Although suffering from

acute Mayfestophilis . (groan), Doctor Faustus ,

was still on the lookout for exciting ways to spend his time before the contract expired. Luckily, his local

newsagent was a List 5


I AND HERE'S ONE Hover made earlier. . . For delicacy's sake, Hoverwill not be pertormingthe preliminary stages oithe poop-scooping demonstrations provided by Edinburgh District Council's Dog Wardens tor Environment Week. See Open section, page 76.


I AND IT CAME TO PASS that the empty oil cartons grew eyes and mouths and spoke in many strange dialects. . . Visionarywork trom David Kemp in Out Oi Order. an exhibition at artworks in the trash medium at Glasgow's McLeIlan Galleries. See Art Preview, page 67.

I AHOENTINA'S WORLD FAMOUS Engels Brothers: (L to r) Teetho. Deardo, Gaucho and- er-Eyebro. Actually, they’re La Banda de la Risa (also irom Argentina), and they‘re in Edinburgh to pertorm The Comedy oi Faust at the Scottish International Children's Festival. See Kids section, page 73.

I THIS ONE'S GREATlor toning those abdominals, people. Ha-Ha Zoo. in a bid tor television stardom. have begun work on a series at aerobics videos ior Sky. In the meantime, the comedy circus act appearin Fabulous Beasts at Maytest. See Maytest Diary, page 25.

I WIPING THE FLOOR with i . Nigel Kennedy's pathetic ‘wild man in a tailcoat' routine is David Hughes, seen here pertorming the ‘Kangaroo on Mescalin'

sequence trom Cloven

5 Kingdom, to be performed

by London Contemporary

- Dance Theatre at

i Glasgow's Theatre Royal. " See Theatre Preview. page

I 'EHE WHAT'S ALL THIS? ' You can't go taking me out 3 52. without a poop-scooper. Don't you know it's f Environment Week? White

Fang passes on the word to his master in the new Disney version otJack London‘s Klondike adventure.

I See Film Index. page 33.

I MENTION KEVIN COSTNEH and his ' ' 'in' , ‘2 . ' Oscars once more andl’ll l s have your ear otttoo. .. . Patrick Dergin makes his \ , mark on The List'siilm « critic in a vain attempt to gain the Toughest Robin . r Hood All Year award betore . v I Hollywood whisks us back i g to Sherwood Forest in July. I _ .r g ; The tlrst Robin Hood is on 5 —., . ITOOFF OOP . general release lrom Fri 17. g NAMHERNEBS my demonstrate Madchester's

§ See Film Index, page33. v ! appalling inner city housing I problems. They're taking I time otltrom the dark I satanic mills to play i Glasgow on Sat 25. See J Music Preview, page 46. l

2The List 17—30 May 1991' -