I Dolphin City and Junkyard East ('lubhouse. ()ld Sneddon Street. l’;iisle_\. 88‘) run. S..‘~tlprn. £1.5tltadsanccl. £3 (door). Dolphin ('it)‘ pla) funk} pop

\\ hich manages to straddle the alternatne and the commercial market. likel} toput you in an 'up' mood. especialI} \\ hen touKe \\ itnesscd the antics ol a singer lull ot‘character.

I N0 Ouarter'l‘udor lodge l lolc‘l. Burnbank Street. Hamilton. INNSJVZ'T". 9pm {1.


I Gargleblud Pas ihon 'l‘heatre. lisplanade. till): 3054M). 'l'hrngs that go bump and ‘bleeurgh' in the night from the

group that makes Hie Rm A \‘ HurmrS/tmi‘

look like Blue Peter Livingston

I Elephant Noise “In crle_\ . Almonds ale (-cnllc‘. “Silo 3355 l Sec Sail l5.

e_\eballs and generall} unable to l

distinguish Pavarotti lrom Pop \Vill Liat Itself. The Orange Grove are a \\ hole lot mellower groin} ambient indie dance along the lines ol 'l'he Beloved.


I Maya's Voice l’resen atiott l lall. Victoria Street. 326 Salli. 9.30pm. Free. Haunting. ethereal sounds hase been compared to (‘lannad

I Firing Squad Negociants. l_othian Street. :35 (‘3 l 3. 0.30pm. l'i'ec.


I Elephant Noise Mont} ‘s. (iuildhall Stl'eet.ll3S3731133.5ce Sat 15.

TUESDAY 18 Glasgow

I The Beach BOYS S. l2.(‘.( ‘. . l'innieston ()ua} . 24S .‘illllll. £1".5llp|us bookinglee. 'l‘ickets l’rom Just the ‘l'icket. Virgin.


I J.D. And The Wildcats Negociants.

l othian Street. 325 Ml}. tl..‘~lipm. l‘rce. IThe Monkeyshines ('l'tit‘i'l'np ()‘l.auriston. Lauriston l’lace. 339-1041. 9pm. l‘ree.

I Dig Eyed Beans Pelican. (‘ots gate. 335 5413. 9pm. Free.

MONDAY 17 Glasgow

I Flowered Up and The Orange Grove King 'l ut's Wait Wait Hill. St Vincent Street. 221537‘).‘)pm. £4.50. l"!otsc‘t'ull'p sa_\ ‘I told _\ ou so‘ to the e} nics who had them

\\ ritten oil as tailures alter [no unsuccessl'ul singles. "lake lt'. their best siiigleset. managed toslitherintothc loner reaches oi the chart. thuspim ing that liam \laher‘s \ocals are not cntireb unpalatable il'_\ou're drugged up to_\otlt'



l'nionStreet. ZZthW‘). Isn‘t‘.(‘. just the idealem'ironmcnl lor imcsting the Beach Bois‘ loll} pop tunesol hopeless escapism \\ ith a \\ hole tic“ significance. Only a band as might} and influential as them could neutralise that

Presents essentialaircral't-hangai atmosphere.

' ' l’ossilil} a chance to play '.spot the pop

N N stars the) We influenced in the crow d. FROM I Static and Y Cyril King Tut's \Vah \Vah


Wednesday and Friday Free Admission - Bar open until Midnight (A free dram given with this ad - on Wednesday 19th June before 9pm only)

Platform One, Rutland St. adjoining the Caledonian Hotel, Edinburgh Tel: 031 225 2433

llut. St Vincent Street. III 527‘). ‘lpm. Ll. Sec l’ri H lot Static. \Velsh band Ye} rll started their musical lile doing (‘Iash cos er \ ersioiis. but disco\ cred that generation terrorism and sell-mutilation weren't their bag and no“ sound a bit like licho and the liunns‘men. Plus the Demo Disco


I Transvision Vamp l’la} house 't‘lieatre. (ireenside Place. 557 35W. 7.3llpm.

ti . xll. L72“. l’ros ing that the} 'sc got

40 lhe l-i Thine l‘l‘ll

more staying power than might have been supposed at lirst. the Vamp could yet lis e tip to some of their more grandiose claims. Weird) .lames kno\\s what she's about. even it the rest ol’ us are justifiably coiiittsctl.

I Flowered Up and The Orange Grove \'ei.'.:e. (‘alton Road. 55" 3073. See Mon '7.

I Lords 0i The Flatbush Negociants. l.othian Street. 225 0313. 9.30pm. Free.

WEDNESDAY 19 Glasgow

I The Kevin McDermott Orchestra King 'l‘ut‘s Wait Wait llut. St Vincent Street. 331537‘).‘)pm. £5.5tlSeel-ril4.

I Remember Fun and Change olSeasons 'l'raders. ( ilasslord Street. 55: (84b ‘lpm. t1 .Slltdonatioii l. 'lhe idea behind the door charge is to capture all the Remember l-"un lanson then “as inlothc pub but to pass in er the punters \\ ho obnousl} knots nothingalmut the band and are iiist in tor a quiet drink . sobe warned pop kids and don't \sear those Remember l~un badges tonight lllllL‘\\)till leclstiitabb inclined to line the band‘s pockets.


I The Charlatans l’la} house ‘l'heatte. (ireenside Place. 55" 250i). 7.3llpm. £3.50. L75”. U). Sec pr‘csicss.

I Planet 0 And The Satellitest )dtliellmt s. i’orr'L‘sl Road. 3le lblb. l'lcc.

IThe Gist Negociants. lothian Street.325 h.“ l 3. U,_‘sllpril. l’i‘cc.

I Live music I‘rading l’ost. 'l'he Shore. 553 5153. “pm. l-rec. (‘ountrs and \\ estern.

THURSDAY 20 § Glasgow

I The Kevin McDermott Orchestra Klttg

Crying overYou

The new single 7 12 CD Q4551? TTE

All formats include previously

unreleased true/es (IUIJMBIA 656965 7624