ‘oolei regulars ehrll out and rain.

I Karaoke 'l'radrng l’ost . 'l he Shore. 553 515.1. ‘lpin. l-ree. l'.yery 'l tiesday and Thursday,

I Live music Bistro. l’eliean . ( ~ow gate. 225 54l5. l’ree.

I Live music ( ~a Va. 1 ligh Street. 55h

5‘27) l’ree.


I The Spanners w'ltislty .loe's. High Street.

HIS.“ 5V2l L55 See l‘ll22.

WEDNESDAY 27 . Glasgow

I Rollin‘ Joe And TheJetst‘tiilets. Byres Road. 334 l2S-1. Spin l-ree. Resideney. l‘ilties roels and roll


I Chapterhouse \‘etttie. t Litton Road. 557 3H2}. See prey rew

I The Mislits St .lames ( )y ster Bar . ( altorr Road. 55“ 2‘l25 ‘lpni. l-ree. Resideney. l)tioineorporatingeelehrated(ilasgow t'liu/irt'uyt'earoll aula

I Shibboleth Negoeianis. l.othian Street. 225 (i313. tl..‘~tlprii. l-ree. l’leasant roeky songs gry en melodie interest hy y‘iolin. IT. MCD Bannerman‘s. \rddry Street. 5.5M 5.2.54. See Sat 2.}.

I The Lost Form ()ueen Street ( )iyster Bar. Queen Street. 22o 253”. “pm. l't'ee. Resrtleney llalt oi lilepllarit \oise get lard-haek and i mostly )aeotistre.

I Los Supremos Malt Shoyel. ( ‘oelthtim Street. 225(1S43. l'ree. Resideriey. Roek and hlties eoy Us.

I Phil Craig Raehurn l loirse l lotel. Raehurn l’laee. ‘32 l"ll2 S llprn. l-ree. Resideney. "l he i ltrnian .lirkehos' roek. hliiesandeotrntry. I Live music i rading Post. i he Shore.553