I At The Royal Scottish Academy‘s annual Students' szhihition. the £1litithacallan Award has this year heen awarded to I'iona ( iiiest. a third year painting student at I)uncan oiJordanstone (‘ollcgc oi :\r‘t irt Dundee. IIer entry . a nude worked in wax. acrylic and oil. was chosen trom 3% entries suhrnitted hy senior students at Scotland's Schools oi Art and Architecture and is entitled ‘Perhaps w hen you are in a hetter irame oi mind‘. I"itiri;i(itic'st iiopes togo on to studyat the Royal Academy in London. The exhihition has heen held annually since I‘Wti and proy'ides students with a y'aluahle early opportunity toshow

atidalsotosell their works. I Otheraspiring artists.

young and old. riiight he interested in entering Iidinhurgh [)istrict (‘ouncil’s seventh annual Spring Fling Painting. Photography and Poetry Competition. The theme is ‘Instrumentsot‘(‘hange' and the winning entries will he shown at the Netherhow Arts (‘entre in June. I’ery'ersely. you have to he resident in the l.othian region to enter the painting and poetry competitions. htit not the photography corripetition. which is open to anyone living in Scotland. I'ot‘ iurtherinformation. contact Kari (iray on 1131

2.3.5 242-1 ext. (iti23.


I The Dictionary oi Scottish

Painters 1600—1960 Paul Harris and Julian IIalshy' ((‘anongate and Phaidorr Press £35). Iintricson some ZlXXIartists who have worked in Scotland take in both major and minor figures and include important dates. exhibitions and media used. Iiach artist is placed

in an artistic and historical

context which means that the hook should he interesting to browsers and experts alike, The whole is very heautifully' illustrated and includes many works appearing in print for the first time.

Angelic Rebels, from Ecstatic Antibodies at Street Level. Glasgow


I Art is listed iirst by city then byvenue. running in alphabetical order. Please send details to Art Listings not later than 10 days belore publication date.


I T & R ANNAN & SONS LTD 1M Woodlands Road. 33211112S .\Ion I'r'i Illarri 5pm;Sat Illam 13.3llpm, Works hy y ar'ious artists and pcr'iiianent collection oi (ilasgow photographs and


\ext Ixxhihrtion J. 0. Henderson: Recent Paintingssrai-isnApr.

I ART GALLERY 81 MUSEUM. KELVINGROVE 35“ 3‘12‘). \Ion I'rr lilam 5pm; Sat

lilani Ilipm;Suri noon hpni ('ate [1)] Voluntary guides are ay arlahlc ircc ot charge to conduct parties or indiy iduals round the main galleries. (‘ontact the enquiry desk.

Contemporary Artlor Kelvingrove l ititll 11 Apr. In I‘NllUlasgow (‘ity ('ouncil created a riew lurid tor the élcqtllSIIItill oi contemporary art. I his is anoppor'tunity to see w hat they hay e so tar managed to acquire .lohn Iiellany. Ken ( ‘ur i re. Ian llamilton I'inlay and some ‘sur'prises'. Auction olContemporary Art wed 3" .\Iar. 3 3llpni. Works hy Izduardo Paolox/i. (ieor'ge Wy Ilie. .-\lari Hold and others. to he auctioned in aid oi Protect .v\hi1ity. Keeping GlasgowinStitchest'nul Stin3l .‘ylar‘. l he unyeiling oi the tw cl\c tapestry panels created [I1 srru during the year hy anyone w ho telt like Joining 111.

I ART FROM THE BILLIARD ROOM :1“ Sauchichall Street. 33: 3‘1 1 .\Ion Sat lliam 5pm. ( )irginally designed asa hilliar'd room hy ('liarles Rcririre Mackintosh. with his ow n panelling and stained glass windows.

OI Land and Sea l'ntil Wed 2“ Star; Mixed media w or'ks hy selected artists. PrintsinProgressl-rilwnai IIApr. Selected works hy printriiakei's liyingiii Scotland.

I BARBIZON GALLERY ( ‘oilegel ands.

I Iigh Street. 553 I‘ll)“. Mon Sat

Illam 5pm. ('aie open sey'en days. British Prints L 'ntil Sun 24 Mar.

(ialler‘y closed throughout April.

I BARCLAY LENNIE FINE ART 2(13 Iiath Street. 33541.? .‘onn It] Iliani 5pm;Sat Iliam 1pm.

Christine Ironside: Recent Paintings lit .1: Mar 13 Apr .»\ series oi paintings inspired hy Irorisides stint as Artist in Residence at the Botanic ( iardens and hy a y isrt she made to India last year.

How ers. eastern carpets and Indian

ni \ltl\ll is

A RT &_E_.XLI 1.3. ETIQNS ,

Mar. Sculptures (‘ar‘ihhean artist.

elephants are portrayed in \‘lVItI and exotic colour.

I BASIL'S VEGETARIAN CAFE 184 Dumharton Road. 37“ 1-1 1o. .‘ytori 'I'hurs i noon l).3llpm; PM Sat noon 111.3lipm. Alison Chisholm: Small Paintingst'nul 311 Apr.

I BAY TREE CAFE 4113(ireatWester‘n

Road. 334 511‘1S,’l‘ue Stiri Illarn 9pm MorcanITodd: Recent Works t 'ntil Mon 1 .»\pr I BURRELL COLLECTION Pollokshaws Road. M" 7151 Mon Sat Illam 5pm; Wed lilam Illpm; Sun noon hpm, (ale. 11>]

.\ y eritahle treasure troy e oi art collected hy Izdwardian tycoon William Iiurrell. ICOLLINS GALLERYL'iiiycrsity oi Strathclyde. 22 Richmond Street. 552 JJlch-xt ZhS‘I, .\Ion I'ri Iliam 5prnLSat noon 4pm.

Rietveld Furniture and the Schrdder House l’ntil 13 .'\pl. Widely accepted as the iirst open-plan house. the Riety'eld Schroch house was considered shocking whenit was huilt in Holland in 1924,

\cycr‘theless. 1t anticipated the way in

w liicii many people would one day liye and

has recently heen restored to itsoiiginal lor‘m. Models. drawings and photographs examine the ethos oi the hriildirig. and

someoutstandingcxamplcsoi experimental iur'niturc riiade hy I)utcii icon Rietyeld tw'liose Red IIIUL’ chair was show ii at I'dinhurgh‘s Royal .‘yltrscum last year) are also on display.

I COMPASS GALLERY 17S West Regent Street. 231 (i371). .‘yion Sat Illam 5,3lipm. Paul Fleming: RecentWorkt‘nirl Sat :3 Mar. Drawings and paintings tr'oiii Australia hy a young Scottish artist.

Joe Fan: Recent Paintings '1 ac in Mar .‘5 Apr. I’iguratiye works hy a I long Is'ong horn artist and recent graduate ol .-\hcrdcen Art School.

I CORMUND GALLERY 1311 West Regent Street. 2114 VHS”. .‘yion Sat ‘lam 5pm. John G. Boyd '1 hroughout Mar.

I CYRIL GERBER FINE ART 14S West Regent Street. ill 3ll‘l5. .‘yion Sat ‘lfstiam 5.3llpm.

The Winter Collection Small Iir‘itish paintings trom the l‘ltii and 311th centuries. including Wol'ls hy (adell. I‘ergtrsson. I low son. Peploe. Donaldson and Redpath.

I DOME OF DISCOVERY South Rotunda. (ioyan Road. 417 17‘13. Sat and Sun

Iliam 5.3llpiii. Science and technology interactiyeexhihitiorisituated ina r‘eiurhislied domed huilding on the lot mcr

(iarden I’cstiyal sile. I‘eatui'es 31)imagcs. a yer'tical roundahout and an air cannon. I 4S \Vest ( ieorge Street. 331 2.11m, .\Ion Sat VJHam 5.3llpm.

Modern British and Scottish Contemporary Paintings 1 'ntil Sun 31 Mar. Including (ilasgow Boys. Scottisht'olourists. Redpatii and Whistler

I FINE ART SOCIETY 134 Iilythswood Street. 333 4112”, Mon I’i'l

‘),3llam 5.3llpm;Sat liiam 1pm,

New Artiora New Decade t 'ntil‘l .-\pr‘, In the I‘lSlls. contemporary Scottishartists caught the collectiyc eye ot ttt't cl'itlcs around the world and painters like William .‘yIc'l'aggart. Anne Rcdpatii and .Ioan Izardley were the suhjects oi major i'etrospectiy'e exhihitions. In this show'thc line A rt Socicty riiakes predictions ahout the I‘Nlls: possihle new leadinglrghts include IIet low. .~\|herto .\Iorroccoand Kate Rohinsorr

I GATEHOUSE GALLERY Rouken ( ilen Road (gallery at entrance to Iiuttertly Kingdom).(81111235, .‘yiori I’r'i1.3li tiprn; Sat and Sun 12.311prn 5.31 1pm; closed lue. The Artist and the Model 1 'ntil 4 Apr; Paintings hy .-\Iexandra ( iatdner‘ with drawings and sculptures hy other artists. I GLASGOW ART CENTRE 12 Washington Street. 231 45%. Mon I‘ri lliam 7pm;Sat Iliam 3pm.

Francisco Cabral: Sculpture t 'nrrl 'I'hurs ls

oi chairs. mostly hy‘ a

Perry Roberts: Untitled at the Third Eye Centre

I GLASGOW GROUP GALLERY 17 Queens Crescent. 333 Jill-1 .‘onnv I’ri 11am opm. Donald Clark: Recent Work 1 'ntil 2n Apr. Recently rehouscd. the gallery is now eriihai'king on a pr‘ogramriie oi cxhihitions which w ill take in promising young artists and ( il‘asgow (ir'oup's ow n regulars. 'I‘he iirst young artist to he i'caturcd. (‘lark isa recent I'.dinhur'gh graduate with a numher olcxhihitions to his name already.

I GLASGOW PRINT STUDIO 22 King Street. 552113114. .‘yion Sat Illarrir5.311pm.

John Taylor I‘htirs 2S Mar 37 Apr.

I GLASGOW SCHOOL OF ART 1(i7 chi‘rew Street. 332 9797. Mon 'l‘hurs Illam Spm; in Illarri 5pm; Sat Illam noon.

Hospital Art'lue 2 713 Apr.

I GLASGOW ZOO ('alder‘ Park. L'ddingston.7"1 11515.1)aily'lllani 5pm. ZOO Paintings Hi 22 Mar 5 Apr. Paintings oianimals hy' (iilliarii Mc( 'ormick ( £3 admission to loo).

I HUNTERIAN ART GALLERY L ‘niy'ersity' oi ( ilasgow . S: I Illlliead Street. 33‘) S855 ext 5131. Mon I'ri ‘).311am 5pm: Sat

‘l.3llani Iprn.

Margaret Mee‘s Amazon L'ntil 27 Apr, 311 large hotariical w atercoIour's painted in the lir'a/ilian Amazonia hy‘ one oi'thc century's most intrepid artist—trayelleis. A series oi illustrated lectures will take place on Saturdays until 27 Apr". 1 lam noon.

'I ickets LI .5” at the tloot.

I HUNTERIAN MUSEUM ( ilasgow‘ L'niyersity. L'niycrsity .-\y‘enue. 3.3‘JSS55. .‘yiori I'r'i L).3llam 5pm; Sat 9.30mi] lprii. Scotland's iirst puhlic museum takes its name lr'om William I Iunter. a student oi (ilasgow' L'niy'ersity in the l73ils who left his suhstantial collection oi'hooks. prints. and yarious other curiosities totiie uniy‘er'sity. Many other additions tothe collection has e since heen made.

I INTERDEC GALLERY .‘yiar'y'hill Burgh

I Iall. 31 ( iair hraid .-\y'entle. ‘)~1ti5‘) I 2. Mon I'll Illam 5.3lipm; Sat Illarn 4pm. Underwater Photography L’ntil In 2‘) Mar. Intriguing. watery photographs hy the Scottiin suh-aqtia cluh.

I LILLIE ART GALLERY Station Road. .‘ylrliigay re. ‘15:» 2351 ext 230. Tue I'TI

1 lam 5pm and 7 “pm; Sat and Sun

3 5pm. (‘losed Mon.

Bearsden Art Club Annual Exhibition t'nril (3 Apr. 3

I LIVING ROOM 211 Ilelhay en 'I‘errace West. 357' 5.1S‘S, '1 hurs Sun 5 Spin.

Make yourscli at home in somehody else\

l iront room; installations and art works by

The List 22 March 4 April 199153