FRENCH LANGUAGE in l~ranee this summer. (‘ay ilam ('entre in Viehy runs intensiy'e eourses yyith options: (irammar. oral. eiy‘ilisation. literature. eommereial l‘reneh Atidio yisual materials. highly qualified teaeliers, 1141 9591123.“. Patriek

I Sax. flute. recorderiheory lany ley el 1 and improy isation tany‘instrument l by experieneed tutor yy itli musie honours degree. .\11 ' approyed. llelpyyith buying hiring instruments Allagesand beiltnners \yeleoiiie. 1141 33" 1"15.

BUDDHIST MEDITATION l-orealni. eoneentration. ayy ai'eness and emotional

ysarmth Adult edueation and other yeiiues. Phone 1131 (its: ll—‘l I‘lltit‘ details.

DO YOU SPEAK‘OEUTSCH'? (iermaii language sehool. eity of eulture nearHeidelberg l~rankfurt Dates 1o 4 91 and 5 23 S L11. ('ontaet: Studio .‘ylondiale. l.udyyig liiiehner Str. 12. l)~o1tkl Darnistadt. Phone: lllll4l)(il51b1421.

I Fiddle. mandolin andIolk guitar lessons from experieneed musieian \y ith three l.Ps released. “the for details to James Curran. 15 Kersland Street. llillhead. (ilas'goyy,


louscowguorom—eunofi ___ {vans comm“

ISpanish Language Allied-Is. beginner elasses startingat regular interyals. ('olegio lispai'iol. ’I‘el; (131 55" 3925.

I Bagpipetuition frorii an experieneed piper and good teaeher, llome y'isitsarranged. 'l'elephone 11-11 (y3b 14:11,

I Languageteacheroi’iers lessons in l’reneh Spanish Italian and langlish All leyels. lndiyidual elassesand interesting rates. 'l'el .‘ylarie on (14142" 181i»


WRESTLERSI \Vrestlers eontaet niaga/iiie. issue three is iioyy available? A soureeofinforination and eontaet for gay straight guys into the sport. Send L3 plusstanipor SAli for details, Box No 144 RS 1.


I Shiatsu .lapanese massage therapy . individual sessions by appointment from registered Shiatsu praetitioner. (‘ontaet (‘olin Roxburgh .‘yf.R.S.S. on (141 94613999.

LEARN MASSAGE Six evening classes start 'l'ues ()th April at The Complementary .‘yledieine Centre.17()ueen’s(‘reseent.St (ieorge's (iross. (ilasgoyy . (i4 9131.. Phone lan llollandonll41 334 58in to book.


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I Scottish band wanted to play good mix of eeilidh. roek pop musie to keep folk daneingat \y eddiiig 'iear \eyyeastle. l'uel eosts ( petrol and beer? ) taken intoeonsideration, Box No 144 Ann 1.


Please reserve for me until further notice a copy of each new issue oI THE LIST magazine.

SOUNDTRACKS SCORES yy ritten and performed by Women of the World for danee. theatre and film. 'l‘elephone Bert Ross on 1141 334M401.



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I Protessionaltemale(30) Attraetiy e. yy arm yy ith sense of humour yyishes to meet earing. intuitiy‘e male (Wish 1 interested in arts and elassieal musie. alternatiy e therapies. Photo preferred, (ilasgoyy. Box No 142 2. IGIasgowmalel28)(‘mmI looking. intelligent. sineere and 'i a hopeful romantie. seeks like-minded female toshare long yyinter iiightsand yyarm summer days, \Vrite soon.I Box .\'o143 3.

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