FRIDAY 22 Glasgow Edinburgh

I Savourna Stevenson Trio Stou l‘olk ('lult. Royal Hotel. Stou . “VS? 24“, Spm. L3 t L1 .5”). 25 miles south on the A“. the torlmgltth cluh teaturescontemporary music tor the small liarp mth \erl i la}. hass; and \like inn is. percussion IGrupo Cuidad Segundo Montesxssemlwls Rooms. ( reozge Street \pm light—strong

\ocals and instrumental group trorn l1l Saltador plat campcsmo music. Witha line up ot accordion. hass. \ iolin. percussion and guitar . the touthtul hand takes .ts name trom the home ttm n \s inch in turn takes its name lrom l'ather Segundo Montes. one ot the si\ .lestnt priests murdered llt l‘lS‘).

SATURDAY 23' - Glasgow

I La Rotta ( ilasgou At ts( ietttre. Washington Street. 221 ~152o. Spm. l‘.\cellellt ( ietrltalt hand o\el to play the l dmhurgh l‘olk l-estnal. per torm a mi\ture ol stt les including medic\ al rock and roll on hurd} gurdss. harps pipesetc. IGrupo Cuidad Segundo Montes Mott Hall. \lrtchell 'l'heatre. ( iransillc Street.


lnloimation: 221 444“. l-iesta in support ot l'l Sal\ adoran peoples rights has stalls.

hat andsupport acts (irupoSegundoare

an eight piece \\ ith \ocals. guitar.

accordion. \iolin. hass and percussion

I Eric Cuthbertson ( 'astlemillx l'olls ( hut. [in gidalc ( ~omplc\. Stra\ anan Street. "._‘ttprii lntor matron trom (‘Sharp \ttrsic l'aetttH oil lloti.


I Grand Gaelic Concert 1 she-t llall.

lotlnan Roat “aillpm. Lo5ll 9.3.5“

(L5 Ll Sill 'ltclsets22r‘sll55.\lassed

choirs trom all o\ er Scotland and the

W ester n isles. solo singing and piping. lothian .\tl.llll\[\"\ and Reel Societs and (‘raigmount l’rpe lland (‘larsach ducts trom \laH Anne Rennctls and('harlotte l’eterson Special guests are the ( ~hildrcn's\.l ( )rcliestra trom the l ’SSR. (oncert is to he recorded in lismorc

records tot late summer release.

SUNDAY 24 Glasgow

I Wollstone RHelSltle. l'ox ('lsde Street. 245 5 l 44. Split. t4. the \ er\ popular tolk rock hand trom the north I Highlands makes its second trip south in as main \s ceks. l oud. danceal‘le electric guitar . key hoards. percussion. sequenced drums. liddlc. crttern. liagpipes and \sltistles

I She Bears Black llllll llote|.\tllnga\1e. ‘l5tt 22‘Jl Ll 25 memhers. t2 non memltcrs S lem lniceprececountrs

otrtttt. Black Bull FolkClub


I Glencairn Music ( ilcncairn Hotel. 1‘) Rosal t ncns. Stockl‘l Idge ‘lpm L 1 5H (inests trom the l‘dmliur gh l-olls l'estl\ al

MONDAY 25 Glasgow

I Words and Music Samuel l )o\s 's~ (it) \Itltsdale Road. l’olloeksltields. Spin.

40'l‘he list 22 March - 4 April 1991


instruments. See lidinhurgh Folk Festival 36.56. 9pm. Free. Accordion and guitar in

5llp. Information 423 146“. Monthly performance cluh tor local \\ riters and musicians. I)oorsopen “Jtlpm. A programme ot'tour halt-hour sessionsot readings and music \\ ith t'eatured u eekly groups. singers and writers plustloorspots trom all corners on a t'ir'st come. tirst

ser\ ed hasis. llosted h} Southside Writer‘sgr'oup.


I Setanta Black Bitch lnn. West Port. l.mlithgo\s Sfillprii. (ilasgou hand Wllll tine t'lster \ocalist. hammer dulcimer. uillcan pipes and tiddlc. Linlithgow Folk Club

TUESDAY 26 ' -


I Japanese Night Nets Athenaeum

l heatre. Rentress Street. 5.52 5tl5” l'ree tickets. (lions. dance and pertormances on the l-toto. the Japanese hori/ontal harp



I Japanese Night \eu .-\thenaeum lheatre. Rentress Street. 53.2 5ll57. l'ree tickets. ('hoirs. dance and pertormanees on the koto. the Japanese hor'i/ontal harp.


I Edinburgh FolkClubt‘ate Rosale l 'pstairs. West Register Street. 5524H‘)2. (Split. L5 ( £2 l. ('losed tltisss eel»

THURSDAY 28 Glasgow

I Star FolkClub ( ilasgou Soeiet) ()t‘ \ttisrcrans. “3 llcr'kcle} Street.lteside \litchell ’l'heatre. Spin L2. 'lioltlgltt Ian Walker.


I Dance \Valpole l lall. ( illester Street. Spm midnight Ll .5“ at the door. No smoking. lth m. .‘s‘lusic h} Scottish Blend.



I Oulrealta ( 'lerkips Bar. South ( ‘lerk St, H.3llprri. l‘ree. Acoustic lrish session with musicians trom the Ball} mena area Visiting the ladinhurgh loll-t l’estiVal. Fiddle. tlutc. accordion. hodhran etc.

I Dance Walpole llall. (‘hester Street £2 hetorc «\Plll. £2.5llattcr. .\'o har. Bring sourotsn drink. \osmoking. Music in the (‘alcdonian ( ‘eilidh Rand.

SUNDAY 31 . Edinburgh

I Dulrealta l.':\ttache. Basement ot Rutland llotel. Rutland Street. West lznd. 3pm. Free. irish musicians trom the Ball} mena area \ isiting the ixdinhurgh Folk l'estisal. l‘iddle. tlute. accordion. liodltran etc.

I Dulrealta llluc llla/er . Bread Street. S'..‘~llpm. l'ree. See Sat .ill.

I Glencairn Music ( iletlealrlt l lotel. it) Rosal('1r‘cus. Stockhridge. ‘lpm L 1 5H (iuests \ isiting the lzdinhurgh l~olk l‘estrsal.

TUESDAY 2 ' Glasgow

I China in Scotland l lellr} \N'ootl l lall. (laremont Street. "._‘~ltprii. 'l’ickets L4 (L2) on the door or In ad\ ance trom ll ieket (‘entre.(‘andleriggs lletitng's Goodwill FolkGroupand the Whistlebinkies. llle arttul and unpr‘etentiousarrangementshs the Whistlehmkres ol traditional Scottish mUsic on in“. land pipes. clarsach . tiddle. tlutc and conccrtma are u ell know it. hut this is the tirst Scottish \ isit ot a the strong group ot \ lrttioso pl.t}els trom a cross section ot ( ~hmese musical cultures. all playing traditional. non-\s estern



WEDNESDAY 3 Edinburgh

I The Rub ( ‘ate Ro}ale l'pstairs. West Register Street. 557' 4792. Spm. £3t£2 l. Edinburgh FolkClub

THURSDAY 4 Glasgow

I Star FOlk Club (ilasgou Societ} ()t Musicians. 7‘3 Berkeley Street. heside Mitchell 'I'heatre. Spm. £2. ()ssan's Billy ROSS and John Martin. songs in Scotsand (iaelic. instrumentals on tiddle. guitar and




I CBilldt'l Dance Riverside. l'ox Street. ott (ill'de Street. 243 5 l 44. l)t)t)rs open Spm_ music at 9pm. £4. l’opular li\ e hands. lTll\_\'.

IVictoria BarStoekuell

Street Bridgegate. lisening. l‘rec. lntormal Irish Scottish instrumental

I Scotia Folk Scotia liar. ll2 Stockwell Street. 5.52 StiSl . rS..‘\tlpttt. l'ree. l.i\ e

groups. Saturdays

I CEilldh Dance Ris'erside. l'o.\‘ Street. Utt (‘lsde Street. 248 3 l 44, Doors open 8pm. music at 9pm. £4, l’opular li\‘e hands. busy.

I Pier Lights and GUBStSlraders. (ilasstord Street. Sdllpm. l5ree. l5olk and litel's'.

I Victoria Bar Stock“ ell

Street llridgegate. lisemng. l’ree,

Irish Scottish instrumental session.

I Scotia FOlkScotiallar. 112 Stock“ ell Street. 552 SoSl 8.30pm. Free. live intisic.


I SBSSlOR Riverside. l'iox Street. ott (ll-\de Street. 243 3144. 2 4pm. l-‘ree. Regular atternoon ot songs and mtisic.

I Park Bar Arg} ll Street. near Kels in Park. 33‘) 1215. “pm. Free. Session in llighlandcrs' puh.


I Travelling FOlk Irtrt‘ Radio Scotland, SSH 9.25pm, Archie l‘isher and Darin} K} le present records. rte\\s and live recordings trom the folk scene.

I lrish Session Sharke} ~s Bar. heside (‘iti/ens‘ l'heatr'e. (iorhals. 42‘) 3944. S,.‘sllprii. tree. the .\lc( ‘ues and other top (ilasgoxs lrish musicians trom Comhaltas.


I Paisley Arts Folk l’aisle} Arts( ‘entre. Nets Street. SS7 llllll. Spm, [is e musicians.


I Live music Scotia liar . Stock“ ell Street. 552 Httbil Hfillpm. tree. I Halt Bar \Voodlands Road. “pm. Free.

l-iddlcs. tlutes. accordions. hanjos etc.


I Earthbeat Bile Radio Scotland. 7.3M H.3Hpm. l’rescnted h} .lan l’airlcs. World .‘sltrsic programme.


I West End Hotel l‘almerston Place. 225

the bar.

I North Sea Gas Platform ()ne. (‘aledonian llotel. Rutland Street. Free. l’opular Scots entertainers.

I Mhairi 0' Reilly linsign [its art. Launmarket. top ot High Street. 9pm. l-ree.

I Royal Oak lniirmar) Street. 557 2976. ltsening. l‘ree. l)o\\nstalrs songs with guitar etc. upstairs har \\ ith piano.


I Black Orpheus Queen Street ()_\ ster Bar. Junction ot Queen Street and l lanover Street. 1 4pm. Free. (‘osmopolitanmusic on accordion and guitar.

I Gaudi Shore liar. llle Shore. l.eith. ‘lpm. l'ree. ('eltic music on guitar. mandolin and tlddle.

I West End Hotel l’almer ston Place. 225 .§(15(i.‘}pm l‘ree. l lighlanders' haunt. .-\ccordion guitar in the liar.

I Royal Oak lntirniar} Street. 557 297i». ‘lpm till late. l‘ree. lntormal music with Sam Whalcrn.


I Sandy Bells l'iorrest llill liar. l‘orrest Road. Atternoon trorn lprn. l-ree. Session at the hack ot the tamous toll»; puh.

I Muckle Ado l.‘Attache. hasement ot Rutland l lotel. West lind ot Princes Street. ‘ldllpm 12.3(lam. l~ree. Singalong Scottish tolkies.

I Full Shilling Band R} r‘ie's liar. llaymarket. Junction ot l)alr} Road. 9pm. Free. Alternate weeks. songs and tunes. IBannerman‘s Music llannerman‘sBar. (‘oxs gate. ‘lpm. l‘ree. l-iddle music With Sophie and Rohin.

I Nancy Nicholson Royal t )ak. lntirmary Street. 552 2‘)?» ‘lpm till late. l‘ree. Singerand melodeon plaser.


I Travelling Folk nnr‘ Radio Scotland. SJU 9.25pm. Archie l‘isher and Danny Kyle present records. neus and lise recordings trom the Scottish tolk scene. I Miro ifAttache. hasement ot Rutland Hotel. West lind ot Princes Street. 9pm. Free. Wild lrish and ( 'eltic instrumental

I Fiddlers Arms (irassmarket. lasening. 22‘) 2ho5, l‘ree. ’l'raditronal Scottish music on squeeze hoses and tiddles.


I Fjaere Nilssen Queen Street Oyster Bar. llanos er and Queen Street. ‘lpm. l-ree. ’lransatlanttcsongwriter gurtarist.

I Kitchen Devils l.'Attache. ltasement ot Rutland l lotel. West l' nd. l)pm. rm:

I Famous Other Band llanncrman's liar. (ion gate. ‘lpm. l'ree.


I Black Orpheus Shore liar . 'l he Shore. l.eith ‘lpm. l'ree l'cleeticduoottgtlitar and accordion.

I Miro l.eith ( )sstcr liar. lhe Shore. leith. ‘lpm. l-ree. lrish and(‘eltrcmusie.

I Zydeco l.‘Attache. hasement ot Rutland

Hotel. West 1nd ‘lpm, l‘ree. liluesand caiun.


I Earthbeat llllt' Radio Scotland.

“fill hfitlprn Presented in Jan l‘;llTlL‘}'. World Music progr arnrnc.

I snuggle Nifty l ,'Att;rclie. hasement of Rutland Hotel, \Vest lirld oi Princes Street. L)pni Free.

I Accordion Night ( ilencairn l lotel. Royal (‘ircus 9pm. l-ree.

I Little Green Monkeys llannerman‘s Bar. (‘oss gate. 9pm. l-ree. Vocals. guitarand tiddle. contemporary duo.

I Number One Music ( 'ellar No 1. (‘hamhers Street. 22ll42‘)S. l‘ree. Basement \s the har has t'lamencoguitarist Freddie Triay with triends and dancers.