Teenage MutantNinjaTurtlesZtPG) (H.521! 7pm).9-55prrt(‘Fri.Sat 10.15pm). IWMR FILM CENTRE Bunk Street. Irvine. 10.3mm ( Fri. Sat only). 1.05pm. ROCK‘A'DOOU'Q (U) Fri-Sun only 1 - mpm. 0294 79900. £2.40((‘hild £1.60; ()Al’ < - - .- ' t' _ 3 m. Mon—'I‘hursonlv—L’l <0) l~" n'lx't' ‘k ‘t(‘ RE,\- sir-~t.l’.us|e\.0-ll Backdrafltlblnpm.5.30pm.S.30pm . P . . _ .. . .u 1' IL L _ U :‘inmilkd [)i.;,l,|;.d& Returnto the Blue Lagoont 12) 10.30um T889398 MUMMNIMBTMICSMPG)1pm Adults.2(‘hildren)£5.5u. ‘I‘M a (')M,'Sm‘(',wl Hum-U (l-‘nsuttmlyy (_Fn.$atonly).3pthn—Sun320pm). Robin Hood: Prince othievesrt’mzpm l? ' - ~. ~ .w Robin Hood: Prince otThievestPG) >.3t)pm.7.40pm(FrI.Sat7.55pm). (Sutonl\').7.30pm (l-‘ri. S;tl).7.40pm Pete sDragontt )Sdt l / olll) _pm. _ v I CANNON'I‘itehlieltl Street. Kilmzirnoek. l-zspm- 5-“5Pm- 3' “’Pm- me s_"ence onhe Lamhsum 5pm‘8pm‘ (sun—Thu”)- (isrrHWs‘s Adults£1.70,chi|drcn ()Ap EdwardScissorhandstPG) l0.302mr(Fri. Ill-35pm. . MermaidstlS)l5ri.sutnnI\-10pm. . {it h H - Sutonlx l. 1.10pm,3,35pm.(r.20pm, Clndefella(U)Frt—Sun only 2pm.3.50pm. ' . - . . tr 4; "t 5.50pm. STRATHCLYDE LATES 1.TerminatorZ—JudgementDay( bll‘rt. ~P " N k as 2, q . .' 7 a " a (is s m at) 1‘ See ulsoStrzithethlelutes. 8 e un /2(l..)Frt.Sat5.._0pm. . V . S.tt..\lon-lhurs-. .pm... pith l n . - _ s ( 7 . ~ _ ~ . IODEONBurnsStutue Squatre..-\\'r. ' Sun7.40pm. IODEON'I‘oxs'nheudStreet.Hamilton. ' T-(lplygzfipmrsl‘ln Thur51-55pm(“m I fins/say". ' ! 2.Robin Hood2Prince olThievestPUH-‘ri. nous 2s3suz. |Dlteinenms2&3only). l , T8226;Pm("0‘Sunlrb-30Pmfi-35Pm- ; t ‘- -" V .755 ; '1 ' l():\l’ St l-nt L'B-ltli‘l). AI -- ~ ' i ; Stttélon lhttrs l.. .‘hm. 4 .‘Spm Pm Limit htle ' em “udsnnflawu15)Fri.Sm9-55pmz ! Sun ,«30Dm. seats lrrsl erlormtinLLsL. no Sun Thurs 10 “pm : 3. Backdrattt 15) Fri. Sat. Mon-'I'hurslpm. eoneessionson final shows. _ "j‘ ' g s s' s r 17 4n mi TerminatorZ-JudgementDayt15) The'ma 3"" Lou'sellsl7-45Pm' “USP” 5 -P”“‘ Pm“ '. " l ' . .. Problem Child(P(})Fri.Sat 1.20pm; l IKELBURNEUIusgme Road. [);ttsle').t\.\t) 13.30Pm‘4. 15pm. 755W". 1 H) m. Sun] SS m 1 SS m ; 3MB. ll)! boll] sL‘l'L‘L‘lls. 1.3.20 Edward Scissorhands ( PG) '3‘ mpm. )‘ét ' [h'il- ‘tt-p ' : l('hild ()Al’ Stutlent l'lHlli‘lQll), o 4<pm * “Put 8 20pm. .LBEIY)‘ m- V: IL] [flask-lb .d m“, . _ ISL; ~- g _ " , , ympia. a .. -us I rt e. .-._ 1' “Tm???” wigdgemenmaw pm Rim") Hond’ Plume 2' Tg'eves ( Pb) 49099. Non-alcoholic refreshments always (“UL 11“ . ~ l“ ‘4 I . ]_..l>pm. 4. Input. .r .4~ Pm. available. [Dlallserecns Shows ' I i ILA SCALAllumilton Street.S;tlteoztts. I commencing before 4pm £1.95z‘Twi-Lite' I ; 029-1030.“ [1)] by priorarrangement. . offer. allshows 4—6pm“ .502after6pm . i ‘2.1u((‘hild Student t‘t;4tr£1.u5;()AP ; £2.95((.‘htld £1.95). T . t 2 J u D _ r 75p). . TerminatorZ-JudgementDay(15) "Tuna 0' " 99mm aVH-‘l 1.Terminated-JudgementDayt15)t~‘ri. 12.30pm.3.30pm.6.30pm.9.25pm. gl-kdl’"; H H m Sztt1.30pm.(x30pm.9.30pm;Sun—~Thurs . 980173“)th Blue Lagoontlzilltipm. ac. m ( ‘). ' ‘pm'. . 4 , - . 7 Robin Hood: Prince otThrevesth l lpm. . ,Hsllpm. . 4.30pm.7.-0pm. . h d PF '1 1‘ r; ' .. 2. Edward Scissorbandstt’m prism : Edward Scissorhands(PGi2pm.4.3Upm. “'3' “'ss‘" 3." s‘ P'” z . " l.~l5hm.(r. 15ml.8.20pm;Sun—Thurs é 7Pm-9-35Pm- luc'mydc Regional(‘cmrc'(‘IydChimk' I; 3pm. Robin HoodzPrince otThieves(PG) 94.1951 1945(Owr135mm). ; I H 5%" /' IUC|(‘|_\tle Regional(‘entre.(‘lydebunk. 12.45pm.3.50pm.6.50pm.9.50pm. Eri16/Sat17: H r 3' " . _ 041951 3023. Non-alcoholic refreshments § Badem"(15)13.35pm.3.40pm.6.40pm. M'serlx.)11--‘-‘Pm i 2. Edward Scrssorhands t P( r ) mupm ( not “hum m “Habit. [D] .1” mm“. Slum. 1 9.45pm Edward Scissorhands ( Pt i) 11.45pm. ; 5”” )‘ 7“inpm' eomnreneinu hetore (rpm £2: ulteropmfl i "00k9l39f(l)(5)2-30Pm-5.10pm.7.40pm. Telmmamlz-Juagemem 03“ '5) IODEON BurnsStutue Square. .-\_\r.0292 ((«himfly 10.15pm. 12. 15mm. 2040-19. LlCL‘lis-L‘Ll hnropen exer'} exerting Terminator2_Judgemempaw15mm” ; Teenage MutantNinia Turtles2(PG) BBdefallHS) 12.20um. (ineSun). L32.“ _ . “mum 13.30pm. 1.30pm. 3-30pm. - 12.55pm.3.10pm.5.20pm. RocketeeHPU) 12.302tm. . (Child(MPSluds'H[71’4"“35’3” 4.30pm.0.30pm.7.30pm.9.30pm. ; TheSilenceotthe Lambs(18)7.30pm, IUC|()lympizt.\lnll.liustKilhritleJBSSZ k-(HlCL‘SSlUnS “H- pg-I llllllnilllCCS {ll‘lL'rhpln [Spin ( Si” (()\’Cr Only). Bwkuhlrllmll‘>_‘jcil_t\{Viléill“WNW Backwarer l3_4llpm,3,-10pm.(r.40pm. ; Rock-A-Doodle(U)Fri-Sunonly1.30pm. Salli: Sithlt‘tluylitlts L5,); ltitil'lilligsht)\\s 94W,” : Thelma and Louise ( 15) 10pm. TerminatorZ—Judgement Day( 15) U 5-“; _ _ Edward Scissorhands ( P( i) 1.50pm. ; Naked Gun 2V2 ( 12) 3.55pm (not Fri-Sun). 13-1511”. : Termlnalqrg-JUdgemenl03Wl5l3~45lmr 4.3mmumpmn).mpm. 5pm‘7.1()pm.9,15pm, EdwardScrssorhandslPU)midnight. 7 SAUPm‘S'le" . _ _ _ Robin HoodzPrince olThievesrPti) * Cinderella(L‘) Fri—Sun only 1.()5pm.3pm. Battlidrafltlb) 12.25am. i Cinderellatl l1H..~Umntl'rl-WWW’r 13.5upm,4pm,impm.luuspm. l NeverendingStory(U)Satonly11.30am. DarkAnoeltlb‘)13.3llum_. i 1pm" Rocketeerti’tir 1.40pm. 4. 10pm. 7.30pm See ztlsoStrathelyde Lates. Naked Gun 21/? ( 13) 11.4mm-

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78 The List 16— 22 August 1991