

I Scottish Frontiers On Medicine (Scottish) (1.311—7pm. Kaye Adams presents the series inx estigatlng the treatments and techniques that keep Scottish medicine in the forefront of medical research.

I Rising Damp (Channel 4 ) S..‘xll—l)p1n. Rigsby (Leonard Rossiter) continues to be as odious as ever but this time appearsto hax e found the right x ocation - politics.

I On The Line ( 1313(3) S.3li—-9pm. On the first day of'l'hc ()pen. the topical sports

programme looks at friction between

British and liuropcans in the outwardly harmonious Rx dcr (".Io team.

I The Travel Show ( 1313(3) 9—9.3(lpln. The holiday gllidc hosted by l’ennyJunor today looks at tourism xcrslisconsel‘xation

in Zakinthos ~ breeding ground for ' loggcrlleadlul'tics l-‘oroncc. thchotcl

72 The List 12 - 25 July 1991

oxs ncrs‘ actix ities are being controlled by the conserx ationists.

I Fragile Earth (Channel 4) 111.311—1l.35pm.Tliclitiltlt'csct‘ics xx ith a conscience explores the mangroves of Borneo xx here fisll xx andcr around on the land and trees grow ill the xxatcr.

I GBH ((‘hannel JW- 111..‘~llpm. \\' far. I make it a triple blulfconspil‘acy with some sort ofshady establishment figure at the back of it all. The last episode xx ill hopefully explain all and. please (iod.glxc Michael Murray a bit ofa break.

I Scottish Books ( Scolllslil 11.15—11.45pm..1cnn_x Broxxn introduces the rex iexx programme.

I Night Flyte (Scottish)

11.15pm— 12.311am. Donald .\lc(‘ormick presents the late-night talk shoxx. featuring ii‘llL‘l'\iL‘\\s;tiltl topical discussions.

IThe Open(BB(‘3) 11.15»!1.55pm.1’ctcr Alliss and Bruce (‘ritchlcy introduce highlights of the first day ‘s play from Birkdalc.


I First Night of The Proms ( 1113(2) 7.311—9.-ltlpm. What-ho. xx hat jolly fun. it's pl'oms time again but the Sloanes need to hold back on the l’imms and the rousing choruses of Rule Britannia for a fexx months _xet. Tonight's programme xx ill be more restrained and features lilgar’s The Dream rift ierontfrrs.

I Europe Express (Channel 4 ) 8.311—9ptil. More half-quirky half-serious reporting from the continental team.

I Murderin Eden (1313(‘1 )9.3(thl.zspni. The first of a new three-part drama mini-series xx llich has ‘qtlality written all ox er it. 11 stars l’eter l-‘irth. was scripted by My Left I'M)! co-author. Shane (‘onnaughton and is directed by Nick Renton. The action takes place in County Doncgal xx here l’otter (Firth) hasal‘rix‘ed believing that he has found his liden.only lorcx'cnts to take a sinistcrturn.

I Tales From me Uulli 1111c: l

9.411 lll..‘~llpm. 'l'he reporters xs lioxxorked in the (illll all turn up here xx ith anecdotes and storiesot xx hat really xxent on xx hen the cameras xx cnt oll. (‘ontriblltions from Peter .-\rnctt. John Simpson and Kate Adic (did anyone actually see her during the xx'ar‘.’ l.

I Roseanne (Channel 4) 111—11).3lipin. Darlene is growing up fast. We need to be

told this because she still looks exactly the :

same as she did fix‘c yearsago. Anyway.

her outstrippingof Becky continuesapacc ;

as she is asked to her first school dance.

I The Paul Hogan Show (Channel 4)

111.31). 1 1pm. More infantile antics from

llogcs and the prat in the lifeguard'shat. . w

I Nirvana Street Murderlt‘hanncl 4) 11.3ilpm- 1 3.55am. A film from last year which xxotlld probably be lost in the vaults of history if it xx‘asn't for the fact that Mark Littlc (aka. of course. Joe Manglcl isthc star. lle playsa childish. violent criminal which was. those with long memoricsxx‘ill recall. his original personalin lil .\'el'g/llmllrs.

I Sport In Question 1 Scottish)

111.411-1 1.4tlpm. Archie Maci’lierson introduces the sports discussion shoxx.


I I Tour De France (Channel 4) 6.30—7pm.

It‘s all downhill as the riders head out of

1 the Pyrenees towards Provence and the

Alps in the 171km St Gaudens—Castres stage.

I Colombo: Suitable For Framing (BBCI)

: 7.30—8.45pm. In which the shabby-coated one investigates a case of fine art robbery. with the added complication of a dead

bodyin the living room. I Contact (BBC2) 9. 15—10.25pm. Third in

1 the series of Alan Clarke plays. Contactis ; set in Northern Ireland. and tells ofthe

3 depressing yet dangerous routine facing soldiers on patrol. Clarke writes from first ,

hand experience of service in the Parachute Regiment from 1971—1978.

I The Lovers (Channel 4) 9—10.45pm. The Louis Malle season continues with his second film that established his reputation. and that of his starJeanne Moreau. With its explicit love scenes. it was controversial at the time. with a plot concerning a bored high~society wife embarking on a wild affair with a young student. lts rebellious sensuousness has dated rather badly but at the time (1959) it was a distinctly bold picture.

I Oulncy (Scottish) 9.05-10.25pm. Trashophiles will welcome this TV movie return ofJack Klugman as the crime-busting pathologist. Lay bets on how far into the film we get before the chiefsays ‘You‘re off the case Quince. you‘re getting too personally involved.‘ I Video Diaries: Promise Me You Won't Let Them Out On The Street (BBC2)

1045-] 1.35pm. Civil rights campaigner Steve Cribb records his experiences as a disabled person. offering a valuable insight into day-to-day problems and prejudices.

I The Dunera Boys (Channel 4) 11.35pm—1.25am. First of a two-part Australian drama following a group of German and Austrian refugees shipped to an outback prison camp at the beginning of the Second World War. The cast includes Bob Hoskins and Warren Mitchell.


I The Cosby Show (Channel 4) 6.30—7pm. The cosy Huxtable household with some more heart-warming/sick-making comic tales.

I Fragile Earth: The Price Of Salmon (Channel 4) 7—8pm. Apparently salmon isn't just costing the earth in your local deli. it‘s also having serious environmental repercussions. as a result ofintensive farming ofthe fish.

I Chimera (Scottish) 9.()5——10.05pm. Third '

part in the faintly ludicrous genetic experiment chiller.

I GBH (Channel 4) 10-11.35pm. A repeat for the final episode shown last Thursday. A long way ahead ofthe pack in the drama serial stakes.

I The Dame Edna Experience (Scottish) 10.05—10.55pm. Repeated ritual guest humiliation with the housewife superstar. I Sex NOW (Scottish) 10.55—1 1.25pm. Not a friendly suggestion as to how to spend the next half hour. but a searching documentary about contemporary attitudes to sex.

IThe Street (Channel 4) 1 l .35—12.(15pm. The quirky and innovative series about four New Jersey patrol cops.


I Cine Memo (BBC2) 7.45—8.30pm. The archive series continues. using the intriguing medium of home movie footage to trace life in Britain from 1900—1950.

I Ditterent Drummer (BBC2) 8.30—9pm. The series looking at six American tales tells the story of two nuns whose support

of abortion campaigners and the Woman‘s '

Right To Choose movement has unsurprisineg brought them into conflict with their church.

I Scottish Women (Scottish)

10.45—1 1.15pm. Sheena McDonald introduces another topical discussion with 100gucsts providing the opinions.

I Down Under: Bodywork (Channel 4)

11—1 1 .55pm. A fascinating look at the various professions who deal with corpses, from pathologists through embalmers to gravediggers. Grimly funny stuff.


I The Garden Party (BBCl) 12.05—12.55pm. The afternoon chat show from Glasgow‘s Botanics. with Paul Cola. Denis Tuohy. Debbie Greenwood. Larry Sullivan and guests.

I Opinions: Dropping The Pilot (Channel 4) 8—8.30pm. Lady Porter. notorious leader of Westminster Council. offers a personal assessment of the Thatcher years.

I The Literary island (Channel 4) 8.30—9pm. Melvyn Bragg introducesthc series looking at the influence of surroundings on literature. this week coming to Manchester. I suspect that Shaun Ryder will not be among the writers interviewed.

I Wheel 01 Fortune (Scottish) 8.30—9pm. Nicky Campbell introduces more fortune-hungry contestants.


I Scmenplaszhe Fallout Guy (BBC2) 9—10.30pm. Lou Hirsch stars as a Philadelphia man who is accused ofselling nuclear secrets to the Russians. and sets off across 505 America in an attempt to escape the authorities.

I Out (Channel 4) 9—10pm. The lesbian and gay magazine programme offers another chance to see Women Like Us. an acclaimed film looking at the lives and experiences of older lesbians.

I The New Statesman (Channel 4)

10.30—1 1pm. The final instalment in the rerun scatological series starring Rik Mayall as Alan B‘Stard MP. the hard-line Tory.

I Just For Laughs (Channel 4)

11—1 1.30pm. Highlights from this year‘s Montreal Comedy Festival. introduced by Jimmy Mulville and the ubiquitous Muriel Gray. investigating just why people go into stand-up comedy. Presumably because their jokes are rather better than Muriel‘s


I Speaking Volumes (BBCI) 1.05—1.45pm. A new series of the book review programme. hosted by P. D. James. and including Nigella Lawson reviewing Anita Brookner's BriefLives. I A Marshall Chronicle (Channel 4) (HSJOpm. The American zitcom continues. looking at the tribulations of confused adolescent Marshall Brightman. I Scottish Frontiers On Medicine (Scottish) 6.30—7pm. More breakthroughs in medical science from this side ofthe border. I Bellamy Rides Again (BBC1)8—8.30pm. The bearded butcher ofvowclsoffers more environmental-friendly reportage. I The Best Oi Tommy Cooperl Scottish) 8.30—9pm. This man was supposed to be the last word in comedy in the 70s although his entire act seemed to consist of cocking up magic tricks and saying ‘joost like that‘ with an idiot grin. Make your own mind up with the help ofthis archive material of the man who died on stage (literally). I Bising Damp (Channel 4) 8.30—9pm. Leonard Rossiter and company in more boarding-house-related frolics. I Violent Lives (Channel 4) 9—10pm. The first in a four part series investigating 'violent. er. lives. John Mcmahon‘s fitsthe category reasonably well. seeing as he‘s an armd robber. with plenty of‘form'. I LA Law (Scottish) 9— 10pm. Zoe takes on a rape case she‘s uncertain ofwinning. while a headline hunter. charged with murdering her husband. hunts for an attorney. I The Travel Show (BBC2) 9—9.30pm. The holiday guide with a difference hosted by PennyJunor. I The Play On One: Misterioso(BBC1) 9.30—1 1pm. A welcome new series of dramas opens with Alan Plater‘s adaptation of his own novel. Suzan Sylvester plays Rachel. a young woman whose mother has recently died. who embarks on a quest for self-discovery by way of a series of London jazz clubs (remember. Plater was the man responsible for The Beiderbecke Tapes). I A Room With A View (Channel 4) 10pm—12.()5am. This played for about 18 months at my local cinema when it was released (in 1985). it‘s Merchant/Ivory. it‘s E.M. Forster. it'sllelena Bonham-(‘arter. it‘s good taste blandness of a soporific and rather snobbish sort. Nicely shot and all that. but the formula has surely outgrown its audience by now. I NB (Scottish) 10.45—1 1.15pm. Reaching the arts that other shows seem to miss. the trio of presenters are out and about again.