[__ __ , _,


I Genesis- The Story So Far( 813(2) I A Ditterent World ((‘hanncl 4 l nf‘llpm. 3 .1fstlpm A spcctal Bl“ ' Sc‘tttland ('nllcgc cnmcdy with a saccharinc tnuch. dncumcntat‘} nn wcll-knnw n Pnntp i“ .‘mli‘l L"PW! imm #‘ ( 9"?" ‘l‘m'ml- rnckcrs ( icncsis. thcir trials and I ForThe 6793"" Goad l “BSD trihulatinns. thcir sinistcr links with "-35 ill-35W” “0”” Shim “ml R“? Jnnathan King. thcir risc t'rnm thc Snuth Dntricc star in thc tinal part nt (il‘ I.nndnn punk sccnc tn hccnmc acclaimcd \cw man‘s pnlittcal thrillcr. this w cck

.ltn. wait a tncusing nn thc llnnic Sccrctary taccd

w ith impnrtant dccisinns. lncidcntally . thc

hackgrnund music is cnmpnscd hy

()rchcstral Manncuyrcs ln 'lhc Dark.

Rcmc mhc r thcm'.’

I The Golden Girls t (hanncl 4)

III Ill3llpm. l’irst scrics rcpcats. gctting

sharpcr hy thc minutc..

sncial cnttimcntatnts. minutc. that was thc lam.

IScreen 2: They NeverSleptiBBt‘Zt

111 ll 15pm. Simnn ( iray ‘s \Vnrld War II cnmcdy was apparcntly thnught tnn risky tnscrccn duringthc(iult'War.althnugh this gcntlc satirc ahnut gnings-nn nn thc llnmc l’rnnt sccms unlikcly tn nttcnd any

hut thc mnst scnsitiy c.

I TO Be Or Not To Be t ( 'hanncl ~1l

lll Ztlpm IZQIIaIn \lclllrnnksstarsin Alan .lnhnsnns taithtul icmakc nt thc 1W.“ nriginal w hich starts nut with a l’nlish \crstnn nt ‘chct (icnrgia Brnw nfland gncs trnm sttcnglh tn strcngth. .-\ trnupc nt l’nlish actnrs attcmpt tn nutwit Na/isin \Vnrld War ll \Varsaw It‘s a hrnad cnmcdy . hut with a dar kcr sidc and a tcw tll\lllll‘1ll_L' ntnmcnts amnng thc laughs.


I Princess Anne‘s Comic Choice t Inst ‘3) 3.311 4. ltlpin ln nnc nt thnsc rcyisinnist l\’ dncumcntai tcs. thc l’rinccss Rnyal talks tn Suc lawlcy ahnut hcr scnscnt humnur . and sclccts snrnc nt hcr lay nuritc cnniic clips. including Rny (‘huhhy '\ Brnwn. Bcrnard Manning. and

cnntrny crsial .-\mcricans l ,cnny Brucc and Andrcw l)icc ( ‘lay. ‘l likc cntnics that stand tip and tcll ynu tn natt ntt .‘shc admits candidly

I Live And Let Die l Scntlish l .s' lll.15pni. l’aul .\1c( ‘artncy sings thc snng. Rngcr \lnnrc sips thc unstirrcd \iartinis in a distinctly unt'cmat kahlc Bnnd with Rngcr scurrying ntt tn thc ( ‘arihhcan tn takcnn Mr Big and Dr lsananga. w hn hayc hccn humpingntt British agcnts. Naughty. naughty.

I Chasing Shadows ((hanncl 4 i t) ltlpnt. :\ l.nndnn rahhi t’cyisits hisnatiy c ('arpathia. 45 ycars attcr tlccing tinm attli—Sctttllcs.

IAHandlul OlDusltChanncHl

lll. lSpm l_‘_‘~tlam. Bridcshcad tcrritnry rcyisitcd in l'yclyn \Vaugh‘s talcnt I

IVic Reeves' Big NightOut((‘hanncm ltlfitl llpm. lunnicr than a sacktulnt tcr'rcts. nr lcss laughs than l)cnnis'l'ay lnr nn Valium‘.’ lhc cnnttnycrsy ragcs nn. and thc \thcl ( )lluslicc spins. ,,

ITough Guystscntush)

lll.45pm l2.~15anr ()r Ancicnt (itlys pcrhaps. with Burt lancastcr and Kirk I)nuglas crcakingalnngnn thcir/immcrs. as cx-cnnstryingtncnmc tn tcrms withthc mndcrn wnrld attcr cnmplcting 3i l—ycar strctchcs tnr rnhhcry. lt‘sscntimcntal hut amusing stult as thc pair nI w rinklics try tn shnw thc wnrld thcy ‘y c still gnt a tnuch nt rchcllinusncss lclt.


appalling aristn adultcrct‘s. ll ynu can makc thc ncccssary lcaps nl imaginatinn. it's inynlytng stutl. hcautitully shnt in lush lncatinns_ \Vith .latncs \Vilhy. Rupcrt (nay cs and Aniclica llustnn.

TUESDAY 2 .. 7'

I The Munro Show ( scniush I (ran 7pm. \lnrc mnuntainccring with .‘yluricl asshc scampcrs tip annthcr cnuplc nl Scntland's .‘ylunrns. Scc prcyicw.

IKinseyttilst't mint insiipm. l.cc tj’. _- lawsnn t'l'wiggy ‘s hushand) stars in a ncw ’7“; drama scrics ahnut a rnying scxnlngist . cr. makc that my ing law c\pcrt,

I Twin Peaks I III“ '2 l ‘l L)fllpm. Shcritt 'l'ruman and thc guys cnntinuc thcir lcngthy scarch tnr an cnd tn this thing.

I The Crystal Maze ((‘hanncl 4 l ssn 93H. 'l‘hc futuristic gamc-shnw . hnstcd hy Rncky llnrrnr Shnw nriginatnr Richard ()‘Bricn. with lnts nt giggly llnmc (‘nuntics cnntcstants,

I 40 Minutes: Video Vultures ( 1313(‘2 ) 9.3tl~lll.1tlpm. 'l'hcdncumcntary scrics prnt'ilcs a frcclancc yidcn camcraman in \cw ank. w hn sclls gnry tnntagc nt accidcnt Victims and thc likc tn mainr'l \' slittinns. Wcll. it‘s a liying ..

I True Stories: The Leader. The DriverAnd The Driver's Wile ((‘hanncl 4i

URtlpm~l l . lllam. 'l'hc lcadcr hcing natinnalist spnkcsman liugcnc 'l’crrchlanchc. in a hlack-cnmcdy sty lc film ahnut thc whitc right ir'i Snuth Atrica.


I UnderThe Volcano tt‘hanncm ltlprit-12,lll;irii. An intcrinradaptatinnnt Malcnlm l.nw ry 's classic nnycl ahnut an alcnhnliccx-diplnmatdcstrnyinghimscll in Mcxicn hct‘nrc thc w ar. Alhcrt l’inncy is cnnyincing as thc lttsh. althnugh ycnturing dangcrnusly clnsc tn ()liycr Rccd tcrritnry . hut thc tilm tails tn capturc thc Ldnnmy atmnsphcrc nt thc nny cl.


Joyless escapes :

(‘nnsidcring it w as thc culminatinn nt‘ a highly-chargcd and dccply cnmmittcd ln-ycar campaign tn sccut‘c lhc‘it‘ rc‘lc‘itsc‘. \Vtts l thc nnly HIIC tn t'ind th‘ ’l‘V cny ct‘agc nl lltc‘ I'rccing nl thc Birmingham Six anticlimactic'.’ 'l'hcrc was snmcthing ycry distancing ahnut thc 'l’V picturcs nl a hunch nt~ nrdinary—lnnking middlc—agcd mcn raising thcir arms in cxultatinn. l’crhaps it's hccausc thc languagc nl' 'l'\‘ has hccn dchascd tn thc cxtcnt that thc nccasinn sccrncd tn hayc littlc mnrc rcsnnancc nn thc scrccn than thc cclchratinns nt~ thc Iingland Rughy squad. "l‘hcy hcld nn. thcy camc thrnugh. and thcy'yc cmcrgcd triumphant‘. said nnc awcstrickcn cnmmcntatnr. hut hc was talking ahnut thc Rughy rathcr than thc mcn whn had sullcrcd thc shccr hlnndy hnrrnr nlspcnding sixtccn ycars nl thcir liycs hangcd tip lnr nn gnnd rcasnn. In thc cnd thc tnnc nt”l'\' cnmmcntary lclt mc lccling thc

cnnstant litany nl thc ‘( iuildtnrd l5nur‘. thc ‘Birmingham Six”. thc "l'nttcnham 'l'wn‘. might just as wcll hayc hccn a list nt‘ Amcrican snul grnups. lnr all thc rcycrc ncc thcir nrdcal was giycn.

liqually unwilling tn t‘acc tragcdy hcad-nn was Bobbin‘And Weavin‘. i in HIM Scntland‘s ittnnyatiyc l’lay l5nr ()nc scrics. 'l‘hc playwright l)nnna Franccschild sccms tn hayc lallcn hcad nycr hccls in lnyc with thc (ilaswcgian myth nt~ thc tnugh suryiynr with thc cynical wit. hut in hcr adnratinn has cnnccntratcd nn gctting thc tnugh. sparky carapacc just right. and ncglcctcd thc tragcdy undcrncath. Katy Murphy. in hcr hcst Katy Murphy stylc. spat nut thc lincs likc a darts playcr hurling arrnws altcr thc cighth pint. and thc lunny hittcr cnmmcnts camc apacc. At‘tcr thc I‘irst I‘iyc minutcs. wc kncw shc was a suryiy'nr. hut thc strcam nl dark nnc-lincrs that fnllnwcd wcrc incnnscqucntial cnnugh tn allnw us littlc insight intn thc grim naturc nl thc suryiying. Still lunnicr than mnst ot‘Comic Heliet thnugh.

l I‘nr nnc wnn‘t hc snrry tn scc thc dcparturc nl Lovejoy. a piccc nl nnnscnsc ahnut an antiqucs dcalcr turncd dctcctiyc. that appcals In all thc wnrst snnhhish instincts nl' its ABCI targct audicncc. In a rcccnt

cpisndc wc wcrc askcd tn snccr at thc yulgarity nlfllnc (irnntct‘. a scll—madc huildcr whn. hnrrnr nl hnrrnrs. cnuldn‘t tcll his ()uccn Annc Irnrn his chcncy. ('haractcrisatinn cnnsistcd nl philistinc .lnc saying ‘arsc' quitc a lnt and haying a lush nl a witc with an I appallingly inaccuratc ( ‘nckncy acccnt. .lnc was an nhyinus haddy hccaus'c hc was trying tn swindlc l.nycjny‘s inhrcd aristn pals. .‘ylnrc pnwcr tn his clhnw l rccknn. and l wnuldn‘t hayc hccn aycrsc tn his carrying nut his thrcat tn ‘dn that git l.nycjny nycr‘. cithct'. l thnught wcd . sccn thc last nt’stcrcntypcd dndgy liast [ind yillains whcn Mindcr tinis’hcd. hut thc gcnrc lnnks sct tn lingcrctcrnally in la/y and patrnnising scriptwritci‘s' wnrd-prnccssnr mcmnrics. just waiting tn hc pastcd in whcn rcquircd.

llynu thnt1ght.lci‘ctny Bcadlcnr listhcr Rant/cn wcrc lhc mnst nhjcctinnahlc pcnplc ynu wcrc likcly tn cncnuntcr nn ynur small scrccns. annthcr hnrrnr in thc making crnppcd tip nn 40 Minutes: Our Brilliant Careers. a hcautit'ul cxpnsc nn hnw appalling gil'tcd kids arc. 'l'hc prnduccrs had nhyinusly rcaliscd that thc aycragc rcspnnsc tn prccncinus childrcn is nnc nl nausca. and wcightcd thc shnw accnrdingly. allnwing us tn glccl‘ully cnndcmn thc hrats. and thcir pushy parcnts. Ninc ycar-nld .lcrcmy ( namc changcd tn prntcct thc guilty) had thc l() nla Iiiltccn-ycar-nld (which IiiI‘tccn-ycar-nld'.’ sccrns thc nhyinus qucs‘tinn). and a grccd lnr thc

l i

camcra unsccn this sidc nt'Icrry I anan. llc grinncd smugly whcn his } mnthcrpraiscd his gcnius. i patrnniscd thc nthcr kids unashamcdly. and whcn quizzcd ahnut his amhitinns said hc wnuld

adan childrcn. hccausc hc didn't

want tn (in a hnrcd. man-nt-thc wnrld tnnc) ‘hay'c tn dn all that stutt'.‘ Dnn‘t wnrry chza. I‘m surc ynu‘ll think nl‘snmcthing hcttcr. .‘ylind ynu. hcing a gilitcd kid can hc a handicap. ()nc pnnr guy cndcd up driying a yan arnund l’rcstnn. ‘l cnjny thc jnh. hut it‘s sn limitingf hc said. ‘Snmctimcs it‘s likc ynur mind‘s imprisnncd.‘

'l’cll that nnc tn thc Birmingham Six. ('l'nm Lappin)

'I'hc List :2 March 4 April 199i 69