I I I l

(1856 NH )ol the (ilasgtm School. lost until recently. gets its first showingin Scotland. \\ here it is hoped that the painting will cscrituall} lirid a permanent home.


Street. 225 (i777). 'l'ue-- Hi I lam—(rpm; Sat

Illani v lprn.

' James Fullarton: Recent Works t'niil 4 Sept

A Iiiglil} acclaimed Scottish Neo-(‘olourisL I’ullarton‘s new worksare landscapes and seascapes. often painted on the west coast. in ‘exemplary ('olourist traditiori'.

I FREEMASON'S HALL l)ti ( ieorge Street. 3365257. .\lon Sat ‘Ianr—hpm.

The Best olthe Rest t ‘ni'il 31 Aug. Sorneol the best designs from the 3.370 submissions for this year's Fringe competition. all the work olScotland's artistic school children.

I HUNTLY HOUSE MUSEUM I43 (‘anoiigate. 235 2424. Mon—Sat

lllani (ipfll.

A restored lfith centur) mansion. aiidthe

city‘s principal museum of local history. Roman Scotland from the Airt‘uiil Sat ll) Aug. Archaelogical evidence ol'the Roman occupation.

I KINGFISHER GALLERY 5 Northumherland Street Lane. 557 5454. .\Ion— I'ri l).Shani—4.30pm.

Impressions of Scotland I 'nul 30 Aug. Fit-e

Scottiin artists » Alison l)trnlop. James Spence. (iordon Wyllie. Duncan McLeod and Bill Wright laud the mountains. gleris. villages and lochs oftheir home-land.

I LADY STAIR'S HOUSE Lady Stair's(‘lose.

l.a\srimarket. Mon—Sat Illam <(tplll. A celebration of Scotland's greatest

literar} ligtrr‘es Robert Burns. Sir Walter

Scott and Rt ihert Louis Stevenson.


325 3424. Mon-Sat lllani—hpm.

The liest days til your lile‘.’ Toys. Videos and various kids' hits and pieces shed some light on how it was for everyone else. Now including an exhibition on Meccano

Looking Wider Still: The Story of the Scottish

RangerGuides L‘ntil in Sept. A special exhibition. marking the 75th arinis ersar)’ of the Scottish Rangers and including flags. uniforms. photographs and film.

I NETHERBOW ARTS CENTRE 43 l ligh Street. 55695“). .\lon- Sat 10am «1.30pm. The Preacher and the Goldsmith tintil 31 Aug. Admission £1.30 £1 50p. Iixhihition about nextdoor-neighbour John Knox House 14‘)“ 19‘)“.

I OPEN EYE GALLERY 75 ( 'umherland Street. 557 1030. Mon» l’ri ltlam- (ipm;Sat Illani 4pm.

Mar] Bond: Paintings l ‘nitl 5 Sept. Contemporary British Sculpture t'nril5



Babar a la Mode atthe French Institute until 30 Aug. One of childhood‘s more memorable cuddly characters, Babar has recently been enjoying a status comparable to that of chic French cult cartoon characters Tintin and Asterix. So it is appropriate that to celebrate his sixtieth birthday, a range of top Paris fashion designers have been commissioned to design an elegant new wardrobe for King Babar, Oueen Celeste and their various courtiers. These mini-Babars, 10 inches tall and dressed up to the nines, are grouped together in theatre sets, again, especially made by French stage designers: a cafe in Montmatre, a ball on the Pant-Marie, the Place Vendome where Babar and co are pictured en route to the Ritz. Best of all are the scenes inside a milliner’s boutique ‘Chez Phi-Phi Modes’ —with miniature hats made by Speotor, Marine Sitbom and others— and the private view ‘in an avant-garde gallery in the Bastille‘, complete with miniature paintings. Here, elephant art critics are dressed

to kill, sporting outrageously clingy

jumpsuifs, silkjackets nipped in at the

waist and Hermes turbans. Look out

also for the fabulous “glamorous elephant diva decked out in Christain Lacroix‘, in the Opera House scene and Celeste‘s show-stealing

- diamante-studded creation (made by

Sonia Rykiel) atthe July 14 Ball. Other . garments boast labels like Givenchy,

Lanvin and Pierre Balmain. There are

some wild costume jewels and Didier

Legrand‘s shoes prove popular. The

- mostspectacularcostume, lormy

money, is Michael Wall‘s dangerously outlandish chainmail dress, complete

with Madonna-inspired rosary. It looks could kill this one might.

Followers of high fashion will certainly find that there are a few

lessons to be learned from Babar a la

Mode, butthose fans who preferred Babar when he was still nude, poor and orphaned, may find this glamorous display ofdesigner-wealth disillusioning. In that case they will find plentyto amuse them among the books of the French lnstitute‘s beautiful library. (Miranda France)


I PORTRAIT GALLERY Queen Street. 55ft 8921. Mon—Sat lflam~5pm1 Sun 3-5pm. [1)]. (ate.

Scotland‘s honniest and heastliest monarchs. politicians. is ritcrs and artists not to mention the foothaller's- aiid a \ er} fine cafe. to boot.



and the architectural competition



15 RUTLAND SQUARE EDINBURGH I 12 August to 19 September

9.00am to 5.00pm Mondays to Fridays

10.00am to 4.00pm Saturdays

Sponsored by London ti Edinburgh Insurance

I HOYAL SCOTTISH ACADEMY '1 lie .‘slourid. 225667]. Mon Sat Illain-5pni;Sun 3-5pm.

James Giles: Watercolours I hill 31 Aug. .-\ series of \satercolours ol the castlesol Alierdeerishire h} the Victorian artist \s ho \s as also I lighland landscape artist to Queen Victoria.


Street. 325 5955. Mon -l"r‘i ltlaiii hpiii;Sat ,

Illam— lpiii. SirWilliam Gillies (1898—1973) [Nil 4

' Sept. In conjunction with llourric Line

Art. an exhibition of oil paintings Ii} the famous Scottiin artist \s ho dcs cloped a reputation for on-tIie-spot landscape-painting.

The Edinburgh School in 0 Aug .1 .s‘c-pi. .-\ cornpliniciitar} exhibition of workshi artists of the same school as ( iillics Rcdpath. .\lac'l'aggarl. llioiiisori. l’llilipson. Benton. Moodic and others. Class Ol ‘91 Lilllll 4 Sept. \thllx\ l‘l lL'L‘L‘lll graduates from Scotland's art schools_

including l’aul ( ‘assids . Karen ( iiitliric.

I‘crgtls Mel lard} and l.or na Robertson. James Campbell: New Work 1 'qu 4 Sept. Simple. ceramic \ esscls. enriched \\ ith painteddecoration (‘ainphell'simagery draws on areas in the North of Scotland

and Western \Vales. places \s here he spent .

much of a rather solitait childhood. I SOLSTICE GALLERY lha l)tiiidas Slr'cel.

.‘5/ 5337. Mon [ii I lain 5pm; Sat

Illani lpni. AContrastofStyles: Paintings byJoan

Benton and Jack Vettriano 1 mil <1 Aug. \Vorks lit two atllslsol \slltll\ diller'llig sl}le\2 Reriton's \sor‘ls is nattire-orientated and tending towards the alistract;

i Vettrianorsiiietrculous.pcopIc-Inisedand prolouiidls nostalgic.



, l)i.unc l crracc. 325 "IS‘I. Mon l'll 10am 5pm

RuthMalinowskizTapestries l ‘qu _‘sii,\ug. .\ craftsxsoiiiaii ol iricpr essilile creatis ll_\ and imagination. for \shonicthiiolog}. te\ttrrc and put it} of image are essential ingredients.

I EDINBURGH COLLEGE OF ARTf aui ision l’lric'c'._‘3‘)‘)3ll l);lll\ Illarn <piii. Restless Shadows: Japanese Fibreworks l'iitrl 30 Aug. liserit} -sc\cri sculptures in nine artists in \s ood. paper . \lll\ and rope all new work from Japan. at the start of a [Is tour.

Afghan Artifacts I hill 1 Sept. l'ltllll l';l\lc'l‘ll

cspci t. ( iurr le Riclic.

I THE FRENCH INSTITUTE I ‘i Randolph crescent. 325 Fifth \lon l'll

0.30am 5 illpm;Siit‘).3||;iiii l..‘~flpiii BabaralaModet’niilfiimug lop l’ar'isiaii designers give Italiai arid ( 'cIcste. King and Queen of (‘eIests rllc. a flc'\\ llNlls. from I latitc (‘otiture to

.r\\ ant-( iaide. 'l’lie res amped couple are placed in a \ ill'lL'l_\ ol riiiniature theatres. lroin a l} pical .\loritriiaitrc calc. to acliic gallery iii the llastillc. complete is itli its rm ii iiiirii-csliihitioii. l'he sets were designed in Paris In three teams of top

93 North Street,

St. Andrews, FIFE Sun 2pm-5pm KY16 9AL Admission free . ' in H... ‘, A,.

23 August - 22 September

Joanne Soroka - Constructed paper and Textile works reflecting her Scottish Japanese Connections Stephen Mangan - Paintings and Pastel works Kimekomi - Traditional Japanese Dolls

Mon - Sat 10am-5pm

Tel. (0334) 74610 ,. , _,

We I.ist lo 32 August I‘I‘II 57