Inf 1‘ 11.1111; .1 i.1iiigiti.\ it 111.1111 It": ‘;"_'t:l

PunchtSD: t appy blllIld'dy MrPunc'nlt r.ul :1 \1'1 " ll...x.1::~ I’izi: tzixl‘llth I‘lfliii.‘m'._11!".ii '. it .:i i‘ x.ilil!‘.e1\xl ti .r.i~~i'x;:~.‘\1..rlliii.ili1 ll \3 paw. 3111111.,

IFINEART SOCIETY Stir t1 QT" ‘W \l 'l‘ 113""!11~ il'i‘i; \rl

Openingthe Window: British Artists in Meiji Japan 18807719001 p.111 " Sept \ii .1! lixti.

\"ltlll'Uzl <li’ii: 1;. x [.1t‘.tl‘.le-iln ll 1'1": It! IiE‘II‘m‘ZiA' '. \ii \ltitdl .ixt_ \loititr..i ‘Vl.i‘j,‘ex l \ll~.it1(iewl::\ llei.: [1 .rt 1' .uIiL'xlIx-i [tiextiztx .izi itaxigll' 11.1 :l11.'.iilllk'.lllxi..‘~l\U-\I l-. tiz. ‘.\ ~a rind: .1 ..ix:1:r. 11 11:1. new! 11px 1 t \‘llil21.tlll\lllt‘\t imp» 1.11.1 1.1:‘I‘ I NATIONAL GALLERY OF SCOTLAND liit \I“iillkl “it \It' Sal il'au‘. ‘pn.. \lt.‘ ‘i'l. Saveu’torScntlandt 3111 "will \kavu. ltl .txt \l "x 1“. ig‘fm l'i'ti\~ll}. LLiII ~11 1:1,. .1 u. _;.t.. .‘liif \ .iiit unit:

ill “pin. it ‘xtrvllrxr‘.t. ilettix ltx .‘-.:t1i l.' leipi \V.II1 \.l\i‘l1-.llil‘\ ltii" I] ‘i'l‘tr H l;‘: :11. 'iexl‘ai. veil: tpr... ll..;. :‘~‘.'1.tll\e The Stylishlniage'Printrriakerstuthe Court DIRtlletlll zlfi 4H1 \ Irrii. rite} prim! ,.:t~ ?: 1:i:}ti~:1x’.i.1o1lll .1 .i " | xxi '1 111 lllli til, \\\1"1:ll‘ 1"“ 1111111.. Muirtailiiiuxetl I..II. '11 11’s I\ 11‘ e~.:;i-' ith iziliel liIl\l‘\\tI\Il ix l.il! Sr i1 it 11. liilllr.1 rrilixiiixaiztl \Li'll'l i~ \.i:tel.. r' tilxttf mutton! 1111:1112.- t‘w uei‘iuii 1 plop. IOPEN EYE GALLERY "t .iu'fl- 'l,\i Sli..‘. ‘\ ."yi ‘.1wi. lzi iI',iIll “It'll Sat I lit. Li‘iz. From Durerto Picassu.50tl Yeats otMaster Printmakiiigi ilil’ xl‘t IRDYALBOTANICGARDENlintiieitn

\l"l‘ \‘ill‘htill xiiiixet.\iii:

l\'l‘\\ Tittil.*ll‘\l 1 11(11); Redoute sRosesi ..ul .‘~ \. it:

e!.iltl:.i it” 11.. .' :1Ell..;~ ll’iiiiin \l‘ iel...i..:l ‘.Il1\ «vl l‘Aml :ei..i; (liltt'i- 1:iiiiiexxltx.p1‘ii:\.ii:l\1.riu ,\i:lw:i:.it l’i.iY li-xtplilx'eiltiil. l‘ttlllllln.“ tilt Il‘.\1\ll.iilliii'.\ l«‘l.ll.,. 11171.2]. \l l.illllllie l\)et1.l"ille. ohm; ~ "Mrzl li‘. .“’."l‘.\\ e\.pl.nl‘.edt1..il 1x -‘l21.I‘..1121e'tllli‘x\_I\I‘t eatixe 'ilx'xax

". :. l.."ll\llS'll‘lt'lllaej. in ‘l..'ll'1\1. i: :i'. j‘ "..l"-\l'. II!.tlIlt‘il\I\lttlllllell. ill \ "


I ROYAL SCOTTISH ACADEMY '1 lie Mound. .‘j‘tm'd .\Ion Sat Illam 5pm;Sun


Virtue and Vision: Sculpture and Scotland 1540—19901‘ntil 15 Sept. L1 (Slip) .\

x\\ eepmg paiioi .iiii.i ot the roleol

e kllprme- m Seotland tiom Samuel .loxeph.

the luxt xeulptoi to \lttiW .it the Roial Seotlixh .\e.idenit in l\3ti. to l’duardo l’aolo/xi. W illiam lui nliull and Ian Ilamilton l-mlai xeulptoix \\ ho liiingthe imagex ol piiiiiiti\ e and elaxxiealxoeietiex Iiil‘iedl till then \\’.'It\

I EDINBURGH COLLEGE DFARTl aurixton I’late. 33‘1‘1311 I).iil_\ lllam *pm Andrew Walker: Drawings and Paintings 1981—19911'nlil lSept.

Donald Urquhart: Recent Paintings 1 mill


I DUNEDIN GALLERY ti 1 lillxule Street.

\\ L .1 Sun I 1am llpm.

The Art of Medicine 1 ’ntil 31 \ug. .\n e\p1oi.tllouot the relationxliiplietueen medieal xuhieetxinart. ..it'xeiiougli tomalxe

.ut .ind medieine illue xx in the MIN .1lee1ahitpooil\

I EDINBURGH PRINTMAKERS WORKSHOP AND GALLERY -13 1 'iiioii Street. 55* 3-1“). \Ion Sat 1mm .‘ ‘l'pm

Marc Chagall:Se|ected Graphic Workst'nul Ii\e'[‘l. \ l.tle L‘lt.tltee 10 \L'L' it \L'IL‘L‘IIUIIUI lillwgiaplixand eteliingx hi the trench ritixl 'l _\iie.i1imagexdeniolixtiateliIx mu \\ lloux uxe ot .‘oloai line and tone in

1 ix I‘L I petual e\p1oi.itioii ot the tlieiiiexol ll religion and animal lite'

I EDITH SIMON GALLERY Student ( entie. Iii ixtoStpi.i:e. lili'WIII-l. \Ion Sat

111 .itlani ti .‘itlpni

Signals 1 "Hill 31 .\ug .\ ‘poxxetlul' neu et‘lleellttllt‘l Simou'xxealpel—paintingx. xeulptuie. audio-\ ixual and \ ideo pieeex. IFRUITMARKET GALLERY I‘IXIarlket Street. .7_‘."_‘i.\~ .\Ion Sat ltlani Spm; \.lll 11am ‘pm,

Ian Hamilton Finlay andthe Wild Hawthorn Pre351958—1991Lniillist-pi Littil

1’. x t. .11 mt. garden dexignei t..'r.rura’rrrurre.l ml.i_\ uaxalxoliritain'x llI x1 etillelele poet .tllLI lllL' \\ IILI

11 thoi n l’iexx. \\ liieli he lounded.

.t ntmiu x to piilihxh liix \xoik 'l liix. the

ti: xl EILtlt‘l ietioxpeetix e ot l-inla} 'x [‘:ll‘:l\'t1\'\t‘l1\.IC-IIIIIL'SIIISL‘HIIL'IL'IL'

p. ~eti \ neon \toi kx and more ieeent. .1.i~-xie.ill\ li.th'tI\\t‘lI\ l’inlai'xliext knoauthemex thexea.elaxxieal.v\ieadi.i .iieall reprexented. and there ix .1 xlide t1l\|‘l;t_\ ot l'mlaifixeaidenatStonjipatli.

and the I'reneli lx’e\olution

I.lll.iilx\lllle I GALLERY OF MODERN ART lieltoid

lx‘o.id.“'o.\"_‘l \Ion Sat Illam 5pm.Sun

3 5pm. |l)|("ale.

"I‘lie gallei} 'x tuxtl} renoxs ned eate I\tipClt Mon Sat ltl.3t|am 4.3tlpm: Sun

2.3M 4.20pm. lantr} totlie permanent collection ix lt'ee.

Michael Andrews: Ayers Rock and Other Landscapes t 'ntil :1) Sept. £2 (it i. A iiiaior e\hihition ot \xork. ineludinga group ot nine \ axt paintingx- the rexult ot Andreu \‘ 1%} \ ixit to .-\_\'L‘t‘x Roek and the t'luru National I’ai k in .-\u.xtralia.

Andre“ x produeed the eam axxex in liix xtudio in \orlolk. liringing liaek hagon xoil and roek duxt and mixing them W ith the paint to enhanee the texture and pli}xie‘al reality oi the paintingx. .»\ numher ot .-\ndre\\.x' Seottixh landxeapex are alxo ineluded in the \ltii“.

I GRAEME MURRAY GALLERY IS Seotland Street. Sfitititlltl. 'I‘ue I‘ri Illam 5pm; Sat Illani 1pm.

Sol Lewitt: Five Geometric Structures and theirCombinations t 'ntil 31 Aug. W'oilxxli} otliergaller} artixtxalxo ()IISIIUW.

I MALCOLM INNES GALLERY ti" ( ieorge Street. 3% H51. .\1on I’ri‘),3tlani tipni; Sat ltlam 1pm.

Irene Lesley Main: RecentWork 1 ‘mil 17 Aug

I OPEN EYE GALLERY "5 ( ‘unilierlaiid Street. 55" ltlltl. Mon I‘ri Illani (ipnizSat Illam 4pm.

Contemporary British Sculpture t‘nul 5 Sept.

I ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Ini Cl‘lCItl‘l Rou552"1“l. Mon SatUam xun.xet:Sun 11am xunxet. (ate. [1)].

The Avant Garden t 'niil 2tl()et. ('ontemporari garden and conservator} ‘tiii'iiitriie. including I’aul Ame} 'xpink tlamingoex and Kate Mellor'xstoneuare lanternx. 'l'liere ix xonietliing tore\ er} garden xa) the organixerx. ‘Ironi rolling parkland to en} “indou-liox. from elegant oi‘attger} to liumlile lean-to'.

ITALBOT RICE GALLERY lidirihurgli l‘nixerxit} ()ld(‘o|lege. South Bridge. \lon Sat lllam 5pm; Sun: 5pm.

Zen: Hamano and Ryu t‘mil 7 Sept. ('ontemporar) W01 Ix li_\ the .lapanexe [MIIIIL‘I'IUSIIIIIIIUltitltittnti dedieatedto the rextatement ot the traditional \ aluesot Zen liuddhixm .alongxide \xorkx li} a xniall groupot hixdixeiples \\ ho Itit\ e tormed the group R) u,

The Poor Fisherman l mu " Sept/this paintingli} I’mixde(‘lia\ariiiex.\xaxan important iiixpiration to artixtx like Seuiat. ( iaugm .md I’ieawy In Seotland it xtruek a partieular ehord \\ ith William

Ste l'aggart. .lohn l)unean and. reeentl}. Willi Ian Hamilton I'inla} 'l‘liixexliihition liax heen eoneeix ed h} l'inla} . toeusexon liix t'e’ldtltitlSIllpWilli the paintingand meludex a maior xeulpture not prex iouxl) e\liiliited in Seotland.


I THE ASH GALLERY 156 ( ‘anongate. 55h 3”)“. Mon Sat ltlani (ipm.

Mary Queen otScots. . . AFeminist Tradition? l ’ntil 3] Aug. A .xeriesot

e\liihitionxli} SL‘tittlxlt women. in homage _

to the Queen 'W ITOSL‘ IIIL‘ pattern W :txxet out in tront other. whoxe t‘utureand

e\ entual tale \\ ax planned and decided h} otherx and \\ hose Ireedom wax repi'exsed'. Rose Frain: Reyne Decosse (A Distillation) and Tracy Mackenna: Deception: Imposters until 3H Aug.

I BLUE MOON CAFE (it) Brougliton Street. 5502788, I)ail}. 11am llpm.

Permanent eolleetion otnorkx l‘} Leila (ialltmai . Ion) ('oopei‘. Alistair Warner and HM id I luteliinxon.

I BOURNE FINE ART 4 I)undax Street. 557 -111511..‘\Ion I‘ri Illani tipm;Sat

Illani Ipni.

SirWilliam Gillies (1898—1973) l mu 3n Aug. A major retrospeetne ot'one ot'tlie moxt intluential Seottisli artixtxtliix eentur} . 'I‘ogetlier \\ ith Anne Redpath and Sir William .\Ie'l'aggart. ( itllie‘x xpearheaded the talented groupot painterx knou n ax the lidinhurgli Seliool. Ile exliiliited more than 3.11111) paintingx in Iiix lit'etime. 'I'hix eolleetion ion uatereolours (iilliex'oilpaintingxareon xhou at The Seotlixli ( ialler}.

I CALTON GALLERY Ill Roytl Terrace. 556 '

ltlltl. Mon I’ri Illam (ipm;Sat

ltlani 1pm.

David Murray Smith (1865—1952): Sketches ot Landscape t ‘ntil 31 Aug. \Vatereolourx. oilxand eteliings h} an lidinhurgh-horn artixt \xlioxe uork W ax intltieneed ti} earl) l)uteli landxeape artistx and the Barbi/on Seliool. Murray \\ ax a tasliionahle and popular artixt in the period alter World War ( )ne.

I CANONGATE TOLBOOTH Royal Mile. 225 343-1. Mon Sat ltlam (rpm.

The People‘s Story The muxeum relatex the xtor} ot the people (it Iidinhurgh. told in their on n \xor‘dx and through pliotograplix and re-et eated talileaux

I EDINBURGH UNIVERSITY LIBRARY (ieorge Square. Mon I-‘ranni 5pm. Ornithological Illustration t ‘nul .‘~l Aug. Irieluding .lolin .lamex :\uduhon'x Birds ()1' Amer/(u and the illuxtrated hird hooksof .lohn(iould

I FINE ART SOCIETY l3” ( ieorge Street. 32titr37tt .\Ion- I‘ri t)..itl;iiii 5.3tlpni; Sat lilam lpm.

Gwen John (1876—1939): Until 7 Sept. Works on Paper 35 \\ atei'eolourx. drau iiigx and gouaehex W liieh eontinue the eritieal

re-e\ aluation ot thix paxxionate. ieeluxn e iti'tISI.

Lavery's Bridge at Grez 1883 t ‘nul 7 Sept,

An early maxtei‘pieee In Sir John l.a\ erx


gieaGerté’s 3130568

The finest flower paintings of all time. 10 August to 15 September only.

65 Ilu'l lxt It)
