t A selection at television highlights. listed by I day. in chronological order. Television i Listings compiled by Tom Lappin.

3 FRIDAY 14 .

I Second Thoughts (Scottish) s—s.3llpm. Bill and I‘aith encounter a few more setbacks in the way of their wedding in the last episode of the dodgy divorcee sitcom. I Short Stories: A Seaside Organist (Channel 4) ts‘.3tL-‘lpttt. A whimsical look at the life of Tony . w ho‘s been bashingthe old Ilammond on the seatront for 35 years. but is now finding llislivellltood threatened by those new -fangled video game thingies.

I A Perfect Hero (Scottish ) ‘)-- ltlpm. Nigel I lav ers stars as the faceless tlyer. recovering his fitness and contemplating fly ing again.

I Cheers (Channel 4W» 9.30pm. Lilith is grief-stricken at the death of a laboratory rat. and husband l‘rasier fears she isoff her rocker.

I The Real McCoy ( BB( ‘2 ) 9—9.3(lpm. Curtis and Ishmael head the black comics in the sketch and music show. this week offering a spoof of special guests Soul II Soul.

I The Cowra Breakout ( BBCl )‘).3t)—1 lpm. Junji cannot come to terms with beinga prisoner in Attstralia. and attemptsto continue the war. in the Atistralian drama serial.

I The Second Russian Revolution: The

i YeltsinFile(BBC2)9.3(Lll).3()pm.‘l'he documentary series traces the rise ofthe populist leader. looking at his early clashes with hard-liner Ligachev. and his

I ability tosurvive SCfllillSpliliIlCZtlSCIi‘iitCkS { and lead the polls in the June lZeleclions.

I Roseanne (Channel 4) lo— 10.30pm. Roscanne's sister Jackie turns her hand to community theatre.

( Morwenna Banks. Jack Dochcrty. Moray

' Hunter. (iordon Kennedy. Peter Baikie and .lohn Sparkes in an anarchic comedy sketch show. Tonight they reveal where to find a Pete Duel and Ben Murphy annual from l‘)7l. I Friday Al The Dome (Channel 4) ll.tl5pm—IZ.2(lam. The very excellent James play live. while old punkstress Siouxsie plugs the new Banshees album.

I Sound Sluit: Recognition (Channel 4) 7-8pm. On tour with the Reggae Philharmonic ()rehcstra. bringing their music to Jamaica. from the rural

communities to the Prime minister's house.


l IAhsolulelthhannel4) Ill.3(l—I l.tl5pm.

: SATURDAY 15 i.

I Dancemalters: Swan Lake ( BBC2) 7.5ll—S.4llpm. An unusual interpretation of one of the best known romance ballets. performed by the Cullberg Ballet.

I thirtysomething (Channel 4) 9—9.55pm. Melissa is thrilled when a gallery agreesto show a selection of her photographs. but realises that all the pictures show her failed relationships with men.

I Casualty(BBCl ) ‘).3()—I(l.2(lpm. The gritty hospital drama series enjoys a blood-soaked repeat run. this week with an overdose hoaxer on the rampage.

I Paramount City ( BBC!) 10- 10.40pm. Curtis and Ishtnael introduce the usual comedy and music. with an excellent line-up that includes Denis Leary. Jeremy Hardy and Erasure.

I Satyaiit Ray Season: Music Room (Channel 4) lll3llpm—lllllam. Chabi Bisvvas stars as a melancholic aristocrat who decides to spend his dwindling i fortune on a concert ofclassical music and dance. in an attempt to aleviate his depression and loneliness.

I The Dirty Dozen ( BBCI) I(I.4(lpm-l.ll5am. Nothing to do with unltygienic eggs (although Telly Savalas‘s head might come into that category). this is an all-fighting all-action all-star all-a-load-of-tosh movie about twelve prisoners offered their freedom to undertake a suicide mission to destroy a (ierman HO. Donald Sutherland is quite good though.

I Twin Peaks ( B BCZ) I I . Itlpm—midnight. A repeat showing for the penultimate episode. and the Miss Twin Peaks pageant.

I Don't Look Baclt(BBC2)

Midnight- l .4llam. Shown to mark Bob Dylan‘s Stlth birthday. this was filmed during Dylan's British tour in 1965. It'sa lIy-on-the wall documentary that captures the old Zimmer man in his younger days being at his surly gnomic best.


I Four-Mations: Yellow Submarine (Channel 4) 2—-3.35pm. Part ofthe animation season. (ieorge Dunning's stunning film set design trends in 1968. The Beatles attempt to save Pepperland from the invading Blue Meanies. Hallucinogenic drugs are optional.

I Dallas (BBCI ) 3—3.45pm. Johnny Danzig is dead. and Cliff Barnes isamong the leading suspects.

I The Pursuit 0t Power (Channel 4) 4.25—4.55pm. Adam Raphael introduces another personal = political interview. this time with controversial Liverpool Labour MP Prank Field.

I Kabaddi (Channel 4) (>—h.3tlpm. More of the frankly odd Indian sport. with the Tamil Nadu learns trying to secure third place it the tournament.

I Cry Freedom (BBC) ) 745—4). 15pm. Richard Atlenborough‘s worthy. if overlong. Steve Biko biopic is shown in two parts on consecutive Sundays. Denzel Washington is Biko. Kevin Cline the liberal newspaper editor Donald Woods.

I Fragile Earth: Shrimp Fever (Channel 4) 7—8pm. Intensive shrimp farmingin Ecuador (to feed US faces) has severely damaged the coastal environment.

I Hard News (Channel 4)ts‘.—8.3()pm. David Jessel presents another in the newspaper watchdog series.

I The Real Charlotte (Scottish) 8.20—9.5(lpm. The first in a new three-part series set in 19th-century Ireland. Francie Fitzpatrick comes to stay with her ambitious cousin Charlotte. and against her cousin‘s wishes falls for an English officer.

I Adsomething (Channel 4) 8.30—9.3llpm. The first of two programmes setting out to explore the trials and tribulationsof ‘mid-life crisis‘.

I GBH (Channel 4) ll).(lS—I 1 .35pm. Another chance to catch last Thursday's episode of the Alan Bleasdale drama.

I A Night On Mount Edna (Scottish) 1(l.ltl—l lpm. A repeat showing forthe Golden Rose of Montreux winning show. Guests include Gina Lollobrigida. Mel (iibson and Charlton Heston.

I Heart 0t The Matter(BBCl)

It). Ill—10.45pm. A new series begins with an investigation of a case in America where a patient was infected with the HIV virus by her dentist. The programme explores the debate on the issue of mandatory AIDS tests for health workers.


I Hope It Rains (Scoltish)8—8.3(lpm. Dennis can‘t afford a professional model for his pin-up calendar. soJace volunteers.

I Horizon: The Long Road To The West

(B BCZ) 8. Ill—9pm. A report from the town ofJena in East Germany Iookingat the plight of formerly state-owned companies forced to compete in Western commercial realities after (ierman unification.

I Birds 0t A Feather ( BBC] )8.3(l—9pm. Pauline Quirke and Linda Robson star in a repeated run of the sparky Cockney sitcom.

I A Love Divided (Channel 4)‘)—l()pm._ Tonight's couple. a Catholic and Protestant from Belfast. have to remain anonymous. because of the threat of reprisals.

I The Driver ( BBC?) 9— 1(l.3(lpm. Ryan ()‘Neal and Bruce Dem star in Walter IIill's stylish thriller. ()‘Neal as the best getaway driver in the business and Dern as the detective out to nail him. It's acut above the normal cop story. with excellent performances from the central characters. I ENG (Channel 4) Ill—l lpm. More pacy action from the Canadian television news station on the track of sortie hot stories. this week exposing a gym trainer who is

selling people veterinary steroids.

I Scottish Women (Scottish)

IIISU—l Lillpm. Sheena McDonald introduces the show that canvasses the views of MN) Scottish women on a variety of subjects. This week it's the press. Do they mean us'.’ They surely do.

I Film 91 (BBCI) I l.l()—l l.4ilpm. Barry is in New York chatting to l larrison Ford. and interviewing Woody Allen about his new film .4 lice.

I Conquest 0tThe Planet Of The Apes (Scottish) l2. Ill—I .45am. Set in the distant future ( 1991 actually! ) in a city-state in the [ISA where ape slaves stage a breakout. You'v e got to feel sorry for Roddy McDowell. typecast as an ape. Lee Remick didn't seem to mindthough.


I Listening Eye (Channel 4) 5.3(anm. Presenters Clark Denmark and Rachell Bastikar continue the series for the deaf

and hearing-impaired.

I Eilton (Scottish) (v.3tl—7pm. Shereen Nanjiani. Craig Swan and Don Lindsay present the show that tackles religious. social and moral issues. |

I Teenage Health Freak (Channel 4)

8.3(l—9pm. Peter Payne is involved in post-party drugs comedown. llmtn. things seem to be warming tip in this hitherto lightweight comedy.

I The Wheel Of Fortune(Seottis-h) 8.3(l—9pm. The quiz show. hosted by- Nicky Campbell.

I Selling Hiller(Scoltish ) (l lllpm. Second part of the hilarious true-story drama. Crerd lleidemann (Jonathan Pryce) convinces the owners of Stem magazine they are on to the publishing coup ofthe century.

I Twin Peaks ( BBC3) <)—-9.5()pm. And so farewell then Twin Peaks. 'W'hat dot-sit mean. Coop'." - that w as y our catchphrase. David Lynch directed this last episode. The programme began with the death of one beauty queen and ends with another being kidnapped by Windom Earle. What will we all do withourselves on Tuesday evenings now 1’ Answers on a postcard . . .

I Art Is Dead. . . Long Live TV (Channel4) 9.3(l—Illpm. Muriel Gray comes down from the mountain to challenge the art world to justify its exalted status. See preview.

I Beyond Ealing: How I Won The War (Channel 4) Ill— 1 I .Stlpm. A daft anti-war satire by Richard Lester who was given

lots of money to make dire films in theolls. This effort. starring Michael Crawford as :1 Lieutenant sent behind (icrman lines to set up a cricket pitch. is notable only fora cameo appearance by .lohn Lennon.

I Byline: Tresoddit For Easterl BB( ‘1) IIIZILI lpm. Cartoonist Posy Simmonds‘ characters are brought to life it] this film

set in the mythical Cornish village

besieged by weekcnding Londoners. It's hilarious and pointed stuff. See panel.


I Focal Point: The Hero 0t Le Havre ( BBCZ); 8.3ll—9pm. William Douglas-I Iome. younger brother of the former Prime Minister. suffered a crisis of conscience in the Second World War. w hen he made a moral stand over the bombing of Le l lav re which resulted ill the deaths (ll ov'chtltltl lirench civ ilians btil not a single ( icrnian. Focal Point talks to Douglas-I lome about I his continuing struggle to clear his nameot. any disgrace.

The List 14 ~ 37June 199177