I Roundabout Negociants. Lothian Street. 229 4341. 8.30pm. See Fri 16. ' 2256313.9.30pm.Free. Edinburgh

' R K I Rockapella Basin Street. Haymarket

7 Terrace. 337 1006. 9pm. £2. An

S U N 1 8 I Raicat Avalanche Records. West

Nicolson Street. 668 2374. 11.30am. A

eight-piece band in the popular and personal appearance by the New fasionable Blues Brothers mode. they I Edwyn Collins Renfrew Ferry. Clyde antandcrs at the indie record Shop‘ . . originated in Edinburgh as an a cappella Place. 429 3766. 8pm. £7 plus booking fee. where they" be Signing Copies Of their group and have since switched to a full : Just the Ticket. Virgin. Union Street. 226 excellent new mini-LP as well as playinga band lihe'uP- l 4679- The king Olqlhlk‘llddeh Jahgle POP- few songs from it. For those who feel like

making the trip. they‘re also appearingat Borderline Records in Galashiels later in the day.

I The Powerhouse Boogie Band Platform

. raconteur of repute. possessor of a m : masterful wit. Well. that‘s enough ofthe . Blue on Shock, 389mg Bed andme accolades to be going on with. Make thisa

Dam rm“ “to. an to, (mum “to”; g“ Merchants Anthony's Hotel. West Albert 3 800dY~ Edwyll - YOU WOUldh'l Will" l0

Road. 0592 265627. The im assioned and l have “5 cmhallassed- t One. Rutland Street. 225 2433. 9pm. £1. nixtif'byetia‘gf‘izgrbvggf'32:; Sifl‘hagn ' diverse headliners Blue On’Shock came g lhanio Ki“ thg “11.5 With Wflh Hill . S! I The TCs Preservation Hall. Victoria listgd, provided that detail; ranch gamma” top in the Tennent's East OfScotland. . 3 Vlhccm Sileel- 221 5279- film i_5- EX-ll ; Street. 226 3816. 9. 30pm. Free. at least one week baton publication, flock Battle OfThe Bands. and hopes are riding 3"“ memh‘e)“ (remember Calling A" g I Poor Souls Negociants. Lothian Street. and Blues Listings compiled by Alastair high for increasing success; Edinburgh 3 The ’Hefees . - a record to lurk at the back 225 6313. 9.30pm. F rec. r i Mann" and Fiona Shepherd, i rock band Seeing Red are in the midst ofa . 0f "lth 4" embarrassed mUSle fan 5 t I Live music Music Box. V ictoria Street.

36date tour to promote their debut single. ' Wheelth ll ever 1 heard one) With a new

-. which features live favourites ‘Angel‘ and mean“ Lee Khlm- Bl" 9“ lhe)’ 5h" aspire FR I 16 ; .Lmtc peoptc‘ _ you may have heard their to be the Sensational Alex Harvey Band.

9pm .


.~ . . .- ~- .5 on Mike Sword's yet end up sounding like Yes? i

: G ' and tight I I Wish Richard's Basement. West Regent

i I Mudhoney. Hole and Captain America six-piece pop/dance outfit The Merchants. 3 Slice“ 221 m 1.6- Flec- This l5 the EdWYh I Babes In Toyland and Fenn Mayfair: _ Queen Margaret Union. University ; from Glenrothes. are starting to : C0"th ahel'glg Perl)“ according l0 WlSh Sauchiehall Street. .332 3872. 9pm. £5.50 Gardens. 339 9784. 8pm. £5.50 plus ; consolidate the following they have built 3 that .Is- They don tmtcnd takmg thc‘stagc plus booking fee. Tickets from Just the

' booking fee. Tickets from Just The Ticket. 3 up with their cover versions. 'h R'Chald 5 Basement Uhlll Edwyn '5 Ticket. Virgin. Union Street. 2264679. Virgin. Union Street. 226 4679. 23rd E l hh'Shed Ohlhe Felly fer the Slmple leaSOfl 23rd Precinct. Bath Street. 332 4806. and Precinct. Bath Street. 332 4806.and i l lhallhcy Wl” 3“ he at hlS glgahd “'lllhilve Ripping Records. South Bridge.

2 Ripping Records. South Bridge. G i ‘0 hmfo‘?‘ ll ‘0 lhc" 0W“ (’he- 7}" Ourglgs Edinburgh. 031 226 7010. See Preview.

j Edinburgh. 031 226 7010A must forindie i mime. they say. 'bccausc we re I The Blue Aeroplanes King Tut's Wah rock fans. as if you need us to tell you. I The Groovy Little Numbers King Tut's soelall5l5‘- . _ Wah Hut. St Vincent Street. 221 5279.

Favourable reviews (and well deserved) Wah Wah Hut. St Vincent Street. 221 i 'The Death“ Fath BY GaSIlghl. 9pm. £5. First of two nights. See Preview. for the new Mudhoney album Every Good 1 5279. 9pm. £3.50. The Groovys promise a l K'lmalheeh- “aldeme hand Wllh it new I The Bain Brothers Traders. Glassford Boy Deserves Fudge you don‘t have to single to come shortly on Vinyl Japan release. ‘Shlrker‘s Playllme'i 0“ lhe WilY- Street. 552 6246. 10pm. Free. look hard for a songamongst the killer records. long awaited sincetheir 3 'Jonnny Bate'mes The ClUbhousc‘Old h riffs. As usual. the band are hardly metamorphosis from a cutey duo peddling Sheddo" Sileeh PalSleJ/t 889 4706- g stretching themselves to keep up their live wacky sub-Pastels meanderings into a 8-30Pm- 51-50(adVahee)~ 520100” I The Lonnie Brooks Band Blues'n'Trouble, profile on this side of the pond. so see confident pop band with memorable I Time Tu‘h’l' LOdge “Olel- Bumbahk Ruthless Blues, Red Lemon and Electric them and fellow Stateside hardcore melodies and. of course. that delicious Read- “amlh‘m- “698 457277- 913l'll-£l - Blues Band Jazz Pavilion Mcgtdowbank rabble-rousers Hole while you can. in brass section. Make them stars. _ stadium, London Road, 325 (i823, fact. the same appliesto Captain America IThe Lelli nBand Blackfriars. BellStreet. 9pm—2am, £10. A stormingline-upto —afterthis gigthere will be one more 5525924. 9.30pm. Free. Sometime Hue opcnthc Edinburgh International Blues Glasgow headline slot then it's off to the And Cry keyboard maestro with I Hinge sunday “Olyll’Od Palk- l‘6Pm- Festival. and good to see flash-pickiii‘ bunker to hatch their masterplan. augmented line-up. Flee- Sueh a cornucopia 0‘ mUSlcal “CW” Lonnie Brooks up there. accompanied by f IBlues‘n'Trouble KingTut‘swtth Wah IJulte Traders. Glassford Street.552 this extravaganza thatgiving anymore his son Ronnieon rhvthm guitar. Hisnew Hut. St Vincent Street. 221 5279. 9pm. £5. 6246. 10pm. Free. than a brief rundown would take up what t LP. Satisfaction Guaranteed. on Alligator. As close to a residency as you‘re goingto I Wedgewood Line Johnny Scobic's. “me Space We have leh- 50’ 0" the main [ comes three vears after the Live From I get at King Tut‘s the veteran bluesclan London Road. 552 3204. 9pm. Free. Stage: camhlldge UhlVelSllY Amine” I Chicago set. Brooks. strongly influenced (hence the name. trainspotters) clean up I NikThe Greek and Lust No Love Dramatic Chlh Performing segments from t by Lightnin‘ Hopkins and Clarence with the second of two nights in the Hut. A Chisholm‘s. Shuttle Street. Paisley. 889 The We” (unmissable. even for eurll’Slly ‘Catcmouth‘ Brown. also appears in the strong deodorant is recommended— 6867. 9pm. £1.50. Valuel~ Awallhasi The Shad0WIahd~ The latest Heineken commercial. tropical conditions are a dead cert. I Handle With Care Tudor Lodge Hotel. Hump“ Famllyt Olllhaek i ASPee'S I Woodrow‘s Louder Than Hype Platform I The Keatons and Whirling Pig Dervish Burnbank Road. Hamilton. 0698 457277. Touring Company. Craig McMurdo And . One. Rutland Street. 225 2433. 9pm. £1. Traders. Glassford Street. 552 6246. 9pm. 9pm. £1. i Th1“ 5Wth Thahg “'llhTheJll/lhg Lindy EXCCHCHLSOUIIRgiB singerand hisband. £1 .50 (donation). Quirky English popstcrs I Jeopardy Magoo‘s. Croft Street. “OPPCW OXfOld 0" The Hi” Performth I Live music Negociants. Lothian Street. ' The Keatons were responsible forthe Kilmarnock. 0563 38940. segments from 0” Wha’A Lovely War- 225 6313. 9.30pm. Free. sub-Wolfhounds indie mania of ‘Factor I The or: Christie‘s. Main Street. Filling in on the main stage will be solo I Live music Music Box. Victoria Street. Alpha‘ a few months back. More subtle Alexandria. 0389 57799. 9.30pm. Free. Slhgel' and gellarlSI Murray Torklldseh I 9pm. than thrash. more challenging than pop. Ed- D h and COmPCTc Max Reinhardt- I" the mUSlC i I Lucid Subwav. The (‘owgate Mystery . their gigs Often PTOmlSC something out Of mm: unl'kc'y rhc‘mc‘ Them” Z""~ l and excitement surrounds this new group. the. ordinary. thanks to their ‘pcrformance. I Roddy puma and Edwn Comns Marco's Telling Tales. Beh Okah” and COIe with their ‘indefinablc aura' and I artiste (whoever that may be this week) Leisure Ccmm‘ Grove Street 229 8830 Mom’h‘ 393‘ Th'Cft ShamchaVe ROhh double-necked guitars. and a flmd line-up of stand-ins and friends 1015p"). £10. Their Short Fringe run And The Fllmmaker5~ Lilll'illhe BOWen. Whehlhell‘Pl'"Pel‘ members eah‘ldrag culminates withthe rhythm palsplaying Skylark Theatre GFOUP‘ NF) Em‘ onthc

. themselves away from lhell’ day 10h5- Plus live. together. on stage at exactly the same acousuc Lorry: 13ml“)? wmd .Concgn‘

. the hilarious Whirling Pig Dervish time. Discerning Scottish poppickcrs Theatre. Agog. Cambridge Universin I Blue On Shock Gatsby-‘s. Kirkgate. See

t Glasgow~s very/Own EMFm he”. have been sellingthcir souls fortickcts. Sondheim SoCIety. Billy Jones and Dick Fri 16.

I Bozalla The Ark. The Tunnel. Mitchell I Fire 0. an,“ n . Solbcrg. Made Of Clay. Commedia ' Street. 204 1000. 11 m. £4. Italian house. c p a “rid 1!” cryp.‘ “warn” dCI'AI’tC. Cambridge Gods. N . P . Basrn Street. Havmarkct Terrace. 337 I The Blazing Bluegrass Cats Blackfriars. I Red Hot And Blue Platform Onc. Rutland Glasgow

1006. Sixties garage pop from Brighton . . . Bell Street. 552 5924. 9.30pm. Free. plus the bewiggcd Crypt Kickers‘ Street. 225 2433. 9pm. £1. Rockabilly and

London Road. 552 3204. 9pm. Free. l i

Grove Street. 229 8830. 10.15pm.£10. Final solo show from troubador Collins

when you go to see Spiritualized live. They

l I Eric Cuthhertson Johnny Scobic‘s. featuring ex Styng_Ritc George Mme, rock‘n‘mll. I The Blue Aeroplanes King Tut‘s wtth l Basin Street‘s verv own Cal andaclutchof .Askman Negociams‘ Lmhian Strcct‘ Wah nu" St Vincent Street 22] 5279‘ l I Raygun Magoo‘s. Croft Street. garage punk COVC'W 225 6313. 9-30pm- 9pm. £5. Second of two nights. See | Kilmarnock. 0563 38940. I alumnae, Platform Onc‘ Rutland I The Brothers Preservation Hall. Victoria Preview, , i I Innocence Christie's. Main Street. 1 Street. 225 2433. 9pm £2“ Fmicsand Street. 226 3816. £1 after9pm. I The Dream Disciples RCis. Queen Street. 1 Alexandria. 0389 57799. 9.30pm. Free. i w$,influcnccd pop from Edinburgh‘s 9-UV8 mus“: MUSiC BOX. VlelOl'ia Street. 221 2200. 10pm. Free. ' hardcst_wmkin mek~ntr . _ . Pm. I Spiritualized Magoo‘s. Croft Street. 1 I playing Mondafm ThursgybeFSAaggg I Rockapella Oddfellows. Forrest Road. Kilmarnock. 0563 38940. Expect more i I Edwyn Collins Marco‘s Leisure Centre. 3 through August. 2201816~9Pm-See F“ 16- than a languorous Spacemen 3 re-run

I Bill Paul Norton Tavern. Newbridge ' 3 i _ can torch a hole through anyprevious 331275'8'30pm‘Fr“' R&B‘f0'k‘ N 1g Spacemen performance with their gritticr

beforeteamin u wit ' r g p hChum‘md

ex-labelmate Roddy Frame tomorrow i rmimn Psyehedelle eoeklall- And dig lhll—‘e hlghl- Exile“ ll £009 Se'eCllOn from i pIcLaughingn Sam's Dice Preservation Hall ' craaazcc Slidcs‘ man! Enjuy this mp. i;3';3;1;’;:ld};:'?:;,:;‘:{:;$:d£$37;a i Victoria Street. 2263816. £1 after 9pm.

sprinklingufold Chestnuts. “c.8150 plays t gsou'hsme Ncgm'ams‘ Lmhian Sum“ music with astrong Christian contentcan .Jlmmy "099's and The Bell "3790"" Remrrcw}:crry on Sun 18. 'h “25_631?'9'30pm' Frcc' cross over without any dilution in its style Band. L90" heahone‘ hay Mlhhlhhel ilhd .Tiny emu" And The Rockeus St".an many scum" in the message (Am, The Rootsie Tootsie Blues BandJazz Preservation Hall. Victoria Street. 226 Gram' take "0“: Ohms)‘ That Said‘ Pavmon' Mcadowmnk Stadium. London 38]“ £1 an” 9pm. \ I Seeing Red Raffles. Queen Street. 0786 Strypcr‘s heavy rock sounds completely Road~ 335 6823-9Pm41‘m' “U- The

I The Crew Trader Vic‘s. Victoria Street. 75137' sec Fri 16' “’35th Om and chOid Of‘ crm‘ second and final night 0f the Edinburgh gimpm Frat. | I Rockapella Lord Darnley. West Port. spirituality. International Blues FCS‘lval l5 headlined

82 The List 16- 22 August 1991